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Re-adjustment to US Life

Re-adjustment to US Life

Quick comment: A lot of people seem to get carried away with the American-bashing here... As InternationalPlayboy pointed out with his Aspen example, the US is a HUGE and diverse country and there are plenty of pockets of hot girls, great people and interesting culture. It's the suburban sprawl that makes up 95% of the countryside and towns that you have to avoid. If you go to Manhattan or Hollywood, there are hotties everywhere... hotter than Buenos Aires.

Also, there are different sub-cultures within America. For instance, girls in the Northeast don't have that entitlement complex nearly as much as women south of say... Baltimore. In places like Boston, New York or Philadelphia, women tend to be pretty gracious to you approaching them. The bitchy entitled girls I find to be a southern trait. Also, the more you get towards the center of the country, the more down-to-earth and laid back people get. Whenever I go to Chicago or Minnesota or Denver, it's practically impossible for me to get blown out... I mean, there aren't any cute girls in the Midwest, but they're all really nice and some of them are cool as hell.

I think a lot of the American-girl bashing comes from a few bad cities where girls can be real cunts, namely places like DC, Miami and LA.

Re-adjustment to US Life

How come NYC girls aren't cunts? Isn't NYC a hollywood-type city (materialistic girls, etc.?)

Re-adjustment to US Life

Nah... NY and LA attitudes are MILES apart... The main reason is just that NYC has more single women per single man than anywhere in the US. But also, the attitude is completely different in the northeast. They're less concerned with superficial stuff and more interested in substance. NY people are very blunt and if they don't like they'll tell you off... but that works both ways. If she thinks you're cool, she'll have no inhibitions about saying it and is far less likely to play games as a girl from LA or say a place like Texas.

Then you throw on top of that the high quality, prevalance of models and actresses, and amazing logistics. Honestly, I've never seen a place that combines quality and quantity and ease the way Manhattan does. And that's after being to 30+ countries. Only downside is that it's ridiculously expensive.

Re-adjustment to US Life

In the end, these are all generalizations. It all depends on you, and what works for you.

I live in Chicago, and hear people say all the time "girls are so nice here". I don't agree. Their nice, but not more receptive than any other place.

However, I grew up in L.A. and think the girls there are pretty friendly - but few would agree with me on that.

Re-adjustment to US Life

Entropy- American women have a much deserved reputation as the worst women on the planet for a reason.

when i'm back i try to adjust by training harder, focusing on my language studies, and focusing on career. I try to avoid american women since they are too much hassle and too damaged.

Your average 30 year old here has had at least 100+ male sex partners and a few kids. The under 25 set is too immature, and the over 40 set has more baggage than an airplane hangar. Did I mention that the amount of money and output to get an American woman into bed is not worth anything they have to offer? Yeah, that too.

There is nothing any of them can offer me that is worth putting up with their sarcastic crap, man hating, shallow rambling. 95% of them are like this and you know it's the truth.

Re-adjustment to US Life

Good points brought up here.

I know what some of you guys are saying. In places like DC women are total bitches, its sad but true. There are things about America that I don't love but all in all its still a great place. Like someone else said, there are so many different types of people and attitudes here. Lots of good stuff to do, there are goods and bads. The US is the only place where you can make money without the gov't taking 2/3's of it (for now atleast) or you getting shaken down or mugged by local sheisters every month.

In some cases its sour grapes. There is all this hating going on and really its kind of getting played. Though the % are smaller, there are still some very good girls here in the US. On the flip side, there are some absolutely horrible money hungry skanks in places like Colombia and Russia. For those of you that have traveled to these places, you know it to be true, for those of you that have not you are just dreaming. I'm not like a chest thumping Captain America, but damn, if some of you hate it so damn much then just leave and stay gone. Not a temporary vacation, not a month at a restort...just leave and stay there. Leave your safety web of upper middle class or rich families who have no doubt helped to enable your travels and get gone.

Re-adjustment to US Life

Quote: (11-22-2010 04:27 PM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

The US is the only place where you can make money without the gov't taking 2/3's of it (for now atleast) or you getting shaken down or mugged by local sheisters every month.

I'm not like a chest thumping Captain America, but damn, if some of you hate it so damn much then just leave and stay gone. Not a temporary vacation, not a month at a restort...just leave and stay there. Leave your safety web of upper middle class or rich families who have no doubt helped to enable your travels and get gone.

The US is definitely not the "only place" where you can make money without the government taking 2/3rd of it. That's just inaccurate. I won't get into IRS worldwide tax requirements, double taxation treaties, and the like.

"Love it or leave it" is not really helpful either -- although you're talking to a guy who did leave the US for many years and only came back due to family reasons.

Anyhow, it's very natural for the "locals" to get upset when you criticize their country, so not entirely unexpected for US guys to jump into the thread to defend 'our way of life.'

But I've had years to compare and contrast living in different parts of the world, and know for a fact that there are superior places out there, depending on what it is you're looking for of course.

I'm just pointing out what I feel are the good and bad points of the US, for someone re-adjusting to life back here after a long time abroad.

Re-adjustment to US Life

Quote: (11-22-2010 04:07 PM)bigbootyluvr Wrote:  

Entropy- American women have a much deserved reputation as the worst women on the planet for a reason.

when i'm back i try to adjust by training harder, focusing on my language studies, and focusing on career. I try to avoid american women since they are too much hassle and too damaged.

Your average 30 year old here has had at least 100+ male sex partners and a few kids. The under 25 set is too immature, and the over 40 set has more baggage than an airplane hangar. Did I mention that the amount of money and output to get an American woman into bed is not worth anything they have to offer? Yeah, that too.

There is nothing any of them can offer me that is worth putting up with their sarcastic crap, man hating, shallow rambling. 95% of them are like this and you know it's the truth.

LOL... 100+ partners by 30? Where do you hang out... trucker stops?

I agree 100% that American girls aren't that great and I'd take the women of other countries in a heartbeat. But these blanket statements are just dumb and come off as bitter and immature. Some of the nonsense that's posted on this site as "fact" just seems like a bunch of butt-hurt and angry guys blaming "American women" for all of their problems. Yes, American girls are on average immature and fat. Yes, guys act like total pussies in the US, so average-looking girls have a sense of entitlement. But, I've also met plenty of amazing girls in the US who were smart, loving, feminine and a joy to be around. There are 150 million women in the country, if you can't find ONE that is cool and hot, then you're the problem, not them. Go fix your mommy issues.

Re-adjustment to US Life

Quote: (11-22-2010 04:07 PM)bigbootyluvr Wrote:  

Entropy- American women have a much deserved reputation as the worst women on the planet for a reason.

I could name at least five of other backgrounds where the women would appeal less to me than American women.

when i'm back i try to adjust by training harder, focusing on my language studies, and focusing on career. I try to avoid american women since they are too much hassle and too damaged.

This is such a pathetic anthem by now. Hassled, damaged - may or may not be true, but I can't respect quitters. So train, focus on your career, your language skills and stay at home at night crying about home terrible American women are. Fill your piggy bank up with all your pennies so you can go to a place where women are not mean to you (ie. want your your citizenship, gringo dollars, etc....because 95% of foreign women are all material and you know it). Rhetorical of course.

Your average 30 year old here has had at least 100+ male sex partners and a few kids. The under 25 set is too immature, and the over 40 set has more baggage than an airplane hangar. Did I mention that the amount of money and output to get an American woman into bed is not worth anything they have to offer? Yeah, that too.

There is nothing any of them can offer me that is worth putting up with their sarcastic crap, man hating, shallow rambling. 95% of them are like this and you know it's the truth.

Re-adjustment to US Life

Most foreign women that I've dated couldn't give a shit about US citizenship. Most of them didn't even want to visit the US much less step foot inside it.

Seriously people, the US is not some promised land that the huddles masses of the world are dying to live in -- unless you happen to be interacting with impoverished Central Americans or Filipina bar girls.

Re-adjustment to US Life

Subutai. Good posts.

- First, I agree with you that not all girls just want to get papers and come to the USA.I get really sick of dudes seeing a guy with a foreign girl and reciting that same old bs line "she wants papers.." I guess they are just jealous? Of course it does happen, like the occasional fat old guy with a 10 more than half his age..just might be for papers.

- I do not know that me saying 2/3 of your pay check taken by the gov't elsewhere is fair, but I think you get my point for arguments sake atleast. I do know that of course there are plenty of places you can make a good living and the USA is not the only promised land for business. But I also know that every day Joes here can make a living far above most countries standards of living simply bieng a waiter or bartender.

- I assume you have probably traveled for much longer than me, but I have been to Europe and South America a few times. Of course I love it these places. Every place has ups and downs of course, but I too would not mind moving somewhere for a few years atleast.

- My whole thing is the constant barrage over and over again. I mean I will be the first one to criticize fat nasty women in the USA acting like princesses believe me. BUT, I have a sneaking suspicion that there are more than a few guys here who are just pissed because they cannot get laid anywhere but a Thailand or a Medellin where they are able to do so simply because they are American and have some doe. Then they come here and get on the ban wagon of every single American woman bieng a fat nasty whore. Its just played out is all. Of course a place like Colombia on average has better looking women than here, who are also cooler to hang out with etc. But there are still some old school and attractive American girls around too. They aren't in LA or DC or if they are they are probably visiting from a small town or another country.

Re-adjustment to US Life

Quote:Rocco81 Wrote:

I mean I will be the first one to criticize fat nasty women in the USA acting like princesses believe me. BUT, I have a sneaking suspicion that there are more than a few guys here who are just pissed because they cannot get laid anywhere but a Thailand or a Medellin where they are able to do so simply because they are American and have some doe. Then they come here and get on the ban wagon of every single American woman bieng a fat nasty whore. Its just played out is all.


Re-adjustment to US Life

Quote: (11-23-2010 12:07 AM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

But there are still some old school and attractive American girls around too. They aren't in LA or DC or if they are they are probably visiting from a small town or another country.

I see what you're saying about Colombia/Thailand and just about any other country in SE Asia as well for that matter.

I guess my background is different in that I've almost exclusively dated girls from Western and Eastern Europe over the last few years. The American girls I did do during this period were total turn-offs. For example, one tall blonde from Florida acted like she was in a porno by screaming "harder, fuck me harder baby!" over and over again -- which almost made me lose wood in mid-stroke, I was so turned off.

But getting back to your comment that "there some old school and attractive American girls around too" -- I'm sure there are. But I'm also willing to put money down that for every one of these you find (assuming they are white girls), I can easily find you 100 who are hotter and more feminine in Europe. Now if you're talking about cool Latinas, black girls, Asian in the US, then yeah -- Europe is not really the place for that outside of perhaps the UK/London. You can also find North African girls in France but I would imagine you'd have to worry about getting knifed by their cousins.

Re-adjustment to US Life

i find this whole thread very entertaining

i'm european and i would pick american girls over european girls (with the exception of eastern european ones) any day of the week!!

scandinavians are cold, brits ugly, germans and french have no sense of humour, mediterranean ones barely speak english

i guess it's true that the grass is always greener on the other side

Detective Rust Cohle: "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"

Re-adjustment to US Life

Quote: (11-23-2010 03:28 AM)zanetti Wrote:  

i find this whole thread very entertaining

i'm european and i would pick american girls over european girls (with the exception of eastern european ones) any day of the week!!

scandinavians are cold, brits ugly, germans and french have no sense of humour, mediterranean ones barely speak english

i guess it's true that the grass is always greener on the other side

Me too.

I also love US TV and 24/7 shops [Image: biggrin.gif]

Re-adjustment to US Life

Aww, c'mon now. I thought this was a board full of international playboys, not a bunch of limp wristed nelly's raised by the feminist university system.

Re-attach your nut sacks, boys. I could outgame probably anyone on this board easily, in any U.S. city, and I CHOOSE to go where there are smiling women, not fat pigs with princess syndrome. That is what happens when you are good looking, successful, and refused to subscribe to the "Three kids and a mini-van and bitchy wife" routine that I was SUPPOSED to sign up for. Now I have options, and i'm having the time of my life while my "friends" here are stuck with three snot nose kids and a wife who is 3 skittles shy of 225 lbs.

To each his own. I'm disappointed with this board. I thought there would be like minded travelers who share ideas and actual experiences, but you are just a pack of nerds and feminist loving fan bois. I asked a few simple questions about medellin and besides roosh it appears none of you have ever even been there. same with EE. Guys are commenting on it and after a little probing you find out they've NEVER EVEN BEEN THERE. WTF.

Luckystar- you are a fart in the wind, kid. Now go get your shine box and polish up your girlfriends high heels real nice like, and after that step it and fetch it and go get her some coffee. Good little American femfag fan

Re-adjustment to US Life


Re-adjustment to US Life

Quote: (11-23-2010 05:47 AM)bigbootyluvr Wrote:  

Aww, c'mon now. I thought this was a board full of international playboys, not a bunch of limp wristed nelly's raised by the feminist university system.

Re-attach your nut sacks, boys. I could outgame probably anyone on this board easily, in any U.S. city, and I CHOOSE to go where there are smiling women, not fat pigs with princess syndrome.

Of course you could outgame anyone on the board in the U.S. Your bitterness speaks volumes. But hey I understand your 'choice', you get the coddling you need in international waters.

That is what happens when you are good looking, successful, and refused to subscribe to the "Three kids and a mini-van and bitchy wife" routine that I was SUPPOSED to sign up for. Now I have options, and i'm having the time of my life while my "friends" here are stuck with three snot nose kids and a wife who is 3 skittles shy of 225 lbs.

Are you sure you having the time of your life? Your tone is not very convincing. You sound like you are going through the first stage of Post Traumatic. Or maybe it because you re living in an Alabama trailer park with women who are '3 skittles shy of 225'.

To each his own. I'm disappointed with this board. I thought there would be like minded travelers who share ideas and actual experiences, but you are just a pack of nerds and feminist loving fan bois. I asked a few simple questions about medellin and besides roosh it appears none of you have ever even been there. same with EE. Guys are commenting on it and after a little probing you find out they've NEVER EVEN BEEN THERE. WTF.

Inspector Clouseau - looks like you ve figured us all out on the board. Maybe with a little more investigation you ll uncover I actually agree that American women are far from first choice. At the same time, I just don't find them that bad. Sorry, maybe its just easy for me. I don't seem to have to burn a calorie for them.

Luckystar- you are a fart in the wind, kid. Now go get your shine box and polish up your girlfriends high heels real nice like, and after that step it and fetch it and go get her some coffee. Good little American femfag fan

Congratulations on the effective use of alliteration. Quite an achievement given the your countless traumatic failures with American girls. All that "focusing on your career and language skills" is really paying off. Maybe you ll finally get that GED after all.

The shoe shinings, the coffee, the 225 lb fatties....the painful images of your feminist torture are all coming back to you. Lol. No need to project. Get this baby a pacifier and plane ticket while I suck on some real titties (american and international).

Re-adjustment to US Life

Quote: (11-22-2010 11:16 PM)subutai Wrote:  

Most foreign women that I've dated couldn't give a shit about US citizenship. Most of them didn't even want to visit the US much less step foot inside it.

Seriously people, the US is not some promised land that the huddles masses of the world are dying to live in -- unless you happen to be interacting with impoverished Central Americans or Filipina bar girls.

I agree, Subutai. I was just being facetious.

Re-adjustment to US Life

Quote: (11-22-2010 04:27 PM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

In some cases its sour grapes. There is all this hating going on and really its kind of getting played. Though the % are smaller, there are still some very good girls here in the US. On the flip side, there are some absolutely horrible money hungry skanks in places like Colombia and Russia. For those of you that have traveled to these places, you know it to be true, for those of you that have not you are just dreaming. I'm not like a chest thumping Captain America, but damn, if some of you hate it so damn much then just leave and stay gone. Not a temporary vacation, not a month at a restort...just leave and stay there. Leave your safety web of upper middle class or rich families who have no doubt helped to enable your travels and get gone.

I mean I will be the first one to criticize fat nasty women in the USA acting like princesses believe me. BUT, I have a sneaking suspicion that there are more than a few guys here who are just pissed because they cannot get laid anywhere but a Thailand or a Medellin where they are able to do so simply because they are American and have some doe. Then they come here and get on the ban wagon of every single American woman bieng a fat nasty whore. Its just played out is all.

Well said.

Re-adjustment to US Life

Quote: (11-23-2010 12:07 AM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

Of course a place like Colombia on average has better looking women than here, who are also cooler to hang out with etc. But there are still some old school and attractive American girls around too. They aren't in LA or DC or if they are they are probably visiting from a small town or another country.

That's the problem. Indeed, you can find a gold bracelet in a landfill dump if you look hard enough. And it will be free. But I'd rather pay money and get one in a jewelry shop.

Which again leads to what is more valuable for you - time or money.

Re-adjustment to US Life

1) Let's compare apples to apples--[relatively] hard-to-get girls from wealthy countries:

Some USA girls are super-hot, w/ great, unique gene combinations, long legs, super athletic, if raised well smart and independent in a good way ( willing to go camping way out in the boonies) AND the puritanical background of the country can result in some delightful pervertedness whereas a western/northern European will be more blase and have the view that sex is no big deal.

However American girls sometimes think they are doing something SO BAD it's a lot of fun. One of my favorites from an American girl: "Be mean to me." Right to the point, lol

2) If you want a family and kids; it's sort of academic how hot the Americhicks are, because if you marry her and have kids she can on any given afternoon, have a "realization", go to the city hall, and get half the shit you've worked for 2o years to get and she was not smart enough to get because you worked in some competitive field like computers, quant finance, science, etc. where you have to THINK LOGICALLY about complexity almost continuously which women generally cannot do.

And it's TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE that she ditched you for no specific reason. Just that she felt like it. Even though it's bad for the kids at least 50% of the time. Too bad.

The she walks away on the aforementioned long legs, and you pay her to fuck someone else.

Man, I'd rather sign up for the Army. That's only 4 years,. child support is 18 or until they get out of college ( that means no specific end date. )

So as Nemesis says, you might find a gold bracelet in a dump, but if someone takes away your 20 years of labor, and you're 45-50, you don't have time to do it over again with a more deferential chick from Somewhere Else.

Re-adjustment to US Life

I don't know if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

But I sure as hell intend to find out. And that's the point.

Re-adjustment to US Life

Quote: (11-24-2010 12:50 AM)raliv Wrote:  

I don't know if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

But I sure as hell intend to find out. And that's the point.

good point!

Re-adjustment to US Life

Quote: (11-23-2010 09:51 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Indeed, you can find a gold bracelet in a landfill dump if you look hard enough. And it will be free. But I'd rather pay money and get one in a jewelry shop.

Which again leads to what is more valuable for you - time or money.

Remember, there is always free cheese in a mouse trap

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