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[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?


I've read a few threads here on rolling solo, and also Roosh's blog post on the subject. I learned quite a bit. One thing that I don't have down is that I feel somewhat awkward when I walk into a bar or club alone.

Roosh's article talked about the importance of finding a spot. The issue with the bars here is that they are crowded as fuck! Most of the bars are all in the same street, and on Fridays/Saturdays, they're full.

I prefer to roll solo as I don't have many red pill friends here. A few are some shades of purple, but not enough red, and they don't want to get laid as much as I do. Different mindsets as well. So, they would be more of a hindrance than help.

For e.g, tonight, I was out alone. I walked up and down the street with the bars. I opened two guys, they're reluctant to speak to me at first, and I begrudgingly go to a bar with them. They're decent guys, but I have a very limited time window. I don't have a bicycle and the last bus home is at 11 45. So, I leave.

At this point, a 2-set I approached didn't respond at all. I'm walking towards a bar. A girl stops me and asks something about drinks. I'm thinking she has a bottle and wants to share...turns out she wants me, a complete stranger, to pay for her drinks. Later on, I find out she and her friends are bridesmaids and it looks like they're throwing a bachelorette party. They're pretty snotty, and quite plain, so I don't give a fuck about them.

I walk into a bar, go up and down; I don't know what to do. I had spotted some girls smoking outside. I go back, say hello. They don't speak much English, but all 3 are receptive to me. Conveniently, it was the hotter two who showed more interest. They say they're going inside. So, I say "alright...c'mere give me a kiss...yeah both of you!" So, the slightly uglier but seemingly more fun one jumps up to kiss me on the cheek enthusiastically, and the other one turns in for a kiss as well, and I go for the lips. Both her and her friend are surprised, but smiling. A lady who was next to us lets out a surprised look. I left, and came back after a while, and things didn't really go anywhere, so I left again.

I also opened two other 2 sets and had some fun banter, but nothing else. The girls in the last set seemed quite into me, and one suggested I go to X club with them. If I had gone, I would've missed my bus.

So, I think I can definitely open without any problems. Same with hooking. But closing is a big issue. I never know how long I should be talking or how I know if she's so into me that she'll be DTF. I get the impression that if things are going fine, the usual way is spending **at least an hour** with the girl in question. But I get quite impatient after less than half an hour. It's like "I wanna get laid man! ...yesterday..."

Briefly: I feel a bit awkward when I go to clubs/bars alone and don't really know where to find a "spot". And I'm too impatient!

Anyway, thanks.

[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

Everyone gets like that

This is really good advice:


[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

XXL gave me some great advice and that is if you get like that, just work on being social in general and talk with guys, too. Eventually you should find yourself in a fun conversation and just be enjoying yourself. If you can do this in a good spot near the bar (as Roosh suggests in his book) there's a good chance the girls will bump into you instead of you having to walk around approaching.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

It looks like your transport is your biggest cockblocker here. I can't image that I was gaming a hot chick and in the back mind I was constrantly like "okay, two more minutes and I have to go to catch a bus".
If there's no way to go home in the middle of the night, just stay out until the first bus in the morning. You could have gone to that club X and time would swing by.


But I get quite impatient after less than half an hour. It's like "I wanna get laid man! ...yesterday..."
Maybe this is connected to your "I have to go soon" because you know your time is very limited.

[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

Quote: (11-23-2013 06:55 PM)Frank Wrote:  

I walk into a bar, go up and down; I don't know what to do. I had spotted some girls smoking outside. I go back, say hello. They don't speak much English, but all 3 are receptive to me. Conveniently, it was the hotter two who showed more interest. They say they're going inside. So, I say "alright...c'mere give me a kiss...yeah both of you!" So, the slightly uglier but seemingly more fun one jumps up to kiss me on the cheek enthusiastically, and the other one turns in for a kiss as well, and I go for the lips. Both her and her friend are surprised, but smiling. A lady who was next to us lets out a surprised look. I left, and came back after a while, and things didn't really go anywhere, so I left again.
Leading problem. Things don't go anywhere just like that. You have to move things forward on your own without their overt consent. If they stay with you listen to you just keep moving forward. Flirt flirt flirt. Move them around. Find out who's available that night. Lead. "It's not going anywhere" is result of very passive game ith little or no physicality like when you talk talk talk and expect girls to take charge and take you by the hand. Never happens. Do your thing. A girl either does nothing [that's YES], playfully objects [that's NOT YET] or objects seriously [that's NO].

Quote: (11-23-2013 06:55 PM)Frank Wrote:  

But closing is a big issue. I never know how long I should be talking or how I know if she's so into me that she'll be DTF. I get the impression that if things are going fine, the usual way is spending **at least an hour** with the girl in question. But I get quite impatient after less than half an hour. It's like "I wanna get laid man! ...yesterday..."
It's a matter of figuring out her availability. Sometimes a girl can leave with you if you lead properly but often times girls want to stay together for the whole night. In that case if she's into you then stay with her, befriend her group, leave together, wait until they all split and go with her.

Quote: (11-23-2013 06:55 PM)Frank Wrote:  

Briefly: I feel a bit awkward when I go to clubs/bars alone and don't really know where to find a "spot". And I'm too impatient!
You're going against the current so to speak. When you're solo and everybody hangs out with friends you're not helping yourself by staying solo. That only makes you stuck in your head worrying about different things and procrastinating. You want to blend in the crowd asap.


Allow yourself to start slow. Be open and receptive to people. Chat up people around by throwing out comments or catch eye contact to break the ice from distance [there are always some girls looking at people walking in or glancing when you look good]. Every interaction like that makes you loosen up get more talkative and spontaneous. For example.. catch eye contact and wave to that girl saying "long time no see" or make 'love at first sight' face making heart sign with your fingers. Or say to the girl next to you "oh you're so tall and.. i'm so shy right now". Then you go for your drink. Ask a guy about recent football game or chat up a girl near you. And suddenly you're not so solo. It can snowball from there if you keep socializing. And then you can now take some girls you've clicked with and post up with them against the bar in busy spot to engage more girls walking by.

For some guys who love to play pickup chess posting up might work well but to me it's completely weird.

More at..

[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

Thank you everyone. I read the posts a few times.

I'm gonna try again tonight to see what happens. I'll report with results. Worse case scenario: I learn something new.

Also, excellent news. I discovered that there are NIGHT BUSES! So I can leave the club at 2 20, and get on the bus a few minutes later. Awesome! I had no idea they'd still run at 1 hour intervals.

Now I need to read Samseau's dance floor thread again.

Another thing worth noting. I often hear about how "if you haven't pulled by midnight, go home", but over here in this part of north Germany, there isn't even anyone in clubs at that time. The deal is the kids go for drinks at a friend's place, and then maybe hit some bars, or directly go to clubs some time after midnight. I was a bit drunk the last times, but off the top of my head, by 3 AM, you really have no business being in a club.

Waste of your fucking time. Not that there are many landwhales but having to game 5s that you know probably won't sleep with you is just sickening. I'd bang them for sure, but those are girls I would never give a second look to in the street. My plan for tonight is to just have some fun, and be in bed by 2 or 3 o'clock. Alone or not.

[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?


Some friends hit me up, and invite me over to their place for drinks. I head up there, and one of them and I leave at around midnight. At the bus stop, he realizes there are no night buses on his side of town. He tells me I just gotta walk straight for 10 minutes to X, and then within another 10 minutes I'll be home. (short cut)

I end up walking around for close to 1h45 minutes. Luckily, I spot a cab. I run there, and ask how much to home or city center. He said more or less the same price, so I went home. On the way back, I see that I was way, way off from home. The guy has no fucking sense of direction! He should have said "walk straight, keep at it, and once you leave the park, take a left, and then another left". All he said was "straight, cross the street, then straight". It turns out that I had to take a few lefts, and I had taken the rights instead. I was far, far from home.

I actually only went out with 15 bucks, thinking I'd need some money for a cab if ever I pulled. I haven't brought my wallet ever since a friend lost his. Thank god I took that much. Cab cost me 11-ish.

[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

Quote: (11-29-2013 07:57 PM)Frank Wrote:  


Some friends hit me up, and invite me over to their place for drinks. I head up there, and one of them and I leave at around midnight. At the bus stop, he realizes there are no night buses on his side of town. He tells me I just gotta walk straight for 10 minutes to X, and then within another 10 minutes I'll be home. (short cut)

I end up walking around for close to 1h45 minutes. Luckily, I spot a cab. I run there, and ask how much to home or city center. He said more or less the same price, so I went home. On the way back, I see that I was way, way off from home. The guy has no fucking sense of direction! He should have said "walk straight, keep at it, and once you leave the park, take a left, and then another left". All he said was "straight, cross the street, then straight". It turns out that I had to take a few lefts, and I had taken the rights instead. I was far, far from home.

I actually only went out with 15 bucks, thinking I'd need some money for a cab if ever I pulled. I haven't brought my wallet ever since a friend lost his. Thank god I took that much. Cab cost me 11-ish.


[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

"Awkwardness when out alone"

[Image: ace.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

15 dollars.

Holy shit thats some next level shit right there. I would have just stayed home.

[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

Quote: (11-29-2013 03:16 PM)Frank Wrote:  

I often hear about how "if you haven't pulled by midnight, go home",

From whom?

"Look Mama, no hands..."

[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

Quote: (11-30-2013 08:52 PM)AfgScarface Wrote:  

15 dollars.

Holy shit thats some next level shit right there. I would have just stayed home.

I'm in Germany, and it's probably cheaper to go out than in the States. I'm a broke college student, and I *try* to be careful. This weekend, I spent money on two beers, another drink, and the cover fee for a club, and it was about 15 euros.

Quote: (12-01-2013 11:06 PM)ThePrinceOfDixie Wrote:  

Quote: (11-29-2013 03:16 PM)Frank Wrote:  

I often hear about how "if you haven't pulled by midnight, go home",

From whom?

I can't quite remember, but it was probably some posts I read on the TRP subreddit, and that idea kept coming again and again. I think it's better if it's phrased as "if you're still alone and most girls are already leaving, you might as well go home".

Of course, I'm sure there are some guys who can just come in and swoop those few girls who are among crowds of men at 4 A.M.

[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

Quote: (11-29-2013 03:16 PM)Frank Wrote:  

Another thing worth noting. I often hear about how "if you haven't pulled by midnight, go home", but over here in this part of north Germany, there isn't even anyone in clubs at that time.

Said a guy with a "notch count" of zero.

At midnight you should still be sitting down for dinner and just begin thinking about where you are going to go out.

[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

People don't go out until almost midnight, going home before hand would be stupid.

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