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Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

"Thousands of copies of the University of Sydney student newspaper are set to have their covers destroyed after a front page comprising of 18 students' female genitalia was ****accidentally**** released due to dodgy printing."

“We spoke to women we knew and the Women's Collective and got a really warm response,” editor Hannah Ryan said. The women were all photographed by a fellow University of Sydney student in the campus' Women's Room.

“We are tired of society giving us a myriad of things to feel about our own bodies. We are tired of having to attach anxiety to our vaginas,” they said in a statement. ******“This cover is intended to reassure other women”.********

Editors response:

Our website is down. So here's why we did it and why it was censored.

THE VAGINA DIALOGUES (written by the women featured on the cover)
Eighteen vulvas. All belong to women of Sydney Uni. Why are they on the cover of Honi Soit?

We are tired of society giving us a myriad of things to feel about our own bodies. We are tired of having to attach anxiety to our vaginas. We are tired of vaginas being either artificially sexualised (see: porn) or stigmatised (see: censorship and airbrushing). We are tired of being pressured to be sexual, and then being shamed for being sexual.
The vaginas on the cover are not sexual. We are not always sexual. The vagina should and can be depicted in a non-sexual way – it’s just another body part. “Look at your hand, then look at your vagina,” said one participant in the project. “Can we really be so naïve to believe our vaginas the dirtiest, sexiest parts of our body?”

We refuse to manipulate our bodies to conform to your expectations of beauty. How often do you see an ungroomed vulva in an advertisement, a sex scene, or in a porno? Depictions of female genitalia in culture provide unrealistic images that most women are unable to live up to. “Beautiful vaginas are depicted as soft, hairless, and white. The reality is that my vagina is dark and hairy, and when it isn’t it is pinkish and prickly,” said one of the participants in the project. We believe that the fact that more than 1200 Australian women a year get labioplasty is a symptom of a serious problem. How can society both refuse to look at our body part, call it offensive, and then demand it look a certain way?

We want to feel normal; we don’t want to feel fearful when we have a first sexual counter with a partner who may judge us because of our vaginas. That fear was replicated during our photo shoot. “Just before getting the picture taken the little voice in my head was doing the whole ‘why didn’t you landscape?’ thing,” said one woman. This sentiment was shared by most people in the project – we felt a pressure to present our vaginas to the world in a way that the audience would be ‘comfortable’ with. But this cover is intended to reassure other women. Take comfort form the fact that everyone’s vagina is different, and that everyone’s is normal.
There was a selfish element to this cover. The participants have benefited from a sense of liberation. “It was a big ‘fuck you’ to all of the ideals, all of the shame, all of the hurtful lies that we are told about ourselves day in and day out,” summarised one woman.

All the women on the cover have been unified through their experience, but so is every other person that is able to defeat any negative feelings they have towards their own or another vagina. As one participant put it: “When it comes down to it, my vagina is just another part of my body, which can be viewed in a number of different ways, but the majority of the time is completely neutral, just like my mouth or my hands. It is not something to be ashamed of; it is not my dirty secret.”

It’s telling that the women who participated in the creation of this cover found the experience to be liberating. It’s because we need liberation. Just before we went to print, we were told that our cover was illegal, possibly criminal. But why? According to the SRC’s legal advice, this publication might be “obscene” or “indecent”, likely to cause offence to a “reasonable adult”. But what is offensive or obscene about a body part that over half of the Australian population have? Why can’t we talk about it – why can’t we see it? Why is that penises are scrawled in graffiti all around the world, but we can’t bear to look at vaginas?

Art exhibitions over the last few decades have attempted to break down the stigma attached to the vagina by bringing its realistic depiction into the public sphere, most recently in Redfern. But the audience must first choose to go to the exhibition. By distributing this cover about the University, we have given our audience no choice. Either accept vaginas as normal, non-threatening, and not disgusting, or explain why you can’t.

Here they are, flaps and all. Don’t you dare tell me my body offends you.

(We acknowledge that the notion of vaginas pertaining exclusively to women is a very cisgendered conception of anatomy and identity. While vaginas often belong to cisgender women, this is not always the case. What we are discussing here is the experience of having a vagina, in an ungendered way. This experience is different for everyone. The term “cisgender” refers to the gender identity of individuals whose birth-assigned gender is in alignment with their current gender identity.)

There are black bars over our labia. Trust us, they’re not usually there.

As the law currently stands, we can’t show you what’s under those bars. The SRC is a small organisation without resources take on the man, and the reality is that people will face gaol time if we show you our labia.

This is ridiculous.

Censorship laws in Australia state that the publishing of ‘indecent articles’ is illegal. Indecent is supposed to be something that will ‘offend’ a ‘reasonable person’. That in 2013, the vulva can still be considered something that will offend a reasonable person is absurd.

We hereby present to you the censored vaginas of 18 Sydney University Students. We present them, tarnished, enraged, and enlarged. And we ask you, the reasonable person,

are you seriously offended by a body part half the population has?

Honi soit qui mal y pense.


Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

[Image: thumb_thisthreadisworthlesswithoutp.gif]

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

I have never in my life met someone who is offended by a vagina in any way. What planet do these people live on?

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

We all know women love to pretend they're self-empowered, feign accomplishment, create drama out of nothing, and hear themselves talk.
I basically chalk this up to those propensities.

I might get some shit here for admitting it, but I actually vastly prefer bush. No joke.
The cunty tone of this editor and participants infuriated even me, the closest thing these dumb bitches will ever have to a real male supporter (someone with a vested interest in fewer women shaving).


Indecent is supposed to be something that will ‘offend’ a ‘reasonable person’.
are you seriously offended by a body part half the population has?
Lol... Cute sentiment. I'd like to see how well your principles would hold up if random guys started flashing their cocks at you and sending dick pics to your phone; you'd cry sexual harassment in a nanosecond, you deluded child.


Don’t you dare tell me my body offends you.
Yeah, we get it, your beef curtain are special and magical "just the way they are", you fucking special little cunt you.
Now shut up and get back to studying for your totally unemployable state funded sociology degree or whatever worthless endeavor you've devoted yourself to.

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

This is exhibitionism masquerading as victimology.

These women can't just come out like Kate Upton and say "I like to show off!!" because they're either too mentally screwed up or too unattractive. So they cloak their natural impulses in pretentious feminist psychobabble about how their bodies and vaginas are ***judged*** (OMG!!!) so they...take pictures of their vaginas. Yeah, that'll solve everything. (As if men aren't judged even more -- ever see any online dating profile without a height requirement?)

This has nothing to do with being a victim and everything to do with a bunch of oddball chicks trying to get men to pay attention to them on campus.

And this, friends, is why strippers, porn stars, and prostitutes are such a welcome alternative to feminists. They might all have their annoying qualities, but at least they're honest about what they're doing.

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

there's no escaping the fact some vaginas look better than others.

putting a hideous roast beef axe wound on a newspaper article is indecent and always will be.

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas


We acknowledge that the notion of vaginas pertaining exclusively to women is a very cisgendered conception of anatomy and identity. While vaginas often belong to cisgender women, this is not always the case. What we are discussing here is the experience of having a vagina, in an ungendered way.

These "womyn" really are insane.

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

Women always over-think all this shit, as usual.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

As anyone who looks at the covers of Time magazine can see, the purpose of the news is no longer to inform you about the world around you. The purpose of the news is to make you feel better a out yourself.

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

Went to this uni...

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

Here's the cover.

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

Quote: (08-22-2013 10:24 AM)MattW Wrote:  

Here's the cover.

[Image: 132.gif]

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

I think the cover was a good thing and get its dig at censorship's stupid out dated laws regarding showing the womans vulva.

Further to this I do not agree with its censorship....

Its kind of like how we are made to feel bad as men if we dont have a 10" + dick...

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

scorpion: Aside from one or two really weird/hairy ones, I thought they looked ok. You can't expect to pull down random college chick's panties and find stripper vaginas.

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

Quote: (08-22-2013 11:43 AM)pump_and_romance Wrote:  

scorpion: Aside from one or two really weird/hairy ones, I thought they looked ok. You can't expect to pull down random college chick's panties and find stripper vaginas.

Nah dude, those are all fat chick vaginas. Look at how the thighs touch. Those snatches are obscene.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

Those were some seriously ugly twats. I'm never going to Australia now.

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

Journalists demanding the world's attention for that which nobody gives a shit. I almost think it's a disservice to the idea of censorship that the cover was banned, now everybody wants to know what it was. Thanks, Streisand Effect.

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

This story is just more proof that feminism has jumped the shark, and has essentially become a parody of itself. Modern Western women have it so good that the only thing feminists can find to complain about is the fact that there aren't pictures of hairy vaginas on the front page of the newspaper. That sounds like a joke from the Onion, but here we see, it is literally true.

They are suffering from a sort of psychosis brought about by sheer excess. They have so much freedom they don't know what to do with themselves. They can't handle it, which is why they literally start to go insane and create these dramatic victim complexes. " mean I can't show my hairy vagina off in a public newspaper? Are you kidding me? THIS IS PATRIARCHAL OPPRESSION!!! AARRGHH!!!"

The real truth is that these women have no problems whatsoever. Women have never before enjoyed so many rights and had so few responsibilities as they do now in Western culture. They are the "privileged" class they rail so unceasingly against. They feel this deep down, a feeling of shame and failure in their natural role as feminine women and mothers, which is why they hypocritically project this label of privilege on the mass of men who labor unceasingly for their satisfaction and comfort.

Feminists in the West are like trust fund babies, living off other peoples' money and filling their empty lives with self-created drama to dull their pain of their meaningless existence. Like a spoiled rich kid whose idea of hardship is flying business class or not getting a new car for each birthday, the feminist must create her own struggles in a world that has been carefully crafted to cater to her every need. And so she finds patriarchal boogeymen hiding behind every corner, all invented by her imagination, and slowly begins to go insane and lose her grasp on reality as a result.

How else to explain a story like this? Or the endless claims of academic discrimination in a university system approaching 2/3rds female? Or the fixation on "rape culture" when a woman's word is enough to ruin a man's reputation for life? Or the ability of women to divorce her husband with no justification and turn him into her personal slave and ATM? And so on, and so on...

We often say things like, "Man, those feminists are crazy." And yes. I propose that they are, literally, crazy, and that the more feminist a woman is, the more likely she is suffering some sort of mental psychosis that completely warps her perspective of reality.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

Quote: (08-22-2013 10:24 AM)MattW Wrote:  

Here's the cover.

[Image: what-the-fuck-tom-delonge-gif.gif]

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

I wonder if in the newspaper they have a section (think the puzzle/crossword/daily jumble) where the 18 matched up with headshots and you have to try to match the girl to the vagina

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

If anyone needed further proof, this cover has removed all doubt surrounding the strong correlation between exhibitionism and ugliness.

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

Quote: (08-22-2013 10:24 AM)MattW Wrote:  

Here's the cover.

Damn-it! Why did I look at that?
If I got a girl back to my flat, into my room then striped and she had a pussy that looked as bad as that I seriously would not be able to get it up. It would be game over.... for her.

[Image: attachment.jpg14060]   

Girls should be an ornament to the eye, not an ache in the ear.

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

Damn this one has a hair-do [Image: lol.gif]
[Image: 5Gk9KU5.jpg]
Remind me not to go to Australia.

Team Nachos

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

Quote: (08-22-2013 10:24 AM)MattW Wrote:  

Here's the cover.
To be honest, the jungle in the top right is the only one I flat out WNB.
(Based on snatch quality alone, that is... Several of those chicks looked fat.)

Expecting every girl you take to bed to have a credit card slot between her legs will lead you to disappointment. Sure a picture perfect pussy is fun when you find one, but at the end of the day pussy is pussy... [Image: hump.gif]

Sydney Uni newspaper and 18 vaginas

Quote: (08-22-2013 10:24 AM)MattW Wrote:  

Here's the cover.

Extrapolating the body shape and other hygiene information from these vulvae, I would bang almost half of them. The rest would be a coin toss, but only 3 looks unappealing enough to definitely skip (just too much hair), despite its legs showing an attractive thigh gap.

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