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Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-26-2013 03:33 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

For the record I wasn't trolling when I started the eulogy to banned members thread, I thought the utility would be humor. I hate being misunderstood.

Troller's gonna troll.

[Image: Strip.gif][Image: troll.gif][Image: Strip.gif]

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-26-2013 03:33 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

For the record I wasn't trolling when I started the eulogy to banned members thread, I thought the utility would be humor. I hate being misunderstood.

I've been called out a few times for trolling/attacking members when I wasn't.

The difference is going to be between guys who played sports/spent time in locker rooms v. guys who didn't. Or guys who worked in all male environments.

Guys who played sports or worked in all-male environments and are used to shit talking (knowing it's all fun and bullshit and not to be taken seriously) aren't going to see something as trolling where guys who didn't really spend much time in that atmosphere are going to view the same conduct as trolling or a personal attack.

You can shit talk a guy all day and it's just all laughs. You just don't go "personal," such as talking about a guy's wife or kids or something. But if a guy does something stupid, that becomes his nickname for life.

The European guys are also much more sensitive to the American guys and more prone to view something as an attack.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

I've never trolled the forum. Problem is what I write is so profound people don't understand it and label me one.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

I giggle when I read the word "attack" here. To me that word is reserved for some fucked up shit that happens in real life like some dudes approaching your car with baseball bats.

The stuff that happens here is just trash talk

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

I had big plans for that thread haha

Mikecf I think you're right about the locker room shit talking. But on the other hand, I think because some guys aren't familiar with that atmosphere it isn't a fault per se.

I just take for granted that we're all screwing with each other which I need to remember it can come across the wrong way.

I can't believe Ali is still around, if I were a mod I'd temp ban him at randome intervals just to cause a meltdown haha

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Neil definitely didn't take well to the shit talking. I don't think it's so common in European countries like it is here in the States.

It reminds me of a kid I trained Jiu Jitsu with. His nickname was Cheddar Biscuits. One day at Jiu Jitsu he threw up and said the cheddar biscuits from Red Lobster made him sick. From that day forth he was known simply as "Cheddar Biscuits". He threw a fucking fit. Couldn't stand it. He even defriended me from Facebook. It just made us even more ruthless. It transformed from Cheddar Biscuits, to C-B, to C Bizkit, to Chedda B, to whatever other dumbass shit we could think of. He eventually stopped coming lol.

Had he just ignored it from day one we would have forgotten about it in a week. Had Neil ignored the whole "Neil Skyherpes" thing it would have been over with in a few days.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-27-2013 07:16 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Neil definitely didn't take well to the shit talking. I don't think it's so common in European countries like it is here in the States.

It reminds me of a kid I trained Jiu Jitsu with. His nickname was Cheddar Biscuits. One day at Jiu Jitsu he threw up and said the cheddar biscuits from Red Lobster made him sick. From that day forth he was known simply as "Cheddar Biscuits". He threw a fucking fit. Couldn't stand it. He even defriended me from Facebook. It just made us even more ruthless. It transformed from Cheddar Biscuits, to C-B, to C Bizkit, to Chedda B, to whatever other dumbass shit we could think of. He eventually stopped coming lol.

Had he just ignored it from day one we would have forgotten about it in a week. Had Neil ignored the whole "Neil Skyherpes" thing it would have been over with in a few days.

Exactly. When I was in the Marines, being able to handle verbal abuse was important. A sort of rite of passage, if you will. The guys that were too sensitive never really fit in. To be fair though, we took it to a whole other level. Even the smallest mistake got you ganged up on. Years of overseas contracting was no different. I am a master troll in person.

Euro guys generally don't take to it, but U.K'ers are used to it, thus why I like hanging out with them. Those guys here are cool, and know the score. Aussies too. It's one thing we do have in common.

But yeah Rio, Neil shot himself in the foot by reacting the way he did. When the sharks smell blood. He put some of us on ignore which is probably for the best.

Typical smokepit convo Ali style:

Guy1: Man, before I got on the plane my wife gave me the best blowjob ever.
Ali: Yeah me too.
Guy1: I thought you weren't married.
Ali: *Changes subject.*
Guys2-5: Laughing hysterically.
Guy1: *5 minutes later* Hey mother fucker!
Ali: *Already finished his smoke and back to work*
Guys2-5: *Continue razzing Guy1 for being an idiot.*

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-27-2013 07:16 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Neil definitely didn't take well to the shit talking. I don't think it's so common in European countries like it is here in the States.
Shit, I thought guys did that all over the world. Guess not.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-27-2013 01:10 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

I had big plans for that thread haha

Mikecf I think you're right about the locker room shit talking. But on the other hand, I think because some guys aren't familiar with that atmosphere it isn't a fault per se.

I just take for granted that we're all screwing with each other which I need to remember it can come across the wrong way.

I can't believe Ali is still around, if I were a mod I'd temp ban him at randome intervals just to cause a meltdown haha

Yeah, it's hard managing an international message board with guys from a lot of different backgrounds.

There are going to be a lot of cultural misunderstandings.



Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-27-2013 08:26 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2013 07:16 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Neil definitely didn't take well to the shit talking. I don't think it's so common in European countries like it is here in the States.

It reminds me of a kid I trained Jiu Jitsu with. His nickname was Cheddar Biscuits. One day at Jiu Jitsu he threw up and said the cheddar biscuits from Red Lobster made him sick. From that day forth he was known simply as "Cheddar Biscuits". He threw a fucking fit. Couldn't stand it. He even defriended me from Facebook. It just made us even more ruthless. It transformed from Cheddar Biscuits, to C-B, to C Bizkit, to Chedda B, to whatever other dumbass shit we could think of. He eventually stopped coming lol.

Had he just ignored it from day one we would have forgotten about it in a week. Had Neil ignored the whole "Neil Skyherpes" thing it would have been over with in a few days.

Exactly. When I was in the Marines, being able to handle verbal abuse was important. A sort of rite of passage, if you will. The guys that were too sensitive never really fit in. To be fair though, we took it to a whole other level. Even the smallest mistake got you ganged up on. Years of overseas contracting was no different. I am a master troll in person.

Euro guys generally don't take to it, but U.K'ers are used to it, thus why I like hanging out with them. Those guys here are cool, and know the score. Aussies too. It's one thing we do have in common.

But yeah Rio, Neil shot himself in the foot by reacting the way he did. When the sharks smell blood. He put some of us on ignore which is probably for the best.

Typical smokepit convo Ali style:

Guy1: Man, before I got on the plane my wife gave me the best blowjob ever.
Ali: Yeah me too.
Guy1: I thought you weren't married.
Ali: *Changes subject.*
Guys2-5: Laughing hysterically.
Guy1: *5 minutes later* Hey mother fucker!
Ali: *Already finished his smoke and back to work*
Guys2-5: *Continue razzing Guy1 for being an idiot.*
The younger UK guys are getting more sensitive like Europeans! Though yeah at school we are used to the 'trash talking' as you call it. It's the Anglo culture to be fair, we get all your teen TV shows too.

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Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-24-2013 08:01 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2013 03:47 PM)2Wycked Wrote:  

POHammer got banned? Will we ever know if he actually acquired his zebra for a fair price?

I just can't help but think it:

Quote: (05-24-2013 03:54 AM)Doulos2Game Wrote:  

Most of us newer guys can really get confused. Especially when we see a member with xx rep points approving something that is not at all accurate.


Is that even a real zebra? It sort of looks like someone put black paint on a white horse. I mean, it's Tiajuana

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

If I posted on the boards the way I behave in the kitchen I would have been banned within a week. Even though I'm a tyrant in certain parts of my life, I approach the forum with humility and a desire to learn.

Back when I was a line cook, I'd get a new cook working next to me. In one case, the guy's name was Frank. I didn't say a single word to him. I was training him on grill. I just told him to watch and repeat. About halfway through the shift I realized the guy had a chance, he might make it, which was good because I needed another day off. So the first thing I said to him was, "Hey, Frank?"
"Eat a dick."
He caught on, and chimed in with, "Oh yeah? What's that taste like?"
"You're about to find out, faggot."

I rode his ass, screaming in his ear all night long about what a worthless piece of shit he is, how I'd rather work the grill station on my fucking death bed than ever let his fat ass step foot on my station and start fucking things up. I had him crying by the end of the shift. Last I heard he's a pretty solid cook now.

I guess my point is, is we all have lives outside the RVF, and should be thankful that there are rules here.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

I think if I posted the way I did when I was younger and first discovered the forum and it was as strict back then as it is now (Not saying that's a bad thing, with all the attention the forum has now it needs to have harsh moderation sometimes, it helps weed out idiots and adds value IMO) I may have been banned after a while. I probably posted some pretty dumb shit 4 years ago. Either banned or made fun of pretty bad. One thing to look forward to with age is wisdom.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Speaking of trolls, it seems like either a lot have been getting clever and subtle enough to stick around and be perceived as honest members or there's a huge influx lately of guys with such fucked up social skills that they can't even formulate a non-cringe-worthy post.

Is it just me or has anyone else felt like they were on the Warrior Forum with the "perspective" some guys bring to threads lately? Or maybe just an upswing in non-native English-speakers that's throwing me off?

I try not to clown on people directly in case they really are that socially awkward, a struggling newbie, have Asperger's, or whatever, but it seems I find myself biting my tongue more and more lately...

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

"Neil definitely didn't take well to the shit talking. I don't think it's so common in European countries like it is here in the States"

Jibberish! Breaking eachothers balls is definitely not only a US thing... Europeans do it all the time. It´s just that we have to kill you afterwards.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

When I am with my friends ball-breaking is common but I don't think that it translates well on an online forum. Unless you know the member personally or just have built a rapport on the forum, it can be misunderstood. On the forum/internet I can see why people get defensive or annoyed when people they don't know joke around with them. Another thing is that people bring their egos on an online forum (behind the screen), so sometimes ball-breaking doesn't go as well.

Personally, I don't care and understand the culture of this forum. Moreover, I have changed my personality in the last few years where I know that the more you get annoyed or look bothered the more people rib on you. As other have said, it's always best to go along with it or agree and amplify and make jokes back at the person.

In the end, whether or not members are only joking and that pisses off other members the mods have to clean up the mess so I also understand their position. I think this forum is good though as not too many people get too upset but low-level trolling aka passive aggressive bullshit is stupid.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-27-2013 07:16 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Neil definitely didn't take well to the shit talking. I don't think it's so common in European countries like it is here in the States.

Had Neil ignored the whole "Neil Skyherpes" thing it would have been over with in a few days.

Hey, I'm from Europe and I never melt down! We Londoners are always cussing each other! The thing is, I know what things to say to piss off Americans and you lot know what to say to piss off Europeans.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (06-14-2013 07:15 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2013 07:16 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Neil definitely didn't take well to the shit talking. I don't think it's so common in European countries like it is here in the States.

Had Neil ignored the whole "Neil Skyherpes" thing it would have been over with in a few days.

Hey, I'm from Europe and I never melt down! We Londoners are always cussing each other! The thing is, I know what things to say to piss off Americans and you lot know what to say to piss off Europeans.

I can't pay attention to anything you are saying, because I can't stop staring at your fucked up teeth.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (06-14-2013 11:17 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

I can't pay attention to anything you are saying, because I can't stop staring at your fucked up teeth.

*Beams broadly at the compliment*



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Depends where in Europe, but I can guarantee you that growing up in France, you needed to be very tough skinned, specially in the late 80's, early 90's. The guys there were ruthless mofos. Maybe the northern Euros are not used to it, but I can tell you without hesitation that even the smack talk I hear here from guys is weak as hell compared to what I had endured and lashed onto guys as a kid. Countless times, we've had guys who were tough as hell (or so we thought) end up crying like little wussy girls. [Image: banana.gif]

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Guys, guys. Let's not generalize the whole of Europe just because I don't like to be bullied or have people breaking my balls. Some days I can take it better than others.

Move along people, nothing to see here.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

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Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (06-19-2013 11:33 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Guys, guys. Let's not generalize the whole of Europe just because I don't like to be bullied or have people breaking my balls. Some days I can take it better than others.

Move along people, nothing to see here.

Really man, responding to this possible slight to your sensitiveness just reinforces the stereotype that you're thin skinned.

It's like you're looking for a reason to be offended.

When someone makes a comment about Europeans it is not always about your country the Netherlands, or you.


Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Easy to say for posters who are completely anonymous. There are a lot of things going on backstage in PM's, E-mails, guys posting bullshit with my name on other forums etc etc.

One now banned member even wrote me a very destructive book review about how I used whores and was looking for little kids in third world countries. How much further below the belt can you go? Luckily I got that one removed.

The fact that you can't see or hear each other makes it hard sometimes how serious a person is about his jokes. That's the difference between real life and online ball breaking.

But yeah, don't expect any melt downs form me any time soon. Can't be bothered with it to be honest.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"


Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

[Image: clap2.gif]

[Image: grouphug.gif][Image: grouphug.gif][Image: grouphug.gif][Image: grouphug.gif][Image: grouphug.gif]

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