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Columbus, OH (Local)

Columbus, OH (Local)

I live in Columbus and would like some people to night game with. My vision is me and one or two game-knowledgeable guys going out, having fun, and getting girls. I have plenty of friends here, but they're uncapable/unwilling to consistently go out and hit on girls all night. Here's some more information about me:

Age: 26
Job: Typical young professional
Location: Downtown Area
Notch Count: High 20s
Game Skill Level: Intermediate
Attractiveness: 7-8, my looks usually help me a little with girls
Game Style: Fairly indirect but depends on the girl/situation
Dress Style: Generally preppy, I'm usually one of the better-dressed guys at the bars here
Areas of Greatest Interest: Short North, Downtown, Arena

So: who's game?

Columbus, OH (Local)

Howdy DLV, Columbus, OH is about 3 hr drive from me, If I can find a weekend to come down there, will let you know.

Heard great things about Columbus. Why don't you post a datasheet on what you already know and share it with the brotherhood, that might entice a few RVF members to come to Columbus, OH.

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

Columbus, OH (Local)

Lothario are you in Michigan by chance?

Columbus, OH (Local)

Spent the better part of my youth chasing women up and down high street, learning a lot of these lessons here long before this forum was around. favorite old dive bar is the Treehouse in Grandview. When I moved from there 12 years ago I had a house in Grandview, rented, for $800/month, damn I miss it now. Press Grill is a good spot too. Whats happening downtown these days? Crazy as it is I think some of the best day gaming in Cbus is at Easton, OSU football, events around town like the Memorial. High Street is hit or miss depending on the day, for night game though there its probably one of the best spots in the US to get laid.

Columbus, OH (Local)

Well, well another Columbus fellow. Glad to hear it!

I'm a bit younger than you (last semester in college). I mostly do High St. bars as I go out with my friends and downtown is a bit more of a hassle. I'm moving towards day game now.

Nevertheless let's see where this goes, I'm definitely interested.

Columbus, OH (Local)

Quote: (09-04-2013 11:56 AM)Lothario Wrote:  

Howdy DLV, Columbus, OH is about 3 hr drive from me, If I can find a weekend to come down there, will let you know.

Heard great things about Columbus. Why don't you post a datasheet on what you already know and share it with the brotherhood, that might entice a few RVF members to come to Columbus, OH.

Just saw that. I may take the liberty of posting one up this weekend. There was a post on ROK about CBus if I recall, but it would be good to have a data sheet.

Columbus, OH (Local)

I second Grandview. There are at least a few good bars there and logistics are great. I like Panzera's Pizza. I used to stay in Grandview with my uncle on the second floor of a duplex, but I was really young at the time. Although Bexley is a nice (if not dated) area, I see it is a complete waste of time. It's really family oriented and similar to a D.C. suburb, only worse. I'm directly related to about 1,000 people in Franklin County, and although I don't go there very often anymore, I will P.M. the Ohio guys if I am ever there.

Columbus, OH (Local)

Quote: (09-05-2013 12:41 PM)Seth_Rose Wrote:  

Well, well another Columbus fellow. Glad to hear it!

I'm a bit younger than you (last semester in college). I mostly do High St. bars as I go out with my friends and downtown is a bit more of a hassle. I'm moving towards day game now.

Nevertheless let's see where this goes, I'm definitely interested.

ok ok, fellow Buckeye. Here's the scoop; you will not experience ANYTHING ever again as fruitful for pussy like THE Ohio State University. Since this is your last semester I would make it your best and get as many bangs as possible, quickly, like 50. Go Fuck Bucks! Remember the grandpa in Little Miss Sunshine telling the grandson to just go get lots of pussy? Thats me, I am the old grisled grandpa with an OSU visor dying in the back of the van while you're driving to a party on 16th Ave. Seriously, make this your best semester ever and just get laid, this is as good as it gets. Now get out there, do your best at school, and get some OHIO SKANKSSSS

Columbus, OH (Local)

puckman thanks for the kick in the ass. I couldn't agree with you more. I've thought about it recently and since I will likely be moving to DC soon, I'm really going to miss OSU in terms of the abundance, quality, and easiness of the women.

Columbus, OH (Local)

Quote: (09-08-2013 08:23 PM)Seth_Rose Wrote:  

puckman thanks for the kick in the ass. I couldn't agree with you more. I've thought about it recently and since I will likely be moving to DC soon, I'm really going to miss OSU in terms of the abundance, quality, and easiness of the women.

I learned many of the hardest life lessons on and around that campus. Crushing break ups, lots of hustle, learning day and night game, social circle game, being in business, going to clubs age 13, OSU athletics, making money, poker, a wife, two degrees, the wrong side of the law, injuries, watching Kurt Cobain at Staches(pre-Bernies), taking my dad to OSU medical center when he was about to die..who is alive and kicking almost 15 years later. Its where I grew up, went to college, and finally left.

There are a few things I regret about Columbus, and not being focused on the right things and taking full advantage of gaming is always the first.

Columbus, OH (Local)

Puckman, I'm 16 and live in Gahanna. Any places that I should check out that would be more lenient with my kind? (i.e. minors)

Columbus, OH (Local)

Quote: (09-08-2013 09:04 PM)Trollslayerr Wrote:  

Puckman, I'm 16 and live in Gahanna. Any places that I should check out that would be more lenient with my kind? (i.e. minors)

Columbus is a fantastic place to grow up. When I was your age there were a lot of clubs on High St that were all ages but those days are over. Are you into CrossFit? Cbus is one of the best places for that. Are you into Golf? Golfing is cheaper and easiest to do in Ohio, with more access to top courses, than ANYWHERE in the US. You could say Ohio, particularly Columbus, is the capital of golf outside of Florida. Thats why Jack and Tiger live in Muirfield part or all of the year. When you move from Ohio, if you do, you will forever kick yourself for not playing more golf. I also played a lot of soccer, particularly indoor, and was on a winning team based in Westerville.

Embrace Ohio and look for the things that interest you. When I was your age I played in bands and used to play the Short North. Columbus has an awesome music scene. When I grew up there we hated it and all wanted to move. Every kid, everywhere thinks this, if you are from NYC or LA or San Diego. Have fun, develop your interests and education, and look for the good qualities that place can bring, you only have a short time left.

Columbus, OH (Local)

Glad to see all these responses.

Seth_Rose: I'm down for High Street bars. Who doesn't mind a little college-age pussy? I started getting into game blogs right around the end of college. Wish I'd gotten into them even sooner.

Puckman: Downtown is booming. Tons of new apartments and condos going up.

For everyone who's talking up Grandview, I just can't see it. I've been out there a few times and it seems like it's got the kind of bars where girls just go to hang out in a big group of friends. I've actually never heard of somebody picking up in Grandview. OTOH, I haven't explored the whole area. Places I've been there: Grandview Cafe, Byrne's, The Rack (dive bar), Marshall's, Jimmie V's.

Honestly the best nightgame opportunities seem to be in the Arena District. That's actually the only bar area in Columbus where I've gotten an SNL. In spite of that, I'm getting a little sick of the it because of how cheesy and low-class it can be.

So, anybody else besides Seth_Rose interested in a meetup? I'll set a tentative date as Friday, October 5th.

Columbus, OH (Local)

Quote: (09-17-2013 11:56 PM)DLV Master Wrote:  

Puckman: Downtown is booming. Tons of new apartments and condos going up.

For everyone who's talking up Grandview, I just can't see it.

when I was there in the Heights it was all social circle game. My friends owned and ran the Treehouse, I practically lived there. Same with Little Brothers when it was open. The whole scene was basically everyone I grew up with, and their friends. Its very white and non-ethnic, now I would find it completely boring. Plus it doesnt have a lot of out-of-towners coming in to party and have a good time. Great living though. If I ever moved back its either there or Upper Arlington, or out in Gahanna in a mcmansion.

Columbus, OH (Local)

Quote: (09-17-2013 11:56 PM)DLV Master Wrote:  

Glad to see all these responses.

Seth_Rose: I'm down for High Street bars. Who doesn't mind a little college-age pussy? I started getting into game blogs right around the end of college. Wish I'd gotten into them even sooner.

Puckman: Downtown is booming. Tons of new apartments and condos going up.

For everyone who's talking up Grandview, I just can't see it. I've been out there a few times and it seems like it's got the kind of bars where girls just go to hang out in a big group of friends. I've actually never heard of somebody picking up in Grandview. OTOH, I haven't explored the whole area. Places I've been there: Grandview Cafe, Byrne's, The Rack (dive bar), Marshall's, Jimmie V's.

Honestly the best nightgame opportunities seem to be in the Arena District. That's actually the only bar area in Columbus where I've gotten an SNL. In spite of that, I'm getting a little sick of the it because of how cheesy and low-class it can be.

So, anybody else besides Seth_Rose interested in a meetup? I'll set a tentative date as Friday, October 5th.

I'm down. As for the date though, October 5th is a Saturday, not Friday. I'm actually busy that Friday, but am down the next night, Saturday October 5th if that works. FYI Saturday is a game day, though its @Northwestern.

Columbus, OH (Local)

Quote: (09-18-2013 11:06 AM)Seth_Rose Wrote:  

Quote: (09-17-2013 11:56 PM)DLV Master Wrote:  

Glad to see all these responses.

Seth_Rose: I'm down for High Street bars. Who doesn't mind a little college-age pussy? I started getting into game blogs right around the end of college. Wish I'd gotten into them even sooner.

Puckman: Downtown is booming. Tons of new apartments and condos going up.

For everyone who's talking up Grandview, I just can't see it. I've been out there a few times and it seems like it's got the kind of bars where girls just go to hang out in a big group of friends. I've actually never heard of somebody picking up in Grandview. OTOH, I haven't explored the whole area. Places I've been there: Grandview Cafe, Byrne's, The Rack (dive bar), Marshall's, Jimmie V's.

Honestly the best nightgame opportunities seem to be in the Arena District. That's actually the only bar area in Columbus where I've gotten an SNL. In spite of that, I'm getting a little sick of the it because of how cheesy and low-class it can be.

So, anybody else besides Seth_Rose interested in a meetup? I'll set a tentative date as Friday, October 5th.

I'm down. As for the date though, October 5th is a Saturday, not Friday. I'm actually busy that Friday, but am down the next night, Saturday October 5th if that works. FYI Saturday is a game day, though its @Northwestern.

I did mean October 4th, sorry about that. I think it's risky to go out on a game night, even an away game likely to be a blowout. How about Friday, October 11th? If that doesn't work for you, I'm cool with October 5th.

Columbus, OH (Local)

Quote: (09-18-2013 09:33 AM)puckman Wrote:  

Quote: (09-17-2013 11:56 PM)DLV Master Wrote:  

Puckman: Downtown is booming. Tons of new apartments and condos going up.

For everyone who's talking up Grandview, I just can't see it.

when I was there in the Heights it was all social circle game. My friends owned and ran the Treehouse, I practically lived there. Same with Little Brothers when it was open. The whole scene was basically everyone I grew up with, and their friends. Its very white and non-ethnic, now I would find it completely boring. Plus it doesnt have a lot of out-of-towners coming in to party and have a good time. Great living though. If I ever moved back its either there or Upper Arlington, or out in Gahanna in a mcmansion.

Gotcha. Makes a lot of sense. I could see social circle game paying off bigtime there.

Columbus, OH (Local)

Nevermind October 4th should work. It may be a bit later at night, I'll keep ya posted, but for now let's go with that.

Columbus, OH (Local)

Quote: (09-20-2013 05:46 PM)Seth_Rose Wrote:  

Nevermind October 4th should work. It may be a bit later at night, I'll keep ya posted, but for now let's go with that.

All right, the date is set for Friday, October 4th. Seth_rose, I'll PM you my contact info. Anybody else who wants to join, just let us know.

Columbus, OH (Local)

Quote: (09-08-2013 09:04 PM)Trollslayerr Wrote:  

Puckman, I'm 16 and live in Gahanna. Any places that I should check out that would be more lenient with my kind? (i.e. minors)

You're in high school. Fuck the girls there.

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