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Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

I'm going to have 3 months free in the spring to study spanish and just hang out. I prefer going to one place and staying there. I already speak decent spanish, don't care about touristy things to do in the city bc i will spend most of my time studying, going to gym, reading, and trying to game locals. Which of these three do ya'll think are best?

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

I've heard good things about manizales, although I haven't had a chance to experience it yet. Pereira is a big joke among colombians because it is notorious for having easy girls that are DTF. I'm sure you would do fine there.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

id pick the city with the best nightlife....

not sure which one that would be though

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

I was in Manizales and Pereira recently although only for a short time. I preferred Manizales but Pereira is quite a bit bigger so there are more options for nightlife and chasing the local ladies.

It was also a lot warmer in Pereira but that might not be such a big issue when you head there.

Not much English in either of them so the fact that you speak Spanish is a big plus.

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

I haven't been to the eje cafetero yet, but I've been asking Colombians about these 3 cities for a while, here's my general impression:

Manizales: Pretty but small and boring. 10% of the population is University students.
Pereira: More of a real city, but nothing too distinct about it. Most commonly noted for hot/eager girls.
Armenia: Kinda run down compared to the other 2. Most often mentioned as the one to avoid of the 3.

None are frequently mentioned as a particularly fun or exciting destination. Many people will just say ''Yeah the weather is nice, but what do you want to go there for?'' Either that, or they'll ask, ''So you just want to go there for the girls?''/tell you ''OH MAN THE GIRLS THERE ARE SO HOT''.

I wouldn't cross the rest of the country off your list, but the buzz around the girls there can't be for nothing.

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

Do you have any idea how these places compare to Cali?

i was in cali earlier this year and thought it was a total bore with dissappointing nightlife

Detective Rust Cohle: "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

Quote: (12-20-2010 09:05 AM)zanetti Wrote:  

Do you have any idea how these places compare to Cali?

i was in cali earlier this year and thought it was a total bore with dissappointing nightlife

Every city in Colombia is boring after you have spent 7 days in any of them unless you specifically show up during some sort of annual holiday or street festival. However, when this is all you know, then you can see how Colombians cannot understand why you would say they are boring. They have not been to Asia, NYC, MIA, Vegas, Montreal or Eastern Europe like you have. Ok, maybe they all have family in Montreal and NYC, but not the same thing.

You will be eating at the same places, sarging in the same spots, and drinking in the same spots, and even fucking the same girls someone else as bored as you has. Hopefully, after all of this effort, you scoop something up to bang that night to make your entire day worthwhile.

You see, Colombian culture is such that the only thing to do is chase tail in malls if you're a guy, and go shopping if you're a girl, and even that gets boring after doing it daily for 7 days. Girls will try to find a sucker to buy them clothes, and guys will buy into her sales pitch so long as she is beautiful, and he can showcase her around the mall or zona rosa like a trophy.

Colombianas all desperately wait to be invited to a "finca" (farm) to go to a swimming pool for a weekend escape to be slutty and drink. That's about as exciting as it gets when you have an average income of 800USD/monthly total.

Pereira is going to be even more boring than Cali, as it is an industrial city with absolutely nothing to do tourist wise, except to visit this place: Otherwise, your days will be sarging at the mall, streets and cafes, then again in reverse order: cafes, streets and malls. At the end of the night, you should have a good catch to go bang for the remainder of your evening. So, if sarging like a raging bull is not your thing, Pereira is not for you.

BTW, notice I did not say sarging at nightclubs/night venues. Unless you show up with other beautiful women as social proof, or are part of a local social circle, forget sarging at nightclubs. It will be 90% mixed and closed-off sets with music on full-blast where you cannot even hear yourself talk. The only exception being Bogota, where women actually do go out dolo like troopers (love that), and are likely to go home with a guy she clicks with (love that even more). Usually, these women are in their 30's

After you fuck your brains out, go to a shopping mall...again. It's the colombian way, and the only reason why you visit Colombia - to unload your nuts, and move on.


Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

Quote: (12-20-2010 09:52 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2010 09:05 AM)zanetti Wrote:  

Do you have any idea how these places compare to Cali?

i was in cali earlier this year and thought it was a total bore with dissappointing nightlife

You see, Colombian culture is such that the only thing to do is chase tail in malls, if you're a guy, and go shopping if you're a girl, and even that gets boring after doing it daily for 7 days.


haha i like how you described colombia

yeah we got bored on day 2 in cali to be precise; the chipichappe mall is nice but to go there every day for a week was mind numbingly boring - i prefer "day sarging" if it happens organically, i.e. i have to go to a mall to buy smth and then see a girl i like etc, not going there for the sole purpose of trying to find 'em

the best thing about chipichappe apart from the girls was watching the security guards marching around with their M16s and riot guns - interesting contrast with my small town shopping mall back home [Image: smile.gif]

in cali we got so bored that on day 5 we even hit up some of the "casas privadas" or whatever they're called (pros) - this didn't exactly boost morale although the girls there were all keen to hang out with us outside of work telling us their real names, giving phone numbers; they said it was because they normally never see guys with light eyes and we were so "lindo"

on the flight from cali to medellin i was sat next to one of the hottest girls i've ever seen; a 21 /o paisa; i asked her out for a cafe but she was married. she had the ideal body: dark hair and eyes, beautiful facial features, big fake titties and a latina's ass - i was hard almost the entire flight

Detective Rust Cohle: "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

Quote: (12-20-2010 10:42 AM)zanetti Wrote:  

in cali we got so bored that on day 5 we even hit up some of the "casas privadas" or whatever they're called (pros) - this didn't exactly boost morale although the girls there were all keen to hang out with us outside of work telling us their real names, giving phone numbers

yeah....Been there, done that. Got the t-shirts on sale this week only.

Quote: (12-20-2010 10:42 AM)zanetti Wrote:  

on the flight from cali to medellin i was sat next to one of the hottest girls i've ever seen; a 21 /o paisa; i asked her out for a cafe but she was married. she had the ideal body: dark hair and eyes, beautiful facial features, big fake titties and a latina's ass - i was hard almost the entire flight

Eeerrr - That does not mean she is off the market. Drop your phone number/facebook/e-mail anyways. When she gets into a fight with hubby, or he no longer is flying her from Cali to Medellin to go shopping (read what I said above about girls finding a sucker)....guess who she's calling? And when she does, 'cuz Mixx knows all too well she will, play her fucking little game, get your bang, and hang out with her even more beautiful, and younger sister/best friend on Saturday night.

Been there done that sales on those t-shirts however.

I still LOVE colombia, but use it for what it is. I don't dream of finding a Colombian wife like many travelers do. I exploit their boring society/customs to unload my nuts and move on.


Manizales, Pereira, Armenia


MIXX hit it DEAD I live here in Panama for biz (from the states) and have been to Colombia on a number of occasions. Its "cool" but not the "end all be all" some like to paint it as. And after living in latin america for a number of years and having a TRUE understanding of the people/women. I have NO desire is being serious with a latina women, they just have to much bullshit with them. They are GREAT to have fun with but NOT to be taken serious. Anyhow, I would hit Periera, a large enough city, warmer then Manizales, more shit to do..then after you are done with that, step it up and go to BRAZIL..LOL (Yes, I am

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

Quote: (12-20-2010 01:17 PM)BrDr Wrote:  

Anyhow, I would hit Periera, a large enough city, warmer then Manizales, more shit to do..then after you are done with that, step it up and go to BRAZIL..LOL (Yes, I am

Well, again, Brazil is another beast, but has its own bullshit to deal with. Also, the way you look, depends on your success or failure in Brazil. If you look latino or are from a Spanish speaking country, your highest probability of success is in Northern Brazil, and the interior "states" where nobody speaks English. i.e Brasilia, Belo Horizonte, Pernambucana, and Manaus to name a few. Anyone who is, (or even looks) latino should avoid Rio and Sao Paolo - very racist and lots of haters against tan skin that is not Brazilian.

However, if you are black, avoid Northern Brazil, and head to Rio and Santa Catarina, and just about all of Southern Brazil and Sao Paulo.

If you are European with Blonde hair and blue/green eyes, then Sao Paulo/Santa Catarina, and just about any city would be good for you.

That's all fine and dandy, but Brazil has something in abundance I have never seen in Colombia: MALE COCKBLOCKERS! The brazilian men are relentless and ruthless in their ways of making sure you do not get laid - even if they do not know the girl you are sarging. That's another story.


Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

No doubt MIXX, Brazil is another animal. I just perfer it "all around". Colombia is cool, I enjoy it, but when it is time to leave I never have that feeling of "I wish I could stay longer"...

Quote: (12-20-2010 02:06 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2010 01:17 PM)BrDr Wrote:  

Anyhow, I would hit Periera, a large enough city, warmer then Manizales, more shit to do..then after you are done with that, step it up and go to BRAZIL..LOL (Yes, I am

Well, again, Brazil is another beast, but has its own bullshit to deal with. Also, the way you look, depends on your success or failure in Brazil. If you look latino or are from a Spanish speaking country, your highest probability of success is in Northern Brazil, and the interior "states" where nobody speaks English. i.e Brasilia, Belo Horizonte, Pernambucana, and Manaus to name a few. Anyone who is, (or even looks) latino should avoid Rio and Sao Paolo - very racist and lots of haters against tan skin that is not Brazilian.

However, if you are black, avoid Northern Brazil, and head to Rio and Santa Catarina, and just about all of Southern Brazil and Sao Paulo.

If you are European with Blonde hair and blue/green eyes, then Sao Paulo/Santa Catarina, and just about any city would be good for you.

That's all fine and dandy, but Brazil has something in abundance I have never seen in Colombia: MALE COCKBLOCKERS! The brazilian men are relentless and ruthless in their ways of making sure you do not get laid - even if they do not know the girl you are sarging. That's another story.


Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

where is best to head in Bogota for nightlife or daytime action? zona rosa and la candeleria or is that for suckers?

Yeah I spent many months in both Ecuador and Peru so i am aware of the you get bored wherever phenomenom of Sudamerica. Thanks for reminding me Mixx. For that reason big city (Bogota) might be my option.

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

compadre, you'd be surprised how many people in Brasilia, Belo Horizonte and other interior states speak English and pretty decently. It's just a matter of targetting the right crowd, ie the educated ones, not the empregada/favelada/puta/unemployed. And I'd add that if you're blond with blue eyes, Rio and the north would be an awesome place to go as you'd be treated like a rock star there. In the south, not so much as its full of tall blonde hair blue eyes guys there. Sure, you'd have fun there, but not as much as say in the interior in the 2nd and 3rd tier cities. In Manaus, even a paraplegic would get laid as the girls there have fogo no cu as they say in Brasil (fire in the ass LOL).

Yeah, male cock blockers can be an issue in some places, but as long as you have cool local guys that you are good friend with, you'd be fine. Oh and your level of portuguese is also important, specially if you're targetting, ironically the girls from a high social rank, despite them speaking good english, you speaking portuguese good enough to hold a conversation will show them and to their friends that you're not another joe shmuck sex tourist. And that will open doors and quite a few female legs a lot easier in Brasil. LOL All in all, it all depends on the type of crowd you're interacting with. If you want the most desirable women, then you'd need some solid contacts there, speak good lingo and be invited to parties/churrascarias and such. The women you'd meet this way are the type that'd make your jaws drop, both in terms of look and personality. And as a bonus, most of them will have their own car/money, so you wouldn't be dealing with a girl who sees you as a meal ticket.

The best way to overcome this prejudice against latino looking guys in Brasil is to make it clear as early as possible that you're american and doing so while speaking good portuguese to detach yourself from a 1-2 weeker sex tourist. I'm also latino looking (mediteranean) and in Brasil, I have local guy friends who whenever they are with me, and even more so whenever we are outside where there are other brasilians, regardless of them knowing these other brasileiros or not, they make sure to speak with me in English as way to show off that they know english. I know, it can sound juvenile, but you'd be surprised how many successful guys from the upper class do that. It never fails to crack me up each time I see this. So use those interactions to make it known right away to those around you that you're a a cool, educated and well travelled fun foreigner, by switching back and forth between English and Portuguese. Even better if you can throw in a 3rd or 4th of 5th language. Even chicks LOVE this type of "games" when they switch in different languages to basically show off to their friends/people around them their linguistic skills. LOL I've been seeing for a few years a great girl from Brasilia, from the A class, who speaks fluent English, German, French and good Spanish and italian. Whenever we are at a party, we basically switch back and forth in French, English, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish and she even teaches me or at least tries to, German. You'd be surprised how much interest from the other girls and guys at the party that little juvenile game can raise.

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

Quote: (12-20-2010 07:46 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

I've been seeing for a few years a great girl from Brasilia

Like I said, if you are latino looking (not brazilian looking), Brasilia is one of the best spots to hit!

Oh yeah, when I was in Brasilia, my hang-out crowd was the governor, mayor and local politicians as I was there on business (I am not a politician before anyone asks). However, their English is very limited, or the fact that I spoke excellent Portuguese allowed them to relax and they refused to speak English with me - which hurt me, more that it helped me in places like Rio/Sampa. Brasilia was cool. However, like you said, my success can be a result of the crowd I was with in Brasilia. I did not have the same contacts in Rio or Sampa.


Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

I'm also looking to do an extended stay in Colombia to study Spanish. I'm trying to decide between Medellin and Pereira. I can see advantages to each.

Medellin is a bigger city, I think it might have more to do. I've heard that there are girls in Medellin bars that specifically try to hook up with Gringos. On the other hand, there are so many gringos that I might not get much of an advantage,

With Pereira, I've heard the girls there are very beautiful and very friendly. I think I would be more of a novelty because they would be less used to foreigners. Also, it might be better for learning Spanish if there are less tourists there.

Do you guys think Medellin or Pereira would be better for meeting Colombian women?

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

cant go wrong wit either.

id stay a week in each place and see which one i liked the best and then make a decision.

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

Well, I'd like to do that, but all I will have is a month. I want to take 4 weeks of Spanish at the same school, so I have to pick before I enter the country.

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

Quote: (12-21-2010 07:46 AM)Celtic Wrote:  

Well, I'd like to do that, but all I will have is a month. I want to take 4 weeks of Spanish at the same school, so I have to pick before I enter the country.

Send a PM to Nacirema of this forum. He studied Spanish in Cali for about 2 months I think, and also went to Pereira. He can be a valuable resource for your questions.

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

after looking on youtube im pretty sure pereria is the better option.

also consider cali, baracumanga, and cuhuta (s?)

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

Just posted my report on Pereira in the forum:

I just posted in the forum my experiences in most of the cities I have been to!

Manizales, Pereira, Armenia

If the prevailing wisdom here is Colombia gets boring after 7 days, and it needs more touristy things to do .... Go To Medellin. If you want to be lost in a sea of hot young pussy, go to Bello to - it is HUGE and often overlooked in favor of a small, small area in el poblado. It takes TIME to find the right places and people, and maybe even a TALENT. If you are only trying to play "learn spanish" and get laid - how can you beat El Centro?!?!?!? I mean really!

All the other places get a LOT more dangerous and unpredictable.

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