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Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 04:38 PM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

Supposedly they've already arrested a 20 year old saudi national.

I've only been seeing this rumor on less-than-credible, sensationalist news sources. I'd like to see it on something more mainstream.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Not what I needed a couple of days before going to NYC. The city is going to be on edge.

I hope all the injured make it out ok, on a positive note the loss of human life seems small at the moment.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Boston PD says no one custody, cell phone service back up but now some train lines have been shutdown

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:52 PM)Wool Suit Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:47 PM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:43 PM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:42 PM)Wool Suit Wrote:  


Homey looks calm as fuck for having his leg blown off. Damn. What the fuck.

That's what shock looks like.

Sadly, that is the close-up. Full shot tells a worse story:


Why the fuck would someone take a picture of that and put it online. Where's the respect for that poor guy. The fuck is wrong with people.

'Logic Over Emotion Since 2013'

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

A collection of the worst photos from the second blast. It's bad, guys.


Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

So sad.
I do hope they find who ever did this, and they string him up and blow torch him.

'Logic Over Emotion Since 2013'

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Hunter S Thompson after 9/11:


The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for Peace in Our Time, in the United States or any other country. Make no mistake about it: We are At War now -- with somebody -- and we will stay At War with that mysterious Enemy for the rest of our lives.

It will be a Religious War, a sort of Christian Jihad, fueled by religious hatred and led by merciless fanatics on both sides. It will be guerilla warfare on a global scale, with no front lines and no identifiable enemy. Osama bin Laden may be a primitive "figurehead" -- or even dead, for all we know -- but whoever put those All-American jet planes loaded with All-American fuel into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon did it with chilling precision and accuracy. The second one was a dead-on bullseye. Straight into the middle of the skyscraper.

Nothing -- even George Bush's $350 billion "Star Wars" missile defense system -- could have prevented Tuesday's attack, and it cost next to nothing to pull off. Fewer than 20 unarmed Suicide soldiers from some apparently primitive country somewhere on the other side of the world took out the World Trade Center and half the Pentagon with three quick and costless strikes on one day. The efficiency of it was terrifying.

We are going to punish somebody for this attack, but just who or what will be blown to smithereens for it is hard to say. Maybe Afghanistan, maybe Pakistan or Iraq, or possibly all three at once. Who knows? Not even the Generals in what remains of the Pentagon or the New York papers calling for WAR seem to know who did it or where to look for them.

This is going to be a very expensive war, and Victory is not guaranteed -- for anyone, and certainly not for anyone as baffled as George W. Bush. All he knows is that his father started the war a long time ago, and that he, the goofy child-President, has been chosen by Fate and the global Oil industry to finish it Now. He will declare a National Security Emergency and clamp down Hard on Everybody, no matter where they live or why. If the guilty won't hold up their hands and confess, he and the Generals will ferret them out by force.

The government is going to lie to us about today, they are going to use this as justification to limit our rights, and they're going to drop bombs somewhere in the Middle East (if it turns out a foreign terrorist did this). The script is already written. It's a sad day not only for those in Boston, but for all Americans.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 04:43 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 04:38 PM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

Supposedly they've already arrested a 20 year old saudi national.

I've only been seeing this rumor on less-than-credible, sensationalist news sources. I'd like to see it on something more mainstream.

Latest from Boston Cops: they have NO suspects in custody--

Could be Muslim extremists, could be domestic terrorists--absolutely nothing is known at this time.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

They'll get whoever did it. It's too high profile for them not to. Remember the area has video cameras everywhere. They'll have 1000's and 1000's of people reviewing tapes if necessary to identify suspects.

I even recall recently suggestions that a video image of you could be used and your facebook would be identified. I'm sure the government has better technology than that I can identify your passport, social security and all kinds of stuff based on a video image.

It's pretty hard to hide who you are with such a massive attack.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

If nothing else, at least Justin Beiber was pushed from the top stories.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

It's almost pointless to speculate so soon after the event. In 48 hrs we will likely have a clearer picture. Politicians always want to "do something" because that's what gets people elected, but there is no absolute guarantee of safety.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Love hunter s Thompson.

Where the fuck were the bomb sniffing dogs???????

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 04:54 PM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

They'll get whoever did it. It's too high profile for them not to. Remember the area has video cameras everywhere. They'll have 1000's and 1000's of people reviewing tapes if necessary to identify suspects.

I even recall recently suggestions that a video image of you could be used and your facebook would be identified. I'm sure the government has better technology than that I can identify your passport, social security and all kinds of stuff based on a video image.

It's pretty hard to hide who you are with such a massive attack.

I hope you're right about this. With the unexploded bomb and the security cameras, I think they should have enough info to catch the bastards.

I've got the dick so I make the rules.
-Project Pat

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

I just hope this doesn't reactivate the over-the-top apotheosis of firefighters, police, and "fire responders," like after 9-11. While their work is worthy of respect and gratitude, that hero-worship shit went way overboard. It's not any more valuable than the work of the guy who paved the road that got the ambulance there on time or the guy who makes sure the stop lights are in working order. People just doin' their job.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

New York on high alert right now.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

It is impressive than the bomber was able to pull this off in America today. It has to be someone with extensive training, not just another frustrated virgin on anti-depressant meds.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

They evacuated the emergency room at Tufts.

Now I'm wondering if my hotel is going to be evacuated too.

I've got the dick so I make the rules.
-Project Pat

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:01 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I just hope this doesn't reactivate the over-the-top apotheosis of firefighters, police, and "fire responders," like after 9-11. While their work is worthy of respect and gratitude, that hero-worship shit went way overboard. It's not any more valuable than the work of the guy who paved the road that got the ambulance there on time or the guy who makes sure the stop lights are in working order. People just doin' their job.

While I'm not a hero-worshipper, you are pretty wrong here.

Firemen, police, and EMS running into the burning and falling Twin Towers after 9/11, and rushing to the blast site right after this bomb went off today is much more valuable than the guy who paved the road.

Anyone can pave a road, or make sure stop lights are working correctly. Can't say the same for running towards a bomb blast to rescue people you don't even know.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:04 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It is impressive than the bomber was able to pull this off in America today. It has to be someone with extensive training

Not really. The veneer of added security hasn't resulted in any real improvement in safety, just an apparatus for social control when it's convenient.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Police are now sending all witnesses to the "District 4 community room"...we'll have some serious developments soon.

EDIT: They have one person in custody according to the police radio scans. They are determining where to take him.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

In the aftermath of this tragedy, which is going to be a political and legal shitshow that results in even more draconian anti-terrorist laws from the U.S. government, it is worth reflecting on just how protected and insulated we Americans have been from this sort of thing up until now.

Public bombings of this type, most with far higher body counts, have been occurring with unbelievable frequency in Iraq over the past decade, on the order of multiple times per week.


An analysis by Iraq Body Count and co-authors published in 2011 concluded that at least 12,284 civilians were killed in at least 1,003 suicide bombings in Iraq between 2003 and 2010 killed. The study reveals that suicide bombings kill 60 times as many civilians as soldiers.

Think about that when you look at these horrible pictures, and realize that millions of Iraqis have been living with that reality every day for the past decade.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:04 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It is impressive than the bomber was able to pull this off in America today. It has to be someone with extensive training, not just another frustrated virgin on anti-depressant meds.

It's a terrorist attack for sure. It's patriots day in Boston.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:04 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It is impressive than the bomber was able to pull this off in America today. It has to be someone with extensive training, not just another frustrated virgin on anti-depressant meds.

If you'll recall a guy nearly set a car bomb off in Times Square a few years back. I don't think his training was all that extensive.

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:09 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:04 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It is impressive than the bomber was able to pull this off in America today. It has to be someone with extensive training

Not really. The veneer of added security hasn't resulted in any real improvement in safety, just an apparatus for social control when it's convenient.


I fly almost every week, and I'm sure I could sneak something horrible past the TSA. On America's streets, where TSA agents with 2-digit IQs aren't x-raying your bags and taking pictures of your genitals, it's easy to plant a bomb.

I've got the dick so I make the rules.
-Project Pat

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Terribly sad news.

There are some really fucked up people in this world.

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