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The Thai Woman's Way to Make a Man Fall in Love with You

The Thai Woman's Way to Make a Man Fall in Love with You

Cassandra James

I currently live in Thailand and, even though it has a reputation for sex and prostitution, in reality many single Thai women are very naive about sex. When dating, even seriously dating someone for many years, many of them are still virgins when they marry, yet they're experts at getting men to fall in love with them. As a Western woman who is more used to the freedom of sexual relationships in the West, to some extent I now find myself agreeing with the Thai way and admiring Thai women and here's why.

1. Men Don't Respect Women Who Have Sex on the First Date. You can rationalize this all you want, but the truth is 99.9% of men have little respect for a woman who will sleep with them on the first date. Sure, you can say Ï don't normally do this" and they'll nod and act like they believe you. Secretly though they're thinking, if you'll do this with them, how many other men have you done it with? And that in itself is an immediate relationship killer. Thai women who are 'good girls'definitely don't have sex on the first date yet, in Thailand, I see a huge amount of respect for the women Thai guys are dating. Some of the guys I know have been dating the same woman for several years but are adamant that sex will be saved for marriage. Yet they treat their girlfriends like princesses and Thai women demand and expect this.

2. Men Like A Challenge. Men are socialized to have to compete for everything. Even the ones who tell you they don't like women who are a challenge, it's not true. Men are used to having to compete in work, sports, business and relationships. So a woman who is a challenge is automatically someone men will work to get to know better. Once you've had sex with them, the challenge is over. As my mother always told me, "Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free". A little crass and blunt maybe, but so true. Thai women are always a challenge because they don't talk to a guy first, they don't pursue a guy and they don't give up their friends when a new man appears on the scene. Thai women make men work for them and that's probably why Thai men adore them so much.

3. Men Like Mystery. If you have sex with a man on the first few dates (or even in the first few months), the mystery has gone. Men fall in love while they're imagining what could be. Once they've experienced it, the mystery is gone and there's no impetus to try harder. This is when they normally start looking for another woman. It's also why I make absolutely sure I'm in love with someone and him with me before I go anywhere near the bedroom, and if that takes months or years, so be it. Thai women are masters at this and it's probably why they have Thai guys hanging around for years, even though they've never even managed to have sex with them yet. Thai women also are very private about personal things in their lives. So the Thai guy always feels that element of mystery around his girlfriend or wife.

4. Men Do Love Romance. New studies show that men actually do like romance and fall in love just as deeply, if not more so, than women do. For men, they're often in love a long time before they'll admit it to themselves or to anyone else, so keeping the romance going means a guy will be in love that much longer. Not having sex with a guy keeps the romance going and keeps the man interested in you. Think of the old-fashioned movies and books, where the real romance was, and how many of the men in those movies and books were so in love with the women they would do anything for them. Thai women always act in a very romantic way and Thai women also dress in a very feminine way. They wear high heels, cute skirts and blouses, have beautiful long hair, manicured nails and perfect make-up. They hang out in big groups of women friends and always look sweet and feminine. Consequently, Thai guys will drive halfway across the country for their girlfriends, help them with boring family things, bring them food every lunch time, go pick them up wherever they are and drive them home, and generally make sure their every need is satisfied. It's romantic helping your girlfriend and Thai men love doing it.

So, if you want a guy to fall in love with you, maybe you should try the Thai way. Thai men idolize the women they are with. Don't you want that too?

The Thai Woman's Way to Make a Man Fall in Love with You

Shallow, patronizing and incredibly naive.

The Thai Woman's Way to Make a Man Fall in Love with You

Men like a challenge? Sure, in Thailand I do. I mean I get 100+ interests a week in my Thai dating site account, the only challenge is that writing to them all and getting their LINE ID's is a full time job for me.

And as for Thai guys hanging around a woman for years, yeah dream on babe. Thai guys seem pretty alpha from what I've seen.

The Thai Woman's Way to Make a Man Fall in Love with You

This bitch is spewing pure garbage all over yahoo. Notice how she doesn't allow comments. I had to stop scrolling down her page. Fucking Yahoo. One of the literary guru's over there like Beyond Border needs to track her dumbass down and nuke the hamster. Here's her online shrine:

[Image: attachment.jpg13655]   

Even an article about gay friendly hotels:


Will Flooding in Thailand Increase Domestic Violence Against Women and Children?

The Thai Woman's Way to Make a Man Fall in Love with You

Yeah, what the hell is the big idea - posting some internet fluff piece here as a thread? Come on. If we wanted to read rehashed crap we'd go do a basic Google search and see what kind of spam rose to the top.

I'm not saying that nothing in the article is true but it's hardly revolutionary - just your run-of-the-mill regurgitation.

This forum is about real men having real experiences abroad and sharing their first-hand experience. If you find some truly valuable piece of info or resources online, by all means share and comment, but this article you've posted is just mental masturbation.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

The Thai Woman's Way to Make a Man Fall in Love with You

No, it's a challenge to see if RioGonad can get a blowjob from her. Think a little deeper BB. You disappoint me sometimes little frail drunken grasshopper.

The Thai Woman's Way to Make a Man Fall in Love with You

Quote: (08-04-2013 09:58 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

No, it's a challenge to see if RioGonad can get a blowjob from her. Think a little deeper BB. You disappoint me sometimes little frail drunken grasshopper.

I was actually talking about the OP. Not sure what you're getting on about Blahba. LOL We were writing our posts at the same time so I missed the name-drop.

Good call on the little frail drunken grasshopper though. Might have to change my forum handle.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

The Thai Woman's Way to Make a Man Fall in Love with You

Too funny, a British - American woman, writing about what a man wants in a good Thai girl.

The Thai Woman's Way to Make a Man Fall in Love with You

at least offer up an opinion or some thoughts on the article you are cutting and pasting

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