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French Riviera

French Riviera

Any recommendation on this area?

1st where exactly should I take the hotel, nightlife wise, Nice or maybe Monaco?
And for day game, any good beaches?
I reckon there would be girls there from all over the world, not sure if they would be better option than the French girls, when I was in Paris the French girls where almost unreachable.


French Riviera

Hello Marco,
First of all when do u plan going there?
I'm asking u that because as u know summer is now over and so it's way less turistic now than 1 month ago.
Usually the "busy" period is 14th July - 15th August. It's when u'll meet more turists. Also of course during the Cannes Movie Festival.

The problem if u plan to go now or the next month is that u will probably find 90% of french girls when u go out.

Anyways, let's talk about where u should go.

Regarding the night life, forget about Nice or go only if u like pubs. There are no clubs worth the try.
Pubs in Nice: go to the old city and to the "cours saleya" you'll find a lot of movement with pubs and restaurants...
u can try "Thor", "manoland" or "Wayne's"
the last one is my favorite. During the summer it's full of swedish/ Russian / English who come to Nice to learn French.

Clubs: As I said, forget Nice. Go to Cannes or Monaco.
In Cannes, go to "Palm Beach", "Baoli" or "Le Palais" which is only open during the summer.
I would recommend le Baoli, full of HB but hard to get. Nevertheless it's hard to get in. Since there is a restaurant I recommend you to book a table, eat there and then pass to the club.
Bars in Cannes: try L'annexe, Cat Corner and go to the "golden square" which is in the "Rue des freres pradignac" where there are a lot of bars.

Monaco: I only know the Karement club which is good and full of HB. On the port u can have a drink in the Stars N Bars.

Saint Tropez: the place to go during the summer, a lot of clubs like Papagayo, Les caves du Roy, VIP Room... Hard to get in, full of HB 10, expensive...
To get inside the VIP Room I recommend you the same as Baoli: you book a table to diner, you eat there and you have no problem to get inside the club.

As I said before, right now the ambiance will be different. In the clubs you'll see only the locals and few turist.
I would recommend to visit the french Riviera during the Cannes movie festival (Month of May) if you can. It's simply insane during this period, I have never seen such a concentration of beautiful girls.

Regarding the girls. Well they are quite difficult. Usually we say that girls from Paris and from the French Riviera are the hardest to get. Why? Because of their mentality. They are obviously gorgeous but they look for $$$ (not all of them but a lot), they like to show off and so on.
So between a young and good looking guy and an older and rich guy they'll probably choose the rich one.

If u go out in pubs the ambiance is different and u can get a hot swedish / russian / english / german ... girls

Where to stay?
Depend on ur budget. First of all u should definitely rent a car. Taxis are way too expensive.
If u plan to go out in Cannes u can directly stay in Cannes or in a town closed to Cannes: Le Cannet, Mougins, Mandelieu (5-10 min away from Cannes by car)
If u plan to stay more in the Monaco location, choose a hotel in Beausoleil, Eze, Cap d'ail or even Nice.

Hope it will help, don't hesitate if u have any question.

French Riviera

You want to compete with rich guys from all over the world who go there in their yachts?
But if you do... perhaps next year when the Formula 1 round is in Monaco there will be a good crowd.

French Riviera

Quote: (09-25-2010 03:20 AM)K-man Wrote:  

You want to compete with rich guys from all over the world who go there in their yachts?
But if you do... perhaps next year when the Formula 1 round is in Monaco there will be a good crowd.

Yeah, and then you can compete with formula 1 drivers too. Just playing. One of my friends says that is a dope time to go.

"I reckon there would be girls there from all over the world, not sure if they would be better option than the French girls, when I was in Paris the French girls where almost unreachable. "

There are girls from all over. French girls are definitely easier, for many reasons, outside of Paris.

The South of France has a better set up and easier to wrap your arms around (so to speak).

French Riviera

I wanna try this before I die! sounds like class

French Riviera

Thanks Julio,
I will be there next week and it seems to me better to stay in Nice as 1st I'm more of a pub person and will not fit in the money competition, also it seems that in those dates their is less tourists and Nice is the bigger city so at least plenty of locals would be there.
Cannes is also only 70,000 people so I guess off season is quite slow.

French Riviera

You're welcome Marco,
So if you stay in Nice and you are more a pub guy check the Wayne's I think it's where you'll have the highest probability to meet girls.
Then go around the "cours saleya" since it's where it's the most crowded.
For restaurants I recommend you "La Voglia". Cheap and good. French/Italian food.
Have a good stay and wait for your impressions!

French Riviera


Are you from south of France?

French Riviera

Quote: (09-27-2010 12:02 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  


Are you from south of France?

yes I was born in Cannes and spent 23 years there but right now I'm living and working in Madrid.

French Riviera

Quote: (09-27-2010 01:05 PM)julio26 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2010 12:02 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  


Are you from south of France?

yes I was born in Cannes and spent 23 years there but right now I'm living and working in Madrid.

Smooth. Good work.

French Riviera

I stayed eventually in Nice and had a good time one night at the Waynes bar, though no scoring. Many tourists or students from all over the world.
Night after (Sunday) even the Waynes was quite empty.
Overall it was nice time in Nice and the area, restaurants and view are good but if you are looking for quick scores I would not recommend it.

French Riviera

Quote: (10-11-2010 10:45 AM)Marco Wrote:  

I stayed eventually in Nice and had a good time one night at the Waynes bar, though no scoring. Many tourists or students from all over the world.
Night after (Sunday) even the Waynes was quite empty.
Overall it was nice time in Nice and the area, restaurants and view are good but if you are looking for quick scores I would not recommend it.


Any more Data to share from this trip?

French Riviera

Quote: (05-22-2013 08:56 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (10-11-2010 10:45 AM)Marco Wrote:  

I stayed eventually in Nice and had a good time one night at the Waynes bar, though no scoring. Many tourists or students from all over the world.
Night after (Sunday) even the Waynes was quite empty.
Overall it was nice time in Nice and the area, restaurants and view are good but if you are looking for quick scores I would not recommend it.


Any more Data to share from this trip?

Not much, I had another trip later to the area.
Waynes bars is still the place for mixing locals and foreigners, some students, some travelers. I went to Cannes one night to a posh club with awful beer for 10 Euro a glass, some good looking girls but no chance at all. It seems there is good nightlife in Cannes. On the restaurants and cafes on the beaches mostly old people, I can say honestly that this is one of the worst areas to meet girls, for me at least.

French Riviera

Quote: (05-22-2013 09:54 PM)Marco Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2013 08:56 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (10-11-2010 10:45 AM)Marco Wrote:  

I stayed eventually in Nice and had a good time one night at the Waynes bar, though no scoring. Many tourists or students from all over the world.
Night after (Sunday) even the Waynes was quite empty.
Overall it was nice time in Nice and the area, restaurants and view are good but if you are looking for quick scores I would not recommend it.


Any more Data to share from this trip?

Not much, I had another trip later to the area.
Waynes bars is still the place for mixing locals and foreigners, some students, some travelers. I went to Cannes one night to a posh club with awful beer for 10 Euro a glass, some good looking girls but no chance at all. It seems there is good nightlife in Cannes. On the restaurants and cafes on the beaches mostly old people, I can say honestly that this is one of the worst areas to meet girls, for me at least.

Why "no chance at all"?

Language barrier? Competition? All seated groups? What?

Why is it "one of the worst areas to meet girls"?

What reasons? Ratios? No hot girls? A huge tour bus of girls from Washington DC pulled up? What?

Does that mean Cannes? Or Nice? Or Monaco? St. Tropez? Or the whole area?

Can you elaborate a little more? Any info you can throw down would be helpful?

Restaurants? Day Game? etc

French Riviera

Quote: (05-22-2013 09:54 PM)Marco Wrote:  

Not much, I had another trip later to the area.
Waynes bars is still the place for mixing locals and foreigners, some students, some travelers. I went to Cannes one night to a posh club with awful beer for 10 Euro a glass, some good looking girls but no chance at all. It seems there is good nightlife in Cannes. On the restaurants and cafes on the beaches mostly old people, I can say honestly that this is one of the worst areas to meet girls, for me at least.

Was in Wayne's bar last night.

Liveliest place in Nice I'd say. Clientèle mostly foreign ( lots of Erasmus students ) and it's a younger early 20's crowd but good fun and in the table section very easy to open lots of sets. Took three Finns there yesterday and had a good night.

Was in Cannes tonight and I must disagree strongly. I opened a lot of women today and number and FB closed a lot of them. I was negative on Cannes a few weeks ago but the beach sidewalk and the area around Rue Notre Damme ( spelling? ) is a gold mine at THIS time. Don't know about out of season but right now you can't fail with a ballsy attitude. Loved it.

PS why are young Australian dudes almost always utter dicks?

French Riviera

I agree about the Australian dudes--I'm on the Greek islands right now, and they are incredibly crass--swear like a drunken sailors. They all have money to spend though, and are quite buff/good-looking compared to American guys.

It's interesting to game French women vs. American sorority chicks, since they are both here. The American girls all flock to the Australian meatheads/dicks--the French seem to avoid them, and go for less 'alpha' kind of men.

French Riviera

Quote: (05-23-2013 02:44 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2013 09:54 PM)Marco Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2013 08:56 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (10-11-2010 10:45 AM)Marco Wrote:  

I stayed eventually in Nice and had a good time one night at the Waynes bar, though no scoring. Many tourists or students from all over the world.
Night after (Sunday) even the Waynes was quite empty.
Overall it was nice time in Nice and the area, restaurants and view are good but if you are looking for quick scores I would not recommend it.


Any more Data to share from this trip?

Not much, I had another trip later to the area.
Waynes bars is still the place for mixing locals and foreigners, some students, some travelers. I went to Cannes one night to a posh club with awful beer for 10 Euro a glass, some good looking girls but no chance at all. It seems there is good nightlife in Cannes. On the restaurants and cafes on the beaches mostly old people, I can say honestly that this is one of the worst areas to meet girls, for me at least.

Why "no chance at all"?

Language barrier? Competition? All seated groups? What?

Why is it "one of the worst areas to meet girls"?

What reasons? Ratios? No hot girls? A huge tour bus of girls from Washington DC pulled up? What?

Does that mean Cannes? Or Nice? Or Monaco? St. Tropez? Or the whole area?

Can you elaborate a little more? Any info you can throw down would be helpful?

Restaurants? Day Game? etc

Do you plan to visit there?
There are very respectable forum members which either live in the area or spending much time there and they seem to do better, so their opinion is surely better than mine and my 2 short visits which were off season mainly to Nice, nevertheless I will try to answer you:

Ratio of hot girls is low, actually ratio of young people in general is low, on the cafes and beaches of Nice and Antibs a lot of pensioners, old couples so there is not much to work with. I made quite of few day game approaches, girls answered my indirect questions and flee immediately.
Did not encounter language barrier, found only the Waynes as good nightlife spot in midweek in Nice and average girls looks was low. Tried to approach even girls which aren't my cup of tea, just to see how it goes but alas, in western countries when your'e 30+ it is hard to compete for the young attractive early 20s.
I should remind you that I frequent visitor to EE countries so I used to more attractive and respective girls. I know that french riviera is tourist destination for high class Russians, however in my visits I did not see them.
In Cannes I was only 1 night in that posh place, there I saw more attractive and mature girls, but again I was not appealing to them, cant say the reason. Several approaches, bad/bored feedback.

French Riviera

Quote: (05-24-2013 02:35 AM)Marco Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2013 02:44 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2013 09:54 PM)Marco Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2013 08:56 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (10-11-2010 10:45 AM)Marco Wrote:  

I stayed eventually in Nice and had a good time one night at the Waynes bar, though no scoring. Many tourists or students from all over the world.
Night after (Sunday) even the Waynes was quite empty.
Overall it was nice time in Nice and the area, restaurants and view are good but if you are looking for quick scores I would not recommend it.


Any more Data to share from this trip?

Not much, I had another trip later to the area.
Waynes bars is still the place for mixing locals and foreigners, some students, some travelers. I went to Cannes one night to a posh club with awful beer for 10 Euro a glass, some good looking girls but no chance at all. It seems there is good nightlife in Cannes. On the restaurants and cafes on the beaches mostly old people, I can say honestly that this is one of the worst areas to meet girls, for me at least.

Why "no chance at all"?

Language barrier? Competition? All seated groups? What?

Why is it "one of the worst areas to meet girls"?

What reasons? Ratios? No hot girls? A huge tour bus of girls from Washington DC pulled up? What?

Does that mean Cannes? Or Nice? Or Monaco? St. Tropez? Or the whole area?

Can you elaborate a little more? Any info you can throw down would be helpful?

Restaurants? Day Game? etc

Do you plan to visit there?

Yeah, that is why I am asking you.

It's the reason I am pulling teeth to get any info. The French Riveria on this forum has a bunch of guys asking about it in threads, going there and then not reporting back.

Quote: (05-24-2013 02:35 AM)Marco Wrote:  

Do you plan to visit there?
There are very respectable forum members which either live in the area or spending much time there and they seem to do better, so their opinion is surely better than mine and my 2 short visits which were off season mainly to Nice, nevertheless I will try to answer you:

Ratio of hot girls is low, actually ratio of young people in general is low, on the cafes and beaches of Nice and Antibs a lot of pensioners, old couples so there is not much to work with. I made quite of few day game approaches, girls answered my indirect questions and flee immediately.
Did not encounter language barrier, found only the Waynes as good nightlife spot in midweek in Nice and average girls looks was low. Tried to approach even girls which aren't my cup of tea, just to see how it goes but alas, in western countries when your'e 30+ it is hard to compete for the young attractive early 20s.
I should remind you that I frequent visitor to EE countries so I used to more attractive and respective girls. I know that french riviera is tourist destination for high class Russians, however in my visits I did not see them.
In Cannes I was only 1 night in that posh place, there I saw more attractive and mature girls, but again I was not appealing to them, cant say the reason. Several approaches, bad/bored feedback.



French Riviera

I visited Nice a few months ago, and the best bar that I set foot in was Wayne's. I know its been mentioned already, but this is the best place I've been in terms of meeting an international crowd. It is killer for capturing some flags, maybe even two in one night if you get there early! Its also right in the middle of town so logistics are solid.

In my one night at the place, I met girls from Australia, France, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Iceland (ridiculously hot) and probably a few other places as well. Opening was hilariously easy - "Where are you from?" is all that you need. Basically everybody speaks at least some English, and the vibe is very friendly. I was there alone and managed to find some wings easily.

A strategy that worked for me: In the back bar where the benches are near the band, get a good spot standing up on one of the benches (or bleachers? when you're there you'll know exactly what I mean). When you zone in on a girl who is walking in the aisle below, just tap her on the shoulder and give her your hand and bring her up to you to dance/talk. It might be the position of power that you're in that makes this work, but I did this very successfully, and dance floor game is not usually my strong suit.

French Riviera

We went to Cannes, the beaches are nice, not rocky. We stayed at the Carlton Intercontinental, it's waterfront.
We took car service in a really big nice Mercedes sedan {seats massaged us whole way! lol} to Monaco, the drive was beautiful! Our trip was primarily on a yacht/very small cruise so we did not stay in a hotel in Monaco.
We flew into Nice from the states.

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