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Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil



Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

very nice. i need to figure out the best destination in rio grande sol for my next trip

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

I dont know if I'd call Giselle very average looking...

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

"The pattern creates a disconnect between what many Brazilians consider beautiful and the beauty they export overseas."

I'd have to disagree. Brazilians love the Euro look on women as do most Latins. I know one older Mexican guy who was proud to re-tell the story of how he made money in the US, went back to his home town in Mexico, and picked the "whitest" looking Mexican girl he could find to marry.

One reason why I prefer Europe to Brazil. Why work so hard for a mediocre white girl in Brazil when you're swimming in them in Eastern Europe? The Brazilian "accent" and tan doesn't do anything for me personally.

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

Quote: (06-08-2010 02:49 PM)lavinci Wrote:  

How ironic is it that of all the gorgeous looking types of beauties of Brazil, the one that really made it is a very average looking 100% German descendant Giselle. And they're looking for more girls like her. That's just pathetic. I wish Paris and New York would just shift dramatically from glorifying white skinny girls as the perfect super models. What's so sexy in Giselle that makes her the greatest super model in the world? Give me a break.

At at a hostel I was staying at in Santiago, Chile last year, there were two Brazilian girls. They didn't know one another. One was blonde and from the south, and pretty fucking hot I must admit, and the other was brown and mixed looking, she was about average in looks but doable. They were both pretty cool. Anyway, the brown Brazilian girl says that she resents Giselle Bundchen and says she sick of models like her representing Brazilian beauty abroad when she feels that "real" Brazilian women are the mixed ones like her. I have the feeling many darker Brazilian girls probably don't like the white girls from the south being being held up as the epitome of Brazil.

As for Bundchen, I don't get it, she honestly does NOTHING for me, and her body is long, thin and lacks nice curves.

[Image: Gisele%20Bundchen_1.jpg]

A girl like Esther Baxter on the other hand drives me fucking crazy. She's not Brazilian, but looks like she could be because of her exotic background. Now that's a REAL woman to me, one with ass and curves:

[Image: estherbaxter256.jpg]

They say the high fashion industry is driven by gay men, and that explains the lack of really feminine bodies on top models.

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

Without makeup Gisele is pretty average looking. She just has the right model measurements and through luck and hard work rose through the ranks.

Good article on her:

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

plus you cant take a model picture and compare it to a horrible street picture... be fair....[Image: smile.gif]

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

Quote: (06-08-2010 06:47 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

A girl like Esther Baxter on the other hand drives me fucking crazy. She's not Brazilian, but looks like she could be because of her exotic background. Now that's a REAL woman to me, one with ass and curves:

OOOh yessss!!!! Esther Baxter is a totally hot Miami mamacita! This is why I'll NEVER leave Miami as my "home base" - I see that EVERYDAY waiting for me to swoop!

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

You are an idiot. Nice job searching the internet for the worst possible picture of Gisele.

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

Quote: (06-10-2010 08:15 AM)clr Wrote:  

plus you cant take a model picture and compare it to a horrible street picture... be fair....[Image: smile.gif]

I didn't think the pic of Giselle is horrible per se, it just shows that without makeup and lighting, she's nothing all that special.Besides, when I say she does nothing for me, I'm talking more her body than her face, or for that matter most the bodies on top fashion models that supposed to be long and thin. But a curvy girl like Esther with big boobs and a nice, round ass will never be a top fashion model because she's considered "fat" by their standards.

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil


Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

Quote: (06-10-2010 08:39 PM)lavinci Wrote:  

Quote: (06-08-2010 04:59 PM)kindredspirit Wrote:  

One reason why I prefer Europe to Brazil. Why work so hard for a mediocre white girl in Brazil when you're swimming in them in Eastern Europe? The Brazilian "accent" and tan doesn't do anything for me personally.

You're talking about looks, but the thing about Brazilian girls is their playful and cheerful personalities which can't be matched by EE girls.

Yeah, this is true. Totally different personality-tpes. But the same playful and cheerful personalities of Brazilians very easily masks incompatibilities that show up in the long-run.

Kind of like how every Brazilian can act like your best friend but it means nothing.

On the other hand, for short flings and partying, I see your point and would definitely agree.

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

Quote: (06-10-2010 08:34 PM)lavinci Wrote:  

Quote: (06-08-2010 04:39 PM)Brian Wrote:  

I dont know if I'd call Giselle very average looking...

That's beside the point. Even if she was the most gorgeous looking model in the world, she's representing Brazil. Brazil is not as diverse ethnically as USA is where you have an Arab girl ending up winning Miss USA contest. Even though Brazil is one of the most diverse countries in the world, it's famous for beautiful albeit brown girls with those round bundas isn't it now? The question is why are they searching for more white skinny girls like Giselle with a so called genetic cocktail in Brazil? Last time I checked Eastern Europe had the prettiest and skinny white girls, so what's the deal? I don't get this. Same story with India and it's biggest supermodel Aishwarya Rai. I've seen absolutely stunning Indian looking girls but more on the dark side. But why Aishwarya? She's almost white. Like speakeasy said, fashion industry -- thumbs down. Also what I don't understand is why so many Eastern European women are dying their hair black and getting so tanned so they look like latinas. If it wasn't for the lighter eye color, very often you couldn't even tell the difference. WTF???? This is messed up.

I couldn't have said it better myself, just look at what "People" magazine considers beautiful. And don't even get me started on them putting that fat bitch from the movie "Precious" as the epitome of Black beauty. It appears that White women automatically get a couple of points on the beauty scale just for being White and this does not only apply to celebrities. I remember dating very mediocre borderline chubby White chicks back in the late 90's and dudes in NY acting as if I was the Player of The Year and this were dudes who were up in the club with really stunning looking Black women.

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

Quote: (06-11-2010 01:01 PM)playa_with_a_passport Wrote:  

I remember dating very mediocre borderline chubby White chicks back in the late 90's and dudes in NY acting as if I was the Player of The Year and this were dudes who were up in the club with really stunning looking Black women.

That's wack. I think it's just the "forbidden fruit" mindset.

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

I was in Brazil last year, and came across a magazine with some ads for Hermes featuring a hot Brazilian model. I did a little online research to find out her name is Racquel Zimmerman, and she's probably the number 2 or 3 model outta Brazil (Giselle being number one). She seems pretty hot and interesting, but I should say that she is quite white and thin and blue-eyed (I think?). But anyway, she seems more cool and interesting than Giselle. check her out.

A question for G Manifesto: G, about two weeks ago, I was reading a thread here about a guy who was photographing chicks abroad, and you were giving him mad props. I can't find the thread now. Do you remember it? The gist of it was that he was kind of setting himself up in a foreign city, and then representing himself as a movie producer or fashion photographer or something. He was getting some good results. Where is that thread?

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

those girls in the tv clip wouldn't be prom queens where I come from. They look like slim northern european girls without anything going for them except paleness. And when they turn 20 most of them will be too chubby to be models.

But it's all great. Let them praise mediocre white girls, so I can go to Brazil and swoop hot mulatas.

Fashion industry is our best friend and worst enemy at the same time.

I think I will maybe even go to Rio Grande and become a model myself..

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

I think the articles highlight only a portion of the talent scouting effort being done in Brazil. I'm sure there are talent scouts scouring northern Brazil for Adriana Lima look-alikes. BTW, I think Adriana is way better looking than either Giselle or Racquel. I think Giselle is average at best. In about half the pictures I've seen of her, she looks downright ugly. Here are a couple of pictures of her with makeup and hair done and she looks meh.

Here's one where she looks scary

For a long time I just didn't get why Giselle made it as a supermodel (and Cindy Crawford for that matter). Now I see that making it to that position is more about smarts, personality, politicking, marketing, buzz-building, game playing, networking, sleeping your way up, etc. and not just looks, and I would even go to say that Giselle probably made a Faustian bargain to get there. If you look closer at her pictures, she looks like a witch with that nose. John Casablancas even called her a monster.

Giselle does have a nice body - but so does Adriana and most other models.

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

The thing is everyone likes whats different.... people are trying to be tan in europe because everyone is lily white..... in south america white is seen as more beautiful and throughout history whiter skin was seen as more attractive because it represented wealth and royalty. In the US its been turned into a white/black slave master shit. However, its all over the world, look at asians who for 1000's of years have gone out of their way to look as white as possible, even using makeup to be white.

Its ingrained in many cultures because the rich/royalty were inside, so they stayed white and being tan was a sign of the working class because they were out in the field laboring away.

I have dated black like berry, and white like rice.... I prefer caramel [Image: smile.gif] colombianas epitomize my fav's, but I have to go to brasil and do some taste testing [Image: smile.gif]

No doubt ester looks sexy as hell in her pictures. BUT in person I have seen many of those models and they do end up looking fat in person. They air brunch all the cottage cheese dimples away, all the stretch marks to give you what you see AND shes got big ol fake tities, never really been my style, dont get me wrong I wouldn't kick her out bed the first night [Image: smile.gif] and she does have a VERY pretty face.

I dated this figure(fitness) model I met over the internet... this girl is stunning in her pictures, all my guy friends were drooling over her(from her pictures_, tall, sexy, muscular but not manly(fake titties) when I finally met her, what a let down body wise. When she is cut and ripped for competition she is 155lbs at like 4% body fat or something ridiculous like that. Normally she is closer to 175-180. Fuck I am 200lbs, and strong, you try throwing around 180 lbs in the bedroom its tiring! LOL!!!! plus her body looks nothing like her pictures.

I have another friend in NJ, she is a booty model(white chick actually) with an ass like Esther, blond hair... she worked at a tanning salon, she looks chubby when sitting down, nice girl, ok pretty face. But then you see the pictures and DAMN pose this way, suck in your belly blah blah, reality is never what you see in pictures.

I have seen it dozens of times flying in first class from NYC to LAX, tons of famous actors up in first. anyway thats my rant [Image: smile.gif]

another case in point, sure we think fashion models are hot, BUT FASHION MODELING is not about the face... its about how the clothes look on the BODY, which is why very often they will have crazy makeup and shit all over their hair and face. Plus, a associate was a well respected photographer in new york (madonna etc.) he told me, women who look well in photos often arent that pretty in person, they have squarish faces and often their heads look out of proportion to their bodies, or something like that. I dont think any one will argue when Giselle is walking down the catwalk in Vic Secret with her makeup on, she looks stunning.

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

Quote: (06-13-2010 04:38 AM)clr Wrote:  

I dont think any one will argue when Giselle is walking down the catwalk in Vic Secret with her makeup on, she looks stunning.

Sorry bud. I've seen this several times on TV and my thoughts range from "She looks meh" to "She looks disgusting". jajaja

You mentioned you're in Tel Aviv right now. There are a lot of FINE Israeli women there, a lot of whom will mop the floor with Giselle any day. Would love to hear a report on it.

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

tons of hot girls here, unfortunately(fortunately) I was invited by a tica I have been shagging in costa rica, she is here with another tica friend of hers. Luckily for me she is bi, and I have ever so carefully brought that out via 3 somes with her friends [Image: smile.gif] go me... so she wants to fuck an israeli girl here, we are not going out of our way to find one, but if it happens......

So I am not out there picking up the chosen girls... but they are fuckin hot, and I have been here 30-40 times, yet the last time was 2 years ago and I forgot how hot they are. Funny thing is the guys here LOVE latinas, they are going crazy over my girl all the time, one asked her if she wanted to go get coffee and the grocery store after 4 seconds, she says no my bf is jealous and runs and hides behind me, I say, No, I'm not jealous! get some coffee [Image: smile.gif] jajajja

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil


Where is that thread?

Good question. There was a bug that allowed users to delete entire threads. Fixed it now.

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

I saw this article last week. I personally think the hottest girls aren't from the south. I saw a good amount, but people made it sound like every girl down there was beautiful. I found a lot more beauties more north towards Minas, Rio, and Espirito Santo. I'm more into the mix of dark and light skin. Kinda malata style. I don't descriminate on any though. I like dark girls, I like light girls (Probably least), but I love girls who are just that right amount of tan to them, like many brazilian, EE, or even some Middle Eastern girls.

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

ok, only because I love this group... I have a lot of friend from all over brasil, I havent been yet, but I am going.... where they all tell me has the prettiest over all girls (face/body) is Espirito Santo. Its where I will be going, Vitorio because I have a friend there with a house nearby on the water.... all my FEMALE picky ass female friends say Espirito santo, even the ones that are not from there [Image: smile.gif]

Finding Supermodels in Rural Brazil

Quote: (06-16-2010 12:19 AM)clr Wrote:  

Luckily for me she is bi, and I have ever so carefully brought that out via 3 somes with her friends [Image: smile.gif] go me... so she wants to fuck an israeli girl here, we are not going out of our way to find one, but if it happens......

I would leverage this to the hilt (no pun intended). See if you can catch her checking out an Israeli girl, then ask her if she thinks the other girl is sexy..

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