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Wendy Davis

Wendy Davis

Not sure how closely everybody follows politics, but I thought this was interesting:

Wendy Davis first burst onto the scene, so to speak, last year when she successfully helped filibuster an anti-abortion bill in the Texas Senate. The bill was passed in another special session and currently has received challenges in the courts. It was always going to pass and get a court challenge, so although her filibuster helped temporarily kill it, ultimately it was more political theater and self-promotion than anything else.

It became a big media story, and national news outlets immediately harped on her personal rags to riches story of being a heroic single mother who raised two girls and rose from poverty to put herself through Harvard Law School. As a result she became very popular politically here in Texas and recently announced plans to run for the open Governor's seat in 2014 with Rick Perry voluntarily moving back to the private sector. Although she has plenty of money in the bank and a near-universal source of support with the left and moderates, Texas is a solid Republican state and Democrats have not won a single election for a statewide office since 1994. Given the current political climate overall, she was not expected to beat Republican nominee Greg Abbott anyway, who is the current Attorney General and has his own inspiring story of pursuing public office despite being paralyzed from the waist down in an accident. Still, it wasn't out of the realm of possibility for her to end that 20-year drought, and even if she didn't, this would raise her profile even more. If she didn't get to be Governor, she could run for Lt Gov next time around, or get a gig on MSNBC.

The mythology of Wendy Davis went uncritically examined by the media. So how does a 19 year kid that makes the brilliant decision to get involved with some loser and then procreate with him rise all the way to Harvard Law School Grad, Texas Senator and Democratic nominee for governor? Easy...find a beta sugar daddy to wife you up, have him pay your college tuition, have another kid with him, then when you want to go to law school, have him pay for Harvard ( and 3 years away from the inconvenience of raising kids at home) when there's an accredited law school in your home city of Ft. Worth. Start having an affair. When the final student loan payment for Harvard is posted, file for divorce. Agree to pay child support so she doesn't have to deal with the inconvenience of raising kids.

Now, usually, I feel like a politician's private life is really no concern as long as he's not diddling kids or stealing from the public coffers. I've voted for politicians who I did not approve of as human beings because I thought they were the lesser of evils when it came to what they would do in office. And I have to say, I really admire her hustle. That is some quality grifting action right there. But when the whole reason you're famous to begin with is based on a huge lie, that you rode some Disney story to fame and it turns out that Disney story is pure know with Bill Clinton, devoted father and husband was NEVER a part of his public narrative. I'm not saying what she did makes her Hitler or unqualified for office, but it bothers me that people can build up their own mythology like this and it goes unexamined by the media because she's a darling of the cultural left.

Wendy Davis

While I don't think Wendy Davis will win, I do think she points to a more ominous sign for Republicans in Texas. Texas is not as solidly red as some would have you believe. Hell, it is not even among the top ten reddest states in the USA: At some point, probably around 2024, it will even start to be competitive for Democrats again.

As for her life story, of course the mainstream media is going to cover up any unsavory details. That is what they do for politicians that toe the Dem party line.

Wendy Davis

Quote: (01-20-2014 01:43 AM)The Texas Prophet Wrote:  

While I don't think Wendy Davis will win, I do think she points to a more ominous sign for Republicans in Texas. Texas is not as solidly red as some would have you believe. Hell, it is not even among the top ten reddest states in the USA: At some point, probably around 2024, it will even start to be competitive for Democrats again.

As for her life story, of course the mainstream media is going to cover up any unsavory details. That is what they do for politicians that toe the Dem party line.

Wendy Davis isn't going to win because she's more popular in California and New York than she is in Texas. I don't know when Texas will go purple but it won't be for another 15 years at least. Republicans start with a baseline lead of 300,000 votes in every statewide race.

Wendy Davis

Here's something else interesting that I found out. When she first ran for City Council in her hometown of Ft. Worth in 1996, she lost and then sued the Ft. Worth Star Telegram for libel and slander because they had the temerity to criticize her in an op-ed for running a negative campaign in a city council race. Despite her suit being completely without merit, she kept appealing all the way to the Texas Supreme Court, which declined to hear the case. Apparently if you hurt a feminist's feelings, that counts as libel and slander:

I would hate fuck her, though. She's not bad for her age (50) at all:

[Image: wendydavisad-screen.jpg]

Wendy Davis

Check this out fellas. Wendy Davis has been endorsed by a seeking arrangement site. See link above. They recognize one of their ilk when they see it.

Wendy Davis

[Image: Gusze86.png]

Wendy Davis

Ex-husband didn't just pay for school:

[Image: wendy-davis-harvard-picture.jpg]

[Image: wendy_davis_2010.jpg]

Wendy Davis

My guess is Wendy today is no longer a "sugar baby" (too old and she makes decent money as an attorney), so I don't get the seeking arrangement endorsement.

She has cougar written all over her. [Image: lol.gif]

[Image: cougar-town.jpg]

Wendy Davis

As I said on another blog, she's not some kind of modern-day feminist heroine.

She's the modern-day equivalent of John Lennon's mother, a woman who dumped her kids with someone to pursue what she wanted. Irresponsible parenting isn't new....or liberated. She'd better hope none of those kids picks up a guitar and writes a song like "Mother" or her career is over.

Wendy Davis

Quote: (01-26-2014 07:36 AM)The Texas Prophet Wrote:  

My guess is Wendy today is no longer a "sugar baby" (too old and she makes decent money as an attorney), so I don't get the seeking arrangement endorsement.

She has cougar written all over her. [Image: lol.gif]

The endorsement is obviously a publicity stunt by the website. She was never really a sugar baby. She didn't even live with her sucker of a husband while she attended law school on his dime. This means Wendy Davis offered even less to her sucker husband than a sugar baby does.

Wendy Davis

"Wendy, Wendy what went wrong?
You took my cash and said 'so long'
I never thought a guy could cry
Till you took my cash and said goodbye
Oh Wendy, Wendy left me alone

Wendy Wendy don't lose your head
Don't go to school and leave the kids for dead..."


Everyone here should read up on drummer Dennis Wilson, ultimate alpha male.


Wendy Davis

^^ That is funny! I changed my rep point for Days of Broken Arrows to reference that.

Davis' opponent, Greg Abbott, should start running commercials with a cover of that song using your lyrics. It would get headlines and make her a laughingstock, which is what she deserves.

Wendy Davis

Check it out; somebody got on tape some Wendy Davis supporters (1) mocking her opponent for being in a wheelchair and (2) turning a blind eye to absentee-ballot voter fraud.

Video on Wendy Davis

Wendy Davis

Her opponent in the Governor's race, Greg Abbott, is paralyzed from the waist down and confined to a wheelchair from an accident he suffered years ago. She blamed Abbott's campaign for the negative media coverage this week and accused his people of leaking the story to reporters. She said that Greg Abbott doesn't know struggle and "hasn't walked a mile in her shoes." She really said that.

Wendy Davis

Quote: (01-21-2014 12:03 PM)DetlefMourning Wrote:  

[Image: wendydavisad-screen.jpg]


Wendy Davis

Wendy Davis is an example of classic overreach. The Dems and the left are in the position that the right was in circa 2004-2006: fresh off of nonstop electoral victories, they're starting to believe their own bullshit. All the triumphalism about how the GOP is now a permanent minority party, how Latinos and minorities will ensure a permanent Democratic majority, how the Republicans need to "moderate" their message to appeal to the "vibrant" voters of tomorrow... it's no different from the Republican triumphalism when Bush got reelected. And it's that arrogance that led to the GOP's downfall.

Wendy Davis is dead in the water. Everyone with a brain knows this. A pro-choice liberal feminist has no chance in a place like Texas. But the true believers are going to push for her campaign anyway because of her ideological purity, nevermind that her ideology is rancid to the majority of the voters in her state. It's no different then when the national GOP started pushing pro-life candidates in states like New York and Massachusetts where even moderate Republicans have a hard time winning office.

Prediction: Davis will bury her primary opponents due to all her out-of-state money, then lose the general election in a landslide. This will probably coincide with the Republicans taking back the Senate; all of the Democrats' chickens are coming home to roost. The true believers will blame this on the fact that their leaders weren't "pure" enough, a mentality that will cripple the Dems at least until 2018 (regardless of who becomes president in 2016).

Granted, none of this shit actually matters in the end: it's all theater. Country's not going to improve just because the jackals in Washington have an "R" next to their names. But I'm just putting it out there.

Wendy Davis

I am curious to see how well she fares in the election. Texas is solidly red and the math just isn't there for her to win. But she did win election to the State Senate in a district that leans Republican, so she has some appeal beyond her Democratic base. Even though Texas is red, all of the major cities besides Fort Worth are blue. Obama won Dallas, Austin, San Antonio and Houston both times. It's just rural small towns in Texas that are overwhelmingly Republican. It says something that she was able to win a seat as a Democrat in Fort Worth. I think she will lose to Abbott but it will be in single digits.

What's funny is that she's now defined by the abortion issue in a state where social conservatism still holds a lot of sway. I don't think the issue even means that much to her, she just saw it as a way to increase her profile and launch a brand. Before the filibuster she was generally considered even by Republicans to be a formidable legislator, somebody who did her homework and was prepared and introduced serious, meaningful legislation. Interesting that she chose to run on her BS hero origin story and not her pre-filibuster reputation as a serious lawmaker.

Wendy Davis

Politico has a truly hilarious defense of Wendy Davis out today. You can read it here.

The author, Liza Mundy, feebly tries to paint the self-sacrificing husband who raised two kids for Wendy while paying for her law school as some kind of opportunist who was "investing" in her, so that he could get a payoff. Yes, Wendy is a victim! The following paragraph deserves a place among the hamster's all time greatest hits:


While she has been portrayed as the materialistic beneficiary of a duped husband, let me offer another plausible interpretation: At some point Jeff Davis astutely realized he had married a woman who aimed to do more than answer phones and serve salads. He saw that it would be not just in her interest, but his, if he facilitated her advance. He helped her go to law school not only out of the goodness of his heart but because he was betting on her economic prospects, as women have long bet on the prospects of men. How many hundreds of thousands of American women worked to put a husband through law or med school? Did we criticize the men who benefited? Jeff Davis did for his spouse what wives have long done for husbands: He invested in her—their—future.

Got that? And what did Jeff Davis get for his "investment"? He got dumped and ended up supporting and raising the kids without Wendy.

Wendy Davis

It just keeps getting better.

According to this article, Wendy did not even lose custody of one of her two kids to Jeff Davis. That kid (which was from a previous marriage) "elected to stay with him."

Wendy was such a bad, absent mother that her own kid preferred to stay with an adopted, non-biological father, rather than live with her. Ouch.

Wendy has got to be the greatest example of female evil ever.

When is ROK going to do an article on her?

Wendy Davis

I don't want to get into a whole political argument since I'm probably one of the few liberal (I consider myself a JFK Democrat) people around here (I also don't harbor any ill will towards people who hold opposing views), but I agree, this whole defense of Wendy Davis is absurd.

I don't care if she was 19 or 21 when she was divorced. To me that is not a deal breaker, I think it's more a technical discrepancy. But in reading left leaning sites they defend her entire bunch of BS as if she did nothing wrong. She tried to portray herself as a struggling single mother, which is an outright lie. She found a rich guy to pay for her schooling. To not even give her some criticism for 1) Lying about her background and 2) Doing something immoral is ridiculous and called blind allegiance. Unfortunately too many women and feminized men will defend anything a woman does no matter what.

I hope she loses and loses big.

Wendy Davis

Quote: (01-26-2014 10:36 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Everyone here should read up on drummer Dennis Wilson, ultimate alpha male.

These songs are a bit before me, but I always preferred this California bands Wendy, although, it was spelled Windy.

My Dad had videos on reel-to-reel and this recording was on it. Used to have a crush on the blonde when I was a kid.

One of my favorite Dennis Wilson stories was how he just up and left his house to Charles Manson. He let Manson stay, banged all his followers. Got crabs, sick of them and instead of asking them to leave just took off.

Wendy Davis

Quote:Ann Coulter Wrote:

The Heroism of Wendy Davis

Wendy Davis, the Texas state senator running for governor, became a liberal superhero last June when she filibustered a bill to prohibit abortions after 20 weeks. (This was the good filibuster, not that awful filibuster three months later by Ted Cruz -- that was just grandstanding.)

Apart from her enthusiasm for abortion (and you have to admit, abortion is really cool), the centerpiece of Davis' campaign is her life story. Also the fact that she's a progressive woman who doesn't look like Betty Friedan.

In a typical formulation, Time magazine said Davis was someone who could give the Democrats "'real people' credibility," based on "her own personal story -- an absent father, a sixth-grade-educated mother, a teen pregnancy, followed by life as a single mom in a mobile home, then community college and, at last, Harvard Law School."

The headlines capture the essence of Wendy-mania:

CNN: Wendy Davis: From Teen Mom to Harvard Law to Famous Filibuster

Bloomberg: Texas Filibuster Star Rose From Teen Mom to Harvard Law

The Independent (UK): Wendy Davis: Single Mother From Trailer Park Who Has Become Heroine of Pro-Choice Movement

Cosmopolitan: Find a Sugar Daddy to Put You Through Law School!

Actually, that last one I made up, but as we now know, it's more accurate than Davis' rags-to-riches life story.

The truth was gently revealed in the Dallas Morning News this week. Far from an attack, this was a puff-piece written by Wayne Slater, rabid partisan Democratic hack and co-author of the book, "Bush's Brain." (He is not an admirer of Bush's brain.) It would be like Sean Hannity breaking a scandal about Ted Cruz.

The first hint that Slater was trying to help Davis get ahead of the story and tilt it her way is his comment that Davis' life story is "more complicated" than her version -- i.e., completely the opposite -- adding, "as often happens when public figures aim to define themselves."

Actually, the truth is much simpler than her story. Also, be sure to look for that "as often happens" excuse the next time a Republican gets caught lying about his resume.

Slater's peculiar obsession with whether Davis was 19 or 21 when she got her first divorce, and exactly how long she lived in a trailer home, is meant to deflect attention from something much more problematic: the huge whoppers Davis told.

Her big lies were about the obstacles she had to overcome and how she overcame them, not about how old she was at the time of her first divorce.

She claims she was raised by a single mother, went to work at age 14 to support her family, became a single mother herself in her teens, and then -- by sheer pluck and determination -- pulled herself out of the trailer park to graduate from Harvard Law School!

The truth is less coal-miner's daughter than gold-digger who found a sugar daddy to raise her kids and pay for her education.

Point No. 1: Davis' family wasn't working-class. Her father owned a sandwich shop and a dinner theater, which puts Davis solidly into middle-class land.

Point No. 2: No one who works at MSNBC would know this, but everyone whose parents run a family business starts work at age 14, if not sooner.

Point No. 3: Her parents were separated, but that is not the commonly accepted meaning of "single mother."

Point No. 4: As for being a single mother at age 19 -- she wasn't a "single mother" in the traditional sense, either. She was married at age 18, had a child at 19 and divorced her first husband, a construction worker, at 21. (He couldn't afford tuition at Harvard.)

So she got married young? That isn't a hard-luck story. Well into the 1950s, nearly half of all first-born children were born to married women under the age of 20.

But Wendy Davis' harrowing nightmare of poverty and sacrifice wasn't over yet.

Just a few years after her first divorce, Wendy was on the make, asking to date Jeff Davis, a rich lawyer 13 years her senior, who frequented her father's dinner club. In short order, they married and had a child together.

The next thing Jeff Davis knew, he was paying off her college tuition, raising their kids by himself and taking out a loan to send her to Harvard Law School.

(Feminists rushed to the stores to buy the shoes Davis wore during her famous filibuster. I'd like the shoes she was wearing when she met her sugar daddy.)

Then Wendy left her kids with the sugar daddy in Texas -- even the daughter from her first marriage -- while she attended Harvard Law.

Slater says Davis' kids lived with Jeff Davis in Texas while she attended law school. Wendy Davis claims her girls lived with her during her first year of law school. Let's say that's true. Why not the other two years? And what was the matter with the University of Texas Law School?

Sorry, MSNBC, I know you want to fixate on how many months Davis spent in the trailer park and her precise age when the first divorce went through. And that would be an incredibly stupid thing for conservatives to obsess on, if they were, in fact, obsessing on it. But I'm still stuck on her leaving her kids behind while she headed off to a law school 1,500 miles away.

The reason Wendy Davis' apocryphal story was impressive is that single mothers have to run a household, take care of kids and provide for a family all by themselves. But Wendy was neither supporting her kids, nor raising them. If someone else is taking care of your kids and paying your tuition, that's not amazing.

Hey -- maybe Jeff Davis should run for governor! He's the one who raised two kids, including a stepdaughter, while holding down a job and paying for his wife's law school. There's a hard-luck story!

Mr. Davis told the Dallas Morning News that Wendy dumped him as soon as he had finished paying off her Harvard Law School loan. "It was ironic," he said. "I made the last payment, and it was the next day she left."

In his defense, a lot of people are confused about the meaning of "ironic." That's not "ironic." Rather, it's what we call: "entirely predictable."

It's ironic -- my car stopped running right after I ran out of gas.

It's ironic -- my house was broken into, and the next thing I knew all my valuables were missing.

It's ironic -- I was punched in the face right before my nose broke.

In his petition for divorce, Mr. Davis accused his wife of adultery. The court made no finding on infidelity, but awarded him full custody of their underage child and ordered Wendy to pay child support.

Wendy boasted to the Dallas Morning News: "I very willingly, as part of my divorce settlement, paid child support." Would a divorced dad get a medal for saying that?

In response to Wayne Slater's faux-"expose," naturally Davis put out a statement denouncing ... her probable Republican opponent, Greg Abbott. Again, Slater wrote the story. But Davis blathered on, blaming Abbott for the Dallas Morning News story and complaining that he hasn't "walked a day in my shoes."

About that she's certainly right. Greg Abbott could never walk a day in her shoes or anyone else's. He's a paraplegic confined to a wheelchair.

I guess Wendy could teach him a lot about suffering.

Davis also said these attacks "won't work, because my story is the story of millions of Texas women ..." Yes, for example, Anna Nicole Smith. Though at least Smith had the decency not to ask for a paid education.

Wendy Davis

The fucking Wendy Davis filibuster has blown up out of control. She's smart I'll give her that, because you know what she did? She just copied the strategy of a smart man, that of Rand Paul, who first brought back the "real" filibuster. I thought to me-self, why did that not get as much continued attention as Wendy's bullshit, even though the drones and NSA issue really matters. That's because it really matters, and we don't want attention to that. This is classic distraction to make some bullshit an important issue. Once the NSA, with the help off the drones, has turned us into a true Big Brother state, fuck abortion Wendy, your feminists won't have the freedom to have sex.

Also, though I doubt still that she will win, imagine the USA post 2016, with Wendy and Hillary pleasuring each other with nuclear missile shaped dildos. I hope to be out of the country if that ever happens.

You don't get there till you get there

Wendy Davis

Just when you think no person could be worse than Wendy Davis, she increases here already insurmountable lead as Most Evil Woman Ever. Not only did Wendy suck her husband dry as he paid for her Ivy League law school tuition, she then divorced him and--get this--took half of the value of his company from him. It's reported here.

I'm sure that she feels no shame. No wonder her ex-husband dished to the press about her.

Wendy Davis

Quote: (01-29-2014 11:21 PM)Glock Wrote:  

Just when you think no person could be worse than Wendy Davis, she increases here already insurmountable lead as Most Evil Woman Ever. Not only did Wendy suck her husband dry as he paid for her Ivy League law school tuition, she then divorced him and--get this--took half of the value of his company from him. It's reported here.

I'm sure that she feels no shame. No wonder her ex-husband dished to the press about her.

A girl I went to school with (classic cute/fit girl that has gained some weight and become a feminist after college ) posted the following about why she loves dear old Wendy so much:

Classic pathos using her daughters to sway the opinion of dumb young girls in Texas. I really want to feel sorry for chicks who really have so much potential to be pretty, and relationship worthy, if only they'd drop this idiotic hostility

You don't get there till you get there

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