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Bang Osaka

Bang Osaka

I really enjoyed this thread.

I've read it but I may have missed a few things. You talk about knowing the language and culture as ways to land more and better looking girls.

Can you give us a quick list and breakdown of the too 3 or 4 things I do swoop these women?

Language is the obvious ones but what about a couple others

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Bang Osaka

Other than language, a few things that come to mind for Japan:

- Dress clean cut. Scruffy is out in Japan although you don't need to go metrosexual like many Asian men.
- Be in good shape. If you have any sort of belly protruding you need to get rid of it for Japan. What is considered a "little plump" in the West is "fat" in Japan.
- Don't listen to Japanese guys for girl advice. Their advice is either dumb or non applicable for a foreigner. Also never ever tell anyone in your social circle that you do nampa (pickup). Even Japanese guy friends will get jealous and even backstab you later. This actually happened to me.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Bang Osaka

Hey man, been lurking on your thread for awhile but wanted to share some thoughts in hopes of helping you out. I've lived in Tokyo and also visited Osaka several times.

First want to point out that dreambig is right on the money in his last few posts. Listen to him.

You need to be in Tokyo, more chicks there than Osaka. Period.

Next, your energy has to be good. Not to get all hippy spiritual on you but j-girls (and actually all women for matter) are intuitive as hell and can "feel" who you are, your overall vibe, etc. So if you're categorizing these girls right off the bat, you're probably exhibiting a less than fun, positive energy which is so important if your Japanese sucks ass. Words aren't as important if you've got a big smile and lazer eye fuck contact. But if you wanna know a few stock phrases:

Here are three:

ha je mee mah she tay (nice to meet u) note: just knowing and trying to say this shows girl you're trying to know her culture which says something about you as a person.

shoo mee wa nan desu ka ? (what is your hobby?)

yume wa nan desu ka? (what is your dream)

From here I'd rcommend just having a small dictionary with u. But again I wouldnt place too much effort on the conversation as much as the overall vibe. On the initial handshake, I usually like to leave my hand there and if shes cool with it, caress it (credit GLL) My last successes were with girls who were okay with that whereas many girls took their hand away immediately. Guess what? Those girls also ultimately flaked. I'd even recommend stopping your counting because all those flakes that you're obsessing about just weren't into you. Dont mean that as an insult because. i've been shot down a million times as well. But better to focus on the positive. Are you dressed well and appropriate for your target demographic? Are you in shape? Try to find those unknown daygame spots NOT where all the nampa guys are, but perhaps a more relaxed area that gets some of that offflow traffic so that when you do approach, its comes off as serendipity as opposed to a nampa pickup which is sometimes embarrassing to a girl.

also the hard truth is your logistics suck. they suck ass unless you wanna pay an expensive cab fare. You know it. I've been there so I know it. Maybe try to hit on girls closer to your home like a library or nearby shopping area at specific times. Or learn those love motels or if you are intent on saving money, a karaoke spot where you can escalate on the girl. Maybe befriend the workers there so they dont cockblock you later on.

last but not least, im only going to mention this because you linked his post. That guy NuBreed is a mod on the japan lair so maybe chat him up for more info on what has worked. Him and this guy DG or dorian grey are the main guys I'd listen to.

Oh and for your black friend, answer is simple. have him go to a hip hop club. even if he doesn like hip hop, tell him to just dress the part cuz he will get pussy.

Good luck

Bang Osaka

Quote: (11-21-2013 09:20 PM)dreambig Wrote:  

The result will NOT always be the same. You are just getting shitty results right now. Again, if you had built a real connection with her she would want to meet you. Simple as that. Instead of blaming it on "Japanese girls", blame it on your interactions. If you are honest, are they really going as well as you'd like them to? I would bet a large amount of money that they could be improved.

Dreambig, I understand what you’re saying, however...

I’m sure it’s true there are parts of my interactions could always be improved upon, whether in Japan or elsewhere. As for whether my interactions are going well or not, this largely depends (I know, I made it sound otherwise in my last post). Some appear to go well, some are like dog shit, and others appear lukewarm. It’s a mixed bag.

As for the “interview mode” you mentioned: after reading over my post again, I’m afraid that’s a somewhat exaggerated impression I gave, mainly due to me cherry-picking certain parts of my conversations, since these are questions I constantly get asked by almost any curious Japanese person who meets me for the first time, regardless whether male or female. I’m sure there have been approaches that sounded like interviews, and there are certainly times where the rejection was due to me fucking up, but for the most part, they sound like any normal interaction I’d have with someone.

As to your question whether the “good” ones are going as well as I’d like them to. Hard to judge from my subjective vantage point, but I’ll say this: they go as well as anything that would have gotten me at least a date in other countries, especially if she seemed interested.

Again, prior to coming here, if I was talking to a girl and she seemed genuinely interested, 7 out of 10 times you could be sure she’d at least pick up the phone if I messaged her. Even if she seemed only lukewarm, you could expect at least half to agree to meet you at least once if she gave you her number. Granted, only a fraction of these dates would result in sex, but given these experiences, it seems unlikely that my social interaction skills are so incompetent as to warrant 285+ rejections by themselves.

Chinese girl I approached in Germany before coming here…talked for less than 5 minutes on the street…boring-ass conversation…not half as interesting as 60% of those I have here…we were screwing on the second date.

Japanese girl I approached in Germany before then: similar type of conversation I have here in Osaka. Screwed on the first date (this one was the exception of exceptions, obviously).

Korean girl I approached before then: probably half of our 30 min conversation involves us asking shit about each other. Screwed on the second date. These three bangs probably happened within 60 approaches…not 290.

However, back home…of all the nationalities of women I approached…there was this one demographic where I would have nearly identical experiences to what I’m having now. There was one group of women who would almost consistently feign genuine interest, make plans to meet up with you…and flake the very last minute, almost Each. And. Every. Time. Who were these girls? Japanese exchange students.

…Almost only them…and almost all of them (obviously not including the girl mentioned above). Sure, among other girls you found some who would act like that, too, but they were the exceptions, not the norm.

I know blaming Japanese girls sounds is the wrong way to go about it. I’m sure it’s not just them, but it can be hard to see things otherwise from where I’m standing. I know it’s growing old constantly talking about “elsewhere” and "back home" but the differences are undeniable. Given that my current looks and social skills have gotten me laid with honest effort and after playing the numbers, I can only conclude there is at least something that is…different about these women.

Obviously, at least some of the blame must be placed on me, otherwise we wouldn’t find guys like you who can come here and kill it without any real setbacks. Maybe I’m culturally insensitive, maybe my mindset is too negative, maybe it’s my logistics, or maybe it’s just a bad combination of my vibe/personality and the local women’s tastes. Who knows?

Either way, it seems unlikely considering my past results that interaction skills alone are the cause of such a low success rate. I mean I’ve never experienced such bad results anywhere else. Nevertheless, no one's going to change the way Japanese girls think, so if I plan to stay here, the only things I can work on are other factors, namely, logistics, location, and my own behavior. Apparently, for me, Japanese girls simply require much more work than others.


I often tell girls I'm a spy/astronaut/pirate and this works well too. [...] The mystery of having to guess about you is crack cocaine to girls.

Interesting. I should try that when I get the chance to see how it works for me.


Tokyo my friend, Tokyo. You guys over there really miss out on the student demographic. Most of the girls I speak to/date here are university students. If the below list doesn't give you a boner than nothing will:

TK is definitely a city I have to check out while here, whether I decide to relocate there or not.

Delenda est Osaka.

Bang Osaka

Quote: (11-23-2013 09:13 AM)fucksong Wrote:  

Next, your energy has to be good. Not to get all hippy spiritual on you but j-girls (and actually all women for matter) are intuitive as hell and can "feel" who you are, your overall vibe, etc.

I get what you're saying, and you're right. Sometimes, it can be easy to forget.


So if you're categorizing these girls right off the bat [...]

Actually, the whole categorization thing was really just something I thought up while writing that last post. Nothing more than a fun game. It's not that I go around town pointing at girls thinking about what "type" they are or any similar BS.


[...] you're probably exhibiting a less than fun, positive energy

True, it's easy to develop a negative outlook, and sometimes it is important to remember to have fun while doing this.


But if you wanna know a few stock phrases:

ha je mee mah she tay (nice to meet u) note: just knowing and trying to say this shows girl you're trying to know her culture which says something about you as a person.

shoo mee wa nan desu ka ? (what is your hobby?)

yume wa nan desu ka? (what is your dream)

Ummm...I think it's clear from this thread that nearly all of my conversations have been in Japanese this entire time. If my language skills were so poor that I didn't even know how to say ”初めまして” or ”夢は何ですか?” practically none of the interactions listed on this thread would have been possible to begin with, considering 99% of Japanese girls do not speak English. Thanks for trying to help, but stock phrases are not the issue here.


also the hard truth is your logistics suck. they suck ass unless you wanna pay an expensive cab fare. You know it. I've been there so I know it. Maybe try to hit on girls closer to your home like a library or nearby shopping area at specific times. Or learn those love motels or if you are intent on saving money, a karaoke spot where you can escalate on the girl. Maybe befriend the workers there so they dont cockblock you later on.

Agreed. It's been a major hindrence, and it is imperative that I get an appartment closer to the action when I go for round II.

Bang Osaka

A lot of the girls i've gotten in Japan have been through social circle, friends of friends, etc. Or I would approach a stranger solo in a club or bar, but she could see I had friends there with me so maybe she felt more comfortable that I was a normal sociable guy, less threatening. I think it's really crucial in Japan to show that you are confident, but you have to balance that by ensuring that you are also harmless.

Perhaps it's possible that social circle decreases the chances of flaking? I've had flakes before but the ones that did flake I usually met alone, we had no common friends so she had no qualms with not returning texts. When I introduce a girl I just met to some of my friends (and a few of them will be female), I always get the feeling that their flake shields are turned to minimal.

Bang Osaka


Perhaps it's possible that social circle decreases the chances of flaking? I've had flakes before but the ones that did flake I usually met alone, we had no common friends so she had no qualms with not returning texts. When I introduce a girl I just met to some of my friends (and a few of them will be female), I always get the feeling that their flake shields are turned to minimal.

That is nearly the definition of social proof.

A girls mind is not a logical machine. She is stuck having to figure out if she does flake, then what if she finds out you are desired by your mutual contacts? She cant risk this, so might as well find out on her own.

I just said that, but in her mind its just her vs. other women.

Bang Osaka

Quote: (11-23-2013 03:39 PM)Collide Wrote:  

Perhaps it's possible that social circle decreases the chances of flaking? I've had flakes before but the ones that did flake I usually met alone, we had no common friends so she had no qualms with not returning texts.

This is interesting. In your experience, Japanese girls you met through mutual acquaintances were less flakey than those you met through so-called "cold approaches". I have to say this is different from my experience. Let me give a quick background on my experiences with the flakiness of Japanese women...

The first Japanese person I had to deal with was actually for the language exchange. It was shortly after I had just begun learning the language right after returning from Beijing. A mutual friend had given me her email, saying the girl wanted to practice English. I messaged her and we set an appointment for Friday afternoon. She never showed up. I was pissed, but since this was one of the first Japanese I'd had to deal, I blamed it on her -- not her nationality. A friend said "well, maybe that's just part of her culture. I thought "what are you stupid? This is just one person! one person hardly indicates a trend!”

Later, I started frequenting a Japanese-German exchange group organized through Facebook, having been introduced by a mutual acquaintance. Met lots of Japanese students, mostly average-looking girls (5’s and 6’s at best). It was useful, as I got many chances to hear Japanese being spoken in a natural setting. One night, sitting next to a Japanese girl in the group, the conversation turned to language partners. She said enthusiastically “I want a language partner, too!" We exchanged numbers and agreed to contact each other. Without getting into detail, we arranged to meet up 6 times. Ended up meeting twice. The other times she flaked…the very last minute. Headache. Lost her cellphone. Had a cold, or some similar BS, and always 20 minutes or so before we were supposed to meet. Odd," I thought to myself, "then again, just two people. Weird luck. Sure most Japanese are reliable."

Next up was a guy, also mainly language exchange, though we’d met before. First time we arranged to meet up at the uni library at about 14:00. Remember, this was his idea. He had specifically placed an ad saying he was looking for language practice. I get there at about five to two. At two o‘clock, no one's there. At 14:15, I send him a message "Hey, Toshi, where you at?" Five minutes later, a response..."Oh, sorry, I've got a cold, can't make it today." Really? Couldn't wait just a bit earlier to tell me that?? Turns out he actually had a cold, but still. We met a few times after that, through. Even then, it hadn’t yet entered my mind that this had anything to do with them being Japanese. At this point, it just seemed like freakish luck I was having.

Next up was a chubby girl I also met through that group and through mutual acquaintances. No sexual interest in her at all. Just wanted language exchange. We arranged to meet Wednesday afternoon, 15:00 at the cafeteria. Again, 15:10, no one's there, but I decide to wait another ten. 15:20, I decide to give her a call. No answer. 15:30, I call her again. No answer. 15:45 or something I get a call. "Holy shit, sorry, I forgot we were supposed to meet up. I'm in another town visiting a friend! This one was nice about it though. She invited me out that night with her friends (neither of whom was particularly attractive), even bought me a drink to show how sorry she was, so I didn't stay mad. Plus we met up a few more times, after that. Still...this was an...odd pattern that seemed to be emerging.

Next at another get together with this Japanese group, a girl from the local music academy happened to be sitting next to me. As we were talking I noticed she kept touching me and leaning in extremely close, writing shit on my arm with her finger whenever I asked how to write something in Japanese. Not bad looking. Kind of attractive. She'd been living in Germany for two years or so, but her German was still shit. We exchanged numbers and I asked her out, saying I'd call her later to confirm when and where. Later, I call her and we set a date for a bar downtown Friday at 20:00 or so. Friday comes around, I'm getting ready to leave. Suddenly I get a message. "Sorry. My head hurts. Can't make it today [Image: sad.gif]" Still, I haven’t begun to assume any sort of pattern, though I think this is just a BIT weird.

Next was another girl I met while going out with mutual acquaintances. Similar to the last one I met up with. Spend most of the night talking. Lots of close proximity. Set up a date over the phone. Flakes shortly before we're supposed to meet up. I think about three of four other cases took place where I was flaked on in a similar fashion by the Japanese. By the time the eighth or so Japanese girl or acquaintance had pulled this shit, it had become impossible to overlook the pattern:

**Nearly all the Japanese I had in any way had to arrange a meeting with had flaked, and the majority of flakes that year had been from Japanese female exchange students.**

Of course, there had been some isolated incidents where I had talked to a non-Japanese girl who had flaked (a few Koreans come to mind here, but even they weren’t usually this bad), yet these were never the majority. Was it just that the Japanese at our university were like this? Odd, since they came from all over Japan. The last Japanese girl I’d set up a date with I was contemplating flaking on myself, since I was sure she was going to flake like the others. However, I decided to go with it anyway since she was one of those semi-“blueballer” type 4-5s I talked about in an earlier post, and I wasn’t about to pass up a chance at some action with that. Luckily, this one was an exception, and we ended up having sex the first date and dating for about half a year. However, one girl did not help to change my increasingly cautious views with regard to Japanese students. Still, since I was studying the language, I wanted to come here anyway, just for the experience. Plus…Osaka…fucking Osaka! It’s the second biggest city in the country. Even if the girls are flakey, nothing that playing the numbers won’t be able to handle, right?…right?

Hopefully, this gives a decent account of my experiences with Japanese women prior to coming here. In my experience, the Japanese have been the worlds flakiest nationality both abroad and at home, both after cold and warm approaches, both on dates and platonic meetups. Maybe they just act that way around me. How knows.

Delenda est Osaka.

Bang Osaka

The Japanese are extremely flakey, but I'm surprised at the rate you are getting. I experienced your frustration in Tokyo. That's where I got the most flakes.

The only thing I can suggest is visit a small city for a few days and see if it's any different. You are in Osaka, have you visited Tokushima yet? Its fairly close.

Bang Osaka

This thread raises many interesting questions:

a) can a man be incompatible with an entire country/culture? Can this judgment be made on the basis of one (albeit large) city?

b) is there simply a different perception of obligations under certain circumstances? (flaking) I always thought that Japanese people were concerned about appearance and face. Perhaps flaking on a gaijin is not important because he is a lesser person in many ways in their eyes? Do Japanese guys get flaked on at the same rates?

c) is there just a hierarchy of obligations in Japan with different levels of meaning w.r.t. flaking? (like interview you don't flake on, invite from boss no...where is the dividing line)

Bang Osaka

Quote: (11-25-2013 12:47 PM)Menace Wrote:  

This thread raises many interesting questions:

a) can a man be incompatible with an entire country/culture? Can this judgment be made on the basis of one (albeit large) city?

b) is there simply a different perception of obligations under certain circumstances? (flaking) I always thought that Japanese people were concerned about appearance and face. Perhaps flaking on a gaijin is not important because he is a lesser person in many ways in their eyes? Do Japanese guys get flaked on at the same rates?

c) is there just a hierarchy of obligations in Japan with different levels of meaning w.r.t. flaking? (like interview you don't flake on, invite from boss no...where is the dividing line)

b) Japanese dudes get flaked on all the time, nanpa guys included. I see them get numbers all the time on the street. But it a numbers game for them to. The ones that are good at nanpa always go for the SDL, not a number.

Sometimes they only exclusively game between 11pm-2am catching girls who missed their last train. (this is Tokyo)

Bang Osaka

One thing I always do is I never ask for number before a date because I think it's a waste of phone spaces, I just set up a date when I talk to them, instant dates, meetup dates. Now think about it, I'm flaking far more than being flaked on :/

Bang Osaka

Quote: (11-25-2013 06:23 PM)Felix88 Wrote:  

One thing I always do is I never ask for number before a date because I think it's a waste of phone spaces, I just set up a date when I talk to them, instant dates, meetup dates. Now think about it, I'm flaking far more than being flaked on :/

This is an excellent idea! I should definitely try this out more often when I get the chance.

Quote: (11-25-2013 05:58 PM)memcpy Wrote:  

The ones that are good at nanpa always go for the SDL, not a number.

This is probably a main contributor to the astronomically high flake rates I've been experiencing. The vast majority of times I did daytime approaches, I went for numbers only. Foolish decision on my part. I should have learned from this sooner.

Yet another reason why I need better logistics.

Quote: (11-25-2013 12:47 PM)Menace Wrote:  

I always thought that Japanese people were concerned about appearance and face.

Saving face doesn't mean you're not supposed to flake, in fact it implies the opposite. Saving face in this country is more about maintaining the appearance that you're interested, so you don't have to deal with the social awkwardness of blowing anyone off in person.

Bang Osaka

Japanese girls can be very charming. Sometimes it seems like they are ready to suck your dick and they flake. Other times the girl can seem cold and you are sure she will flake but she doesn't and puts out on the first date.

I stopped trying to guess the signs a long time ago. It will only lead to disappointment. And yet you can still bang a shitload of girls if you play things right. I rarely get pissed by flakes anymore. Why? Because I now flake more than I get flaked on.

Just schedule two girls per time slot and flake on the less attractive one if both actually look like they will show (yes it happens lol).

"Sorry something came up at work" will NEVER be challenged in Japan.

There is nothing wrong with putting your dick first by scheduling multiple girls. Just be kind of Zen-like. Shit, when I think about it that is the definition of Japanese.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Bang Osaka

Quote: (11-28-2013 07:34 PM)dreambig Wrote:  

Japanese girls can be very charming. Sometimes it seems like they are ready to suck your dick and they flake. Other times the girl can seem cold and you are sure she will flake but she doesn't and puts out on the first date.

I stopped trying to guess the signs a long time ago. It will only lead to disappointment. And yet you can still bang a shitload of girls if you play things right. I rarely get pissed by flakes anymore. Why? Because I now flake more than I get flaked on.

Just schedule two girls per time slot and flake on the less attractive one if both actually look like they will show (yes it happens lol).

"Sorry something came up at work" will NEVER be challenged in Japan.

There is nothing wrong with putting your dick first by scheduling multiple girls. Just be kind of Zen-like. Shit, when I think about it that is the definition of Japanese.

haha this reminded me of the time when i first came here, I practically begged this girl for her phone number ( i don't know why). I think it was because she kept looking like she might or might not, i didn't have any game when I came here to Japan.

Finally she gave it to me.
I was 100% sure it would flake , and thought nothing would come of it.
But sure enough I texted her, and we met later that week.
Brought her back to my place , she was DTF.

I also give up reading girls , it's a waste of time. Seriously the girls that I don't think will meet up are the ones I fuck. The ones that are jumping up and down excited to see me and shit, I hardly ever fuck, but has happened.

Now I go direct on the street and screen hard, i'm going for SDL. I touch , handshake (don't let go), pull them to the side of the street, etc. Tell them they look nice. Still hammering out the details of just being aggressive and bold on the street. Trying to also filter out flaky girls and not take numbers anymore.

I would much rather approach 10 girls aggressively get blown out 9 times and find 1 that is DTF.

instead of playing it safe (Mr cool gaijin man game) , taking 9 numbers 5 flake, 4 maybe show up for date, maybe one girl is on her period, one girl doesn't fuck on the first date, one girl has a secret boyfriend and can't fuck, etc.

Bang Osaka

@DreamBig, Memcpy, and any other players in Japan
I'd like to hear what kind of game you guys run. I've had a steady stream of women, and I do pretty well quality-wise, but I'm not quite where I want to be yet. I'd classify myself as an intermediate or upper-intermediate gamer, and my Japanese is close to native. I don't mean to jack Sargon's thread, but I'm curious about other Japan players. I believe putting out all the information we can will help him as well. We've met a few times, and other than being a bit silent once when we were talking to a couple of skanky-cute gyarus, he seemed to be pretty solid to me.

Anyways, I'd like to know what kind of girls you typically go after (and pull), what style of game you use, and what tricks or tactics you've discovered. I realize that could turn into a lot of information, but even a quick summary would be greatly appreciated.

Just so you don't have to dig through the forums to find all my posts I'll give a short summary:

My average girl is in the 7 range for attractiveness, but I've had worse and much better. My main focus is day game, but I've done pretty damn well in clubs (though I hate them and can't get psyched up for it, nor can my wallet handle frequent visits). I don't approach often, but I make sure I have a really good opener or a reason to open, and I think I have a good conversion rate. I sleep with about 1 in every 5 girls I get a number from. I tease a lot, and I always set a bang as the standard for the first date. Most of the girls I sleep with come back again, which is great, but has also been a bit bad for my motivation. I have a lot of bangs in my social circle, which I feel will backfire any day now.

My first goal is to get younger women. My average girl is in her early to mid-twenties, same as me. I want a girl much younger than myself. My second goal is to get really good at day game without having to think so much. I always try to craft a really good situational opener. It means my approaches are really effective, but I don't get nearly as many opportunities as I think I should (Roosh's game funnel article really hit home with me).

If anyone thinks a separate thread is in order, please let me know. I'm a bit wary of starting one, but I do think Japan is unique enough to deserve its own.

Bang Osaka

I think you guys should make a Japan reunion.

Bang Osaka

Skotch, could you give a few examples of what you mean exactly by "a really good opener and a reason to open"?. Also, how are your logistics when you're out with these women?

During that marathon a few months back where I was approaching 5-10 girls a day, my openers consisted primarily of elderly type openers, with the occasional direct approach here and there. Most of my recent ones were in clubs, and they would cosist of pulling whichever random thought out of my ass that was convenient (sometimes, just talking to them in Chinese or Korean to confuse the shit out of them, though I did this mostly just for laughs), last few were mainly dancefloor approaches, resulted in a few makeouts, but nothing more. Another common tactic I've been adopting has been to befriend some of the other foreigners in the club and approach pairs that way. Again, sometimes this will yield a makeout, but nothing more. Still need to play the numbers a bit with this to see how useful this is. My conversations still resemble rambling than anything methodological. Little teasing.

It seems dreambig was right in that Japanese girls require more of a "connection" to be built in order to avoid flakiness than is the case with other girls. Have been doing far fewer approaches as of late, though I plan to experiment more with insta dates.

Bang Osaka

I'm an Asian in Japan so my situation is a bit different so I can't say for white guys who are in Japan.

I always go for young girls(18~20, well not necessarily 18, but you get the idea) who are cute and 'innocent' looking, also silky black hair is a must for me[Image: banana.gif] the hot ones according to western standard don't turn me on

my game is as simple as it get: casual talk(I never use keigo when talking to girls)-> touching a bit -> if she react well-> caveman mode. My favourite move: I always has cold hands, especially in winter and spring so I just ask them to feel my hands and I finish the rest.

Also, I received a lot of eye contacts even though I never consider myself good looking, weird.

Bang Osaka


Sure. They're not like gold by any means, but I try to make sure the girl doesn't immediately think 'nanpa' when I approach.

Perhaps my favorite ever was the one at the train station from my 100 approach thread.

Another was at Starbucks. I was scooping the whip cream off of my girly drink and this girl (7ish with bonus points for gyaruness) was watching with kind of a weird look on her face.

Me: 本間食べると思うた?(Did you really think I was going to eat it?)
Her (laughing): はい。(Yes)
Me: アメリカ人やから?最悪…なんでそんな変なイメージあんの?アメリカ人嫌いなん? (Because I'm American? That's awful. Why do you have such a weird image of Americans? Do you hate Americans?)
Her (looking shocked): ううん!嫌いじゃないです! (No! I don't!)
Me: なんでアメリカ人嫌いなん? (Why do you hate Americans?)
Her: 嫌いじゃありませんよ! (I don't!)
Me: 右翼ぅ? (Are you a neocon?) ← Japanese people are really afraid of extremist right wingers, so this is a shocking thing to say.
Her (cracking a smile): しぃ〜…気を付けて下さい! (Shhhh... Be careful with that word!)
Me: 学生さんですか… (Are you a student?)

I think I might have mentioned this in the 100 approach thread, but another time I elderly opened a girl about her Patagonia stickers and teased her about that being the cheapest thing in the store.

Another time I told a girl who had taken her shoes off in a Starbucks that I thought bare feet are dirtier than shoes (Japanese people think shoes are super dirty, but put their bare feet all over everything, which I think is worse).

Bang Osaka


I have always been more of a bar/club kind of guy. My game tends to be direct. I get SNLs and D2 lays pretty often, partly due to having superior logistics in Tokyo and partly because of a very tried-and-tested date plan. I used to successfully game J-girls online when Mixi was still popular but haven't found a better site since its decline.

Slowly but surely I am getting tired of the night scene though. My results can be inconsistent (feast and famine) and all the alcohol and smokey bars are taking their toll. I know I need to improve my fitness and finances...we all know that clubs help with neither. SNLs can be thrilling, for sure, but the whole club scene is getting old, or maybe I'm just getting older. I'm looking to get better at day game. As I get older I can see this becoming more and more important. For now, my main problem with day game seems to come from being too direct...something to work on in 2014.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Bang Osaka

Lately i've been doing some street game in Shibuya Tokyo and the prefecture i'm living in. Shibuya is the Nanpa(pick up) mecca of Japan, it's hard doing street game there, but I went at it.

Lot's of Ice queens, and stonewalls, the top girls are pretty hard to crack on the street. These girls are immune to the most persistent nanpa any dude can put on them.

I thought I would post up some common excuses you will get from japanese girls if you meet them on the street. I think it applies to maybe all of japan.

Usually you will get these responses if you ask what they are doing early in the interaction(first 3mins). It's best not to ask what they are doing or have planned for that day. Just keep talking and try to insta date and go for the bang (getting a number is next to worthless)

「これから面接なんで」 -------i have an interview from now (I got fooled by this one, i took the girls number, and set up a date, and she flaked on the day, seems some girls like fucking with guys they meet on the street)

「病院に行かないといけないので」 -----i have an illness so i can't go

「今日はムリなのでまた偶然会えたら」 -------today is impossible but if we meet again by chance (heard 1 time)

「ケータイを持ってない、電池が切れてる」 --i don't have a phone. my cell phones is dead (heard this many times, on the street and inside stores)

「今から彼氏と待ち合わせなので」 ------I'm meeting my boyfriend (sometimes true sometimes not)

「お父さんと食事に行くので」 -----im eating with my dad (haven't heard yet)

「仕事に遅刻しそうなんで!」 ---im late for work
「そんなにオシャレしているのに仕事?」と聞かれたら (if she doesn't look like an office lady)
「ショップ店員だから」と言いましょう。 =---even though your dressed like that? -im a shop apparel clerk

「ごめんね、約束があるんだ~」 -------i have an appointment from now (heard several times, sometimes true though)

「主婦ですけど?」 --------i'm a houswife (sometimes she will have no ring, ask why or just move on to the next)

「子持ちですけど?」-----i have a kid

「ニューハーフだけどいいの?」 -----im a transexual

「お店に来てね。高いけど」 -----come to my shop (she is pretending to be a cabaret worker, heard 1 time)

I addition girls will pretend to be talking on their phone (if their mouth isn't moving they are really just pretending) It's still ok to approach them.

pulled from this website i translated a few above(all japanese)

In Shibuya the bookstores and shops were 100x easier to approach in compared to street (no shields) Longer conversations, just went indirect.

Bang Osaka

In addition, if this is on the train, they'll typically pretend to be sleeping.

Come to think of it, I've probably seen at least as many Japanese guys approaching girls here in Osaka as I've done approaches myself. I can count maybe two or three times I've witnessed the guy approach and not get ignored immediately. You were right about the street being the absolute worst place to approach in Japan, though sometimes the tempation can be strong. Not impossible (my last notch was from the street, afterall) but nevertheless extremely impractical.

Bang Osaka

Quote: (12-04-2013 06:31 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

In addition, if this is on the train, they'll typically pretend to be sleeping.

Come to think of it, I've probably seen at least as many Japanese guys approaching girls here in Osaka as I've done approaches myself. I can count maybe two or three times I've witnessed the guy approach and not get ignored immediately. You were right about the street being the absolute worst place to approach in Japan, though sometimes the tempation can be strong. Not impossible (my last notch was from the street, afterall) but nevertheless extremely impractical.

Very true but I was screening the fuck out of girls on the street.

Asked them "Do you speak english?"
if they completely ignored me and just stonewalled me i would move on to the next.

Next, maybe they don't completely ignore me, so I need to find out more....
(walking and talking to girl)
me[Image: biggrin.gif]o you speak english ?
her: no (shakes head)
me:じゃ日本語は? (well how about japanese)
her: うん (sure)
me:Whats your name >?" (名前は?)
her: Lisa
me:I'm xyz nice to meet you lisa" (handshake)

Bang Osaka

True that instadates can sometimes follow smoothly under the right circumstances, though I never thought of taking them directly to the love closest love hotel (I should try that next chance I get).

On the street I often also opened by asking すみません、英語できる? in Japanese. As impractical as the street can be, foreigners do have a bit of an advantage, as often you may be giveen the benefit of the doubt that you're just a foreign tourist who needs help. That doesn't mean you won't also get ignored often, but if I were Asian/Japanese-looking, I'm sure I would have been blown out much more frequently.

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