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Skinny to Big

Skinny to Big

Is it possible for EVERY guy to put on muscle and weight? I wonder how Bruce Lee looked before he really started working out. It's crazy how he was real thin but so strong.
[Image: 529639_531015543603685_439907421_n.jpg]

Skinny to Big

You can do it, it just takes years.

I'd hit up scooby's workshop, he illustrates what realistic expectations about getting big are supposed to look like.


“I have a very simple rule when it comes to management: hire the best people from your competitors, pay them more than they were earning, and give them bonuses and incentives based on their performance. That’s how you build a first-class operation.”
― Donald J. Trump

If you want some PDF's on bodyweight exercise with little to no equipment, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Skinny to Big

Jaymie and Reaper 23:

I don't know what to tell you but that's what happened. Again...I have been a runner all my life and I wasn't lifting as much as I did now. Running five miles would be a warmup. So I cut down I. The running drastically, increased my meals, and went hard in the gym. For the first few months I would be in there everyday except Sunday...shit even twice a day.
I'm bit saying I'm ray Lewis but muscle gains is in my family. If I didn't run early on in life I would be at least 240 like the rest if the men in my family.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Skinny to Big

Quote: (04-07-2013 09:40 PM)CThunder86 Wrote:  

Jaymie and Reaper 23:

I don't know what to tell you but that's what happened. Again...I have been a runner all my life and I wasn't lifting as much as I did now. Running five miles would be a warmup. So I cut down I. The running drastically, increased my meals, and went hard in the gym. For the first few months I would be in there everyday except Sunday...shit even twice a day.
I'm bit saying I'm ray Lewis but muscle gains is in my family. If I didn't run early on in life I would be at least 240 like the rest if the men in my family.

I hope you took before and afters because with those gains you could write a book and make millions.

45 lbs in 9 months of muscle

5 lbs per month on an already active athlete with no PEDs

for 9 months


Skinny to Big

Quote: (04-07-2013 10:03 PM)reaper23 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-07-2013 09:40 PM)CThunder86 Wrote:  

Jaymie and Reaper 23:

I don't know what to tell you but that's what happened. Again...I have been a runner all my life and I wasn't lifting as much as I did now. Running five miles would be a warmup. So I cut down I. The running drastically, increased my meals, and went hard in the gym. For the first few months I would be in there everyday except Sunday...shit even twice a day.
I'm bit saying I'm ray Lewis but muscle gains is in my family. If I didn't run early on in life I would be at least 240 like the rest if the men in my family.

I hope you took before and afters because with those gains you could write a book and make millions.

45 lbs in 9 months of muscle

5 lbs per month on an already active athlete with no PEDs

for 9 months


Mark Rippetoe managed 3 lbs of LBM increase per week in one of his trainees. http://startingstrength.com/articles/nov...ppetoe.pdf

The legs and ass are some of the biggest muscles in the body. Eat like a horse and squat, and you can gain weight fairly quickly on your lower body.

Skinny to Big

Houston, it is possible for every guy to put on muscle and weight. Honestly, the best advice I can give you is to head over to a forum like bodybuilding.com or t-nation.com and spend time on the forums there, as opposed to getting your workout advice here. Travel and game, come here. The experts in those fields are here. For other stuff, it is best to go to the source where there are thousands of people all sharing information, reading studies, and trying the latest and greatest.

Skinny to Big

Quote: (04-07-2013 06:28 PM)GenJx Wrote:  

[Image: icon_lol.gif] the lean guy with 58% body fat

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRlyijzY4gZaBjlil0hihz...Uq_WjBv1qA]

Look at the chick's body in the background. He must have tight game to be punching that far above his level.

Skinny to Big

Started out at 70kgs.... The first 18 months I gained 8 kgs and now I am 81 kgs. Take off 2 of them and I`d be pretty ripped. For me it`s been a lifechanger in every aspect.

Skinny to Big

Stop talking bullshit, you didn't put on 45lbs lean mass in 9 months unless you ran 2g test per week.
Maybe you put on 45lbs, but not everything is LBM
And if you really did put on 45lbs LBM in 9 months without gear, you should consider becoming an IFBB pro because your genetics are literally the 1%.

I started at 6" 132lbs and am up to 176lbs in about a year, bench is almost at 225, didn't train legs because of an accident and 2 surgeries.

Skinny to Big

I have this problem, been slightly underweight most of my life, I basically have to continuously stuff my face just to maintain an average weight. :/

Skinny to Big

Quote: (04-08-2013 03:23 PM)Tresdus Wrote:  

Stop talking bullshit, you didn't put on 45lbs lean mass in 9 months unless you ran 2g test per week.
Maybe you put on 45lbs, but not everything is LBM
And if you really did put on 45lbs LBM in 9 months without gear, you should consider becoming an IFBB pro because your genetics are literally the 1%.

I started at 6" 132lbs and am up to 176lbs in about a year, bench is almost at 225, didn't train legs because of an accident and 2 surgeries.

Most of your muscle bulk is in your legs and ass, so you could have put on more though I suppose you would have had to eat a bit more to compensate. I'm impressed you put on that much in a year with no lower body training.

I had a friend go from about 138 pounds at 6' 4" (basically looked like a holocaust survivor) to about 195 at 6' 4" inside of a school year, so ten months. Unrecognizable.

He started out at iggy pop body fat levels (6%?) and is still pretty lean, probably at or under 14% body fat.

These guys putting on massive gains in short order are generally very underweight to begin with. It's not some 245 pound bodybuilder going "ONE WEIRD TRICK TO PUT ON 60 POUNDS OF LEAN MUSCLE IN SIX MONTHS OMGWTFBBQ", just some comically underweight turd finally learning how to eat properly and lift heavy.
They're also usually young (under 25) and lean. Put them on a diet of heavy lifts and lots of food and they just explode to a healthy body weight or somewhat higher. Genetics is not always a big factor. Enough training volume and sufficient food can play a huge role.

Skinny to Big

hades that may be true but the dude in this thread claimed he was an athlete who went from 6'4 180 which isn't comically underweight by any means, to 6'4 225 and shredded with no fat gain

in nine months

come on

Skinny to Big

"Now, if you total up those values, you get a gain of roughly 40-50 pounds of total muscle mass over a lifting career although it might take a solid 4+ years of proper training to achieve that."

lyle mcdonald.

Skinny to Big

I've never had any luck at slowly and gradually gaining muscle. I put on 20 lbs over the last year through a high protein diet but then lost 5-10 lbs of it trying to get back my old muscle tone.

Skinny to Big

Quote: (04-06-2013 04:58 AM)houston Wrote:  

A lot of guys on here regularly hit the weights. Did anyone start off scrawny and gradually put on weight and muscles? Or has everyone always been at least average or chubby so it wasn't as hard to bulk up?


Skinny to Big

Quote: (04-08-2013 07:56 PM)reaper23 Wrote:  

hades that may be true but the dude in this thread claimed he was an athlete who went from 6'4 180 which isn't comically underweight by any means, to 6'4 225 and shredded with no fat gain

in nine months

come on

Yeah I have to pay more attention to the thread before posting.
That part is definitely crap unless he had a large frame to begin with. Going from (say) 135 pounds to 180 would take a lot less time than going from 180 to 225. That can take five years of steady lifting or more. Some people never even get there.

Skinny to Big

I'm in the same boat, skinny but trying to bulk up.

I am very health-conscious and was eating purely Paleo for a while. I have to admit it made me feel very good.

However I was losing weight. Not eating sugar and carbs is a great way to lose weight really.

So I've allowed in a lot more junk. I still eat a basic diet that is very healthy, lots of veggies, meat and good fats.

But I also now eat carbs with gusto, including rice, bread, potatoes, cookies, candy, whatever. I only just started going to the gym, and I've gained a few pounds. Combo muscle/fat, for sure.

It's crazy because I really do feel bad after eating this shit. Has anyone actually bulked up eating lean and healthy paleo style?

Skinny to Big

Quote: (04-08-2013 07:45 PM)Hades Wrote:  

Quote: (04-08-2013 03:23 PM)Tresdus Wrote:  

Stop talking bullshit, you didn't put on 45lbs lean mass in 9 months unless you ran 2g test per week.
Maybe you put on 45lbs, but not everything is LBM
And if you really did put on 45lbs LBM in 9 months without gear, you should consider becoming an IFBB pro because your genetics are literally the 1%.

I started at 6" 132lbs and am up to 176lbs in about a year, bench is almost at 225, didn't train legs because of an accident and 2 surgeries.

Most of your muscle bulk is in your legs and ass, so you could have put on more though I suppose you would have had to eat a bit more to compensate. I'm impressed you put on that much in a year with no lower body training.

I had a friend go from about 138 pounds at 6' 4" (basically looked like a holocaust survivor) to about 195 at 6' 4" inside of a school year, so ten months. Unrecognizable.

He started out at iggy pop body fat levels (6%?) and is still pretty lean, probably at or under 14% body fat.

These guys putting on massive gains in short order are generally very underweight to begin with. It's not some 245 pound bodybuilder going "ONE WEIRD TRICK TO PUT ON 60 POUNDS OF LEAN MUSCLE IN SIX MONTHS OMGWTFBBQ", just some comically underweight turd finally learning how to eat properly and lift heavy.
They're also usually young (under 25) and lean. Put them on a diet of heavy lifts and lots of food and they just explode to a healthy body weight or somewhat higher. Genetics is not always a big factor. Enough training volume and sufficient food can play a huge role.
Well, but compared to the other guy I didn't claim to put on 40lbs of LBM, because I didn't. I'm going to cut down to about 155lbs for the summer to get pretty lean.

Skinny to Big

Quote: (04-08-2013 07:56 PM)reaper23 Wrote:  

hades that may be true but the dude in this thread claimed he was an athlete who went from 6'4 180 which isn't comically underweight by any means, to 6'4 225 and shredded with no fat gain

in nine months

come on

I think you're painting the picture that I said I am still as ripped as I was at 180. That's not what I was saying. Of course I gained fat my man but I kept a flat stomach. Being my last semester in school and working in a restaurant I had ample time to lift and eat.

An athlete? All I said was that I run and play sports.

As I said before:

1. I have been running 40+ miles a week, wasn't lifting with half the frequency as I am now, and I ate less
2. Imagine me going to down at a maximum of 10 miles a week now, lifting twice as much and eating more.
3. Genetics: My family has some pretty big (musucaler) dudes in it

Don't hate on my results.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Skinny to Big

Quote: (04-09-2013 09:02 AM)CThunder86 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-08-2013 07:56 PM)reaper23 Wrote:  

hades that may be true but the dude in this thread claimed he was an athlete who went from 6'4 180 which isn't comically underweight by any means, to 6'4 225 and shredded with no fat gain

in nine months

come on

I think you're painting the picture that I said I am still as ripped as I was at 180. That's not what I was saying. Of course I gained fat my man but I kept a flat stomach. Being my last semester in school and working in a restaurant I had ample time to lift and eat.

An athlete? All I said was that I run and play sports.

As I said before:

1. I have been running 40+ miles a week, wasn't lifting with half the frequency as I am now, and I ate less
2. Imagine me going to down at a maximum of 10 miles a week now, lifting twice as much and eating more.
3. Genetics: My family has some pretty big (musucaler) dudes in it

Don't hate on my results.

bro, if you have before and afters and kept a training log - you could make millions with this. start a website, tell everyone what you did, write and ebook, sell some products and become a weight guru.

no joke.

Skinny to Big

Haha my bad i meant to type 5-8% body fat.

Skinny to Big

CT can you post up some before and afters? That's a crazy impressive transformation in such a short time period, that's why people are calling you out.

Skinny to Big

I def dont have any pictues from when I started.

I do have some from december I sent to some girls...I'll have to clean those up.

I take no offense to people calling me out. Gotta back up your claims with some proof.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Skinny to Big

been a week. no pics. surprised?

Skinny to Big

Quote: (04-09-2013 12:31 PM)reaper23 Wrote:  

bro, if you have before and afters and kept a training log - you could make millions with this. start a website, tell everyone what you did, write and ebook, sell some products and become a weight guru.

no joke.


There are guys on YouTube making bank by marketing bullshit before and after pics. The kind where they stick out their stomachs, get a bloat, and have horrible posture. (Check out vid below.)

If this kid laid on 45 pounds of lean muscle, he'll be an instant Internet celebrity.


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