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What's the limit for guys she's been with for a one night stand?

What's the limit for guys she's been with for a one night stand?

Could be a shit test.

The important thing is to not let anything a girl says actually get to you.

What's the limit for guys she's been with for a one night stand?


Girl tells you she's been with 100+ guys. Do you still bang?

I'm not sure if I would.

Let's logically break this down.

First question should be: "Why do you fuck girls in general?".

Second question: "Why does it make a difference if N guys already fucked her?". N being between 0 and ~3,600,000,000.

What's the limit for guys she's been with for a one night stand?

What difference does it make for you?
As long as there's no cum running down her thighs, and she uses protection, I don't see what the issue is.

What's the limit for guys she's been with for a one night stand?

Stop worrying, wrap it up, and hit it.

What's the limit for guys she's been with for a one night stand?

Quote: (02-21-2014 08:05 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  


That's an oddly specific number.

Quote: (02-22-2014 12:50 AM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

I went to kiss before we really got into it, and she said "I still have cum in my mouth from earlier, is that ok?"

I'd be lying if I said I didn't loose my boner for a moment.

...I still hit

Shit! Did you make her at least brush her teeth first?


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