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I think social media will be the end of human interaction in my generation.

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I think we are all equals and no one is better than anyone else, except for me. I am better than everyone.

If you're drunk its not gay.

Cutting yourself is a great way too feel alive, at least that's what my gf says when she's off her ativan.

MMF is a great bonding experience for bros and not gay at all if everyone keeps their eyes closed.

Game of Thrones is boring as hell.

I believe a race war is coming. The dwarfs vs. the midgets. I personally am on the side of dwarfs, I used to own a few and know those bastards can be very vicious.

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Ice hockey players are the most alpha out of all professional sports and they are also the coolest, well rounded guys in sports, very few ego maniacs like in other sports. Also very tough, in what other sport can two men punch each other lights out bare fisted?

Soccer players are mostly pussies and quite a few are closet homosexuals, in Canada, the only little boys who play soccer are those whose mom's won't let them play hockey because its too violent, perfect example:

[img][Image: zkriph.jpg][/img]

What other professional athlete would do this?: NHL hockey player stops to help fans change car tire on busy road after a game

hockey fights, fuck ya!


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Quote: (05-04-2013 09:18 PM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2013 05:44 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

^ Maybe not as impressive, but nevertheless:

Game recognized, but come on. Where do you see more athleticism?

That's very impressive, but I maintain as an OVERALL athlete (physical capabilties and things such as coordination, judgement etc) CR is ahead. His stats are ridiculous too, as a side note he has just reached 200 goals in 196 games - astonishing really.

I really like Kobe Bryant, he comes across as educated and cultured, something rare in very famous athletes. He also loves football due to his years in Italy. Here he is talking about it, and about Ronaldo and Messi:

You mentioned previously that if the top US basketball/NFL players chose soccer they'd dominate. Kobe grew up playing it and obviously, for whatever reason, didn't.

Here is a great article about why Kobe wouldn't cut it as a soccer player.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

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Why do people think that soccer players are so much more athletic than NBA/NFL stars? Many non-Americans seem to think that all NFL players are out of shape and weigh 300lbs. Check out players like Adrian Peterson, DeSean Jackson, Devin Hester, Chris Johnson, Calvin Johnson, Mike Vick and the thousands of other running backs, DBs and wide receivers in the league. These guys are athletic freaks with great speed, agility and explosiveness. These guys would have a great chance at becoming a star in soccer had they actaully loved, or even liked, playing the sport, and grew up playing it their whole lives. Just as I'm sure many of the top soccer players could have been wide receivers and point guards in the NFL/NBA.

That article makes it sound like Kobe choose basketball over soccer because he wasn't good at soccer. Come on now, 99.99% of black Americans, even if they partially grew up in Italy, are going to pick basketball over soccer.

I think most soccer fans are as ignorant about American football as us Americans are about soccer. Saying things like NFL players are pussies for wearing pads and that rugby is a more brutal sport. Give me a break. You are not allowed to hit the same way in Rugby as you are in the NFL. Ray Lewis would literally murder people without pads, probably himself included.

I'm just going to leave this right here...


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New Jersey is a cool place.

I hate okc

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This soccer vs. football debate is ridiculous, I feel like I'm in high school all over again. I've been playing soccer for over 20 years and yes, football players are tougher than soccer players. Regarding athleticism in the two sports, it is apples and oranges. As someone pointed out before, soccer is mainly an endurance sport, and there isn't a ton of athleticism required to be good except for being able to outrun your opponent in the 75th minute when you want to quit or being able to get up in the air to win a 50/50 ball. American football is a power sport which does involve sprinting, jumping, and great hands (in some cases) but only for a few of the skill position players.

Regarding toughness, rugby and hockey players are miles ahead of soccer and football players. My friends that found a home with rugby were usually the football players that didn't have a ton of athletic talent and the soccer players that had a bit of a mean streak but didn't have the endurance to compete at a high level for 90 minutes. Hockey players do take a slight edge in toughness over rugby players.

Unpopular opinions:
- Yes, some men are born gay, but American women are also driving men into the arms of other men.
- Good mainstream rap/hip hop has been dead since about 2003.
- I don't care if gays get married but they should not be able to adopt.
- American Blacks think the Democratic party has their backs but Democratic policy favors the cause celebre, which is currently Gay and Hispanic rights. However, American politics are a joke, so what's the difference?
- People that think tighter gun control laws will cause crime and mass shootings to drop are insane.

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Quote: (05-05-2013 08:09 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Why do people think that soccer players are so much more athletic than NBA/NFL stars?

If you're referring to me, I didn't say that. I said currently, Cristiano Ronaldo was probably overall the finest athlete in the world in any sport. Pound for pound, so to speak.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

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Guys, why are we even fighting?
Looks like yahoo already got our answer.


Both are hard, but I think soccer is harder.
There is no rest between plays, so endurance is a key factor. The fastest athletes besides track stars are probably soccer players. Agility is another thing soccer players need.
But then again, football players are pretty fast and agile with all those pads. Also, they are much stronger than soccer players, especially in the arms.
However, soccer is harder than football for two main reasons:
1. Foot skills (physical)
Being able to do those tricks the pros do with your feet requires so much skill. First, there's dribbling. How do those players do those insane dribbling tricks? I've tried to do them and have landed on my butt. Then there's crossing. The ability to kick that far and that accurate to a player's head in pretty amazing. Finally, there's shooting, more specifically bending the ball. Kicking the ball is one thing, but accurately curling the ball so the keeper can't get it yet goes where you want it to is incredible.
2. Pressure (Mental)
Sure football has two minute drills and big games, but it can't compare to soccer. When it comes to big competitions, that's when pressure really starts to kick in. When a football player drops the ball or throws an interception, it's easier for them to forget about it. When a soccer player misses an opportunity to score, the world seems to crash down on them. Do you see how they react? Also, everyone in the world watches soccer, so if a player messes up, the whole world sees it.
Let's take a look at the most nervewracking event in maybe all sports: the penalty shootout. There is so much pressure on the players. If they miss one, it seems their career is in jeopardy. Did you see Cristiano Ronaldo react to that horrible miss in last year's UEFA Champions League? He thought his career was over. But when they ended up winning, he was so happy he was in tears. Basically, it is a horrible way to decide a winner, and I surely don't want to ever participate in it, but it decides champions and legends.
Here's one more thought: take the best player from each sport. In football, it's probably Adrian Peterson, and soccer, C. Ronaldo. Let's switch their sports. In football, C. Ronaldo would probably make a good cornerback or even wide receiver, just because he's so fast. No doubt that he could kicker or punter. In soccer, Adrian Peterson is fast, but I don't think he could handle midfield, so I'd put him at right back, but he wouldn't be great. Did you see that video where Beckham and Reggie Bush switched sports? Beckham was not strong, but he did beat Bush once when Beckham was a receiver and Bush was a defender. Bush couldn't even take a free kick, and there was not much footage of him playing soccer, probably because he wasn't good.
I pretty much agree with your statement that soccer is football without pads. But there's some more aspects of soccer that American football couldn't compare to.

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Quote: (05-05-2013 01:03 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Ronaldo was probably overall the finest athlete in the world in any sport.
Define finest athlete.

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I am a red-blooded Canadian man, but I do not find NHL hockey entertaining anymore.

'Logic Over Emotion Since 2013'

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Quote: (05-05-2013 07:03 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

That's very impressive, but I maintain as an OVERALL athlete (physical capabilties and things such as coordination, judgement etc) CR is ahead. His stats are ridiculous too, as a side note he has just reached 200 goals in 196 games - astonishing really.

Kobe Bryant scored 81 points in 1 game. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Some other great examples of prime athletes in American sports:

Tim Duncan: Originally trained to be an olympic swimmer, but after the only Olympic sized swimming pool in the Virgin Islands got destroyed by a hurricane, he picked up basketball at 16 and later became (one of the best of all time) professional.

Michael Jordan: I mean if you are gonna say Jordan isn't more athletic than Ronaldo, I don't know what to say to you. Pro basketball and baseball.

Bo Jackson: Also an outstanding athlete, skills def. surpass Renaldo. Pro at baseball and football.

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A lot of white girls have stanky pussies and bad hygiene in general.

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It's pretty obvious that the soccer fan bois have no idea that football players have pretty unique skill sets besides just being big, strong and fast.

Joe Thomas isn't the best left tackle in football because he's the biggest, strongest or fastest. He is none of those.

He has the best technique, footwork and instincts. That is why he is the best.

Offensive linemen are often the smartest guys on the team and for good reason. There is a lot going on in the trenches that the casual observer never sees or learns about.

There is a lot more to football than lining up and running down the field.

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Unpopular opinion.

I think cannabis is the most boring drug in the world. And people who smoke it alot are boring. Nobody ever has any funny stories from a night spent smoking dope.

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Quote: (05-05-2013 10:26 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

Unpopular opinion.

I think cannabis is the most boring drug in the world. And people who smoke it alot are boring. Nobody ever has any funny stories from a night spent smoking dope.

You must be hanging out with the wrong stoners bud.

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All the cool stoners I know were cool long before they started smoking weed.

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Cannabis is a rubbish drug. It is like taking a sleeping pill or something.

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Quote: (05-05-2013 10:32 PM)Hades Wrote:  

All the cool stoners I know were cool long before they started smoking weed.

This is true. Smoking weed doesn't make you cool by any means unless you are 14 or 15. To say stoners aren't funny is just plane wrong though. So many people smoke weed, it would be hard to categorize them as really anything other than stoners. To say stoners are dumb... Uh Carl Sagan was a stoner. To say stoners aren't funny.... Uhhh pretty sure Dave Chapelle was a stoner. To say they aren't successful... Look at the rap industry. You see where I'm getting at with this?

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Quote: (05-05-2013 11:01 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

Cannabis is a rubbish drug. It is like taking a sleeping pill or something.

??? Have you taken a sleeping pill and have you smoked cannabis? They are nothing alike.

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Maybe I am hanging out with boring people. But - I see a hell of alot of stoners who think getting baked and watching TV all evening is a fun night.

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Quote: (05-05-2013 11:16 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

Maybe I am hanging out with boring people. But - I see a hell of alot of stoners who think getting baked and watching TV all evening is a fun night.

Yup. Lived with stoner roommates one semester. All they did was watch basketball or shitty TV and smoke, get fat, and eat shitty takeout.

It just makes you lazy in general. Other than smoking with a chick to get a bang, I don't see the point.

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Yeah but that's just generalizing stoners. When me and my friends get stoned we do cool shit. In fact a good amount of people in Colorado who smoke weed do cool shit, like make music, art, go on crazy hikes, do all sorts of crazy sports. We may have some of the most productive stoners in the country. Like Hades pointed out, as the cool stoners he knows were cool before they were stoners, maybe the stoners you know were also boring before they were stoners. That or they are stoners that let the drug get to them too much and let the drug control them instead of controlling the drug.

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Quote: (05-05-2013 11:22 PM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Yeah but that's just generalizing stoners. When me and my friends get stoned we do cool shit. In fact a good amount of people in Colorado who smoke weed do cool shit, like make music, art, go on crazy hikes, do all sorts of crazy sports. We may have some of the most productive stoners in the country. Like Hades pointed out, as the cool stoners he knows were cool before they were stoners, maybe the stoners you know were also boring before they were stoners. That or they are stoners that let the drug get to them too much and let the drug control them instead of controlling the drug.

I thought I wouldn't have to make the whole "on average" statement. That's with a lot of stuff. Control. Thing is, it becomes a bad habit and one I'd rather be very careful with.

It's fun for sure to smoke when hanging out every now and then.

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The thing is this. I have cool friends. And I have cool friends who are even cooler after a few drinks. And I have cool friends who are pretty boring after smoking some dope.

And I have boring friends. So - lets fucking forget about them for now.

So - my point is that I feel alcohol is a better drug than cannabis. And - I really cannot see what is good about cannabis. Since everyone I know is more fun when they are not smoking it. Interesting people become less interesting. And boring people - just want to sit in, watch TV and laugh at dumb shit.

I honestly feel the government tries to use pop culture to make dope 'cool' as a way of keeping the masses dumb and a bit stupefied.

Now - I know there will be alot of exceptions. And I am sure you and your friends are one. Since you are smart guy on a forum full of interesting people.

And christ knows I know way too many boring people. And it is certainly true alcohol has alot of negatives as well. But I think you can see where my logic is for making the statements earlier.

And also - in 99% of cases. A cliche only exists because the common perception of it is true. And the cliche about smoking dope and watching TV is pretty widespread.

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