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Rational Male book

Rational Male book

On amazon.

Rollo is one of the best writers in this sphere and I think a book by him deserves a thread. Considering how much of his blog I've read I'm not sure there will be many new ideas in it, but his writing on seemingly familiar topics is always so lucid and thorough that I come out realizing there's more to it than I thought.

I'll be waiting for a physical copy, so if anyone picks up the ebook feel free to spoil it.

Rational Male book

Well said Sir
I've learned a huge amount from his blog in the last year, it's a tremendous resource
And yes, the book is probably going to mostly cover ground he's already been through on his blog, but nonetheless, I've ordered the book today, I think it'll be handy to have it in physical book format
'Lucid', you've nailed it, that's exactly the word I would have used to describe Rollo's articles, had you not thought of it before me!

Rational Male book


Rational Male book

Bought a copy. Probably know most of the content in there, but it is important to support our brothers with real $, not just lip service (assuming it's quality material of course).

Rational Male book

Wow this guy is awesome from what I've read on his wordpress. I should pick this up soon.

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Rational Male book

I bought it for Kindle and I'm slowly digesting it now.

1. Great content. Definitely worth the money.
2. Like the blog, it focuses on the "big picture" rather than how to pick up girls.
3. Solid for LTR game and inner game.
4. Lots of typos and editing errors. This was the only letdown for me. Hopefully this gets fixed in the next edition.

I would recommend it to everyone interested in improving themselves. The book is about being a better man, not just pickup. Rollo always brings new insights to things you thought you knew about game and for that he is one of the best manosphere writers around.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Rational Male book

Where can I buy the EPUB? Can't find it anywhere.

Rational Male book

I gotta admit, I was turned off by the fact that it seems to be just a collection of posts, not (at least more than 50%) original material. Although, it could be said to be "paying back" our fine colleague for his free content, so...

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Rational Male book

Quote: (10-15-2013 07:08 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

I gotta admit, I was turned off by the fact that it seems to be just a collection of posts, not (at least more than 50%) original material. Although, it could be said to be "paying back" our fine colleague for his free content, so...

I wondered if that might be the case. It can be annoying when bloggers do that, though I can understand the temptation. They should just make it really clear in their description to expect a lot of material from the blog.

I'm thinking about buying this anyways because I haven't read much of his blog and would rather read it on my Kindle than on my computer.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Rational Male book

I wouldn't say he copied many posts verbatim but yes a lot of the content and ideas are in there. Even so, I am a big fan of his blog and yet the book still gives me those "never thought of that before" moments.

One example is where he points out that abortion rates have actually risen, not fallen since the availability of the contraceptive pill (the lesson being to always take control of contraception yourself). OK, it's a rather obvious thing to say "strap up" but the inter-sexual dynamics he presents are interesting as always.

Like I said, the format is lacking but the material is gold.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Rational Male book

Thanks for the props guys. And yes I've got another edition in the works.

Rational Male book

Hah, didn't know Rollo was on here. Apparently others didn't as well as he suddenly got 3 rep points today out of nowhere.

I bought the book today for kindle. I'm familiar with the blog although having only stumbled upon it recently.

Once a newer updated edition comes out, it's an easy update and I won't have to re-buy it from amazon, right?

Eventually I might want to get a hard copy as well so I can loan it out to friends.

Rational Male book

I’m about 80% done on my Kindle. It’s a well written book, yes it has a great deal of material from his blog posts, but its great to have it all in one ready reference. I’m ordering a hard copy to give to my nephew when he’s older. Lets support one of own!

Rational Male book

Just finished the book today.

Having been aware of red pill ideas for almost a year now, I didn't think much of this book would be eye-opening. I was surprised to find a lot of the concepts were new to me and were some hard truths to grasp. For instance, I now understand why women can move on so quickly from a man, despite whatever lust she had for him.. This is because evolutionarily men are expendable, and the woman's alpha might have died or been out-alpha'd by another male and the woman was forced to adapt and move on.

Other concepts were enlightening truths that put a silence to society conditioned thoughts I've internalized. The following has helped me recognize another great value of being single:

The 9 Iron Rules are also fantastic game principles to live by.

Most of the book sheds an honest light to culture, and gender relationships.

If there is one complaint I had it's with the formatting of the book. There are some typos and some chapter format errors. I had this on kindle, so I am not sure if these are also problems in other versions. This doesn't affect the quality of the book however, although I do hope these issues are addressed in the near future.

Overall, a must read. Rollo's blog in general, but don't be hesitant to show support and thank him for the great work he's put out.

Rational Male book

My review will echo a lot of the previous ones posted here.

I finished the book yesterday, first the negatives. Yes there are some typos and formatting issues but honestly who cares. If this bothers you to the point where you are going to pass on it then you are just doing yourself a disfavor. There is a wealth of information in here. The only other note I'd make is there at times it can be hard to get through portions with the continued use of relevant phrases, but not sure there is a way around that.

On to the positives. As the previous poster notes, even though I am red pill aware this book does a magnificent job of breaking everything down into an understandable scheme, and more importantly, providing the reasoning behind why the red pill world exists.

There were several passages that I actually pulled out my phone and took snapshots of, because they eloquently stated tenets, ideas or beliefs that I previously had a hard time explaining with my own words.

Rollo has a fundamental and brilliant understanding of the male/female dynamic and how biology influences our sexual lives. The parts on Competition Anxiety, his rules for men (forgot the exact terminology), plate theory, etc. are all fantastic. Honestly, just a great book and something I suggest all men read.

Rational Male book

The formatting problems are on kindle. Didn't have an issue with the print version.

- Clint Barton

Rational Male book

I read him regularly and comment on his blog. But I have a few issues.

I find his writing convoluted and hard to read sometimes. I also think he's a bit too negative. And I also think he often recycles ideas F. Roger Devlin and Roissy pioneered and put across better.

The thing that bugs me is the constant downbeat tone. I can read even the most negative Roissy (now Heartiste) or Roosh posts and come away with the idea that even if the deck is stacked against guys, there's still a way you can charm your way into a woman's heart (or pants). Both writers leaven their more depressing observations with humor and a sense of impishness. In fact, sometimes the nastiest posts leave me laughing out loud.

But with Rollo, I don't get much that's positive. The impression is that to even be with a woman minimally it's all game all the time with no let up. I'll read his posts and often think "Well if it's that bad, maybe I should just sit home and watch old TV shows." And I know that's not realistic from looking around me and my own personal experiences.

His "Hypergamy Doesn't Care..." post is a prime example. Granted it's a great idea, but it's executed with such heavy-handedness you feel like you're being berated more than helped. And again, there's nothing amusing you call pull out of it. The best protest writers (Bob Dylan, Billy Bragg) know to leaven their messages with something to make audiences grin and I think that applies to this type of writing as well.

I get this from Athol Kay's "Gaming Your Wife" too -- that marriage and relationships are non-stop work and psychological tactics. All of this, in its way, ends up seeming as paranoid and abnormal as some feminist ideas about men.

One thing the game crowd in general and Rollo in specific fail to get is that while hypergamy exists in the larger sense, it often will fly out the window when men and women bond because women are flawed too in their own ways.

I don't want to discourage anyone from buying his stuff, because I like the idea of men being able to make money from this community (esp. since feminism is such a cash cow). But I think that after absorbing his ideas everyone needs to realize there are other points of view out there as well and for every rule there are exceptions. And for every serious statement that makes a valid observation, there's a joke that makes just as good a point.

Rational Male book

I started the book and didn't get very far. I don't doubt that it contains good content (I follow the blog) and I expect to go back and finish it, but there are a few annoying things:

-Text is too small
-The book could probably be edited down to half the length. Rollo's style is very verbose. Plus, some of the repetition could be eliminated.

Rollo - might be worth taking the proceeds from the 1st edition and hiring a professional editor to put out a second edition.

EDIT: I missed the part where Rollo said he was putting out a 2nd edition, apologies.

Rational Male book

Quote: (01-29-2014 11:50 AM)slubu Wrote:  

There were several passages that I actually pulled out my phone and took snapshots of, because they eloquently stated tenets, ideas or beliefs that I previously had a hard time explaining with my own words.

Do you mind sharing these eloquently stated passages..?


Rational Male book

Quote: (01-30-2014 02:07 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (01-29-2014 11:50 AM)slubu Wrote:  

There were several passages that I actually pulled out my phone and took snapshots of, because they eloquently stated tenets, ideas or beliefs that I previously had a hard time explaining with my own words.

Do you mind sharing these eloquently stated passages..?


Only had two little passages on my phone - kind of related to things that were happening amongst my friends at the time, so it may have been more applicable than groundbreaking. Anyway:

Rational Male book

During the past months I had seen this book being mentioned and referred to on this forum and elsewhere. I had also briefly perused Rollo's blog and listened to one of his interviews. I planned to read the book and ordered it online and received it a few weeks ago. I was definitely expecting something, but after I read it cover to cover I call this one of the most valuable books any man can read. Mostly I'm glad about putting money in the pocket of a guy whose blog is free to read.
In short if I was permitted to say only one thing about TRM it's this - if you thought you would never see the mind of females, you were wrong and now there's no excuse.

This treatise by Rollo is detailed so the reader should be patient and read while fresh. There are drawbacks at times such as a small font, spacing is inadequate, spelling errors, wonky sentence construction, illegible graphs, and some repetition. However these do not detract from the fine content. Rollo shows a man what the universe of male and female relations looks like - this book is not a how-to guide. It will show you what you've failed to see even though your eyes have been open all along. You should look in the mirror and be honest. I enjoyed how Rollo went from the philosophical to the practical with such great timing that the 'light bulb' moments will draw a reaction from you perhaps a dozen times or more.

All in all a great effort by Rollo. This is one of the most compelling texts that most men have never heard about.

Rational Male book

Any1 have any idea on whether or not Rollo is going to drop an audiobook

Rational Male book

Yesterday I bought Rational Male and The Way of Men on Kindle. I decided to start with Rational Male, since it sounded lighter.

I'm about a third of the way into it. The info/perspective is familiar, but there's value in seeing these ideas presented in one place in a sequential way.

However, I can't get past the writing style. He often uses big words when simpler ones would do (as in a high school essay); and overworked expressions with unnecessary words ('humanly possible' instead of simply 'possible'). Almost every sentence suffers from this kind of bloat and posturing. Also, this would have been a stronger book without the lazy reliance on PUA terminology.

I wanted to like this book more. A good editor could have made a big difference. A tighter, more focused book (coming in at 1/3 the length) would have been more effective.

Content/ideas: 4 out of 5
Execution: 3 out of 5

Rational Male book

Quote: (12-31-2017 01:42 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

Yesterday I bought Rational Male and The Way of Men on Kindle. I decided to start with Rational Male, since it sounded lighter.

I'm about a third of the way into it. The info/perspective is familiar, but there's value in seeing these ideas presented in one place in a sequential way.

However, I can't get past the writing style. He often uses big words when simpler ones would do (as in a high school essay); and overworked expressions with unnecessary words ('humanly possible' instead of simply 'possible'). Almost every sentence suffers from this kind of bloat and posturing.

Everything Rollo writes is like that.

Rational Male book

Rollo is a master of analysis, eloquent educator and and genius in MRA topics and interpretation.

Highly recommend his writing for men to gain a deep, rational understanding of a shallow, irrational gender.

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