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American flight attendants in the 1960s

American flight attendants in the 1960s

Sometimes you stumble across something that slaps you across the face and you can only marvel at how much shit has changed.

I actually flew this airline(PSA) a few times as a kid:

[Image: tumblr_ljgvc0GvPg1qczt6so1_500.jpg]
[Image: 416px-07.05-A-0025.jpg]

Delta Airlines:

[Image: tumblr_lw9izpyLZq1qdfdhao1_500.jpg]

United Airlines:

[Image: tumblr_mfpc4a0A231s0kt2go1_1280.jpg]

Believe it or not, this is Southwest Airlines in the 70s:

[Image: vintage-southwest-04.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_leyws0J65Q1qa5dcoo1_500.jpg]

Other random pics:

[Image: tumblr_mao252Ybux1qcmrswo1_500.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_meswiejgTr1rljko8o1_400.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_ly55avMAM01qf6jy9o1_500.jpg]

What strikes me most is not just the greater femininity of the American women at that time but just how sweet and happy they look.

Now let's fast forward to 2013:

[Image: l.jpg]

Man have times changed! With the exception of the racist bullshit, America hit it's peak in the 60s. Without a doubt.

American flight attendants in the 1960s

In many EE countries they hire stewardesses based on looks still. I've read job postings.

American flight attendants in the 1960s

fly cathay pacific ir jal.

American flight attendants in the 1960s

Quote: (03-02-2013 05:33 AM)Wayout Wrote:  

In many EE countries they hire stewardesses based on looks still. I've read job postings.

Same in Emirates Airlines , i have an acquaitance who is a Stewardess there and she said those airlines actually control the ladies weight,hair dye,nail polish...and finished saying "In the USA they would soo be sued"

"Go be fat on someone else's time."

American flight attendants in the 1960s

Quote: (03-02-2013 03:30 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Sometimes you stumble across something that slaps you across the face and you can only marvel at how much shit has changed.

I actually flew this airline(PSA) a few times as a kid:

[Image: tumblr_ljgvc0GvPg1qczt6so1_500.jpg]
[Image: 416px-07.05-A-0025.jpg]

Delta Airlines:

[Image: tumblr_lw9izpyLZq1qdfdhao1_500.jpg]

United Airlines:

[Image: tumblr_mfpc4a0A231s0kt2go1_1280.jpg]

Believe it or not, this is Southwest Airlines in the 70s:

[Image: vintage-southwest-04.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_leyws0J65Q1qa5dcoo1_500.jpg]

Other random pics:

[Image: tumblr_mao252Ybux1qcmrswo1_500.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_meswiejgTr1rljko8o1_400.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_ly55avMAM01qf6jy9o1_500.jpg]

What strikes me most is not just the greater femininity of the American women at that time but just how sweet and happy they look.

Now let's fast forward to 2013:

[Image: l.jpg]

Man have times changed! With the exception of the racist bullshit, America hit it's peak in the 60s. Without a doubt.

You just broke my heart with that last picture, Speak.

American flight attendants in the 1960s

[Image: x3eb74.jpg]

Is this a engagement ring??

"Go be fat on someone else's time."

American flight attendants in the 1960s

In the eighties, it was alway fun to hook up with stewardesses when on the way to Europe. My flight transatlantic flight attendant spent the weekend layover with me in Paris in 1988. Imagine doing that today with today's old cows.

Blame it on the unions. Flight attendant seems like a young person's job. Not a fat old person's job.

"Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact."

"Want him to be more of a man? Try being more of a woman!"

"It is easier to be a lover than a husband, for the same reason that it is more difficult to be witty every day, than to say bright things from time to time."

Balzac, Physiology of Marriage

American flight attendants in the 1960s

Quote: (03-02-2013 03:48 PM)Sailor Wrote:  

Is this a engagement ring??

Hilarious, that was the first thing that stuck me about the photo after that ugly mechanic-looking outfit she's wearing.

American flight attendants in the 1960s

Quote: (03-02-2013 05:33 AM)Wayout Wrote:  

In many EE countries they hire stewardesses based on looks still. I've read job postings.

[Image: 69.jpg]

American exceptionalism. They do this everywhere. It stands to reason that someone serving you should be pleasant.

"Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact."

"Want him to be more of a man? Try being more of a woman!"

"It is easier to be a lover than a husband, for the same reason that it is more difficult to be witty every day, than to say bright things from time to time."

Balzac, Physiology of Marriage

American flight attendants in the 1960s

Come on, Jules... don't quote 20 pictures just to write a single line [Image: biggrin.gif]

Is it possible that those scary-looking flight attendants are the same girls from the previous pictures, that just grew old and are near retirement?

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

American flight attendants in the 1960s

There is some small amount of irony because early aviation executives were against having "helpless" women work on planes, but hired them anyway because they needed crew who could double as nurses.

American flight attendants in the 1960s

Quote: (03-02-2013 03:54 PM)rastignac Wrote:  

In the eighties, it was alway fun to hook up with stewardesses when on the way to Europe. My flight transatlantic flight attendant spent the weekend layover with me in Paris in 1988. Imagine doing that today with today's old cows.

Blame it on the unions. Flight attendant seems like a young person's job. Not a fat old person's job.

You are so right that it's a young persons job. If you could fire and hire at will the whole industry would change.

Sign up 22 year old, in shape women to a 5 year contract. At the end of the 5 years the contract ends -- everyone is happy. Airline gets a low cost, smart, cheerful, attractive employee that actually makes people feel welcome on board their aircraft. The girl gets a decent wage, travel benefits and a job that, especially on the international routes, is fun.

No one should be in that job for more than five years. It's harder than it looks and they just get tired. Jump on any US (any western for that matter) flight from Asia and you realize pretty quickly that to the fat old ladies and the pissy old gay guy attendants --- you are the enemy.

It's unthinkable to imagine a fee market airline again I know. The unions and the leftists would go bat sh*t crazy. Think of the reaction from some of those old battilac democratic Senators...

American flight attendants in the 1960s

In Canada their is a soft gate that keeps whack chicks out for the reason that you have to be Bi-lingual. And since are largest Airline is "based" out of Montreal you get a lot of French chicks whom do the job. The Union keeps older women on board but even then you don't see nasty broads like the old bag that was posted.

American flight attendants in the 1960s

Fly Asiana, Singapore, any of the Asian airlines really. You'll see women who are petite, with pear-sized heads, and on the whole, very pretty.

Fly an American airline and you'll get man-jawed looking behemoths or prissy little gay guys.

Agree with the OP that America peaked in the 60s. Nothing but continued downhill deterioration at this point. It will get worse.

American flight attendants in the 1960s

Damn thats sad to see the huge change from the 50-60s to now. But thanks God the rest of the world has some good sense. A prime example, our beloved Philippines and their now famous ritual on their flights:

God bless Asia! It should be like that everywhere!!!!

American flight attendants in the 1960s

Quote: (03-03-2013 01:03 AM)temujin Wrote:  

Fly Asiana, Singapore, any of the Asian airlines really. You'll see women who are petite, with pear-sized heads, and on the whole, very pretty.

Fly an American airline and you'll get man-jawed looking behemoths or prissy little gay guys.

Agree with the OP that America peaked in the 60s. Nothing but continued downhill deterioration at this point. It will get worse.

Not really into Asian chicks, so flying Asian airlines wouldn't be much of a joy.

What is amazing about seeing these pics is that nowadays to get into contact with this many thin, attractive women in America you would have to work in casting for the entertainment industry or as a model scout. Pilots back in the day must have have gotten tons of pussy if the flight attendants looked like this.

Really does make you long for that bygone era...alas, it is long gone and there is no use crying about it.

American flight attendants in the 1960s

I think a lot of those women in the --ads?-- from the 60's were models, unless they recruited stews exactly like models. Those were ads, not in-flight photos, right?

Still, whale-ism is everywhere...

American flight attendants in the 1960s

Speakeasy those photos look like the set of Austin Powers. It's almost a parody how stylish, sexy, and feminine those women are. Hard to believe that was how it really was.


" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



American flight attendants in the 1960s

Actually, I don't think that stewardesses on American carriers have changed at all since the 60s. And that's the problem. The same women are still working; they're just old now. They have seniority, so they get all the good routes. I think it's pretty tough for a younger woman to break into the stewardess game right now.

American flight attendants in the 1960s

I heard some good things of Virgin America, owned by redpill god Richard Branson.
Uniforms by Banana Republic, and apparently the airline is a party airline that seeks to mimic the golden days of air travel.

[Image: orig.jpg]
[Image: 120713%5C465654-120712-virginamerica-uni..._large.jpg]
[Image: B_y83sXWllSl.jpg]
[Image: virgin-stewardesses.jpg]
[Image: VA_flight+attendants.jpg]
[Image: MK-BB710_FLYGIR_G_20100315181450.jpg]

American flight attendants in the 1960s

Quote: (03-03-2013 03:32 AM)Emancipator Wrote:  

[Image: MK-BB710_FLYGIR_G_20100315181450.jpg]

Love that guy. The real life Most Interesting Man in the World. Took a non-American to create a decent American carrier.

American flight attendants in the 1960s

High school fashions, 1969

Look at the dirty hippies from the late 60's. They are not fat. You have to ask yourself why.

Most of the girls in the above airline pics are probably employees.

[Image: E38wQ.jpg]

[Image: LV2PE.jpg]

[Image: mDjeX.jpg]

American flight attendants in the 1960s

Damn the girl in the second hippie pic is smokin'.

Also Emancipator are those girls in the red definitely Virgin air-hostesses? They are Mediterranean looking, for that reason my next flight must be with them.

American flight attendants in the 1960s

I fly nearly every week and have to put up with fat stewardesses bumping into my elbows and shoulders with their fat asses. It's not just unpleasant to look at them, it's hazardous to fly with them. That type of shit is unprofessional. At this point, I prefer the gay male flight attendants. At least they don't knock into me when they walk by.

I've got the dick so I make the rules.
-Project Pat

American flight attendants in the 1960s

I was watching "Makers", the ridiculous "women who made america" series, and they used to fire ALL the stewardesses on their 32nd birthday. The pictures of the attendants looked just like the above, nothing but slim, attractive young women. It was hilarious to hear the music get ominous when the woman narrating started talking about eating her 32nd birthday cake and then going to a union to complain.

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