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Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (05-28-2015 04:14 AM)drmariusz Wrote:  

Yes. Thanks for your answers. But where is the best chance to hook up with a girl? I don't need to get drunk too much [Image: smile.gif] I don't have accomodation yet so I can choose between Kazimierz and Main Square. I am Polish but not local.

Main Square area is good for young college girls, Kazimiers for slightly older ones. In general, Main Square area has better looking ones, better dressed, Kazimiers is the hipster/alternative part of town. I strongly reccomend Main Square area in any case, regardless of your age.

Best place to hook up with girls in the Main Square area:

- Club Fever
- Club Coco
- Club Shakers (very young crowd though)

I mention these three clubs because the dance-floor is dark, so it's easier approaching girls with dance-floor game which is the most effective in Krakow (nowadays there are too many foreigners who do cold approaches in english and a pretty girl is used to that and may shot you down right away or throw you a lot of shit tests). Approach confident and dominant on dancefloor, dancing skills are not required, just grab her gently and then escalate. If a girl is not into you, don't give up, usually you can find another one. Go early in the night though, golden hour is from 00 to 1 am.

Clubs like Frantic are mostly to show off (indeed the place is well illuminated), girls don't surrender easily and like tease you and then go back to their friends. However if you are a top-looking dude, can have some success there.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (05-28-2015 05:47 AM)Garzero Wrote:  

Quote: (05-28-2015 04:14 AM)drmariusz Wrote:  

Yes. Thanks for your answers. But where is the best chance to hook up with a girl? I don't need to get drunk too much [Image: smile.gif] I don't have accomodation yet so I can choose between Kazimierz and Main Square. I am Polish but not local.

Main Square area is good for young college girls, Kazimiers for slightly older ones. In general, Main Square area has better looking ones, better dressed, Kazimiers is the hipster/alternative part of town. I strongly reccomend Main Square area in any case, regardless of your age.

Best place to hook up with girls in the Main Square area:

- Club Fever
- Club Coco
- Club Shakers (very young crowd though)

I mention these three clubs because the dance-floor is dark, so it's easier approaching girls with dance-floor game which is the most effective in Krakow (nowadays there are too many foreigners who do cold approaches in english and a pretty girl is used to that and may shot you down right away or throw you a lot of shit tests). Approach confident and dominant on dancefloor, dancing skills are not required, just grab her gently and then escalate. If a girl is not into you, don't give up, usually you can find another one. Go early in the night though, golden hour is from 00 to 1 am.

Clubs like Frantic are mostly to show off (indeed the place is well illuminated), girls don't surrender easily and like tease you and then go back to their friends. However if you are a top-looking dude, can have some success there.

I've only been to Frantic once and met a few cuties seemed pretty easy. What don't you like about it? How are fever and shakers? Again I've only been once but will be returning soon with a friend. Thanks!

"I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story." Nas

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (05-28-2015 06:11 AM)ElJefe1 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-28-2015 05:47 AM)Garzero Wrote:  

Clubs like Frantic are mostly to show off (indeed the place is well illuminated), girls don't surrender easily and like tease you and then go back to their friends. However if you are a top-looking dude, can have some success there.

I've only been to Frantic once and met a few cuties seemed pretty easy. What don't you like about it? How are fever and shakers? Again I've only been once but will be returning soon with a friend. Thanks!

As long as you are friendly, polish girls receive you well, it's generally not in their culture being rude. What I'm saying is that I like Frantic but it's not my favourite venue to pick-up girls, this because there's too much light on the dance-floor, and this causes girls being prudish, as they don't want that other people see they are sluts. So they prefer just showing off.
In venues like Coco, where lights are dim, girls let it go more, and slutty behaviour is more common. I had lot of success there.
Shakers has a good "bring-your-own-booze" night on monday, full of young drunk sluts. Fever is a cheap place working every day with free entrance, lot of young sluts there too.
I forgot to mention Afera club, this is also a good place to pick-up on the dance floor (pick-up on the dance-floor in Krakow means hardcore making-out).
As I always say, this type of caveman dance-floor game works well early in the night, because:
- polish girls get (heavily) vodka-drunk before arriving at the club. This means they are already high and ready to do something crazy at, let's say, 12am. Later on, alchool effect slows down and they become tired, less horny and less friendly.
- also, due to the fact that obviously many guys in Krakow know how effective can be this game, lot of them give it a try; hence, after 1 or 2 am, a girl either has already found a boy, or has received too many approaches and therefore will be tired of it and will stop welcoming anyone.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

I like Krakow, but its really overfilled with tourists. (mostly British, German too but they seem to stick with fam and not go out) I was there in the winter for a little. That being said.....Coco was good the Friday night i went. They're not lying about it being dark in there. I got a little drunk and after I made out with some girl, I couldn't for the life of me remember what she looked like. Frantic was fun too, had some cute girls dancing.

Girls seem easy to make out with but hard to bring home. At the same time, this was the first time going out by myself in Europe.

Tinder seemed like a waste here unless you want to lower your standards for the flag. It won't even touch the quality you see out at night.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (05-28-2015 04:14 AM)drmariusz Wrote:  

Yes. Thanks for your answers. But where is the best chance to hook up with a girl? I don't need to get drunk too much [Image: smile.gif] I don't have accomodation yet so I can choose between Kazimierz and Main Square. I am Polish but not local.

I am a Black American so my experience is probably a little different since I get the "exotic" factor in Krakow, but if I were Polish I would stay in Kazimierz, much less touristy, lots of fun bars, more affordable than the Rynek, and still close to all the action.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Last year I gamed non-stop in Krakow for a total of 8 months during 3 visits. There isn’t much I didn’t try. Unfortunately, I spent most of this time regretting my decision to go there and wondering why I’m still not leaving. This town can be a glimpse into the paradise one month and a deserted shithole the next. The first thing you need to know about Krakow’s nightlife is that it completely depends on the student population during the year. Most people who stay in Krakow don’t live in Krakow. And when the students leave, which they leave often, the locals don’t party enough to fill the empty clubs. The city turns into a ghost town. So if you want to get laid, know when to visit Krakow. That’s why I will start with a calendar. If you don’t care, skip to Club Datasheet below.

October: The best month of the year . I doubt there is a better city in Europe than Krakow in October. I wish I could spend every October of the rest of my life in Krakow. On the last day of September the city turns into a pussy paradise overnight. 19-20 year old hotties flow into Krakow from all around Poland and all around Europe (thanks to Erasmus). And after they find a place to rent, all there is left for them to do is party, flirt and find a fuckbuddy to keep them warm during the cold winter. The whole month is like a big fuckfest. There are a few student parties 5 days a week. Everybody gets laid. I had 6 dates with 6 different girls in 6 days in a row. 2 of them turned into bangs later.

November: While not as good as October, November is also a good time to be in Krakow. Parties are starting to cool down, but you will still be satisfied with both quality and quantity.

December: Eject from Krakow at the end of November and don’t think about coming back until new year. December is literally the worst time of the year to be in Krakow. Poles have a Christmas holiday that lasts 3 weeks and covers 3 major religions. The city looks like Silent Hill. The only girls in the clubs are paid escorts. Everybody leaves town to spend the holiday with family. You will find some local girls but they won’t be interested in partying. They will be studying. New year celebration is good, so make it count.

January- February: While it doesn’t suck as much as December, it still sucks. There are a few parties but you have to be at the right place at the right time. Exams start at the end of January and last until the end of February, so people are studying and not much interested in partying. You have to understand that Krakow’s atmosphere depends on the academic schedule. When students stop partying, everybody stops.

March: The new semester begins, students come back, the weather starts warming up, so does your dating life.

April-May: I wasn’t here during these 2 months but I was told by my friends on the field that it was much like October and November. Parties started and with the spring effect everybody got laid. The second best time to be in Krakow.

June: I wasn’t here. But it’s exams month, so the students will be studying, however there will be more tourists.

July-August-September: This is the 3rd best time of the year to be in Krakow. During this period, students leave the city, however Polish girls from all over Poland take their place to have vacation. It’s a different dating scene, more favorable for ONS. Girls are more slutty and feel less judged. Unfortunately the tourists don’t make up for the lack of student population in quality nor quantity.

COCO: My most frequented club. I've got so many bangs and prospects from here. This is the best club in Krakow to get laid. Girls are easy and decent looking. Prices are average. The average dress code is jeans+shirt for men, skirt+blouse for girls. During high season (October, November, April and May) you have to at least check out this place every night from Wednesday to Saturday. It’s best on Wednesdays.
High season: The average quality is 7,5. Quantity is 9. Female/Male Ratio is 1,1.
Low season: During low season, the average quality is 6, quantity is 7, ratio is 0,5.

FRANTIC: This is a club where weird things happened to me. During high season on Wednesdays they serve free drinks to ladies so the ratio can go up to 2 and girls start approaching you, even the hot ones. Frantic is a high-end club in Poland standards. Prices are high and there is 5 euros cover fee. Men wear jacket, girls wear dress and heels. During high season you have to visit here on Wednesdays. During the rest of the week it’s invaded by Western European tourists. They dress well, are willing to pay and are thirsty as fuck. It turns into a sausage party quickly, a well groomed sausage party where girls come only to boost their egos. During low season, the ration can go as low as 0,20.
High season: Quality=8. Quantity=8. Ratio= 1,2
Low season: Quality= 7 Quantity=4 Ratio=0,3

B4: Small club, not so crowded. Been here a few times, didn't like it. Skip it.

PROZAC: This is where young hip-hop kids go in Krakow. The dress code is awful. You can come here with your Adidas sport pants and no one will bat an eye. Full of easy but sleazy girls. Cheap prices. Before you come here, check out how many people signed up on Where2B. Only go if it's above 500. If it’s above 1000, cancel all your plans because it means there is a big concert there tonight and it’s gonna be crowded. When this club gets crowded, it becomes the best nightgame spot in the city. It’s best on Tuesdays.
High season: Quality=7 Quantity=9 Ratio=0,6
Low season= Quality=6 Quantity=6 Ratio=0,5

FOUR: Good place to visit on Wednesdays and Fridays. It has a bar that is a spectacular game spot. The bartenders are lazy as fuck and slow as shit. So girls wait around the bar, alone, waiting to be hit on. It gives you a large window of opportunity. You can approach by complaining about the bartenders. The dress code and prices are similar to Coco, average.
High season: Quality= 7,5 Quantity=8 Ratio=1
Low season= Quality=6 Quantity=6 Ratio=0,6

AFERA: This is the weirdest club in Krakow. You can easily get in a fight here or get hit by a beer bottle in the head. Someone can even fall on your head from the stairs, you will see why when you go there. It’s like a Western movie. Guys are aggressive and drunk. Why should you care? Because they push you and cockblock you without hesitating. Girls here are the easiest in Krakow, maybe even Poland. You can easily get a ONS on a good night. However the quality is low. Guys wear jeans+tshirt. Girls wear jeans+blouse. The prices are cheap. It’s best on Saturdays.
High season: Quality= 7 Quantity=9 Ratio=0,8
Low season: Quality= 4 Quantity=4 Ratio=0,5

CIEN: It’s one of the fanciest clubs in Krakow. You can wait in line a lot, and there is cover fee. Guys wear jacket or pants+shirt, girls wear nice dresses and heels. The prices are above average. The quality here is astonishing. However this is the hardest club to get laid. One night I got 20 rejections in a row. The interior is also nice. There are 2 dance floors, they open the second one after midnight. The DJ is good too. The average age is higher than all the other clubs in Krakow. It’s best on Saturdays and Thursdays.
High season: Quality=8 Quantity=9 Ratio=1,0
Low season= Quality= 7,5 Quantity=7 Ratio=0,7

BACCARAT: I’ve been here only a few times, but I was very displeased with the quality. Skip here. If it’s crowded, there must be better clubs to visit that night.

SHINE: My favorite club. If you are not in Shine on Saturday nights, you are a fool. This is where quality meets quantity. The most beautiful you will ever see in Poland. What's better is that foreigners don't come here. This club opened recently outside of the central square, so it’s new and hip. The interior is one of the best I’ve ever seen in my life. There are VIP lounges covering both walls. 2 dance floors and 1 VIP dance floor. You will meet your future girlfriend here, I did too. Subscribe to its Facebook page and check the upcoming events. Concerts are great. Prices are above average. The dress code is smart casual, sometimes formal. Yes, on some party nights men dress up and women dress like models. It’s only worth going on Saturdays though.
High season: Quality=8,5 Quantity=10 Ratio=1,0
Low season: Quality=8 Quantity=7 Ratio=0,8

Which girls are the easiest?
This comes down to a simple formula. The higher the quality is, the more difficult she will be. The lower the ratio is, the more bitchy she will be. The more the quantity is, the more easygoing she will be. You can’t say for example ‘’girls are bitchy in Frantic’’. One night hot girls will approach you there and the next nights even the ugly ones will reject you. To find the optimum, you have to know when to visit where.

Which place to go on the given day of the week?
Before you think about deciding where to go tonight, go to and see which place has the most hits. There can be a big party that changes which club is popular that night. And the bigger the party is, the better the ratio will be. So go sign up to that site and see if there’s anything special tonight. If not,
Go to Shakers on Mondays (I never did. Better to stay home that night)
Go to Prozac on Tuesdays.
Go to Frantic and Coco on Wednesdays. Bounce between them.
Go to Cien and Coco on Thursdays.
Go to Coco and Four on Fridays.
Go to Shine on Saturdays. The party ends early, so you can end up in Coco.
Rest on Sundays. Nothing to do.
Also, there are cover charges for Prozac, Frantic and Cien. You can avoid paying these by singing up for the events on Where2B.

All parties start at midnight, reach its peak at 1 am, fade at 3 am and end between 4 and 5 am.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

^^Great datasheet. I'm a regular of Krakow and I found all your informations precise and correct. True that in December Krakow looks like Silent Hill, although clubs work regularly and are still acceptably crowded, but girls are less horny. Yeah, October is the best time. And I found July the craziest month: girls dressed up and drinking beer in bars at 1pm, already ready to be fucked lol.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Will I not be too old in AFERA oraz PROZAK? :-) I am 30. I am going too visit clubs on Monday and Tuesday.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

^^Unless you are 30 and look 40, you won't. I picked up girls in almost all the clubs in Krakow (Afera and Prozac included) and the oldest chick was 13 years younger than me. 30 is definitely a good age for gaming in Krakow and in Poland in general, if you are in decent shape and dress with a bit of style. Perhaps on Saturday avoid venues like Shakers (which is good on Monday though) or Four, that are the ones where crowd is youngest. All the other clubs are good.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

I look like 27 or 28. I follow the standards of modern fashion. I am slim.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

I have decided to go to Shakers or Afera on the next Monday and Prozak on Tuesday. I hope I won't be the oldest in these clubs :-)

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (06-02-2015 09:54 AM)drmariusz Wrote:  

I have decided to go to Shakers or Afera on the next Monday and Prozak on Tuesday. I hope I won't be the oldest in these clubs :-)

i'm 32 and i look like 30 i think .

you will do fine,i have been often to shakers on monday and it's aways fun with the young girls .

just go a little late,because from 22 to 00 it's a little dead .

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

The girls in Shakers are local or also tourists? Do you know something about Afera on Monday?

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (06-03-2015 04:07 PM)drmariusz Wrote:  

The girls in Shakers are local or also tourists? Do you know something about Afera on Monday?

shakers 80% local .

never been to Afera .

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Are foreign girls also easy and eager?[Image: smile.gif] Is it a chance for ONS?

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (06-03-2015 04:24 PM)drmariusz Wrote:  

Are foreign girls also easy and eager?[Image: smile.gif] Is it a chance for ONS?

Afera has a Thursday student night which is often crowded. In the other days of the week is usually pretty empty.

About foreign girls, in my experience they don't go to Krakow to get laid but genuinely to see the tourist attractions (Krakow old town, Auswitch ecc.) BUT there are many exchchange students from nearby polish cities who often go to Krakow for the weekend and these can be your better bet for ONS, as these chicks wanna have fun and have already taken the polish habit of getting plastered with vodka when going out. I remember once at Afera I fingered on the dancefloor in front of everybody a spanish girl who studied in Warsaw. These are ordinary things in Krakow.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Thanks for reply. I am going to visit clubs on Monday and Tuesday. So I'll skip Afera and choose Shakers.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

It's day off today in Poland so I went out. In clubs it was sausage parties everywhere. Actually, most of the girls were outside in terrace until very late. Thus, in clubs it was terrible.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (02-16-2014 06:10 AM)dontuan Wrote:  

When I walked in, I saw some black guys by the bar and a fair number of foreigners. (Note to self: This is almost always a bad sign).

I have never been somewhere where black guys were bad sign. Can you please elaborate?

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (06-04-2015 06:18 AM)zuma Wrote:  

It's day off today in Poland so I went out. In clubs it was sausage parties everywhere. Actually, most of the girls were outside in terrace until very late. Thus, in clubs it was terrible.

In general all the weekend had the same negative atmosphere. It seems like there is a real invasion of American and English tourists guys on the streets and in klubs, and we are speaking of dozens of groups of 10-15 people. Looks like to be in London or New York.
And I have never seen any of these people to hook up with any girl.
Krakow is changing quickly and negatively, also due to this touristic invasion (that there always been, but not in these dimensions). Ratios in klubs, that years ago were unbelievable, are now more close to levels of cities in West.
And I have also the sensation that in general nightlife is getting worse. In the past during the university period you could always find klubs full of girls basically any day of the week, even on Sunday. Now it seems like they are reducing a lot to go to party outside, and prefering flat parties, also to avoid all the same ill-mannered and drunk tourists.
The years of glory are definitely only a souvenir of the past.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Erasmus had a very negative impact .

And compared with 2-3 years before i agree that Krakow is now a sausage fest .

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (06-07-2015 03:53 AM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

In general all the weekend had the same negative atmosphere. It seems like there is a real invasion of American and English tourists guys on the streets and in klubs, and we are speaking of dozens of groups of 10-15 people. Looks like to be in London or New York.
And I have never seen any of these people to hook up with any girl.
Krakow is changing quickly and negatively, also due to this touristic invasion (that there always been, but not in these dimensions). Ratios in klubs, that years ago were unbelievable, are now more close to levels of cities in West.
And I have also the sensation that in general nightlife is getting worse. In the past during the university period you could always find klubs full of girls basically any day of the week, even on Sunday. Now it seems like they are reducing a lot to go to party outside, and prefering flat parties, also to avoid all the same ill-mannered and drunk tourists.
The years of glory are definitely only a souvenir of the past.

I wouldn't be so drastic. I've been in Krakow until three months ago and I still saw many foreigners getting laid regularly. Remember: there can be demand only where there's offer.
Krakow is still one of the best place in Europe where to find fresh pussy, let's not whine.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Western tourists don't only try to bang girls like other normal guys do, they completely screw up the dating market. They socialize. They open girls just for the fun of it. They party. They form circles in the clubs and do solo dances (I don't know what it's called) to draw all the attention. They are loud, they hang out in packs. Imagine 5 tall loud British guys all together hitting on a group of 3 girls. Whatever you do as a solo traveler after that point will be insufficient to get the attention of those girls. They will be too distracted and too bitchy.

As opposed to sniper game, Western tourists choose to blast the club with shotguns and grenades. Once a city is exposed to them, it's lost forever. The name of the game in Poland now is Find The Spot With the Least Number of Tourists.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

I mean, the discussion is about the "atmosphere" in the city. It's plenty of cities in Europe where foreigners get laid. But Krakow is not so different from an other student city in West, with the difference that in other student cities you don't observe a constant flow of tourists of this dimension.
Years ago you entered in klubs and you could find planty of girls looking and smiling at you. From this point it was easier to start a conversation and something more.
Now you enter in klubs and what do you see? Several groups of drunk tourists with beer in their hand, talking loudly and scaring the few girls who are dancing. You could imagine how the atmosphere has changed.
Again, I underline that ratios are like in West: 70% males, 30% girls, and you know what it means. Some years ago the opposite was the normality.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

A short time and it will be like Riga? 1 and 2

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