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Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

Hi all,

I am due to be travelling to Zurich next week, and was looking for some advice from anyone who has traveled there, with regards to going out to clubs, the game, etc.

Furthermore, I lived in Copenhagen, Denmark last year for 6 months - just putting the idea out there of a Datasheet for Copenhagen, if anyone is interested? I lived with a Danish girl I was going out with at the time, and can therefore offer an "insider" approach. The game there wasn't that bad, in my experience. (The Danish girls seem to love English guys).


Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

Well Zurich is a lot more fun in the summer months of course, but it has decent nightlife (though not cheap of course). Stay downtown and all you'll need is trams and your feet. Re. clubbing, get yourself down to Zukunft: Here's a good summary of Zurich's nightlife and some alternatives:

Great little city drowning in cash.

Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

Thanks perspective for the reply,

I have booked a hotel in central Zurich which wasn't too bad, but I guess a lot compared to UK prices. It is also my understanding that prices in general there are very high. But hey, got to treat yourself every now and again.

Will certainly be hitting the clubs when I get there - will have a look in where you suggested.


Quote: (02-15-2014 02:43 AM)perspective Wrote:  

Well Zurich is a lot more fun in the summer months of course, but it has decent nightlife (though not cheap of course). Stay downtown and all you'll need is trams and your feet. Re. clubbing, get yourself down to Zukunft: Here's a good summary of Zurich's nightlife and some alternatives:

Great little city drowning in cash.

Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

Hi Mike,

Copenhagen has been covered quite a lot due to Roosh's book but an 'insiders' perspective would be interesting

Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

I live near Zurich...its a nice place ,but Swiss women are very up tight and in general difficult. There are a lot of Eastern Europeans floating around but your going to pay 16chf for a vodka and coke in a club. Id do the trip on the lake with the ferry, climb the Uetliberg and then get a cheap flight to Bucharest.

But if you really do intend on staying here a while bring a wad of cash..and here are some clubs you could try out: Small Asian Club type restaurant with dance floor and easy to mingle all age ranges, best for pickup. typical club,young crowd.‎ big club ,very pretentious

Pay for play is prevalent in Switzerland, i guess the local community have given up on Swiss women and its easier to do this, if your into that take a ride to the windows on Haringstrasse.

There are also plenty of Irish/English pubs in Zurich and I like to go to them to pick up as its generally easier to chat and talk i.e place to meet office type women and bar flys. place to meet office type women and bar flys. Good for Rugby, Football Sport etc.

Have fun!

Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet


Bring on the Copenhagen datasheet. Definitely interested to read through it. I should be there this summer at some point, for that Danish cultural experience if nothing else.


Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

been to Zurich's expensive, like really expensive!!

Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

Excellent advice from you guys, once again. I'l let you know some experiences in Zurich after they've happened.

Also, I'l get that Copenhagen Datasheet put together as soon as I can, seen as have a couple of you interested and start a new thread in here.

Cheers guys.

Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

I'll be flying through to Zurich this Sept 2014. Im Black American, from Miami, FL and I have a 21hr layover in Zurich from 10am to 7am. I plan on getting a hotel, but I was wondering where is the best location to get a hotel? Im looking for any spots where there is a good club scene and a good area for daygame. Also, since i'll only be there for 21hrs, is there a good chance that i'll be able to bang easy? And do many people speak English in Zurich?

Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

@gjauguste Dude, Swiss people know shittons of languages, anyone under 30 likely has a good standard of English, decreasing gradually as you get into the older crowd.
But pretty much everyone you'll be hitting on in Zurich is gonna have at least conversational English.

Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

@amity, Thanks!

Anyone know where I should get my hotel? Or is there a popular strip full of clubs in Zurich?

Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

Quote: (02-16-2014 10:34 AM)Odin Wrote:  

I live near Zurich...its a nice place ,but Swiss women are very up tight and in general difficult. There are a lot of Eastern Europeans floating around but your going to pay 16chf for a vodka and coke in a club. Id do the trip on the lake with the ferry, climb the Uetliberg and then get a cheap flight to Bucharest.

But if you really do intend on staying here a while bring a wad of cash..and here are some clubs you could try out: Small Asian Club type restaurant with dance floor and easy to mingle all age ranges, best for pickup. typical club,young crowd.‎ big club ,very pretentious

Pay for play is prevalent in Switzerland, i guess the local community have given up on Swiss women and its easier to do this, if your into that take a ride to the windows on Haringstrasse.

There are also plenty of Irish/English pubs in Zurich and I like to go to them to pick up as its generally easier to chat and talk i.e place to meet office type women and bar flys. place to meet office type women and bar flys. Good for Rugby, Football Sport etc.

Have fun!

Where do you find these Eastern European?

Mannbibel - Meistgelesener Artikel: Dominiere deine Freundin im Bett
Die Rückkehr der Männlichkeit - a german blog written by Ray

Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

Thanks! ill be there for about 20 hrs. Hopefully thats enough to get a bang in. Which are the hip hop clubs and salsa clubs?

Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

Quote: (06-26-2014 01:31 PM)gjauguste Wrote:  

Thanks! ill be there for about 20 hrs. Hopefully thats enough to get a bang in. Which are the hip hop clubs and salsa clubs?

What was your experience in Zurich?

Mannbibel - Meistgelesener Artikel: Dominiere deine Freundin im Bett
Die Rückkehr der Männlichkeit - a german blog written by Ray

Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

Quote: (06-26-2014 01:31 PM)gjauguste Wrote:  

Thanks! ill be there for about 20 hrs. Hopefully thats enough to get a bang in. Which are the hip hop clubs and salsa clubs?

What was your experience in Zurich?

Mannbibel - Meistgelesener Artikel: Dominiere deine Freundin im Bett
Die Rückkehr der Männlichkeit - a german blog written by Ray

Travelling to Zurich/Copenhagen Datasheet

i havent been yet, but looks like it'll be a layover in London instead. The Zurich trip was too expensive

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