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Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Quote: (07-01-2013 01:05 AM)Sketness Wrote:  

having read a couple of the responses I have a couple of questions. First, it was mentioned above that any 'decent lizard' has an abundance of options when it comes to male suitors. So my questions is, how will I ( a handsome young man with game) stack up next to these suitors? We know game works, though when compared to the dozen or so suitors that one decent looking female has, why would she pick us? Or will she? Maybe I am looking to hard into why women do what they do... idk

just be alpha enough to brush them aside. In conjunction, try to get yourself enough lizards in the pipeline that you can have their abundance of options. Level the playing field a bit.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Quote: (07-01-2013 12:13 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

Here is something that will blow your mind. A woman can find a guy attractive but not want to have sex with him and she can find another guy unattractive yet have sex with him. Attraction and sex are two different things in a woman's mind.

Nomad, I asked you twice and you ignored me twice. I don't know how many ways I can ask you to expand on this idea. I wanted you to explain why a woman sees sex and attraction as two different things.

As a younger inexperienced guy, I genuinely wanted to learn something from you, a supposedly seasoned player.

Either way, thanks for ignoring me twice.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Quote: (07-01-2013 12:12 AM)Moma Wrote:  

For instance in Toronto, due to the dictatorship created by lizards and enforced by beta men, fat lizards and baggage laden reptiles have almost as much options as dimes.

Because of this, a lizard that would be forced to take whatever crumbs she could find in another country can afford to flake on me and wait till 2nd, 3rd date to bang etc.
This. A thousand times THIS.

I was secretly hoping that Roosh was wrong in his analysis-maybe his sample size was too small, maybe he needed more time, or to try a bigger variety of places, but the more time that I spend in this city, the more and more I see that he was damn near spot on. (There are still a shit ton of fit ones here)

In the short time I've been back post red pill, the problem, symptoms, causes and enablers have become glaringly obvious to me-the sheer number of slimey betas makes my skin crawl.

This, however presents a unique opportunity. There is an exploit-hack, I'm currently working on. I'll post it once it is been tested some more. ...but for now let's just say that it is a modded version of Roosh's Day Bang, that has shown some very promising results.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Quote: (07-03-2013 07:27 PM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2013 12:13 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

Here is something that will blow your mind. A woman can find a guy attractive but not want to have sex with him and she can find another guy unattractive yet have sex with him. Attraction and sex are two different things in a woman's mind.

Nomad, I asked you twice and you ignored me twice. I don't know how many ways I can ask you to expand on this idea. I wanted you to explain why a woman sees sex and attraction as two different things.

As a younger inexperienced guy, I genuinely wanted to learn something from you, a supposedly seasoned player.

Either way, thanks for ignoring me twice.

Asking 'why' a women does something that has no logical explanation is something you should try and get out of the habit of doing, imo.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Quote: (07-01-2013 01:22 AM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2013 12:13 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

Here is something that will blow your mind. A woman can find a guy attractive but not want to have sex with him and she can find another guy unattractive yet have sex with him. Attraction and sex are two different things in a woman's mind.

Despite what a woman says, if she doesn't want to have sex with him, it just means that she's not attracted enough to him.

Got to disagree with that, an example being that women often put what other women think of them way above any sexual urges they may have, doesn't matter how attractove they find someone.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

I'm going to start going back to the gym and we will see if the conversion rates will be better.

I think I am going to start up the creatine too. However, last time, it made my face fat.

Maybe buy a few stylish t-shirts, a wife beater or two and see if the conversion is higher.

Anyway to duck the fat face from Creatine?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Quote: (07-04-2013 03:19 PM)Moma Wrote:  

I'm going to start going back to the gym and we will see if the conversion rates will be better.

I think I am going to start up the creatine too. However, last time, it made my face fat.

Maybe buy a few stylish t-shirts, a wife beater or two and see if the conversion is higher.

Anyway to duck the fat face from Creatine?

Kre alkalyn creatine doesn't cause bloating. Never personally used it, but check it out if your interested.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Gotta bump this thread. Gold words from WIA. Where the hell do you get those insights from?

Muchas Gracias Hermano.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Quote: (06-27-2013 11:59 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

If you want to understand how women think just ask a girl friend you know to look on a dating site at men and have her pick one she likes. You will be amazed at how many she will reject and the reasons.

Women are just more pickier on dating sites due to the paradox of choice. They feel more empowered because there are more desperate men, and the women also don't want to be rejected themselves, and fear meeting sketchy ax murderers.

In person dating, women are forced to interact with a guy for a few minutes, with the guy obviously flirting and trying to impress her through gaming. A woman can't reject a guy so quickly if he is talking to her.

With online dating, its very visual but women want to get a feeling for his personality before even considering dating. At least with Tinder, its visual, but then it quickly moves to texting after matches - so its just texting and not actually dating, which is somewhat safer for risk-averse women.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

I would be interested to see an updated perspective from WIA on his post on the first page. It's no doubt one of his best.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

^ I like the quote, Red

Isn't the ultimate goal, however, to be the "attractive" one that she'll also have sex with?

I know the latter is the far more important for most on here, but the most powerful is the combo, because it's a mental double whammy for her.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Quote: (06-27-2013 11:17 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

"He's too pretty"

You ever met a dude that said a chick was TOO pretty? At best a dude might say, she's too pretty for porn, but it's not going to turn him off.

She explained that this guy was too pretty to play a rough and tumble biker, thus his facial attractiveness was offset by his character - making him generally unattractive. (and she knew how crazy the shit sounded was when she said it, yet everyone woman in the discussion understood what she was talking about)

This might be one girl in particular from my life, but query your memory banks and ask yourself how often you hear some bullshit analysis like this.

It's a clue though.
I'm sorry for quoting such an old post, but really, what is there to get? It's just common sense. I'm a guy and I get it. The first that comes to your mind when you see a pretty boy with "feminine" beauty isn't exactly "badass". It's obvious; it's not women being arcane mysterious beings. And women aren't always looking for pretty. Many times, masculine trumps pretty.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

^ The point was that it represents an in-congruence. Prettyboy in the role of a prettyboy wouldn't represent the same problem. Prettyboy as a badass biker does.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Women will give all sorts of ridiculous logical reasons for not being attracted to a man, but the underlying reason is always that they just don't feel the tingles. Likewise they have as hard a time explaining logically why they are attracted to a man. Songs and articles going on about their love of bad boys probably come the closest.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

You don't wanna get in a woman's head, NO ! never. Keep your sanity.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Let's get back to the basics for a second, not that I have an answer here, but the answer is in the nebulous aura of the following analysis:

Attraction for men and women are very different things, with different inputs. For men, it is more physical and easily understood; in one word, beauty. For women, it is multidimensional qualitative; in one word, material. And by material, I mean two things: security and entertainment.

When you try to act like attraction is the same for both sexes (read: physical attraction is what "attraction" means in common usage), you will find yourself confused. Don't forget that men go after sex for sex's sake, but that women can use sex for many sakes - material, power, prestige, clout, fame, esteem, appearances ... the list goes on and on.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

I posted it before but it's relevant to the topic so some of you might learn from it.


I am on Reddit- I also am a "hot chick". I will not do anything to verify this, as I am a private person and the only real way would be to post pictures.

Your questions answered, specifically-

Do people treat you differently?

Yes, they treat me like they want to fuck me. It's okay. Sometimes it grosses me out. Sometimes it is flattering. I know this is horrible but I get offended if a guy DOESN'T check me out. It's all just a game of biology, and I'm a good specimen for breeding.

What kind of problems do you face?

You face people giving you attention you don't want. That sounds like no big deal unless you realize that about half the human population has weird relationship/personal space issues and it means that men make weird comments, even your relatives and your friends. It means that you're never allowed to forget what you look like, and that it is important that you do not change. The first words out of my dad's mouth when I see him are whether or not I look like I've been working out daily.

Intelligent hot chicks, and if they exist- They do. But they've learned to hide it. People will hate you for being attractive, unless they feel they are smarter than you. Then they feel better because they have a reason to look down on you. If you let on that you can compete mentally, then they really dislike you, to the point of pure mean-girl sort of stuff. Sometimes, if you do try to contribute on any level, people dismiss you immediately. Or they decide they want to try to fuck you more than before.

What it comes down to is that it is less about how attractive you are, and more about how others around you perceive it. I think that one thing very attractive girls never feel is really accepted. Because you're always trying to self-depreciate in one way or another, to make yourself seem less of a threat to other girls, less attractive to those you don't want to be attractive to, etc.

Is it worse, or better than being average? I'm not sure. I don't know who I would be without it, but at the same time, I wonder if anyone around me would like me if I didn't look this way. I find no joy in eating, in fact, I secretly hate food. I wish I could have a healthier relationship with it.

It lets you have very unhealthy romantic relationships. It's easy to ignore all other aspects and base it only off how you look. It's easy to not learn how to be a good person, or how to treat people the right way. It's easy to end up alone. It's easy to expect help from strangers for no reason. But dealing with rejection, if these things don't happen the way you want them to, is really, really hard. I guess it's just hard to face reality when you are used to not having to.

Long winded, yes. I apologize. I've had more than a decade to deal with these things, and sometimes I feel like I am behind other people because I relied on my looks for so long. I am petrified of getting old and unattractive. That's a big thing I am working through in therapy right now.

I really don't know what else to say. Let me know if you have other questions.

Oh, and as an edit- I know this wouldn't seem like a bad thing to guys, but I've been scarred repeatedly by sleeping with someone I thought I could trust and then having them brag to the whole world. I can't tell you how many times I've been betrayed with that sort of thing. How many times I cried over it, and how long it took me to regain the courage to try again with someone new. That part always really, really hurt.


Thank you all so much for making this a worthwhile post for me. It means so much that you all care what I say when I am being honest and open. And that you all respected my anonymity so much. You are all why I love Reddit, and will forever consider it a safe place.

I think all of you have contributed to turn this into a really interesting, productive discussion.

Oh great. Was not expecting frontpage. Deleting personal information now.


I was a former super hot chick, and now older woman. I can tell you a few things of what it is like from the other side.

When I was 25, I too was into running and lifting weights and my body was spectacular and I had six-pack abs and a naturally large chest (36F). Everywhere I went, men of all ages stared at me. It was really annoying that most didn't even try to hide it. The ones that were the worst were the creepy middle aged men who would hit on me, thinking that they could somehow fool me into going out with them.

No matter how grounded you are, you get a skewed perspective of the world. I truly believed that men were genuinely nice to women as a matter of course. I believed that most people were nice and accommodating and liked people. This was because most of my friends were hot as well, and guys were falling all over themselves to help us, so this is all I knew. I simply didn't realize that some men are deeply hostile and only nice to women they want to fuck. I did not realize the weird code in society which equated beauty with importance. Such a thought never occurred to me that the world might be a different place than I had experienced.

I can tell you that men now are neither hostile or overly helpful. In fact, I feel pretty much invisible. And that, by itself, is okay. I can tell you I am equally ignored by females as well. It could be the age, or it could be a combination of old and not attractive. Who knows, except that I am no longer hawt.

There were a lot of privileges you don't realize as well, like making great money, getting preferential treatment, or being dealt with respectfully. It blew my mind to realize that everyone is not entitled to this as a matter of course, but it is reserved for those who are physically desirable.

I think the biggest shock to me was realizing that my entire worldview had been wrong FOR DECADES. That was the most shocking. That the shitty treatment other people whined about was indeed true, and that just because I didn't experience it firsthand did not mean it wasn't a reality. I would think to myself, "Well, if they would just project a more positive attitude, people would respond with positive attention." I was very naive about the depth of the beauty privilege until I experienced both sides. All those bullshit things I believed simply weren't true. No matter how well put together I was, how well groomed, how charming and funny I tried to be, I could not overcome it.

It wasn't losing my attractiveness that was the biggest mindfuck, being ignored or even being treated badly. It was the idea that I really didn't understand how the world worked for so long. It was the idea that I believed you could overcome this enormous force around you everywhere you went -- all day, every day -- by simply being more cheerful and charming.

Mostly, I feel badly about all the people who complained about how poorly they were treated that I simply dismissed.


I'm an average-looking female with very hot female friends. They get things for free at bars all the time, of course. One of my friends, who I'm living with, hasn't paid for her own drink in at least 3 months. They all completely accept this treatment. If I say, "I can't go in; I don't have any cash for cover," they will inevitably respond with "just walk right in like I do!" But I can't. It doesn't work like that for me and they just don't understand. They expect to get in free and they expect someone to buy their drinks. They tell me that I simply need to have more confidence and these things will come. It's not the same.

However, the worst part of it is what guys sometimes do to me. If a guy wants to get with one of my more attractive close friends, he might attempt to become my "friend," in an attempt to get closer to her. I feel insulted when this happens; I assume they think that I can't understand what is going on. For example, a guy might pay for my best friend and I to get into a bar, but only because he wants to get in her pants. He won't talk to or acknowledge me after. I am always thankful and usually offer to buy a drink, but...I hurts to know that either I am some sort of channel to get to my friend, or that I am just a necessary expense to get in my friend's pants.

I'm sorry if I didn't make sense or have offended anyone. I suppose I sound bitter. But IRL, I kind of have to be nicer than I feel like being and I like to come to reddit to be real.


do people treat you differently?

As many others have said here, yes: we are often treated as sex objects. Something I have wondered about is the nature of male-female friendships. Even if the girl isn't all that hot, I feel like the primal sexual tension is still always there. Thus, (and this is amplified by hotness) I think girls always have a certain degree of sexual leverage when in contact with men.

Sometimes I am very glad of my looks, because I know I can use this sexual leverage to get something I want--not in a greedy way (although I'm sure a lot of girls do), but for example, say I need some help with something or other. The guy may have helped me regardless of my gender/looks, but the fact that he finds me sexually attractive helps me recruit his assistance, and I may flirt a little or do something to help further this.

It's a double edged sword, though. I sometimes find people offering me assistance when I don't need/want it at all, and this can be extremely annoying, compounded by the fact that I know they are only offering me this help because of my looks. I know this is sort of contradictory to what I said before, and I really can't defend why I feel this way... attractiveness is just a blessing and a curse that you can love and hate at the same time I guess.

What kinds of problems do you face?

Like some others have said here, people tend to write you off as a pretty face and nothing more. They'll assume you're stupid, think you won't be interested in something nerdy, and thus exclude you, etc. But people judging you immediately like this has its upsides too. In fact, I treat it as a challenge, and work hard to be an intelligent, well rounded individual. Because my personality has been underestimated, I can surprise people more easily with a witty argument or interesting statement.

There are times when it has been an unhealthy crutch. When I feel self conscious of my shortcomings, especially when compared to another girl, I may sometimes tell myself, "Well, at least I'm hotter than her," to make myself feel better. I try very hard not to think this way, though it does happen, especially during bitter disagreements.


do people treat you differently?

At different points in my life, depending on my hair, my weight, my clothes, my location, etc. I become more or less attractive to the guys around me. Sometimes I am amazed at how differently one person can be treated! Here are a few anecdotes:

Before I went to college, I was not even considered part of the dating pool. I grew up in an ethnically homogenous small town in the Midwest, where most people had Nordic heritage. The standard for beauty was tall, blond, and blue-eyed, with a very specific kind of face and bone structure. In contrast, I was short and skinny with brown hair, hazel eyes, and glasses (I am Russian/mixed European). I wasn't considered an ugly person, I just didn't have the genetic makeup that the males around me were into. Even if guys thought I was objectively pretty, they could never see themselves dating me, marrying me, or bringing me home to their parents.

Towards the end of high school and the beginning of college, I dyed my hair blond and wore contact lenses. I got a ton of attention from guys, mostly positive, but some bordering on creepy/stalking. More surprisingly, everyone else treated me differently too. Adult female teachers gave me more respect, as if they approved of my efforts to fit in with the attractive girls.

Fitting in became less important in college and grad school. I was also living in more racially mixed areas, where being an attractive brunette (or even an attractive short person!) was not an oxymoron. I stopped dying my hair and went back to glasses. I cut my hair very short. I wore jeans and a T-shirt every day. I didn't wear makeup. I hardly got any attention from guys during my day-to-day life, but I had a great boyfriend at home, so it didn't matter.

However, during any point during this time when I looked pretty plain, I could easily transform into a hot, sexy woman. All I needed was a low cut dress, some hair products, and makeup. I could go out and have guys hitting on me constantly, staring at my chest, sometimes grabbing me or touching me without asking, and even have girls commenting on how great my breasts were. I've only done this a few times in my life, when I have been invited out to a club or a bar for a special occasion. It's not a very pleasant experience. It's pretty obvious that people aren't really attracted to or interested in me; they just like the way I look in makeup and revealing clothes. Sexual attention isn't very interesting if you already have a partner and aren't interested in finding another one. And if people have their own partners and can't stop staring at your chest, it's kind of sad.


As a girl who thinks I would be considered intelligent and "hot," I'd say it can be pretty great, and pretty annoying.

You'd be surprised how many people assume you're a bitch just because you're good looking. and it gets annoying having people hit on you all the time, and then you have to be polite, and tell them you have a boyfriend usually whether you do or not. And then when you turn them down, they think you're a bitch (once again.)

It has been a strain on my confidence in the past though, because as more guys notice you than other girls, they are usually talking to you because they want to have sex with you.

I was an engineering undergrad, and I experienced a lot of people assuming I was a business major, architecture major, industrial design major... etc. because all the smart girls were supposed to be ugly, apparently.

However, I would not trade it for being average. I honestly think I've gotten to where I am today partially because of my looks. When I was a freshman I didn't care about my looks that much, and when I started working out and got "hot," everyone noticed me and I was pretty well known on campus.


Do people treat you differently?

Yes. Guys generally treat me as something to put their penis in, rather than as a fellow human being. It gets depressing. People assume I'm dumb, and always react with surprise when they find out that I'm in university for a "real degree", rather than a wishy-washy arts degree. There are positives though. I never have a problem getting into clubs, regardless of how poorly I'm dressed. Security are almost always more lax with me, and people are more willing to serve me alcohol without checking my ID (that one was a little more useful when I was underage).

What kind of problems do you face?

I find it difficult to make real friends. Women seem to be trying to compete with me always, which I cannot stand. It's not like I can just be friends with guys, as I can pretty much guarantee that 90%+ of any guy friends I make will not even like me as a person, they will just want to fuck me. I also get sexually harassed a lot. Men on buses have masturbated on me multiple times, I get grabbed, rubbed against, called a slut/whore/etc... Men shout at me from cars, and I've even had them throw things at me from cars. It seems like women can't be friends with me without turning it into a competition, and men can't accept that I am a human being rather than their personal fucktoy.

Are there things you experience that others don't?

Maybe marriage proposals from Arabs? It sounds silly, but I live in an area with a high concentration of Islamic people, and I am proposed to by strangers all the time. It's a strange experience, sometimes funny, sometimes frightening.


As a girl who's been on countless dates - great things guys have done to pick me up, and a few notes on when I've picked up girls.

Doing this on request from my last post. Some quick facts about me so you understand what kind of girl I am: very bookish/nerdy, activist, business field, dresses well, a bit artsy - I'm hipster lite in an extremely hipster place. The kind of guy I'm into would be very similar to me - well-read, works hard, and is capable of great conversation. Hopefully he also gives off confident 'I fuck really well' vibes. Now, if I'm already really into a guy he doesn't have to do kino/tease me/whatever for me to still be interested, but for guys that I had little contact with through okc/tinder, this is where game comes into play.


Are you picking me up in public? Isolate me, somehow, from my friend(s). If there's just a few of us, chat us all up (social worth), and then find a way to separate me. Better if I'm sitting on a corner that you can sit on (instead of wedged between my friends). Start riffing off of me, then ask if I wanna go to the bar so you can get me a drink. If we're not at a bar, you really want to wait till I'm naturally separated -when we're all paying at the register, if I'm coming out of the bathroom, etc.

If you're out with friends, and you've already made some sort of contact with me, seeing you having fun/talking about cool things with YOUR friends is a tremendous source of social proof. Especially if there's a cute girl in the mix. If not, no biggie! That's what you're here for.

Are you messaging me online? Go to /r/okcupid for some general tips about pictures, profile, etc. As for first message, the best formula that works for me/on me (and I get around 50 messages per day on average) is ~2 sentences about something I've said on my profile, and then maybe a cheeky joke or tease to challenge or hook me. It really doesn't have to be some long love letter. Don't say I'm cute/hot/whatever in the first sentence (or at all). Don't bring up sex right away, even if her profile name is sluttymcslutterson. You're playing a longer game, here.

Texting before meeting - don't go super overboard with texting, but be funny, and jokey, so she'll know she'll have a fun time when she meets up with you. Set up a date as soon as you fucking can, within 7-8 flirty messages, imo.

FIRST DATE Okay, here's the meat of it all! Some assorted, real things guys and girls have done to totally get into my heart/my mind/my cunt. Most of these are actually stories from one guy, who was the most perfect date I've ever experienced (and we are still casually dating/fucking each other mindless now).

Beamed at seeing me and hugged upon first meeting. Mm, you smell great (put on just a bit of nice cologne). Plus it's such a perfectly platonic way to break that kino ice. Do a side hug if you feel weird about it/she seems more introverted.
If online - read up on my profile and bothered me about things I said. It's key to recognize the things she cares about not just the things that you're familiar with. Tease me! Ask for my opinions. Gently disagree and challenge me about them. This is how a conversation works, so you're not just swapping stories. This is how a girl feels like she's more strongly connected to you. The best conversation I ever had of this nature was about whether or not tinder was destroying the dating scene (my opinion: no). He thought yes, but the good thing about it was that he was able to defend himself while being funny and NOT SOUNDING BITTER about it. Primo. Makes him seem like more of a stud that he doesn't mind that it's more of a woman's game on tinder.
Initiate kino FIRST and if she seems into it, then bring up sex as a total philosophical topic of discussion. So, not like "I'm into flogging and watching girls do yardwork in the nude, also I think you're sexy and I have tomatoes that need pruning" More like, "God, people are into some crazy things, aren't they? Like I wonder how that happens to everyone - did they have some weird childhood experience in the bushes and catching some teenagers doing it outdoors?" And if she seems seriously into THAT, then gently bring in personal stuff into the conversation: "I can see you being into some weird shit." But please don't do this unless the rapport has already been strongly built. Source: an actual conversation I had preceding the best, funnest sex I've ever had in my life.
Is it a multiple-location date? Small thing, but if we're crossing the street, put a hand on the small of my back. Sweet and protective without being so demanding like a hand-hold.
Talk to other girls. What? I mean just randos that happen to pass by. So with the guy I'm currently seeing, on our first date he went to grab his beer and the waitress accidentally sloshed some on him. He laughed and was super gracious, and had a brief fun conversation with her about the music selection (5-6 sentences). I could see that he was comfortable around other women, and the hot waitress seemed to be into it (waitresses are easy for this kind of social proof - they have to be nice to a certain point). Later when we went to a kitschy little museum, he briefly chatted up the front receptionist and made her laugh - which in some girls could incite minor jealousy, but the next thing he did was come over all grinning to me, put a hand on my waist, and said he really wanted to know what I was thinking of the art piece I was currently looking at. Perfect redirect of attention/worth.
Don't be bitter. Bitterness is not cute. If there's a topic you're bitter or genuinely embarrassed about, redirect the subject gently, or focus on the future instead of the past.
If you're out and walking about, tease her and take the chance to tap the back of your hand against her hip. It's sexual and sexy without being full on ass contact.

TAKING ME BACK TO YOURS 1. Have a clean place. Hang some dumb art on the wall. Also, I am a nerdy girl and will judge the FUCK out of your bookshelf. Every girl does this, I promise.

Have wine/beer. Or stop at a place before going back. Don't get a relative stranger blackout drunk, but have a drink or two to get the night flowin'.

At some point you're going to end up in bed/on couch to watch netflix and chill. Look, I know. You know. Press your leg against hers. Drop your hand into the crook between your legs. Reach out to hers, squeeze her leg. If she's got any exposed tattoos, trace them with your finger and ask her in a quiet voice what it's about/when/why she got it (be careful, if the tattoo is a date, I wouldn't suggest doing this because it might be a commemoration.). Lean into the crook of her shoulder, briefly. Turn towards her. If she wants to be kissed, she'll turn towards you.

There's more as well, feel free to ask questions. The most vague advice I could give you, which I know is frustrating to hear, is to exude confidence in what you're doing. I want to know that you like yourself and you're proud of who you are - let me get swept up in that feeling! Be cheerful and upbeat, be enthusiastic. All hallmarks of someone that's fun to be with.


I am a model... too-tall girl next door kind of "look". Mama's always said it's more "classic" beauty (clear pale skin, green eyes/strawberry blonde) than boobalicious maxim material or exotic alien beauty. Just for reference, I guess, since I've always felt like different "types" of beauty get different inconveniences and benefits.

Former beanpole, and ugly duckling in secondhand clothes all my childhood, not a cute baby either! So I acutely felt the difference when I started to really look at myself and maintain myself.

I'll respond to your points in kind, because they're really interesting. Thanks for taking the time to write them from this perspective, since you too have seen both sides.

I'm in an honors program, and it's very hard to be taken seriously. I've been passed over for a lot of opportunities to make money in academic or research positions- never even told of them so I could apply, and that's why I model in the first place. If I can't catch someone's attention even with hard work, I might as well make money off what I can. I am praying that my thesis this semester will be what shows them that I am worth more responsibility.

To be honest, I care a lot about upkeep, mainly for the reasons you've described. But it can be deep... I love style. I hate fashion. Fashion, to me, is the material, how much money you have to fill your closet and makeup case. I certainly don't have much money, and "fashion", if you look up textile disposal stats from consumers of stores like H+M, it's just downright wasteful. Style is the imagination necessary to put what you have together and spy diamonds in the rough when shopping. I wear a lot of secondhand clothing, but since I can sew simple stuff, no one could really tell. I also try to maintain it well. It's artistic release for me. I also knit Xmas gifts.

As for attitude: People see in me what they want to, not what is there. I can't be sure, but I think there is research on that. That could be "hot floozy," or "innocent angel," etc. For some reason, that makes them believe I'll be receptive to some pretty odd and awful things. No one ever really fits such a simple description, and I doubt I am of the rare type who does. If I'm slightly nice, guys generally take it as a signal to go ahead and take that next step, which I really don't want, but they are too hopeful to care or sometimes even outright ask. I'm taken.

(About once every two weeks or so I get asked out or some kind of confession, all because I took "Hey, I like your outfit" as what it actually sounds like and thanked them, not with an unspoken "I'd like it better on my floor." That isn't very fair to expect of me, but I do my best to quickly say, "sorry, I'm spoken for." I have friends of the "sexier" variety who brag about nonexistent Marine boyfriends to scare dudes off, but I don't play games. I have had to bodycheck some uncomfortably insistent Frenchmen on occasion. I, and any other person, should only have to say no once.)

Getting things handed to them: Nothing in this world is truly free. Where I go to school, someone buying you a drink generally means that he'll be up your ass all night expecting to go home with you. Other girls can brush them off, but I used to be too meek. I've repaid a guy the $4 for my drink to get him off my back. When I'm single, though, you're right- I can't help but hope that someone is nice and appreciates me for what I want to offer personality-wise. That's what love is, isn't it?

(Additionally... I met my boyfriend of almost two years online. Yeah, it's way easier to get that talking going when you're not in their presence. I got to know him, and since we'd been talking for weeks before we met, I didn't feel slutty only holding off until Date Two.)

Entitlement: I'm terrified of that, too. Or rather, I'm terrified of the feeling of having nothing to offer anyone. I'd once told this fear to an insecure ex-boyfriend only to have it used against me. He'd tell me that there wasn't anything of worth inside. It took a long time to recover. Since then, I've developed skills. I've developed professional contacts. I still get haunted by that fear from time to time. It is rare that people will even try to help when I ask, like the world has given me good genes so they should make the world a little more "fair." I've had friends in childhood that ignored me if I didn't look cute or dress well that day, so it's taken a long time to get over kids' jealousy and cruelty.

In addition, friendships with women are hard to maintain.

I really love making new female friends, but when I'm dating, girls flirt with my sweet boyfriend quite often... now, and in the past where I've dated some... less... delicious... unibrowed jerks. Even if I've never met them, these girls see me and think, "If I can steal him away, it means I must be better than this girl who's prettier than me. Must be the only reason why he's dating her." That isn't true. He's a smart guy that needs interesting conversation or we wouldn't be together... but again, it's all girls see, and if they need to put me down to make themselves more secure, then I guess I don't have any choice but to let them. I have no choice but the high road, or I'll just be proving them right. Who needs sexism when women are so willing to tear each other down?

Everyone wishes that they could have more to offer the world, sometimes. Everyone wishes that they can find someone that loves them for them. Regardless of how they look, they get jealous and hurt when someone wrongs them. It's just a different set of obstacles in their path to self-acceptance and love, and they all have different advantages and different paths to finding it.

Edited for odd bold print. I think of bold like that is where I would highlight my writing if I was reading it for research. Is that not how it is done?


I was chubby and awkward until I graduated college, and then I worked really hard to be healthy and somehow ended up attractive, though it's hard to gauge your own hotness. I think I'm probably still approachable, but there's a huge difference in how easy it is to meet people and have them automatically like you, for no reason. People give me things for free, and are generally nicer. It's bizarre. Especially when I consider how people used to go out of their way to ignore me when I was unfortunate looking. For instance, last night I went to Target and a man came up to tell me I was "his perfect woman", and then he professed his love and begged for my number, even after I said "Aw thanks. I have a boyfriend, sorry." He followed me out the door when I finished shopping, and gave me the dress I had been looking at. It was a bit awkward and kind of scary, but also maybe a little flattering.

It can be kind of stressful, too. I used to walk around the city a lot more by myself, because no one paid me any mind. Now, the attention can be kind of off putting, especially any catcalling if I go for a run, or sexual remarks. People feel slighted if you don't acknowledge them. Sometimes older women automatically hate you, and try to make your life harder (which is super inconvenient at hospitals where there are tons of overworked nurses) I figure it will calm down when I hit my thirties and I'll sort of go back to how I was as a teen.

Sidenote, my sisters are legit models (one is a pretty well-known actress as well) and the three of us get an INSANE response when we all go out. I don't how they manage that kind of spotlight, it's way more intense than anything I've experienced alone. As a former fat girl, I'll talk for a while to guys who come up to us, or at least nicely say I'm not interested. My younger sister gets so bombarded that she will literally just look at guys who walk up and say "no" and turn around. It's pretty brutal. But honestly, if she didn't she wouldn't have a moment to herself. I much prefer being a bit less noticeable.


Maybe because i look young and thus have received more attention from weirdos than normal guys but it kinda sucks a lot of the time. I went from ugly, chubby, hairy kid to pretty (i can post pictures to prove it) so like this attention came out of nowhere. Maybe because i live in MIami, which is known for its crime and weirdos but i kinda hate the attention. im always being watched. this doesnt seem like a big thing but day after day having eyes always following you wherever you go is creeepy

i've actually had 3 men try to grab me (2 in their cars as i was walking by in broad daylight) in the last 7 months. i live in fear because rape is a very common violent crime unlike terrorism, right after robbery in how frequently it occurs. i dont think you understand what it's like to be a tiny 20 year old woman, where men on the subway follow you home, grope you, random men follow you slowly in their cars as you walk somewhere, men take pictures of your license plate to "find you later"when you go get gas, scream things at you, bother you even when you are sick with food poisoning and vomiting in a trashcan to ask you out and call you a bitch when you beg them to please leave you alone (im not kidding!), etc. It's not so much men but a certain tupe of type of men who keep perpetuating the notion that should they want something from you, they'll reach out and get it no matter what. i've had bruises on my arms from my driver instructor at 16! grabbing my arms to keep me in the car when i got scared because he put his hand up my skirt.

You want an honest opinion? It's very bothersome. There are a lot of nice things (most things i wear look good, no matter what i do with my hair it looks nice, lots of people smile at me, i get complimented a lot, i get free stuff which i usually return because it's weird, etc. However, it's horrible in public because of the sheer volume of men who bother me-and remember, most who do it are very confident (mostly frat-bro stereotypes) or just ignore social norms. I hate it. It's exhausting. Honestly. You will probably think here "oh what a conceited girl" or "yeah, it must get tiring to be hit on all the time" etc but that's very narrow minded. Please just listen. Dont dismiss what people tell you, esp with people with different experiences.

When some man approaches me, i'm not going to think "wow this is probably some nice interesting guy who I should definitely give a chance to". I have no way of knowing that. All i know, is that im tired because while you have no idea that you might be the first guy that day or the seventh. Ive already been bothered all day and i honestly don't have the energy left to find out if this x number guy is actually different. I think it's because i look approachable that i get bothered so much. I'm always smiling and I'm tiny.

for example, this was a day in my life two days ago In class. Guy next to me, starts smelling my hair obviously.Ignore. He then starts asking me what shampoo I use. Im trying to listen to lecturer but i answer so he doesnt feel ignored. He tells me it smells very nice. I tell him "thank you, it's very kind of him to say so, but i really do need to learn this concept" and go back to listening. He ignores the fact that I want to listen. strike one blatantly disregarding my needs. He starts asking me if I have a boyfriend,if i say no, i usually get asked "why not?" or "really, you're so (insert looks-based compliment) id think you would have etc" as if just being pretty is enough to guarantee one a romantic partner and something you would base a whole relationship on-they never say "nice, funny, smart, etc" always "hot, sexy, cute, pretty,Etc". Usually this person will keep trying to talk to me even if I tell him, "please, i really cant talk now" or "leave me alone please".

Walking somewhere-guys shout things at me from cars or some guy pulls up alongside the curb to start hitting on me. Remember, girls have negative experiences many times in these areas, I have had men try to pull me into their cars in broad daylight and they've even left bruises on my wrists. Anyways, it's very unsettling to have some car slowly following you as you walk somewhere or have some guy saying "hey, dont be like that baby, i just want to give you a ride etc". If I dont say anything he continues. If I say something nice-it escalates. If I ask him to leave me alone nicely-he starts telling me im a bitch. If i yell, I get told Im a whore, slut, or that i need a good cock in my mouth. ANd that im a fucking bitch.This has been happening to me since I was 13. At 10 years old, ive had men come up to me and ask to see my pussy for a dollar. You can see why Im a bit wary of public approaches. The few nice ones are far and few in between.

I get hit on in the supermarket. Driving. At the ATM. In the dentist's office. AT the ER. A teacher (he would "help" me with my backpack by pushing it up when i walked up the stairs in front of hime but he was really moving it out of the way to get a better look at my ass) The library assistant. The waiter. Sitting in the park. Vomiting in a trash can from an allergic reaction. Crying. With a broken foot In AN AMBULANCE.In line for anything. Buying aspirin. In the mall. EVerywhere. Crossing the street I get honked at by the cars Im crossing in front of. It's rude, loud, and gives me a fright.

This are not isolated incidents. This happens at least once a day unless i stay home all day and even then ive had the plumber hit on me (and sexually assault me). All the time. For years. Since I was 12-13, men come up and approach me or bother me. I have no way of stopping it unless Im with another guy and even then, it still happens. Ive tried wearing just sweats and looking disgusting. Still happens. I barely wear makeup and it still happens. II barely show skin and it still happens. I get hit on in elevators by some guys. Im trapped, in a small space and i have past memories of guys forcing a kiss or groping me in elevators. Im afraid. I cant overpower him or force him away weighing only 93 pounds.

No one treats me like a person first, woman second. Im blatantly aware some guys are only friends with me to sleep with me and it chafes at me because I genuinely like them and appreciate their company. I get sad when I make actual friends online and we have the best discussions and get along perfectly and if we ever meet in person, the whole dynamic changes. Im so tired of having day after day and year after year pile up and never having anyone come up to me to talk. I want to discuss politics, the news, philosophy, video games,books and very few men talk to me about those things or even think of bringing up those topics.

I hope this hasnt turned into a whine or rant. I just want you to see the other side. Im sorry for whoever this offends or bothers. Im sorry if you still read this and dont understand or care, just dismissing it because of who i am. i just want one person to understand.

The thing is, others have ruined it for some genuinely nice guys who want to approach women. When you approach me, in my head, im like ohgodohgodpleaseleavemealonecantyouseeijusttoreadmybookinpeaceinthesunshinepleas​epleasepleasedontforcemetonlistentoyouawkwardlyhitonmemybreastsarenotawelcome mat.

If you approach me in public and im short with you, it's not because you did anything wrong. It's because, maybe five minutes before, i had some guy shove me against a wall and grab my breasts. Or just started bothering me when Im in a hurry and did not care about me or my feelings until i freed myself from the convo ten minutes later. Men say all the time that they want women to hit on them all the time, it's awesome but remember the ones who hit on you arent usually the ones you want to. Imagine extremely obese smelly hairy girls who try to touch you or say awkwardly sexual things to you. Imagine you know they can easily overpower you at any point. If you are short with them, they might get violent. You have no way of predicting who they are. One guy broke my jaw because i turned him down (in his defense, he was drunk i guess).

Again, im sorry for the mini rant and ill probably get people saying im whining or that im making a big deal or something but honestly for someone who went from a fat awkward girl to a pretty one, it's a huge deal, i did not grown up learning how to deal with these situations. The nice things are not worth the constant harassment or attention. I can never be anonymous.No one takes me seriously. my professors dismiss me and treat me like an idiot sometimes because they automatically think im dumb but when they see my transcript they immediately act differently. it's so weird. I know other people could have different experience and again, i think this is mostly because at five feet tall and 90 pounds im pedophile and creeper bait not that im particularly stunning, but as someone who has experienced both sides of the spectrum (even bullied because i was so ugly), i can honestly say i preferred it when i was started to grow out of my ugliness (not pretty enough to matter, not ugly enough to be harrassed). neither end of the spectrum is good to me. i'd like to stay in the middle.

ok edited for pictures. please dont harass me, ive already gotten a few creepy comments. like i said i dont particularly think im all that pretty but i am approachable.


I kind of hate threads like this. Responding to them makes me feel like I'm putting myself into all of the negative stereotypes about pretty girls. Nevertheless, evidence and repeated praise for my aesthetics seems to drop me in the category anyway, and I guess I do have some small amount of input to offer. Pornsophisicate's 3rd point sums me up to a tee; I find that appearing cold, distant or angry in public prevents most interactions.

Meeting quality people is near-impossible, the only safe place to do so seems to be, somewhat ironically, the Internet. I don't have to put my face up on here if I don't want to, so I can get people that talk to me like a person instead. Fuck, I don't even have to announce that I'm a girl if I don't want to - My other handle Anatares seems ambiguous enough. I can get more of a conversation out of random strangers on the Internet and about topics that I actually am interested in, than I can out of anyone I meet face to face.

But when it comes to face-to-face, I only seem to meet two types of people: Assholes and Obsessives. The former is obvious; It's that douche at the bar that touches your hand, your hair, tries to force eye contact and thinks buying you 2-3 more drinks will magically make you want to go home with their loser ass. He wants to use you to satisfy carnal desires and then throw you away. Oh, occaisionally you WILL get that guy who says he's not judging you based on your looks, but it's pretty obvious if you continue conversing with them that they're just another asshole by the way their eyes light up in surprise anytime you use a word more than seven letters long.

The latter starts out as that cute nerdy guy you try to approach, or has all his friends force him to approach you, that you might end up actually dating for a while once (if) he ever gets over the "out of my league" mentality. Then, because he doesn't want to lose you, he goes crazy; Every interaction with another member of the species (male or female) is brought in to question, ridiculous rules get made to marshall your behaviour, and then he turns around and goes "I'm so sorry" etc. and "If you ever left me I would kill myself, you're the only light in my life" etc. etc. You might think I'm embellishing, but I have had all of this happen, with 4 different guys.

There's no such thing as meeting a normal person face-to-face as a pretty girl, because your appearance immediately colours their opinions of you and how they plan any interactions they might attempt. A lot of assumptions are made about you at first glance, and barring self-mutilation or relaxing your hygeine practices, there's really nothing you can do to change that.

[Edit] Forgot to add that being a pretty girl and snubbing people, breaking friendships etc. when you realize that people are shallow and horrible in reality ends up with you having a lot of enemies, particularly girls in my case. I haven't really touched on other girls much at all, actually.

I don't get along with girls in the first place, but as a pretty girl you will have all kinds of girls try and be your friend. 90% of them have self-esteem issues related to their appearance and want to be thought better of by being associated with you. I've found they turn into total bitches over time, and you will either have a dramatic fallout and rumours spread once this is realized or they will do their best to continue hanging on to your 'friendship'.

Anecdote time: There's one friend I had in elementary school, who was a year younger than me. I was oblivious to a lot of things then, but I've realized that she identified me as pretty later on and wanted to be associated with me in any way she could. I went to highschool a year before she did because of the age difference, and she called me every single day the entire year to talk to me. I didn't return any of the calls; I had decided she was immature (Not far from the truth) and ignored her for a year. She didn't notice. The following year when she started at the same highschool she sought me out and followed me around like a puppy dog for four years. She got herself into some stupid shit, too; Got into a relationship with a much older guy, lost her V-card at 15, and after highschool she was a self-proclaimed nyphomaniac that stayed in a relationship with a guy who cheated on & abused her "because the sex was good". I openly criticized her choices and asked her WTF she was thinking a number of times, but ultimately decided not to bother with her anymore. She took great offense to this and told everyone I was a bitch, a slut (Hadn't had sex yet myself), etc. etc. as she continued to screw up her life. Soo yeah, she and pretty much everyone I knew through her, hate my guts


As a young girl, I was never fawned over for being "so beautiful" or anything like that, mom never wore makeup, so I didn't, I basically grew up not really realizing or understanding that I was attractive. I would also like to point out that I am fairly intelligent, I possess a good amount of common sense and street smarts, and I come from a very blunt family, so I am used to saying what I think, whether it's something people want to hear or not. (I'm not an asshole, I'm just up front, and real with the people I'm close with. I don't like elephants and would rather just have everything out on the table because elephants just leave gaps for mistrust and lies)

Fast forward to 21 year old me realizing for the first time that, "...whoa.. I'm... the hot chick"

Needless to say it was something I wasn't really aware of. I never thought of myself as a "hot chick", or as "beautiful" because of the person I was inside. Beautiful girls aren't angry or hateful, and I had a very dark period in my life where I felt as ugly as the hatred inside me, so I couldn't understand what people could possibly see in me.

Sure, I work out, I try to eat healthy, and do my girly things and wear my girly clothes, but it's not because I think I'm "so hot", it's just because I want to feel good, and that's what makes me feel good.

So now, I'm 25 (and a lot less angry, thank goodness). I actually laughed when I saw this thread because I was talking to my boyfriend about it not 3 days ago. It's hard to explain how different it is to be considered beautiful by the general populous you experience on a daily basis. They treat me differently, a lot of people take me for my looks and assume I'm a "typical dumb hot chick" or assume I'm really stuck up, or that I'm very superficial.

Girls especially are weird around other girls who they may consider a threat to them. It's like a primitive thing, out of nowhere you're suddenly competing with someone when you weren't even aware of it. I have very few real girl friends because of this.

Men are hard to read because it's very likely that they're after something else, but if I assume they are, then I'm a stuck up bitch. I mean, by god if I can see what you're doing and call you out on it.

That, I will say, is the most frustrating thing about it: I'm smart enough to know when a guy is just trying to get some ass, and generally don't want to have to wait until he figures out he isn't getting any before he leaves me alone. Also, while I'm not single anymore, this was a major issue for me when I was single.. it was basically impossible for me to really be able to trust anyone because I couldn't be sure if they were just trying to get me in the sack or being genuine, nothing like being able to get most anyone you want in the sack without trying to turn you off to sex completely. Hard to make real connections when people only take you for your looks.

Side note: this sounds bitchy, but seriously, it gets really old being approached when out with friends or something like that and it's the same thing over and over. Sometimes I just don't feel like playing the game. Sue me. There's no nice way to deny someone, and when you have to do it time and time again, because you aren't the hoe society wants you to be, it gets frustrating, like can't I just go out without someone trying to fuck me? You wanna sit at the bar and talk about shit? Fine. I love, sitting at bars, and discussing random shit with people. It is one of the things I very much enjoy doing. But please, please don't talk to me if you're only trying to get me in the sack. (god, there's no way I am not getting downvoted to hell. I UNDERSTAND I SOUND LIKE A HUGE CUNT. I'M SORRY. : I swear I'm not a giant cunt.)

Also, relationships: the past couple of guys I dated before my current boyfriend all seemed to go way overboard with the feelings for me, way early into things, and I've had to cut 2 guys out of my life now that were majorly friendzoned to the point where it was damaging both our lives.. I don't know if it's because of my looks or what, but sometimes it feels like a "There's Something About Mary" sort of thing. Disclaimer: both the friendzoned guys were well aware that I had no intention of being with them, both chose to try to "stay friends" with me because they thought that sitting there being "my friend" would eventually result in me falling madly in love with them and running away together.

But, within my own argument lies the problem. It's a catch 22. The second you want to express frustration over something like this, you get the other person, the one who maybe has health issues, or has self esteem issues, and they look at you like you're the biggest douche ever, because you seemingly "have it all". Your frustrations are instantly invalidated because you clearly have it way easier than everyone else by being so attractive, in their eyes, and in everyone's eyes, it seems. I'm not trying to sit here and say I'm not thankful for my attributes, but I don't believe they make me better than anyone else; in fact, a lot of times as I've said in my wall of text, they hinder my ability to build relationships with people (romantic and friendship alike), and it is frustrating that people don't really seem to understand that.


I am an attractive girl and it bothers me to no end how people treat/approach me. It is different though when it comes to meeting a male vs. female.

Women either hate me or love me. There isn't an in between when it comes to this. I would have to say women "check me out" more than men do and do so more harshly. I feel as if they are scanning me head to toe trying to find a flaw to point out. Most females aren't nice to me for this reason and I find it hard to befriend another female. If I am meeting a gal for the first time, they are usually off-puttish towards me and it takes them awhile before their snarls turn into smiles. I know women are catty by nature, but it's disappointing they judge me and write me off because of my looks.

When it comes to males its completely different. They are usually pushovers and the nicer of the two genders. I know this is based off of attraction/wanting to get in my pants. A guy will stare at me and they look me in the eyes, which most females do not. After my face, they proceed to either my boobs or ass. I don't mind this just so long as its not creepy. I take it as a compliment but I would rather you look from afar than actually approach me and talk. That comes off bitchy but its the truth. Most conversations start with "hey my name is so-and-so, you're really pretty." To me, its redundant because I hear it often and don't care anymore. I would much rather a guy approach me because of my awesome Doctor Who shirt I'm wearing and strike up a conversation that way. I don't need to hear I am pretty. Its obvious you are attracted to me, start talking about something else.

I will admit that being attractive has its perks. I can get almost anything I want or get my way, but I choose not to take advantage of my looks. I could call any guy up in my phone any night of the week and have free dinner and drinks, but thats not how I want to be perceived. My looks aren't the only thing about myself that I have going for me. I am intelligent, funny, and can carry a good conversation. Whether it be female/male, it would be nice to be judged off of my actions rather than looks. I could see why a gal at the bar is mad at me for hitting on their boyfriend (which I wouldn't dare), but I don't see the validity in their anger because I am "pretty".

I guess this would be considered my "first-world problem", but it's a problem nonetheless.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective


It lets you have very unhealthy romantic relationships. It's easy to ignore all other aspects and base it only off how you look. It's easy to not learn how to be a good person, or how to treat people the right way. It's easy to end up alone. It's easy to expect help from strangers for no reason. But dealing with rejection, if these things don't happen the way you want them to, is really, really hard. I guess it's just hard to face reality when you are used to not having to.

Good insight, the only solution is a wise father figure and basic christian upbringing, but I fear the latter is so uncommon and the pressures and temptations so large, it is generally disregarded.


I think the biggest shock to me was realizing that my entire worldview had been wrong FOR DECADES. That was the most shocking. That the shitty treatment other people whined about was indeed true, and that just because I didn't experience it firsthand did not mean it wasn't a reality. I would think to myself, "Well, if they would just project a more positive attitude, people would respond with positive attention." I was very naive about the depth of the beauty privilege until I experienced both sides. All those bullshit things I believed simply weren't true. No matter how well put together I was, how well groomed, how charming and funny I tried to be, I could not overcome it.

It wasn't losing my attractiveness that was the biggest mindfuck, being ignored or even being treated badly. It was the idea that I really didn't understand how the world worked for so long. It was the idea that I believed you could overcome this enormous force around you everywhere you went -- all day, every day -- by simply being more cheerful and charming.

Mostly, I feel badly about all the people who complained about how poorly they were treated that I simply dismissed.

She provides valuable insight from a humility point of view, but misses the larger point, as she has bought into the victim mentality of zero-sum game. Overcome an enormous force? No, being cheerful, charming, and sociable will still get people to like you, or at the very least it'll be a good quality to have so that people enjoy being around you as opposed to not wanting to be because you feel slighted and are salty. That she got all sorts of free shit for being hot has absolutely nothing to do with the treatment of others. Other people weren't treated shitty necessarily, they just weren't "treated" at all --- that is, they didn't get her treatment. Someone doesn't do shit for you or give you free stuff or deference and thus they are treated shitty? No, they just didn't do you a favor for no reason. It's an SJW way of thinking that people are entitled to something while simultaneously believing that they are equal. Both are incorrect.

Overall, it is interesting to read this shit, though, I must say.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Interesting to read.

Hot girls complaining about the downsides of their beauty. If they could just be fat and ugly for one day - it'll give 'em a reality check.

Its like an obese and wealthy guy complaining about all the good food he "has" to eat.

Women ^^

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Women are definitely attracted to looks but it's different to men's perspective of looks.

The most insightful point made so far is " Can he fuck good ? ", this is the all important X factor in this day and age because there are a lot of good looking guys who are crap in bed. A woman doesn't want to increase her notch count for a dud.

Understanding attraction from a womans perepective

Quote: (11-09-2016 05:11 PM)Cage Wrote:  

Women are definitely attracted to looks but it's different to men's perspective of looks.

The most insightful point made so far is " Can he fuck good ? ", this is the all important X factor in this day and age because there are a lot of good looking guys who are crap in bed. A woman doesn't want to increase her notch count for a dud.

It's more than that, it's about building it up enough that that question pops up in her mind.

If shes wondering how good you are in bed and you are aware of that/can capitalize it's yours to lose.

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