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Boston: #2 City for Singles

Boston: #2 City for Singles

According to Forbes magazine, Boston is the #2 (after NYC) Best City for Singles in 2009. Anyone who rolled (or lived in) thru Beantown pls. give the fam a detailed breakdown. Gracias.

Boston: #2 City for Singles

Quote: (06-30-2010 12:40 PM)Global Baller Wrote:  

According to Forbes magazine, Boston is the #2 (after NYC) Best City for Singles in 2009. Anyone who rolled (or lived in) thru Beantown pls. give the fam a detailed breakdown. Gracias.

My sister went to law school in Boston. Its a great place to live. If you are into a big city/small town feel and the bar scenes/ cafes, its the place for you. Its real chill, laid back. nothing at all like the miami, south beach type scenes. If you like to meet up with friends, go out for drinks , bars are open late, you can go bar hopping, its real beautiful weather, nice and cold, you do a good amount of walking so you have opportunities for exercise, the architecture is nice, its a beautiful city, lots of parks, and very mutli cultural. North end has many italian restaurants and cafes, then you have cambridge area, where you have Harvard, its a but more yuppyish around there, boston commons area is also a yuppy area, more business district, with parks, back bay and Newbury, beacon hill, is a bit more upscale. nice apts. My sister lived on marlborough street in a beautiful studio over looking the street with a bay window. on a second floor.

the great thing is that the transportation is great, walking distances are relatively short, and the city has a laid back feel, not so hustle and bustle like NYC, yet still has big city charm. there is a large irish feel, lots of irish pubs, and young professionals, students really run the city. its not for the vegas, miami, LA types crowds. if you're into that type of things its not for you. Chicago goers, seattle goers, san franciscans, and new yorkers would love boston, and if you want a change, boston is the place. we grew up in florida, and my sister loved boston! i loved it too when i visited a few times. i might transfer our with my bf there second yr of law school if i can.

Boston: #2 City for Singles

Quote: (06-30-2010 01:28 PM)Aylar Wrote:  

its not for the vegas, miami, LA types crowds.

You got that right! I was in Boston for 3 weeks on business, and the most exciting thing around were friggin dive bars and pubs. It seems that Bostonians are completely happy at a dive bar/pub with a Guinness where the attire is T-shirts and jeans, and absolutely no consideration for any type of fashion.

I bet GQ magazine has an an incredibly low sales record in this city. I go out suited up in my Armani Suit, Cuban cigar and Gucci loafers - not the jeans that looked like I slept in them...that's Boston!

However, the city does have an extremely high concentration of very pretty girls..which gave me a lot of female positive attention as a tan skinned, suited up Latino with a Fedora hat and a cuban cigar in hand =)

I actually liked it, because I was exotic and different and outside the norm of what is seen daily.


Boston: #2 City for Singles

Quote: (06-30-2010 01:47 PM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

the city does have an extremely high concentration of very pretty girls

How easy is it to "mack" those hotties???

Boston: #2 City for Singles

I live in Boston. Have for six years. It's very easy here. I've been saying it for years and no one really pays attention: Boston and NYC are by far the easiest American cities (minus Vegas). I've been to just about every major city in the union, and in terms of quality, quantity and ease of pick up, NYC is def #1 and Boston is up there.

I'll do a full write up soon. It's late and I'm tired.

Boston: #2 City for Singles

OK, here's the rundown on Boston. If you want more detail or are actually coming here, just shoot me a PM or something. Like I said, I've lived here for 6-7 years, know most of the big promoters in town and have the hook ups in most places. So if you're one of the main posters/players on the travel board (you know who you are), don't hesitate to hit me up.

Boston in General: In general, I find think the quality in Boston is decent (above other B-list US cities like DC, Chicago, Orlando, SF, but below Miami, NYC, LA), but the ease of hook up is pretty high. There are a number of reasons for this:

1) Single women to single men ratio: for whatever reason, the east coast has a higher ratio of single women and the west coast has a higher ratio of single men. This is particularly pronounced in the northeast and peaks in the Boston/NYC/Phile/Baltimore corridor. No idea why this is. But it's true and if you travel around the states, it's noticeable.

2) In general Boston men are notorious for being emotionally closed-off, dry and having nothing interesting to talk about. It's the Irish and Puritan heritages I think. I see fewer random guys approaching girls up here than almost anywhere. Your competition is almost nothing. Guys up here just like to drink and get in fights with each other, not talk to girls. The women up here CONSTANTLY complain about this. The fact that an attractive girl here can actually complain about not getting approached enough (and many do) should be enough reason on it's own to check the town out.

3) Speaking of drinking. People in Boston drink... a fucking lot.

4) Women here tend to be liberal and more educated. This is a plus for me, but may not be for everybody. But I just tend to find college-educated chicks easier, probably because they're easier to talk to. And also probably because I'm a smart dude and they find that attractive, whereas your drop-out cocktail waitress doesn't.

5) As has been pointed out, men have NO fashion sense up here whatsoever. I'm regularly dumbfounded by the lack of any style when I go out. Shitty polo shirt and a Red Sox cap is pretty standard for most men here. At the VERY most you'll get a guy in a button down and cheap jeans. You throw on top of that the fact that the college educated, liberal women here see themselves as super cosmopolitan and are basically all Carrie from Sex in the City wannabes, then you can get a lot of props for dressing well. I regularly get complimented and even asked if I'm a model up here. And I'm not even that good-looking. It's just because I'm dressed so stylish compared to every other guy. That and everyone assumes I'm gay.

6) Proximity of venues. Also mentioned. There are clusters of venues in the city that are all walking distance from one another. You throw in a subway system and plentiful cabs and you have pretty good logistics working for you.

Boston Venues:

Clubs: Clubs up here are very hit and miss and seasonal. When they miss, it's like Jersey Shore 2.0. Bunch of guidos and chubby Italian chicks. Bad news bears. When it hits, you get tons of hot girls in a packed venue that actually has cool people in it. Typically, the new "hot" venues are overflowing and you need to know someone to get in, depending on what time of year it is.

Lounges: I actually think Boston has some of the best lounges and upscale bars out of anywhere. I think it's because there's so many young-professionals here. Similar to NYC, you run into a lot of women in their mid to late 20's who are stuck working 50-60 hour weeks and like to unwind with expensive cocktails in a nice hotel bar. These bars usually only have pathetic 40-year-old divorcees hitting on them, so they're RIDICULOUSLY easily swoops.

Bars: As Mixx said, Boston's Bar/Pub scene is a shitload of fun. Especially if one of the Boston sports teams is doing well that season. I don't care where you're from, you have to leave the US to see a city as crazy about their sports teams as Boston is. We're fucking fanatical up here. These dive bars can be tons of fun. Especially when you get the local townies named Murph and Sully downing 13 beers in one sitting and threatening the safety of the TV and anyone within 10 feet in a thick Boston accent.

But as far as women goes, they're pretty low in quality. You get a diamond-in-the-rough every once in a while (I snagged a gorgeous runway model in a dingy dive on a Thursday night once), but for the most part, you're not going to find more than 1-2 girls worth your time in any given bar.

Other things to know:

Boston is VERY seasonal. The best time of year to come here BY FAR is September-November with April-May being almost as good. The city completely empties out in summer-time because of the colleges and can be pretty dead. And the winter gets so fucking cold that nobody goes out January-March. I've shown up to clubs in January to literally only 30-40 people and maybe 10 girls total in the whole place. And honestly, I don't blame them. This is why I go to South America in the winter.

But I digress. The fall is amazing here. The weather is perfect. All of the college kids are back and excited to party. There are still a lot of tourists around. All the girls are tanned and in-shape from the summer and still wearing their tiny skirts.

Specific venues/areas:

Boylston Street: Nice series of bars running 1-2 miles all the way downtown with a few bars on each block. The further away from downtown you get, the divier they are. But they're fun. McGreevy's, Lir, Whiskey's, Pour House are good dives with lots of college kids. Further down, Vox and Lenox Hotel are good but very hit and miss. Down by the common you get Gypsy, which is always a pretty solid club, as well as Estate, and Liquor Store. Estate and Liquor Store are pretty fucking weak these days. I'd avoid.

Theatre District: Has the best clubs right now. Roxy, Felt, Splash, Umbria, Rumor, Venu. Rumor and Venu are pretty trashy these days. Umbria was sick last fall before I left, but I went there last night and it was very mediocre.

Fanuiel Hall: Very touristy and lots of college kids. Wide variety of venues, but most of them are shittier bar-type places.

Allston: Only good when school is in. The college scene in Boston. This is where I learned my tricks of the trade when I was finishing up school so Allston will always has a soft-spot in my heart. But don't bother unless you're under 25.

Cambridge: Don't bother.

Recommended places to stay:

Either stay downtown in the Financial District near Fanuiel or stay in/near Copley Plaza. Plenty of nice hotels in both areas. If you stay further out than that (Brookline or Cambridge), you'll be kicking yourself, trust me.

Boston: #2 City for Singles

Entropy's got a nice list on deck, but let me add a few spots, particularly Cambridgeside.

Back Bay:
Stephanies on Newbury. Nice restaurant, solid bar area for the after work crowds. Lot's of Finance, Publishing types

Oak Bar. An old school, manly joint, either roll up here with your boys or look for cougars. Live piano music.

Harvard Square, Cambridge: Reppin Crimson [Image: biggrin.gif]
Charles Hotel: This is a great spot for meeting women, and venue changes. This Hotel in Harvard Square has Legals, Rialto, RegattaBar. Plus Legal Seafoods has an outdoor bar to boot.
Daedulus: If meeting snobby (and just legal) Harvard undergrads is your deal.
OM: Solid international crowds depending on the night. Nice lounge with a dance floor.

Inman Square, Cambridge:

Ryles. Awesome jazz place. Even if you don't know jazz, you find women who do and will happy to talk to you.

Central Square, Cambridge:

Enormous Room. Depending on the night, it can go from desolate to filled with college girls, nannys, and other "average" girls.

Boston: #2 City for Singles

Man, finally some solid Boston data sheets.
Would you guys recommend actually staying at the Charles hotel since it's great for meeting women? I figure having your room nearby facilitates a ONS.

Boston: #2 City for Singles

Can't really add too much to this thread as I only have been to Boston once and it was 4th of July weekend about 6 years ago or so.

Like said above, everyone leaves during summer (I was there working).

Of Note:

The Gentleman's Club scene is pretty weak there. Maybe Entropy4 can refute.

There was a real cool lounge that served really good food after closing time with fly girls. Right on the edge of Chinatown or in Chinatown I think. Can't remember the name. Entropy4?

Place was real solid for swooping after the bars closed.

Boston: #2 City for Singles

Quote: (07-06-2010 07:20 AM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

Man, finally some solid Boston data sheets.
Would you guys recommend actually staying at the Charles hotel since it's great for meeting women? I figure having your room nearby facilitates a ONS.

Nah, save your $$s. Right down the street a better spot has opened up: It's right in Harvard Square with better pricing.

Charles Hotel complex is definitely nice in the summer - you get a good mix of locals, travelers, and academics. People that you can have an intelligent conversation with and will be down for more fun back at the room.

Boston: #2 City for Singles

Quote: (07-06-2010 11:22 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Can't really add too much to this thread as I only have been to Boston once and it was 4th of July weekend about 6 years ago or so.

Like said above, everyone leaves during summer (I was there working).

Of Note:

The Gentleman's Club scene is pretty weak there. Maybe Entropy4 can refute.

There was a real cool lounge that served really good food after closing time with fly girls. Right on the edge of Chinatown or in Chinatown I think. Can't remember the name. Entropy4?

Place was real solid for swooping after the bars closed.

G, I can try to fill in the gaps while Entropy4 is away.

- I do not recommend the Gentleman's Clubs at all. I think that there are only two within the city proper. I have never been, but have heard enough negative things to avoid them. Providence, RI is the de facto club capital of New England.

- You might be thinking of the spot called "The News." They had after hours food. I used to have a hook up for drinks upstairs. But alas, the News is no more.

Boston's nightlife is definitely no match for Vegas, NYC, Miami..but it's not a bad niche market.

Boston: #2 City for Singles

"- You might be thinking of the spot called "The News." They had after hours food. I used to have a hook up for drinks upstairs. But alas, the News is no more."

Yep, that's it.

To bad its closed. That place was epic.

Every city could have used a place like that. I remember I even explored biting the concept for another city.

Boston: #2 City for Singles

News was a good spot, bomb late night steak tips... the dude that ran it was a real cool shit too, would let you drink after hrs if you knew him.

Boston: #2 City for Singles

Entropy - you must have gone for burgers at 'Our House' on Commonwealth at some point or another - the place is still there as of last December.

Great post!

The amount of fighting in Boston compared to New York City was always a turn-off. There just seem to be a ton of people on the street after 9:00 p.m. just looking to get into it - much much more than New York City. Lot of sucker punching and lost teeth. There is not a lot you can do taking a good hit to the jaw without warning that puts you on the floor. Tip from a Central Connecticut Swat cop - it must be a New England thing but watch any guy after 11:45 p.m. by himself leave one swallow of a shot on the bar, hit the bathroom, and then come back and down the shot - he says you can see it in their neck and expression because they are about to pick the closest guy and slug him. Swears by it. Flip side - the highest bouncer to patron ratio I have ever seen was in Boston and everyone, now matter how old they are, has to produce gov't photo identification to walk in the door.

Copley Square Hotel was a fanstastic place to stay right by the Prudential building - they had a really nice lounge bar and turned it into a nightclub after 11:00 p.m. More elegant and doler than than (age 25-29), but not as a hot as a line outside a good Manhattan place. But any nice room in downtown Boston is going to cost you 400$ a night. I had a few nights where I navigated back to my brothers apartment by locating the fog lights ontop of the Pru building.

Boston: #2 City for Singles

Yo Entropy4 - see you in Boston in Sept/October! Aside from my A-game, should I bring my brass knuckles for the special fighting Irish?

Boston: #2 City for Singles


Entropy - you must have gone for burgers at 'Our House' on Commonwealth at some point or another - the place is still there as of last December.

Did I go to Our House on Comm Ave? Haha... I threesome'd a blonde bartender there last year. It was one of my favorite dives for a long time. It's actually closing down last I heard. I haven't been in forever, I live downtown now.


Yo Entropy4 - see you in Boston in Sept/October! Aside from my A-game, should I bring my brass knuckles for the special fighting Irish?

Hey Mixx, lemme know when you're coming up. I'm planning on hitting Asia this Fall, so I may not be around. But if I am, we'll hit the town for sure.

Boston: #2 City for Singles

I've never been to Boston, but just the idea and what I've heard about Boston, it's on my list of cities I'd be willing to live in.

In the US, that list includes:
New York

.... and that's about it, I'm trying to work out a plan to find a job and relocate to one of these cities soon....

Boston: #2 City for Singles

I just number-closed a green eyed cutie form Boston. She is a Barista at Starbucks, and she had the amazing bootie of a Latina YUM-YUM!! WTF??? I love it!

Is this what I should expect more of in Boston? Green eyed, pretty girls with latina booties? I rememebr seeing a few of these types around...I was amazed that they had bottoms that rivaled latinas....impressive!

Boston: #2 City for Singles

Quote: (07-24-2010 07:44 PM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

I just number-closed a green eyed cutie form Boston. She is a Barista at Starbucks, and she had the amazing bootie of a Latina YUM-YUM!! WTF??? I love it!

Is this what I should expect more of in Boston? Green eyed, pretty girls with latina booties? I rememebr seeing a few of these types around...I was amazed that they had bottoms that rivaled latinas....impressive!

Haha... Mixx... there are 5 million people in Boston. I don't think swooping one with a nice booty can define one of the biggest cities in the US. [Image: wink.gif]

How was Calgary Stampede btw?

Boston: #2 City for Singles

Quote: (07-25-2010 03:42 PM)Entropy4 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-24-2010 07:44 PM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

I just number-closed a green eyed cutie form Boston. She is a Barista at Starbucks, and she had the amazing bootie of a Latina YUM-YUM!! WTF??? I love it!

Is this what I should expect more of in Boston? Green eyed, pretty girls with latina booties? I rememebr seeing a few of these types around...I was amazed that they had bottoms that rivaled latinas....impressive!

Haha... Mixx... there are 5 million people in Boston. I don't think swooping one with a nice booty can define one of the biggest cities in the US. [Image: wink.gif]

How was Calgary Stampede btw?

unfortunately, my mom was admitted to the hospital that week, and I could not fly down. However, she is 100% better now!

Finally, I have a few days available this month, and I just can't seem to decide between new and unknown Calgary, or known, but guaranteed sex, Colombia...HELP!!


Boston: #2 City for Singles

I'm amazed there is no more forum love for Boston - and no link to Boston in Roosh's master travel locations post - by far one of the easiest cities if you know where to go and what you're doing. Average nights out the women may appear less attractive than Miami or San Diego due to the northern climate... but don't judge books by their cover/extensive winter clothing. I would avoid Fanueil Hall. But Newbury St. and Back Bay in general (Tom Brady's backyard) the $$$ must attract more than one dame that's a dime.

In Quincy Market you're guaranteed to see at least one good street fight/public disturbance. Issues abound for those seeking a SNL (mainly out of towners which make for bad logistics). Pass over save Clarke's and or Kitty O'Shea's perhaps if you're feeling the loud raucous vibe. Absolutely no Purple Shamrock or McFadden's. I do have to give some love to The Sanctuary (heaven/hell/purgatory themed bar/club) on State. Several hotel lounges (Bond, etc.) you'll hear good things about but show up early due to impossible/non-moving lines. Fanueil Hall also suffers from the fact the T closes at midnight (seriously!?!) and it is impossible to flag a cab after bar closing due to the roving packs of meatheads and vomiting women. Always leave well before last call, anyway you're already busy leaving with your newly discovered girlfriend for the night, right?

Back Bay runs classy and upscale, a good cocktail crowd and trends older despite Boston being a notorious college town. Bolyston St. has good bars, check out Towne, Back Bay Social Club, etc. which are EXCELLENT venues and most women going live locally, like just around the block, not that's important =). If you can run day game Newbury St. is a GOLD mine and akin to some of the best boulevards in America for quality with added New England charm.

Not too much North End experience so I'll have to defer. Clink (runs VIP/gold digger - sports figures have been known to appear there, show up early before 10 due to lines... it's worth it due to the proximity to hospitals = great girl:guy ratio, and caters/trends to the professional crowd that doesn't mess around). Stay away from nearby Beacon Hill Pub, etc. unless you like the smell of piss when in a bar and the kind of women that hang out at places like that (epitome of low hanging fruit).

Southie (Beer Garden) should be checked out as well if you're feeling the local neighborhood scene. It helps if you have some Irish ancestry (but not overbearingly Irish, subtle Irish. Think JFK, Jr.)

Boston: #2 City for Singles

I'm bumping this old thread because I may have some upcoming business in Beantown, and I'm curious if there's any new input about the place.

Much of the talk about has been about the good spots, which is helpful. But I'm hoping to get some deep analysis on the type of women (besides the obvious preponderance of New-England-style college girls); type of game that seems to yield good results there; and the type of dudes or looks that do especially well in that area (because their race, style is scarce or whatever).

I've spent some time in that region, but not recently or for a sustained-enough period to get this data.

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Boston: #2 City for Singles

A family friend said Boston is his favorite spot in the country because of the girls, bars and scenery. He said the only thing that killed it are their accents

Boston: #2 City for Singles

I didn't like Boston that much to be honest. I'm trying to get away from that British feel and it reminded me a LOT of the UK. All and said, the people were smart, reserved and it seemed clean and cool.

Entropy4, what's your take on Middlesex? I went there and swooped my Italian-American flag there.
Pumped her out at her best friend's place. She had green eyes and I think she was a bottle blonde.

Regular Boston I wasn't feeling so much but perhaps it was a question of, location, location, location.



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