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how much do you lie to girls?

how much do you lie to girls?

just curious how much you guys pad your life stories to get it in. i usually take liberties with the following areas

relationship history – if pressed, or if otherwise necessary, i will refer to a past relationship or two i haven’t actually had. the point is to simply establish a normal history and not let on the fact that i was late bloomer who only started getting laid in his mid 20s.

travel stories – i have told travel stories about places i’ve never been to but know a fair bit about, through other people, wikipedia, this forum, etc. i have used roosh’s stories from his bang travel guides. for example i was telling this one girl about a trip to iceland and its drunken hookup culture even though i’ve never experienced it and would very much like to someday lol.

amusing anecdotes – i recycle small funny bits especially online and over text. like, the answer to “bodmon, how was your weekend?” will be the exact same thing in the set up before a first date.

to me all of this is still relatively minor. as of yet i don’t fabricate anything in respect of my occupation, accomplishments, connections/hookups, skills & abilities, etc. somehow i find it very mentally tough and anguishing – like there’s this internal awkwardness that bars me from bullshitting completely and sounding right to my own ears, much less the girl’s. this is why i had a lot of trouble delivering routines in the beginning. call it moral phaggotry if you’d like. maybe i just want girls to like the _real_ me... oh lawd lol.

how much do you lie to girls?

With impunity, but everything is plausible.


how much do you lie to girls?

I once told a chick a story of how I traveled to the Philippines just to keep the conversation going.

It works but you need to know how to lie and answer questions.

how much do you lie to girls?

As little as possible to get what I want. Sometimes I tell open-ended truths or insignificant lies.

After some time at the club, dancing, kissing, etc

Me- Ill drive you home.
Girl- OK
Me- *Drive straight to my house*
Girl- Ummm. this isn't my house
Me- Dont worry. We'll just kiss.

Girl (on the phone)- Do you miss me?
Me- Yea, of course *thinking of the last girl i smashed the night before*

Me- I want to keep seeing you as a friend *I don't have the courage to explain that you got fat and I dont like you anymore.*

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

how much do you lie to girls?

"relationship history – if pressed, or if otherwise necessary, i will refer to a past relationship or two i haven’t actually had. the point is to simply establish a normal history and not let on the fact that i was late bloomer who only started getting laid in his mid 20s."

Same case with me. I invent two LTRs of around a year or so in my early 20s. Actually I have never had a girlfriend over two months, and now that I am learning game, I don't think there is any advantage in a LTR other than consistent sex. And even that is in doubt.

how much do you lie to girls?

I don't have a moral compass, so lie all you want, I'd say. Just beware of the dangers.

(1) If you start seeing the girl seriously, she will find out and it will be hard maintaining frame explaining why you felt the 'real you' wasn't good enough for her.

(2) If word gets around you're lying, that's problematic. I would not want to be in that situation and I'm assuming it's why lying stresses you out so much.

(3) Slippery slope. If lying pays off, are you gonna use it more often? And even worse, is lying going to prevent you in some degree from actually getting more experiences and being more interesting?

You can't change the time you started having sex. It wouldn't be that bad to lie about it. Just realize that lying often suggests insecurity about it. The better solution would be to own it, reframe it.

how much do you lie to girls?

i use to lie a lot but it's more trouble than it's worth. a lot of players will eventually tell you that you don't really need to lie to get laid. however, feel free to withhold the truth if it doesn't make you look insecure.

that said i'll lie about logistics (where i'm going, why i'm there, etc) if it means to not spook them

how much do you lie to girls?

I end up lying all the time. The more vague and joke-like lies I tell the faster sex comes it seems. I have especially used this with girls a couple years older than me. I lie that I am older. I have told the truth, and still gotten laid, but dealt with way too many shit tests. Anytime I can predict a shit test being thrown for telling the truth I lie.

I tell her what she wants to hear.

Nicer girls during day game that are younger don't need this as much.

Oh, and I lie about always being out at night or busy if they ask what I have been up to. Never anything that makes them think I am not keeping my options open.

I don't like it, but it works.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

how much do you lie to girls?

I work in little social proof lies. This Summer I mentioned to almost every girl I wanted to bang that I had a friend who had a place 5 minutes from a popular beach. This college season I am going to mention I got a friend who is hiring at American Eagle and how I am throwing huge nonexistent parties on my street.

I also take off 4 years from my age and lie about a 2nd job I work so they always think I am too busy and the only time they can see me is late at night. I'll never tell a lie that I can't cover for if I slip up.

how much do you lie to girls?

I lie very little about myself and what I have to offer to girls.. I sometimes cock-block myself by being honest about how soon I'm leaving the country when I travel and so on..

how much do you lie to girls?

Quote: (08-09-2013 07:12 PM)bacan Wrote:  

I lie very little about myself and what I have to offer to girls.. I sometimes cock-block myself by being honest about how soon I'm leaving the country when I travel and so on..

Same here.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

how much do you lie to girls?

Her: So, how many girls have you been with?
Me: Uh, about 10.

A classic.

how much do you lie to girls?

I find that lying is an interesting way of preventing myself from seeing a girl too long. It's akin to a fat person putting a padlock on the snack cabinet. While any girl who's genuinely into me will accept any confession on my part, nevertheless, the very act of starting out with bald faced lies puts me into the mindset that this girl is only for the very short-term. This also encourages me to escalate as quickly as possible. Otherwise keeping up the lies becomes exhausting, I'm not a damn undercover FBI agent.

how much do you lie to girls?

I pretty much never lie. It feels incongruent. I didn't know lying this much(beyond white lies) was common.

how do you guys keep up and doesn't it feel odd


how much do you lie to girls?

I never really lie, for some reason a lot of the situations where you would need to lie are shitests, indirect answers. I do lie when I want em to leave though.

how much do you lie to girls?

too much

how much do you lie to girls?

Lol it's so funny how girls lie and don't think they're lying, do NOT think it's wrong, totally justify it.

And guys here are laying down ground rules for what they will and won't lie about. Girls lie about anything and everything and never consider it as such.

Some honorable gentlemen here.

how much do you lie to girls?

Lies I told to secure my last notch

-I'm religous
-I dont smoke cigarettes
-I only drink once or twice a week
-Only slept with five girls; and they were all my girlfriends
-Broke up with my girlfriend of 8 months three weeks ago
-Graduated college

[Image: confused.gif]

how much do you lie to girls?

It's not lying. It's telling the hamster what it wants to hear.

how much do you lie to girls?

A big part of my game is ridiculous, unbelievable lies. It's usually just to keep my self amused but works well.

If a girl thinks I'm a player, I tell her that I'm a virgin who is Mormon and grew up in Utah. Or if asked my age I'll say 16 and I'm using my brother's ID, or say I'm late 40s (I'm 22). The more ridiculous the better.

how much do you lie to girls?

I rarely lie. Have a bad poker face. If a girl is asking about other women or something like that I just play dumb. Muchas chicas? nooooo In my experience, at the start of things, women like the idea of you getting lots of women. Especially at the start of of things women like the idea of you getting lots of women. If they like you aka want to have sex with you its hard to fuck up. As for lying to get them to that place, don't bother just keep approaches up. A girl that genuinely likes you will be down for whatever for months. Keep 2-3 of these in a cycle.

how much do you lie to girls?

I try not to lie about stuff but it depends. I once made up a story about being a total loser and drug dealer. It got me laid. Some guys think they should lie about being rich and popular. It doesn't work, chicks see through that shit. They get that bs from hundreds of guys. And besides, we all know they'd prefer an evil loser over a rich asshole any day.

how much do you lie to girls?

Quote: (08-09-2013 11:37 AM)bodmon Wrote:  

just curious how much you guys pad your life stories to get it in. i usually take liberties with the following areas

relationship history – if pressed, or if otherwise necessary, i will refer to a past relationship or two i haven’t actually had. the point is to simply establish a normal history and not let on the fact that i was late bloomer who only started getting laid in his mid 20s.

travel stories – i have told travel stories about places i’ve never been to but know a fair bit about, through other people, wikipedia, this forum, etc. i have used roosh’s stories from his bang travel guides. for example i was telling this one girl about a trip to iceland and its drunken hookup culture even though i’ve never experienced it and would very much like to someday lol.

amusing anecdotes – i recycle small funny bits especially online and over text. like, the answer to “bodmon, how was your weekend?” will be the exact same thing in the set up before a first date.

to me all of this is still relatively minor. as of yet i don’t fabricate anything in respect of my occupation, accomplishments, connections/hookups, skills & abilities, etc. somehow i find it very mentally tough and anguishing – like there’s this internal awkwardness that bars me from bullshitting completely and sounding right to my own ears, much less the girl’s. this is why i had a lot of trouble delivering routines in the beginning. call it moral phaggotry if you’d like. maybe i just want girls to like the _real_ me... oh lawd lol.

I think most of us have embellished stories from time to time or told white lies. You need to make up your own mind on where to draw the your moral line. I am no saint but I never feel good about lying. If you perceive some kind of weakness in yourself, I think it is best to frame it in a way that you have worked to overcome it and turned it into a strength. Besides, most women are intuitive and will ultimately learn the truth. It is also difficult to be congruent on what you are lying about.

how much do you lie to girls?

Quote: (08-10-2013 02:27 AM)kickboxer Wrote:  

Lies I told to secure my last notch

-I'm religous
-I dont smoke cigarettes
-I only drink once or twice a week
-Only slept with five girls; and they were all my girlfriends
-Broke up with my girlfriend of 8 months three weeks ago
-Graduated college

[Image: confused.gif]

Was this in Saudi Arabia?

how much do you lie to girls?

Quote: (08-10-2013 05:06 AM)wi30 Wrote:  

A big part of my game is ridiculous, unbelievable lies. It's usually just to keep my self amused but works well.

If a girl thinks I'm a player, I tell her that I'm a virgin who is Mormon and grew up in Utah. Or if asked my age I'll say 16 and I'm using my brother's ID, or say I'm late 40s (I'm 22). The more ridiculous the better.

This. I invent bullshit lines and stories depending on the moment in time(the key is to keep your face serious but with a charm in it) then I sprinkle some truthfulness, maybe something she can find out is real at a later date. This then throws her off loop to when you could be saying something real or sarcastic.

Pretty much I feel this is when game should come into play, deflect her questions and enhance your conversation skills.

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