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Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

I'm not from the US but I hear nothing but funny stuff about this "fitness temple". Cupcake and Pizza day?! Now they removed squat racks. One Youtuber goes berserk. I love watching his videos.


Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

Planet fitness seems to be that gym for people who don't want to go to the gym.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

Don't intimidate the fatties by actually exerting yourself.

[Image: planet-fitness-chain-opened-a-new-locati...50a567.jpg]

[Image: lunk-alarm-640x250.jpg]

"Judgment-free" in the same way that leftists are "tolerant".

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

^^ Most gyms make their bank of those type, Planet Fitness made a whole business model out of it.

America's litigation culture perpetuates this problem as many gym franchise owners don't want to face legal action if somebody injures themselves in the rack or with the bar. Machines are safer and bring in more revenue so gyms gravitate to those.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

Quote: (01-09-2014 10:01 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

Planet fitness seems to be that gym for people who don't want to go to the gym.

Its a gym for people who want to just be able to say "I go to the gym", its like a karate dojo selling black belts.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

When did they ever have squat racks? I actually go to Planet Fitness right now because it's the only gym in my area that doesn't require a contract. They've only had smith machine since they opened. I've seen other stuff on the internet commenting on them not having free weights also.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

I used to go to a Planet Fitness that was owned by Mike Katz (he appeared in Pumping Iron with Arnold). Oh how the mighty have fallen.

I bet they'll make people too fit stop coming in because of the silent fat shaming they inflict on of their other dirigible-sized clientele.

The Peru Thread
"Feminists exist in a quantum super-state in which they are both simultaneously the victim and the aggressor." - Milo Yiannopoulos

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

The other day I posted a rant about some chick using the squat rack - she didn't need it - she could have done any of those exercises in other parts of the gym. I got a few likes but realized I was just being a bitch for not getting to the gym earlier and therefore wouldn't have had to wait. So I deleted it.

I love the squat rack.

Today I say a beta taking a selfie in the weight area - I wanted to grab a pic of him but I was too slow. I kept thinking he'll be done soon. Had I just acted, I would have got a pic - he took at least 30 seconds to try and find the right angle.

Ahhh people today.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

I am also going to planet fitness right now, at least until I move in 2 months. I see guys there who are huge from time to time, and I wonder how the hell they work out successfully. I refuse to do squats on the smith machine, and I'm starting to max out their leg press machine with one leg at a time since it's completely horizontal. I'm starting to think the big guys work out somewhere else and come here to pick up the big girls packed into the treadmill area like cows in a pen. Their lunk alarm is ridiculous. It goes off any time someone racks weights or breathes too loudly. Not to mention it's January, and every time I come here, I worry that I will be drawn past the event horizon of one of the new members.

Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

I wrote a story about my quixotic quest to find a standard 45 pound bar and plates at Planet Fitness a year ago. Deadlifting has been banned there for a while. I saw one Lesbian sneaking a set of deads with a pair of 60 lb. dumbbells, the heaviest they have. She was looking around like Amon Goeth might snipe her at any minute. Her eyes met mine. I was near the lunk alarm. She panicked briefly. But I furrowed my brow and nodded in solidarity.

She's probably in a purple and yellow gulag by now.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

Quote: (01-09-2014 12:33 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  

I wrote a story about my quixotic quest to find a standard 45 pound bar and plates at Planet Fitness a year ago. Deadlifting has been banned there for a while. I saw one Lesbian sneaking a set of deads with a pair of 60 lb. dumbbells, the heaviest they have. She was looking around like Amon Goeth might snipe her at any minute. Her eyes met mine. I was near the lunk alarm. She panicked briefly. But I furrowed my brow and nodded in solidarity.

She's probably in a purple and yellow gulag by now.

Deadlifts and squats are the two moves that massively help me out.

Planet Fitness caters to the treadmill wimps who are skinny fat.

Machines suck.

Free weights for life.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

I had no idea the lunk alarm existed. I thought it was just typos. But googled it and found this. The ending is funny.


Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

All I hit is weight, and I'd be pissed if I couldn't do deadlifts or squats.
I'm at 24 hour Fitness, and couldn't be happier. Most clubs have towel service, I get access to any 24 gym I want in the nation and there's a snack and supplement store if I ever need it. I wish the monthly price was lower, but w/e .

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

Quote: (01-09-2014 12:33 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  

I wrote a story about my quixotic quest to find a standard 45 pound bar and plates at Planet Fitness a year ago. Deadlifting has been banned there for a while. I saw one Lesbian sneaking a set of deads with a pair of 60 lb. dumbbells, the heaviest they have. She was looking around like Amon Goeth might snipe her at any minute. Her eyes met mine. I was near the lunk alarm. She panicked briefly. But I furrowed my brow and nodded in solidarity.

She's probably in a purple and yellow gulag by now.

[Image: laugh4.gif]
I'm crying.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

So, PF is where Lindy West go to sit on the bike doing nothing and think about her next easse "How Bikes stationary bike are making me FEEL suicidal."

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

I was recently looking for a new gym as I've just moved to a new city. My mother had told me about a place called Planet Fitness that she sees on her drive home from work and they charge $10 a month. I'd never heard of Planet Fitness before but figured I'd check it out. So I go down there to take a look and the place was like 70% cardio equipment. I was looking around for actual weights and couldn't find any. I went to the front desk and asked where the weight area is with a squat rack and he told me they don't carry that here. I walked right the hell out. They also have other amenities like tanning rooms and these beds you lay in that massage you with water jets.

I just signed up for a Gold's Gym that opened a few weeks ago that's much closer. That one is only $10 a month and has real equipment.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

I have a couple of gym memberships, and Planet Fitness is one of them because its 24 hours so I don't have to work around a gym's closing hours. Also, I don't mind having the gym to myself at certain hours and for $10 a month its pretty much free for me. They have nice flat screens so sometimes I'll go there to do cardio and watch an NBA game instead of sitting at home, eating a snack and watching the game.

I'm actually more interested in crossfit training, swimming and mma training so I don't spend a lot of time in any conventional gym trying to lift heavy.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

Quote: (01-11-2014 12:26 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Laughed out loud, that was funny. "Are you for real?! Fuck you, bitch!"

But why the fuck do men go to a Planet Fitness. I don't live remotely near the US and even for me that's common knowledge.

You want Good Equipment: Barbells, dumbbells, pull-up platforms and the like.

But just as importantly, you want Good People: Do they come to train? Or to eat free muffins? You are affected by your fellow gym people. If you have this lazy piece of shit next to you, you'll be less motivated than when you're surrounded by people that mean business.

And in addition, you'll be less likely to want to start throwing chairs.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

Can you blame them, though? It's a real solid business model: cater to the egos of an ever-growing number of obese snowflakes, at the expense of all the guys who would use their membership to its fullest (i.e. the least profitable customers).

Hell, when your customer base is 95% land-whales, you can probably oversubscribe by about 10-20x as well. It's not exactly likely many of their members will go the gym 5 days a week for a full year. Most of them will probably go 5 days out of the first week, 2 days the next week, then once a month at best from then on.

Quote: (02-26-2015 01:57 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  
They were given immense wealth, great authority, and strong clans at their backs.


Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

Is Planet Fitness just $10 a month? And they are open 24 hours?

Shit - the last gym I was a member of was about $50 a month - and they closed at 10pm.

How can Planet Fitness afford to be so cheap? Is it because it is a volume business model based on lots of members who rarely turn up?

Also - is Planet Fitness operating in the UK? I am curious because I think they have hit on a business model which would be much more effective than the ones we have here in the UK.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

Quote: (01-11-2014 09:16 AM)cardguy Wrote:  

Is it because it is a volume business model based on lots of members who rarely turn up?

I think all gyms bank on what you described above, especially with the new years resolutionists. Planet Fitness is a no frills gym so it doesn't offer things like yoga and cardio classes, which may be one way they save on expenses.

The membership isn't as high as some other chains because of the reservations that some people have expressed in this thread, which translates into a cleaner gym, less broken equipment, less lockers broken into, cleaner locker room and shower area, less crowded, etc. for comparably priced gyms.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

Quote: (01-11-2014 09:16 AM)cardguy Wrote:  

Is Planet Fitness just $10 a month? And they are open 24 hours?

Shit - the last gym I was a member of was about $50 a month - and they closed at 10pm.

How can Planet Fitness afford to be so cheap? Is it because it is a volume business model based on lots of members who rarely turn up?

Seems like it. If you're paying $50 a month, much more in big cities, for a membership that you never use, sooner or later you'll get rid of it. $10 a month automatically billed to a credit card however, most people wouldn't even notice it.

Also, I didn't realize that they have an actual alarm. That could be the gayest thing that I've ever seen. Actually, that's inaccurate because gay guys tend to be in shape. So, that could be the most Jezebel-est thing that I've ever seen.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

I go to a private gym that's old school power lifting and bodybuilding.

Fat people and wimps would actually get kicked out.

There's a Planet Fitness type place nearby, it's all treadmills and dumbbells.

My gym is closing down by the end of the year because its become too expensive. Insurance plus heir actual "members must give 100%" rule have alienated all the fatties and dorks.

Meanwhile the lousy chain gym with its treadmills and no weights is flourishing.

Funny rant about Planet Fitness - removing squat racks

Typical Planet Fitness member:

I have to admit though, their commercials are hilarious as they are pathetic. They know their audience very well:

Great Planet Fitness trolling [Image: lol.gif] :

This is the only gym that gives its members free pizza, bagels and cupcakes.

[Image: mindblown.gif]

They have to be trolling the fitness world. They have to be...

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