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Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-12-2011 05:53 PM)Tg3 Wrote:  

ok I havent read all the thread, just quickly skipped through. First, british girls are not that ugly, you have many very fine girls in uk.
Second, i have not yet been in a hard country to pull. (i d say there are cities which are a little bit harder : the very big capitals, because a lot of naturals there)
In general the more you go to the cold countries, the sluttier and easier the girls are. (exples: brit girls easier than french girls, east europe and scandinavian girls easier than west europe girls etc etc) But it s really easy everywhere, and there is no such country where it s hard to get snls, and you need to have a date etc, well i have never been in such a country.

PS: your home coutry is often the hardest.. (except for scandinavian guys, i guess since i ve met scandinavian guys telling me they find their local girls very easy to lay, and had trouble when travelling spain or france..)

PS2: what the fuck are you guys saying about german girls? they (along with austrian) recently entered my fav list. They give me boner much much faster than french girls lol. they have better boobs and asses, and they are so fucking sexual and horny, i love them so much. VERY good lays!!! very very good lays!!! (and i ve not noticed any ice queen attitude in german and austrian girls, i notice it more in french or italian hot girls.. WEIRD.. maybe you guys mix a bit of shyness/coldness due to the girls being from countries where everybody is a bit cold With the ice queen atttitude)

Yes there is a thin line between shyness and rudeness. As you said, you just skimmed through this thread. Read it properly and you will know that its more that just shyness with German chiks. And if Freakiness = Good lays for you, Then yes, German chiks are good lays.

Moreover, I am a face guy (which is why I think kiera knightley is hot) and then an ass guy. So, boobs are low down the list for me. And German girls don't have extraordinary asses.

Quote: (01-12-2011 05:53 PM)Tg3 Wrote:  

social circle kind of game is more important in france than in scandinavia for example.

French girls have approached me and licked my face in night clubs (LITERALLY), give their phone numbers to me and squeeze me with their bodies while standing in line to get in the club and I am talking about high end nightclubs. You don't really need a social circle in France you need French language skills and I had none and still did fine(I am not the lay 6 girls in a week type of guy, not saying that I am a saint, I just have low libido).

I was in Copenhagen and it was one of the coldest countries ever, would never go back.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-13-2011 12:33 AM)MysticTraveler Wrote:  

French girls have approached me and licked my face in night clubs (LITERALLY), give their phone numbers to me and squeeze me with their bodies while standing in line to get in the club and I am talking about high end nightclubs. You don't really need a social circle in France

This is VERY interesting to read. I too have had similar experiences when dealing directly with French girls. I have not ever been to France, but the ones I happen to meet in Miami are awesome freaks!

The last encounter I had with a French girl was about 6 months ago. She spoke very little English, but took me out to dinner specifically because she said that it was "good for sex later", now I had not even brought up the topic of sex as we had only known each other a whopping 10 minutes.

She took me to eat seafood, and kept stuffing oysters and vodka shots in my mouth, and kept telling me in very sexy French accent English "eat baby, eat baby, eat good for sex".

After we ate, she did not fuck around, she said "Ok, now we go back to your apt yes, and have sex baby?" As I was driving back to my place, she kept pulling up her skirt and opening her legs showing me her pussy: "baby, look, you like, you like baby?" I almost got into a car accident.

I only knew this girl for about 2 hours and she kept aggressively telling me how she wants sex from me. After sex, she smoked a cigarette, gave me a big kiss, and left.

They seem to have a tan skin/latin look fetish, as before this girl, I had yet another similar experience.

Unfucking believable!!!


Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

I met one French Au Pair when I was in College and looking back on it, she was pretty agressive. At that time I had a GF and was doing the nice guy shit,so I didn't hook up with her, but she was def. pushy about me getting together with her, GF or not.

MiXX - Funny you say about their attraction for looks. I am curious about this, because I have met some white white French girls and then some who look latin almost then there are the dark one's like part Morracan or whatever. I am curious if they each have a certain type of guy they go after?

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-13-2011 10:24 AM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

MiXX - Funny you say about their attraction for looks. I am curious about this, because I have met some white white French girls and then some who look latin almost then there are the dark one's like part Morracan or whatever. I am curious if they each have a certain type of guy they go after?

Well, looking back at each scenario now of my 3 experiences like this with French girls ALL 3 have been blonde and blue/green eyes white.

When I went to Ottawa, Canada, The one French Canadian chic who was ALL over me, begging me to speak Spanish to her was a brunette, but she had BLUE eyes, beautiful girl. As soon as she got a hold of me, she did not hold back her intent of bangin me by nights end. Every time I got up to go to the bar/bathroom, she would follow, as if to protect her property from other prowling French girls around.

Seriously, remind me as to why do we hate the French again? [Image: undecided.gif]


Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?


I was in Copenhagen and it was one of the coldest countries ever, would never go back

Are you talking about temperature cold or people cold?

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-10-2011 11:42 AM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Ali, most ppl say Estonia is a pretty good spot. What was your experience there? What was the difficulty IYO?

Anyone who says this is misinformed. I've lived in Estonia for almost 2 years now...this place is crawling with creeps from the UK, Spain, and Italy who come solely to hook up. The locals are inured to it. You will not be able to get a good-looking Estonian girl into bed easily when it's obvious that you're a sex tourist. The mentality that people have seems to be that Estonia = poor Eastern Europe = the locals will jump at the chance to hook up with a fat, middle-aged dude just because he's got a passport from a Western country. This is not the case, and I'd say it's the same for Latvia and Lithuania, too.

You need game to meet women in the Baltics, plain and simple. And God help you if you go to Finland or Sweden with no game. If you're British, game might not even help. The women here have heard every variation of the shitty pick-up lines from The Game. Every weekend I see some moron buying drink after drink for a girl, only to be told "Head Ööd!" (good night) when the lights come up. I've heard similar stories from Helsinki and Stockholm.

Good luck to all of the fat, balding, blue-collar British idiots who think they can come here and score a 10 for a one-night stand because they have 100 pounds to throw around on drinks for a weekend.

From what I've heard, the Greek islands in the summer are the best places to meet women for casual hookups.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-13-2011 11:18 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


I was in Copenhagen and it was one of the coldest countries ever, would never go back

Are you talking about temperature cold or people cold?

People cold. Some of the girls were hot but fuck that, I am not willing to lose my dignity over pussy.

Quote: (01-13-2011 11:16 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Well, looking back at each scenario now of my 3 experiences like this with French girls ALL 3 have been blonde and blue/green eyes white.

Same with me. All the girls that were really aggressive were blonde and blue/green eyed.

Black and brown French girls were moderately aggressive but that was only when I was dressed well.

Quote: (01-13-2011 10:11 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Unfucking believable!!!

And you are from Miami. I am from New-oh don't touch me, i am a princess-Delhi.

I had to slap myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

@Peoloom- It's a shame about the Brits ruining Estonia. I Got a lot of respect from the locals due to being from the U.S., although a few were suspect to my presence there. Most Americans don't even know the country even exists, which was embarrassing. I was treated better not acting like the typical "sex tourist". You're right though, the girls can peg one pretty quickly. I got in pretty good w/ the girls at Nimeta. I can see short game is dead there. Would it be worth staying 3 months? Also, how touristy does it get in the summer? I'd be content hooking up w/ an 8 for the duration.

P.S. Can you send me a case of Vana Tallinn? That stuff was fuckin' addictive.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-13-2011 12:52 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

@Peoloom- It's a shame about the Brits ruining Estonia. I Got a lot of respect from the locals due to being from the U.S., although a few were suspect to my presence there. Most Americans don't even know the country even exists, which was embarrassing. I was treated better not acting like the typical "sex tourist". You're right though, the girls can peg one pretty quickly. I got in pretty good w/ the girls at Nimeta. I can see short game is dead there. Would it be worth staying 3 months? Also, how touristy does it get in the summer? I'd be content hooking up w/ an 8 for the duration.

It gets incredibly touristy in the summer -- especially since most of the locals are gone. The Old Town feels like an amusement park. I don't plan on spending much time here this summer.

3 months would be worth your time. You could easily do that on a few thousand euros -- rents can be had for 3-400 euros a month, and drinking isn't too expensive. The only problem with being here for 3 months is that you might get bored. Nights out here get repetitive because the city is so small.

Quote: (01-13-2011 12:52 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

P.S. Can you send me a case of Vana Tallinn? That stuff was fuckin' addictive.

I love Vana Tallinn

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-13-2011 11:16 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Well, looking back at each scenario now of my 3 experiences like this with French girls ALL 3 have been blonde and blue/green eyes white.

defiintely not the typical french girl looks. they most of the time have brown eyes, and darker complexion.
yeah usually french girls are always very direct. last one I had, a couple of weeks ago, 20 mins after meeting her, she tells me in the ear, "we meet tomorrow in the afternoon, just for sex, nothing else", we indeed did hav sex the day after.
The thing is though French girls are far from being hot, they may be the least attractive european girls, very small boobs, and usually not good looking boobs, and the whole body in general is not good. If you are a Face guy, then they are fine..

And now time to throw some love again for german girls cause I hooked up with one last night(I m in peru right now), she was so sweet and tasty. Love her skin and her smell, falling in love in the night.. Seriously, between a french and a german girl I will choose a german girl every day. (so much better bodies..)

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-13-2011 11:43 AM)Peoloom Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2011 11:42 AM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Ali, most ppl say Estonia is a pretty good spot. What was your experience there? What was the difficulty IYO?

Anyone who says this is misinformed. I've lived in Estonia for almost 2 years now...this place is crawling with creeps from the UK, Spain, and Italy who come solely to hook up. The locals are inured to it. You will not be able to get a good-looking Estonian girl into bed easily when it's obvious that you're a sex tourist. The mentality that people have seems to be that Estonia = poor Eastern Europe = the locals will jump at the chance to hook up with a fat, middle-aged dude just because he's got a passport from a Western country. This is not the case, and I'd say it's the same for Latvia and Lithuania, too.

You need game to meet women in the Baltics, plain and simple. And God help you if you go to Finland or Sweden with no game. If you're British, game might not even help. The women here have heard every variation of the shitty pick-up lines from The Game. Every weekend I see some moron buying drink after drink for a girl, only to be told "Head Ööd!" (good night) when the lights come up. I've heard similar stories from Helsinki and Stockholm.

Good luck to all of the fat, balding, blue-collar British idiots who think they can come here and score a 10 for a one-night stand because they have 100 pounds to throw around on drinks for a weekend.

From what I've heard, the Greek islands in the summer are the best places to meet women for casual hookups.

well, it is true that there are a bit too much tourists, but seriously it is not that bad, when you compare to riga for example.
Second, why you assume guys here are fat balding guys? what fat balding guys would be doing in a forum to get girls? In my book, A prerequisite to get girls is to be attractive, no matter where you are. people who are not and who want to go to a foreign country hoping it will be easier are just loosers. If you cant get hot girls in your home country, then you wont get hot girls anywhere in the world.
Third, girls have heard lines from the game, haha, maybe i dont know, i ve never used lines in my life, but i quite doubt that many guys use lines, i ve never witnessed guys in real life using lines in estonia lol, but well if you say it, maybe..
Fourth, I dont think it is a nationality issue. Sure brits have bad reputation all over east europe. But well, i know brits who were very dangerous in tallinn. I mean a 28 years old stylish cool good looking british guy (a guy I know was exactly that there) will of course get many hot girls there, they are not going to be "oh you are so fucking hot but you are from england so no i dont want you" . As a general rule, many foreign guys do very well in estonia, and it is not because girls are all wet because they have a different a passport, it is because they look good, and are attractive. (countless of hot tallinn girls told me that they find foreign guys better looking, and more passionate etc..)

But this applies to everywhere, girls will not want you because of your passport but because of you(your looks, your attitude..) In clubs, when i m in foreign countries, i get approached a lot, girls very often dont know I am a foreign, they just know I look good. Sometimes they are even disappointed i m not a local (it actually happens particularly in posh clubs in east europe, where girls there usually prefer to hook up with an attractive local than a foreign, yet if you are a very attractive foreign, it doesnt matter..) .

I dont understand the whole nationality issue in this forum, cause attraction happens all the time before I open my mouth, and so girls are attracted to me before knowing where I am from, I could be from alaska or liechtenstein she doesnt know , yet she is very attracted already..

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-10-2011 05:28 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

PWP - are you American-Black? As a latin man, I did not have an easy time with 2 german girls I have gamed in the past. So, maybe it's strictly that they go more for black men than white or latin guys. Or maybe, it's just the 2 encounters I've had, but I did not get to bang them at all. I still don't have my Germany flag.


Man, you cant make rules out of 2 encounters. For example, Scandinavian girls are very easy and slutty , but I have encountered recently way more than 2 scandinavian girls who were not slutty at all(some argie guys trying to game some during days, kissing and hugging them and they never got laid lol)
You need hundreds of encounters before making rules.
Many german girls love latin guys of course. (probably more so than french girls, cause in france, many guys are already kinda latin, so it s more rare in germany, you will be more different in germany than in france, and german guys are cold and shy and are not used to approach girls, so it s very easy to be better than them. From what i ve seen, latin guys do way better in east europe than west europe..I m not latin but from the latin friends i have, it seems pretty obvious. you will do things you did not think possible in poland, they love exotic there, and exotic guys are quite rare there.. )
You have been more lucky with french girls, but I can assure you that german girls are at least as easy as french girls.
Just go to europe, spend at least a month in each country, and then report.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-13-2011 04:36 PM)Tg3 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2011 11:43 AM)Peoloom Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2011 11:42 AM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Ali, most ppl say Estonia is a pretty good spot. What was your experience there? What was the difficulty IYO?

Anyone who says this is misinformed. I've lived in Estonia for almost 2 years now...this place is crawling with creeps from the UK, Spain, and Italy who come solely to hook up. The locals are inured to it. You will not be able to get a good-looking Estonian girl into bed easily when it's obvious that you're a sex tourist. The mentality that people have seems to be that Estonia = poor Eastern Europe = the locals will jump at the chance to hook up with a fat, middle-aged dude just because he's got a passport from a Western country. This is not the case, and I'd say it's the same for Latvia and Lithuania, too.

You need game to meet women in the Baltics, plain and simple. And God help you if you go to Finland or Sweden with no game. If you're British, game might not even help. The women here have heard every variation of the shitty pick-up lines from The Game. Every weekend I see some moron buying drink after drink for a girl, only to be told "Head Ööd!" (good night) when the lights come up. I've heard similar stories from Helsinki and Stockholm.

Good luck to all of the fat, balding, blue-collar British idiots who think they can come here and score a 10 for a one-night stand because they have 100 pounds to throw around on drinks for a weekend.

From what I've heard, the Greek islands in the summer are the best places to meet women for casual hookups.

well, it is true that there are a bit too much tourists, but seriously it is not that bad, when you compare to riga for example.
Second, why you assume guys here are fat balding guys? what fat balding guys would be doing in a forum to get girls? In my book, A prerequisite to get girls is to be attractive, no matter where you are. people who are not and who want to go to a foreign country hoping it will be easier are just loosers. If you cant get hot girls in your home country, then you wont get hot girls anywhere in the world.
Third, girls have heard lines from the game, haha, maybe i dont know, i ve never used lines in my life, but i quite doubt that many guys use lines, i ve never witnessed guys in real life using lines in estonia lol, but well if you say it, maybe..
Fourth, I dont think it is a nationality issue. Sure brits have bad reputation all over east europe. But well, i know brits who were very dangerous in tallinn. I mean a 28 years old stylish cool good looking british guy (a guy I know was exactly that there) will of course get many hot girls there, they are not going to be "oh you are so fucking hot but you are from england so no i dont want you" . As a general rule, many foreign guys do very well in estonia, and it is not because girls are all wet because they have a different a passport, it is because they look good, and are attractive. (countless of hot tallinn girls told me that they find foreign guys better looking, and more passionate etc..)

But this applies to everywhere, girls will not want you because of your passport but because of you(your looks, your attitude..) In clubs, when i m in foreign countries, i get approached a lot, girls very often dont know I am a foreign, they just know I look good. Sometimes they are even disappointed i m not a local (it actually happens particularly in posh clubs in east europe, where girls there usually prefer to hook up with an attractive local than a foreign, yet if you are a very attractive foreign, it doesnt matter..) .

I dont understand the whole nationality issue in this forum, cause attraction happens all the time before I open my mouth, and so girls are attracted to me before knowing where I am from, I could be from alaska or liechtenstein she doesnt know , yet she is very attracted already..

TG3, I actually know quite a few guys I would characterize as ugly, who score girls all the time. They have terrible physical features.

But their game is on point. They dress well and are very charasmatic. They build attraction from nothing. And these girls become mesmerized by them.

They don t spend much money on girls as well. They realize spending money on them only devalues themselves.

My point is true game is when you can get girls without good looks and money. Trust me, they are assassins.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-13-2011 05:06 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2011 04:36 PM)Tg3 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2011 11:43 AM)Peoloom Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2011 11:42 AM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Ali, most ppl say Estonia is a pretty good spot. What was your experience there? What was the difficulty IYO?

Anyone who says this is misinformed. I've lived in Estonia for almost 2 years now...this place is crawling with creeps from the UK, Spain, and Italy who come solely to hook up. The locals are inured to it. You will not be able to get a good-looking Estonian girl into bed easily when it's obvious that you're a sex tourist. The mentality that people have seems to be that Estonia = poor Eastern Europe = the locals will jump at the chance to hook up with a fat, middle-aged dude just because he's got a passport from a Western country. This is not the case, and I'd say it's the same for Latvia and Lithuania, too.

You need game to meet women in the Baltics, plain and simple. And God help you if you go to Finland or Sweden with no game. If you're British, game might not even help. The women here have heard every variation of the shitty pick-up lines from The Game. Every weekend I see some moron buying drink after drink for a girl, only to be told "Head Ööd!" (good night) when the lights come up. I've heard similar stories from Helsinki and Stockholm.

Good luck to all of the fat, balding, blue-collar British idiots who think they can come here and score a 10 for a one-night stand because they have 100 pounds to throw around on drinks for a weekend.

From what I've heard, the Greek islands in the summer are the best places to meet women for casual hookups.

well, it is true that there are a bit too much tourists, but seriously it is not that bad, when you compare to riga for example.
Second, why you assume guys here are fat balding guys? what fat balding guys would be doing in a forum to get girls? In my book, A prerequisite to get girls is to be attractive, no matter where you are. people who are not and who want to go to a foreign country hoping it will be easier are just loosers. If you cant get hot girls in your home country, then you wont get hot girls anywhere in the world.
Third, girls have heard lines from the game, haha, maybe i dont know, i ve never used lines in my life, but i quite doubt that many guys use lines, i ve never witnessed guys in real life using lines in estonia lol, but well if you say it, maybe..
Fourth, I dont think it is a nationality issue. Sure brits have bad reputation all over east europe. But well, i know brits who were very dangerous in tallinn. I mean a 28 years old stylish cool good looking british guy (a guy I know was exactly that there) will of course get many hot girls there, they are not going to be "oh you are so fucking hot but you are from england so no i dont want you" . As a general rule, many foreign guys do very well in estonia, and it is not because girls are all wet because they have a different a passport, it is because they look good, and are attractive. (countless of hot tallinn girls told me that they find foreign guys better looking, and more passionate etc..)

But this applies to everywhere, girls will not want you because of your passport but because of you(your looks, your attitude..) In clubs, when i m in foreign countries, i get approached a lot, girls very often dont know I am a foreign, they just know I look good. Sometimes they are even disappointed i m not a local (it actually happens particularly in posh clubs in east europe, where girls there usually prefer to hook up with an attractive local than a foreign, yet if you are a very attractive foreign, it doesnt matter..) .

I dont understand the whole nationality issue in this forum, cause attraction happens all the time before I open my mouth, and so girls are attracted to me before knowing where I am from, I could be from alaska or liechtenstein she doesnt know , yet she is very attracted already..

TG3, I actually know quite a few guys I would characterize as ugly, who score girls all the time. They have terrible physical features.

But their game is on point. They dress well and are very charasmatic. They build attraction from nothing. And these girls become mesmerized by them.

They don t spend much money on girls as well. They realize spending money on them only devalues themselves.

My point is true game is when you can get girls without good looks and money. Trust me, they are assassins.

I also know some guys who are not that good looking and get lot of girls with other talents, and work. I do respect these guys. but my point was to say that nationality doesnt matter mufh. IF one superficial aspect is important IT IS looks, not nationality. that was the point i was trying to make (i think there are too much talk about how naitionality matters here, while i dont think it really matters, people here should stop thinking so much about their nationality seriously..). After, yes, some guys have a lot of talent and manage to get lots of girls without looks, but yes as i say, they dont have looks, but they have talent. I guess I have a bit of natural talent too, but I would be very hypocrite to say that my looks dont do most of the work.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

I really dislike these threads.

Whether it is easy or hard to get girls in a certain country really depends on the individual for the most part. Sure, some generalizations can be made, but so many factors go into whether or not you will be "hit" with the local ladies that it is usually a toss up.

That is why one guy will say "Yeah, it is easy to score in XXXX" while another guy will say back "Are you crazy, it is impossible to score in XXXX!"

Just give out the info and your stats, and let people make up their minds as to whether it is "easy or hard."

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-13-2011 06:35 PM)Easy E Wrote:  

I really dislike these threads.

Whether it is easy or hard to get girls in a certain country really depends on the individual for the most part. Sure, some generalizations can be made, but so many factors go into whether or not you will be "hit" with the local ladies that it is usually a toss up.

That is why one guy will say "Yeah, it is easy to score in XXXX" while another guy will say back "Are you crazy, it is impossible to score in XXXX!"

Just give out the info and your stats, and let people make up their minds as to whether it is "easy or hard."


Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-13-2011 11:16 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2011 10:24 AM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

MiXX - Funny you say about their attraction for looks. I am curious about this, because I have met some white white French girls and then some who look latin almost then there are the dark one's like part Morracan or whatever. I am curious if they each have a certain type of guy they go after?

Well, looking back at each scenario now of my 3 experiences like this with French girls ALL 3 have been blonde and blue/green eyes white.

When I went to Ottawa, Canada, The one French Canadian chic who was ALL over me, begging me to speak Spanish to her was a brunette, but she had BLUE eyes, beautiful girl. As soon as she got a hold of me, she did not hold back her intent of bangin me by nights end. Every time I got up to go to the bar/bathroom, she would follow, as if to protect her property from other prowling French girls around.

Seriously, remind me as to why do we hate the French again? [Image: undecided.gif]


Dude, we seriously need a rundown on 2nd tier cities in France. I haven't given up on it yet. I met some really cool French folks in Europe that begged me to visit their homeland. They admitted that a few of their countrymen may look down on Americans but more than not I would be welcomed. One group I met was from Nice and said it was an awesome place w/ mad hotties. The French can be a bit arrogant w/ those that visit and don't speak the language, but many speak English so comm's shouldn't be a huge problem. NONE of the French guys I met were anything close to Alpha, which is probably why they would hang around me.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?


I also know some guys who are not that good looking and get lot of girls with other talents, and work. I do respect these guys. but my point was to say that nationality doesnt matter mufh. IF one superficial aspect is important IT IS looks, not nationality. that was the point i was trying to make (i think there are too much talk about how naitionality matters here, while i dont think it really matters, people here should stop thinking so much about their nationality seriously..). After, yes, some guys have a lot of talent and manage to get lots of girls without looks, but yes as i say, they dont have looks, but they have talent. I guess I have a bit of natural talent too, but I would be very hypocrite to say that my looks dont do most of the work.

Agreed. Good looks supercede ethnicity/race.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-13-2011 03:57 PM)Tg3 Wrote:  

The thing is though French girls are far from being hot, they may be the least attractive european girls, very small boobs, and usually not good looking boobs, and the whole body in general is not good. If you are a Face guy, then they are fine..

[Image: french-girls_world-cup-2006.jpg]

Quote: (01-13-2011 03:57 PM)Tg3 Wrote:  

And now time to throw some love again for german girls cause I hooked up with one last night(I m in peru right now), she was so sweet and tasty. Love her skin and her smell, falling in love in the night.. Seriously, between a french and a german girl I will choose a german girl every day. (so much better bodies..)

Not exactly what I want

[Image: german_girls.jpg]


Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

I don't consider myself all that attractive and I'm certainly past my athletic prime as a nocturnal vampire in search of nubile necks to bite on. Think Jordan with the Wizards in his final year, icing down his creaky, swollen knees after every game, instead of a young MJ putting up 60 at the Garden.

Given these facts, I try to put AS MUCH of the external odds in my favor as possible so that I can get maximum quality with the absolute minimum amount of effort. No more reckless drives to the basket and trying to get the And-1 with contact. I like the nice pump fake in the post followed by the easy bank shot.

The easiest places for me are towns where:
1. I dress more fashionably that 95% of guys
2. I have more purchasing power than 95% of the guys
3. Guys like myself are rare and considered exotic
4. I live in a cool flat in a posh part of the city
5. I have access to people, networks, and events that are far off the well-trodden tourist foot path

Given all this, I used to put Estonia and Lithuania at the top of my list. France is also at the top of the list, but not as a tourist. Times are changing quickly though, and what was paradise in the past may no longer be the next year.

The one advice I would give to guys is to always think "What would a typical average horny tourist like me do?"

Then go and do the OPPOSITE of that.

For example, many guys will sit in their flats all evening long, drinking beer until around 10-11pm, when they saunter out looking to "hit the bars/clubs" with all the other chumps.

Stop this. Instead, do the leg work ahead of time, but not as the creepy desperado opening random women on the street next to the McDonalds all day long. Rather:

Go to the university and talk to students in the student cafe and attend some relevant lectures or events that fit into your area of expertise.

Go meet some law firms and introduce yourself, saying you're looking for a good lawyer for some business deals you want to put together.

Go talk to some real estate brokers, and ask them to show you the housing market.

Go to the bank, and inquire about opening a bank account as a foreign citizen.

Go to the art museum, ask them if there are any exhibition openings that weekend.

Go to the theater, ask them if there are any English language plays. No? Go anyways and ask a girl if you can sit next to her and she can whisper translations into your ear.

I can go on and on, but at any of these places, esp. in Cetral/Eastern Europe/The Baltics, you will find educated, beautiful, romance-seeking women who you will likely NEVER MEET in bars/clubs.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-13-2011 10:11 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2011 12:33 AM)MysticTraveler Wrote:  

French girls have approached me and licked my face in night clubs (LITERALLY), give their phone numbers to me and squeeze me with their bodies while standing in line to get in the club and I am talking about high end nightclubs. You don't really need a social circle in France

This is VERY interesting to read. I too have had similar experiences when dealing directly with French girls. I have not ever been to France, but the ones I happen to meet in Miami are awesome freaks!

The last encounter I had with a French girl was about 6 months ago. She spoke very little English, but took me out to dinner specifically because she said that it was "good for sex later", now I had not even brought up the topic of sex as we had only known each other a whopping 10 minutes.

She took me to eat seafood, and kept stuffing oysters and vodka shots in my mouth, and kept telling me in very sexy French accent English "eat baby, eat baby, eat good for sex".

After we ate, she did not fuck around, she said "Ok, now we go back to your apt yes, and have sex baby?" As I was driving back to my place, she kept pulling up her skirt and opening her legs showing me her pussy: "baby, look, you like, you like baby?" I almost got into a car accident.

I only knew this girl for about 2 hours and she kept aggressively telling me how she wants sex from me. After sex, she smoked a cigarette, gave me a big kiss, and left.

They seem to have a tan skin/latin look fetish, as before this girl, I had yet another similar experience.

Unfucking believable!!!

"Baby,you lke,you like baby" ???You sure she wasn't out of a Vietnam movie? [Image: smile.gif]

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

[Image: attachment.jpg495]   I like those German ladies,tall,athletic,those big healthy Bavarian asses,they can drink,they can fuck...they like it Nasty...they think there is something wrong with you if you don't give it to my experience!

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-14-2011 09:50 AM)Pilgrim37 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2011 10:11 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2011 12:33 AM)MysticTraveler Wrote:  

French girls have approached me and licked my face in night clubs (LITERALLY), give their phone numbers to me and squeeze me with their bodies while standing in line to get in the club and I am talking about high end nightclubs. You don't really need a social circle in France

This is VERY interesting to read. I too have had similar experiences when dealing directly with French girls. I have not ever been to France, but the ones I happen to meet in Miami are awesome freaks!

The last encounter I had with a French girl was about 6 months ago. She spoke very little English, but took me out to dinner specifically because she said that it was "good for sex later", now I had not even brought up the topic of sex as we had only known each other a whopping 10 minutes.

She took me to eat seafood, and kept stuffing oysters and vodka shots in my mouth, and kept telling me in very sexy French accent English "eat baby, eat baby, eat good for sex".

After we ate, she did not fuck around, she said "Ok, now we go back to your apt yes, and have sex baby?" As I was driving back to my place, she kept pulling up her skirt and opening her legs showing me her pussy: "baby, look, you like, you like baby?" I almost got into a car accident.

I only knew this girl for about 2 hours and she kept aggressively telling me how she wants sex from me. After sex, she smoked a cigarette, gave me a big kiss, and left.

They seem to have a tan skin/latin look fetish, as before this girl, I had yet another similar experience.

Unfucking believable!!!

"Baby,you lke,you like baby" ???You sure she wasn't out of a Vietnam movie? [Image: smile.gif]

LOL. that Vietnam movie is "me love you long time", but close [Image: smile.gif]

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-13-2011 11:49 PM)subutai Wrote:  

I don't consider myself all that attractive and I'm certainly past my athletic prime as a nocturnal vampire in search of nubile necks to bite on. Think Jordan with the Wizards in his final year, icing down his creaky, swollen knees after every game, instead of a young MJ putting up 60 at the Garden.

Given these facts, I try to put AS MUCH of the external odds in my favor as possible so that I can get maximum quality with the absolute minimum amount of effort. No more reckless drives to the basket and trying to get the And-1 with contact. I like the nice pump fake in the post followed by the easy bank shot.

The easiest places for me are towns where:
1. I dress more fashionably that 95% of guys
2. I have more purchasing power than 95% of the guys
3. Guys like myself are rare and considered exotic
4. I live in a cool flat in a posh part of the city
5. I have access to people, networks, and events that are far off the well-trodden tourist foot path

Given all this, I used to put Estonia and Lithuania at the top of my list. France is also at the top of the list, but not as a tourist. Times are changing quickly though, and what was paradise in the past may no longer be the next year.

The one advice I would give to guys is to always think "What would a typical average horny tourist like me do?"

Then go and do the OPPOSITE of that.

For example, many guys will sit in their flats all evening long, drinking beer until around 10-11pm, when they saunter out looking to "hit the bars/clubs" with all the other chumps.

Stop this. Instead, do the leg work ahead of time, but not as the creepy desperado opening random women on the street next to the McDonalds all day long. Rather:

Go to the university and talk to students in the student cafe and attend some relevant lectures or events that fit into your area of expertise.

Go meet some law firms and introduce yourself, saying you're looking for a good lawyer for some business deals you want to put together.

Go talk to some real estate brokers, and ask them to show you the housing market.

Go to the bank, and inquire about opening a bank account as a foreign citizen.

Go to the art museum, ask them if there are any exhibition openings that weekend.

Go to the theater, ask them if there are any English language plays. No? Go anyways and ask a girl if you can sit next to her and she can whisper translations into your ear.

I can go on and on, but at any of these places, esp. in Cetral/Eastern Europe/The Baltics, you will find educated, beautiful, romance-seeking women who you will likely NEVER MEET in bars/clubs.

Good advice, Subutai

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Subtai: Good "outside the box" thinking, but for some places it's overkill. In Brazil you could rely exclusively on night game. In Colombia or Argentina some mall or street game should get most guys the flag.

While going out at 11 to drink can be lame, if it works and gets me just as cute a girl that I could find at a museum then I'm going to do it. Only when night game sucks (bad ratio, low quality, culture of large groups), do I make a strong effort with other venues.

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