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Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

I wouldn't have stayed and talked to her. From the video it seemed as if he thought she was joking and it was an act. In reality the chick was nuts.

I don't mind the opener, I'm not much of a direct guy myself but it does work if the girl is attracted to you and giving you signals.

I watched a few of his videos, and in the captions he writes something like 'girl made eye contact a few times before I approached.' In that case, it's ok because the girl is giving the go ahead for you to approach. I've tried being direct when my gut told me the girl was into me, when it works it works pretty well.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Quote: (01-17-2014 05:24 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

They both seem weird. I would have walked away as soon as she refused to tell me her name and said, "All right, have a good one."

Absolutely no reason to remain in the presence of a toxic cunt like this for even a second longer than necessary.

With his camera he could sense a meltdown or at least golden material to be used. Most likely we he didn't bail as most would.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Strange video. Everything felt a couple of beats too slow, but it didn't really seem staged either. It's as if both the dude and the whale separately took generous doses of an IQ-lowering drug before the shoot and came out into the snowy and sleepy LA day to fulfill their borderline retarded missions.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

GLL revealed recently that he's got a chick now, so he's running basic guy game just for his audience of newbs, he has older videos where he's going HAM and pulling left and right. I think he sensed this would be good material for his site and that's why he stayed in the interaction, not that he was actually trying to pull this chick.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Wait, this is Starbucks. The whale had no problem giving her name to the Starbucks barista but acted like it was the last drop of water on earth when approached and asked.

[Image: seriously.gif]

Notice the giant cross necklace at the end, one of those hyper Christian hamster sluts.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Quote: (01-18-2014 12:58 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

This comes off as scripted.

But if it's not, his opener is awful: "I know it's a little random but I found you attractive and I wanted to come say hi to you."

When you make an approach an out-and-out obvious "approach," you set yourself up to fail because you make what should be implicit explicit. You know how we complain that feminist college types want every "escalation" to have verbal consent? And how that sucks the mystery and romance out of things? That's what this approach does.

Try having a conversation or asking for a favor and letting it build from there. In all seriousness, "I feel sick -- do you have any Alka-Seltzer?" would have honestly been a better opener.

It's just the direct v indirect argument really. This dude has got quite a lot of videos up and does both.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Quote: (01-18-2014 12:58 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

This comes off as scripted.

But if it's not, his opener is awful: "I know it's a little random but I found you attractive and I wanted to come say hi to you."

When you make an approach an out-and-out obvious "approach," you set yourself up to fail because you make what should be implicit explicit. You know how we complain that feminist college types want every "escalation" to have verbal consent? And how that sucks the mystery and romance out of things? That's what this approach does.

Try having a conversation or asking for a favor and letting it build from there. In all seriousness, "I feel sick -- do you have any Alka-Seltzer?" would have honestly been a better opener.

this is the guy from (not just a pickup site by any means!). He's done quite a few videos on this approach and it actually seems to work pretty well for him, as he's a good-looking guy and pretty built.

He just approaches women randomly, tells them he thought they were cute, and after some meaningless convo asks them to on a "spontaneous" date with him later that night. A lot of them take him up on it. Those that don't often make another plan for later. If they deny, he's not too concerned about it and politely excuses himself. Great time-saver.

He's just going direct. Direct is a great way to go if you have an attractive appearance, and it cuts out a lot of the bullshit. Unattractive guys should avoid it for sure.

Honestly, while he's an intelligent guy judging by his writing, he often does come across as one-dimensional and lethargic in his videos (at least the ones I've seen). But the confidence pulls him through. It doesn't seem to hurt his game too much, but I've always sensed that gaming women with a lot of banter is probably not the best way for a personality like him to take things.

Play to your strengths.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Three red flags:

1. The HUGE cross.
2. Fat
3. Attitude on initial open

I would have ejected the first instance of getting snark. Not worth attitude in my opinion. Direct is great, but she needs more indirect casual convo to open up. Regardless i wouldn't attempt this with a whale like that.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Quote: (01-17-2014 12:11 PM)jariel Wrote:  

This bitch is delusional.

But, once she even gave me an ounce of attitude, I would eject. No reason to waste your time with negative vibes, there are plenty of attractive women who are genuinely nice, no need to put up with these crab apple bitches.

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Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

In review, I concur with others, definitely lousy game... That said, I'm not sure I would necessarily be able to do any better than this guy did with such a crazy woman.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

I would have just left after looking embarrassed for disturbing those around me

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Is this common in California? This is pretty much non-existant in (white society) Mississippi, even though we have our fair share of whores.

Blair Naso publishes on ROK every Thirsty Thursday. Send him mail, read his articles, and buy his literary anthology.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Quote: (01-27-2015 12:21 AM)blairnaso Wrote:  

Is this common in California? This is pretty much non-existant in (white society) Mississippi, even though we have our fair share of whores.

As a cali native it depends on where you go but yes, more common here. It's like the most left wing state.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

"Do you even smoke cigarettes? You're just holding it."


His game wasn't terrible, but it was a little too straightforward. Still, it at least shows assertiveness, which is always a plus. Nevertheless, she would have flipped shit regardless of what he said, so it's a moot point.

I wait a few sentences in before asking names. Just start off with something mundane like the weather or a book, as though I just happened to be next to her and talk to strangers all the time. Then 20 seconds in, I introduce myself, which naturally leads her to offer her name. Then a few sentences later, I ask if I can sit down.

Blair Naso publishes on ROK every Thirsty Thursday. Send him mail, read his articles, and buy his literary anthology.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute." - John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

"You're just asking me my name? You don't even know me!"

WTF? This is something a real person says? I think I learned when I was 3 years old to introduce myself by giving my name.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Probably one of his videos just showing how direct and even bad game can work. He's just trying to show that just approaching girls at all is good and that rejections aren't that bad. Of course in this case the blob decided to get feisty. Assuming I was in the same situation, I would have torn her a new one far better than she was poorly trying to do to him, or more likely I would have just started laughing in her face and walked off.

Bitches be crazy.

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
Thomas Jefferson

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