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Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

Solution: Be rich and/or a bad boy.


and i'm a nice guy

Thats your problem right here.

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

Hays, have you heard of the serenity prayer?

"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference. "

I'm not hearing from you that you want to live in line with that prayer. Are you trying to find acceptance? Are you trying to change the world? Are you trying to know the difference?

I hear you complaining about the weather. Complaining about something that is not within your control - how females in general behave.

I doubt it's only me and the few others here who find that attitude itself to be distasteful, and who suspect that this attitude itself might be a turn off to women.

Yes, your observations are correct. So is bad weather. Either accept it or do something to profit from it. People in poor climes deal with it. Entrepreneurs in bad economic climates deal with it.

Are you even trying to get to the acceptance stage? You seem stuck.

And I know that the advice you've heard here comes across as hostile and unsympathetic. This is a rough and tumble crowd who don't tip toe around much. But that doesn't mean we don't care. Most of us have shared your observations and experiences and frustrations. When women talk amongst themselves they don't seek solutions. They just want to vent. Solutions are actually unwanted to their process, because they interrupt their venting. They'll actually get frustrated by solutions, and this is well known to drive the men in the company to distraction - men want to provide solutions. We are generally not so sympathetic to the process of venting - for the sake of venting. It serves no real purpose.

You've identified the problem. Do you want to get stuck at that stage of having identified the problem? Is that what you want to do? Is that entertaining, or fun? Or cathartic? Do you feel any less alone now?

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

Quote: (02-02-2013 04:57 AM)hayesbrandon23 Wrote:  

i didn't expect a pity party or ass kisses but seriously. i have clearly struck a nerve here. atleast blackmagic said something encouraging. thanks buddy!

and the name calling doesn't help either. i'm trolling? really?

well...i see what this game forum is about. I'm sorry to have invaded your space fellas. i'll will happily leave and let you get back to what you were doing before i trolled.

sorry about that. learned my lesson. i know I won't be missed. peace!!!

There's a type of troll who shows up on the with an attitude over a particular problem and guys on the forum try to show him that the attitude is part of the problem. And then the just completely ignores everyone's advice. Is there already a name for this kind of troll?

Anyway, dude, if your post isn't asking for a pity party, then I don't know what a pity party is. Let me break something down for you. You showed pictures of three guys as some kind of evidence of women making unfair decisions. Who are these three guys?

50 Cent is a multi-millionaire rap star/actor/businessman. He's led an interesting life and had hit song that just about every girl has gotten down to on the dance floor.

Salman Rushdie is a world famous author, who was once married to Padma Lakshami. Dude had a fatwa put on him by the Grand fucking Ayatollah.

Mario Lopez starred on a TV show that just about every woman in this country between the ages of 25 and 40 remembers from her childhood or teen years. Plus, he's just a good looking man. Have you even seen his dimples?

And you're complaining that these guys get more attractive women than you? It's not fair that rich, good-looking, interesting, high-status men get better-looking women than you? Why? Is it because you hit the gym four times a week? Is it because you're up to date on all the payments on your Camry? Or is it because you have a promising career at Initech? If you changed the pronouns around in your original post, that shit would get a million hits on Jezebel and be popping up on mad chick's Facebook walls.

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

Women wanting such men is a sad (for most men) reality that you have to live with. What else can you do, cry, hole up somewhere and die? No, work on your body and game, take what you can, and never forget who forced you into it. There IS no other choice.

I think the OP is just offended by the fact that women were choosing average men on the basis of being "nice" for many centuries before this time, so he views this as hypocrisy on their part. It is - if they still demand nice men while choosing others. But one way or the other, the reality is that you can just adapt or die. Whining about it won't solve the problem.

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Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?


we deserve to have our sexual fantasies come true. right??

Guys on this forum have gone to a lot of work to bring out what it is that makes women want you. We have also worked extensively to show that many things do not help you get hot women, indeed sometimes they hurt (e.g. average job, nice guy personality).

You're doing the equivalent of a kid trying again and again to put a square peg in a round hole. You're upset because you were sure that it was the square one that fit in the round hole... that's how it always was in the movies. That's what your mother told you. But it's wrong. The square peg only fits round holes that are really fat or busted. You need the round peg. We're here to tell you where to get it.

Start with the search function.

If you're going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It's the only good fight there is.

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if it happened to you it’s your fault, I got no sympathy and I don’t believe your version of events.

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

Well let's make the assumption that your model of the world is correct...you seem to believe it very strongly so it's at least true in your own mind.

You really have two choices:

1) Keep complaining that life is unfair.
2) Adapt.

It doesn't take much thought to notice that adapting is the vastly superior choice.

Look, we get it. At some point or another almost every guy on this board went through an anger phase...thinking things like:

"Man, I'm doing everything right...everything people growing up told me to do...I got the career, the ride, I'm working out...but why are those hot girls going for that bartender who can barely pay his rent instead of me?"

Well hate to break it to you man, but you can probably learn A LOT of things from that bartender and guys like him.

The bottom line is this:

You can sit around bitching about this shit on here and to your friends or you can get off your ass and do something about it. That's why it's called BITCHING, cause women do it all the time. Does it mean you have to become a thug, or really rich? No, but you do have to be strong and have the personality and lifestyle to back it up...and let me tell you coming on a board and complaining shows a lack of masculine strength.

That doesn't mean you're totally wrong...the truth is lots of women ARE fucked up, but that's not your problem. The only thing you should be thinking about is how to take advantage of their behavior for personal gain. That's it.

You say you're a nice guy, ever think of running 'perfect guy/fake nice guy game'?

Women and the world aren't going to change, but you can.

Forget the pity, stop complaining, and approach some women.

If you're not banned or a troll come back in a few months and you'll be a changed man.

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

What do you mean by exotic? One man's exotic is another man's girl next door. Go somewhere where YOU will be considered exotic.

Travel. It will do you wonders in many ways.

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

The regulars dropping wisdom like bombs up in this thread. Too bad it's falling on deaf ears. This is a perfect example of a guy who would rather complain about his problems than make the effort to solve them.

[Image: tumblr_m6ux1dtBXj1radzsro1_r1_500.gif]

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

The premise of this thread has seeds of truth but is off base in the larger sense.

While you can say "Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models" is all beautiful women want, the examples you're using come from Media-land, which may as well be Fantasy-land. Not all nice-looking women are "real housewives." Not all women are columnists who want their dating life public. The media presents the most outrageous examples of humanity to keep people tuned in (or reading) so they can sell ads.

By presenting beautiful women as gold diggers or model-chasing cougars, they make the average woman in their audience feel good about herself because it lets such women look down at the hot babes.

Also, there is a distinction we need to make between "models" and "beautiful women." Models do, in fact, date high rollers and pretty boys because that's the crowd they chose to fly with. Beautiful women tend to date guys in their orbit, and that means guys in school, work, or church even.

Instead of using photos taken from media as examples, a better thing to do would be to go to the mall (or a ballgame) and sit and observe. Who is with who? It's not always that clear-cut and it's definitely not like the media shows. There is some truth in your premise, of course, but to say the average (or above average) guy has no crack at beautiful women is to deny reality. How many 8/9 scale MILFs are in suburbia married to the accountant or teacher? A decent amount, from what I see. I wish I had a dollar for every time I said to myself "She's with HIM?!?!"

It's important for us to keep in mind that in Media-land, the character played by actress Lena Dunham is dating guy after guy. In the real world, she would be home alone for years. Think of that the next time you think about how the media presents any type of male-female relationship.

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

Quote: (02-02-2013 12:47 PM)Mikev75 Wrote:  

What do you mean by exotic? One man's exotic is another man's girl next door. Go somewhere where YOU will be considered exotic.

Travel. It will do you wonders in many ways.

Exactly. all of these dudes in here insulting me here skipped over the part where i mentioned that i was planning on doing some traveling soon. Ya'll skipped that part. You all united together to offend me and

whatever happened to encouraging the beginner who's behind?

thank you. MikeV75. but it's okay. i see very clearly the type of men who inhabit this forum. I see that there are really good people and then there are people who don't know the meaning of word table manners. I didn't expect a pity party or ass kissing.

maybe you guys insulting me are convinced that you're givning me some tough brotherly love-constructive criticism.? It's not helping fellas. or maybe some you guys in here are players and don't run into these issues.

maybe i'm just having bad luck.

but hey it's a free country. we are all entitled to our own opinion.

but its just plain insults. It's not necessary to insult me to get your point across. Calling me a bitch, troll, complainer, suggesting that i'm psycho that it's not the case fellas.

i'm just explaining some of my frustration. i thought this forum was about sharing information and offering encouraging advice.

why not say "hey man...i feel your pain....i have had similar feelings...but this is the way it is."

some of you even suggested that i act like a bad-ass. is Roosh a bad-ass. judging from his videos i would think not. but atleast that "hey be an ass-hole" advice is still somewhat encouraging.

but do you really feel that this name-calling, unsympathetic sarcastic criticism is gonna help me?

i was even expecting somebody who's very smart to do an analysis on why and how it got this way and offer again encouraging advice.

but i guess that's not what this forum is about.

again. 50 cent used to sell drugs as a teenager. he has probably killed people too. but he's not even a talented rapper. but he picked fights with other rappers and drew attention to himself. he made smart moves and made the money.

and i know black men all around the USA and the world want to be the succesful thug that he is. Many Middle class black men idolize 50 cent and try to be off-duty bad boys when not at work. why? because women (especially black women) don't have sex with decent looking, nice guys with college degrees anymore.

did any of you even read what i said about what i do to attract women.? you guys must have skipped that part. i am taking action. i take action everyday.


And you're complaining that these guys get more attractive women than you? It's not fair that rich, good-looking, interesting, high-status men get better-looking women than you? Why? Is it because you hit the gym four times a week? Is it because you're up to date on all the payments on your Camry? Or is it because you have a promising career at Initech? If you changed the pronouns around in your original post, that shit would get a million hits on Jezebel and be popping up on mad chick's Facebook walls


what i am saying is those are the celebrity level examples that were all familar with. that's why i use them.

but we can even take it down to just the upper to middle class level that we are on. and see the same types. it's not about quantity. number of chicks. It's quality my friend. and i just don't understand why these three very different categories of men get their sexual fantasies fulfilled and decent dudes who have a good package don't. i know i'm not the only one. i mean i have desires too. i work hard. where's the payoff for that? left-overs?

i hear women write these articles how they "want a guy with sex pack abs who is built"

"we want security" "we want good-decent looks" "we the man to make no less than 60,000 a year"

but its a big lie because. i got all that and more covered. so when i see the hot chicks chasing those 3 types. it makes me scratch my head. it's not jealousy. its confusion. i get this look:

[Image: 27840006_zpse36d8fb6.jpg]

i see skinny men who look like mario in the face who work at pizza hut. but that exotic hot chick will climb over those pizza's to blow him just because he's "cute"

i see men who are wealthy. not necessarily celebrities. but semi-wealthy old men and the beautiful women who CHASE them.

i see beautiful women chasing the local wannabe 2nd Tier 50 cent types who sell drugs and rap or i guess the other extreme would be the Tatooed biker riding the harley davidson motorcyle. and then i see these same types of women age and grow the fuck up and turn 30 years old.

and complain that men are pigs.

but enough is enough. i have agitated the men here into insulting me and that was not my goal. you guys don't undersand and you don't give a crap. which is fine too. so i think an admin should close this thread

or maybe even delete it. nobody is learning anything. thanks to the guys who said positive things and understood where i was coming from.

but i do think that TRAVEL.is definitely the answer. thanks Mikeyv75.


Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

Quote: (02-02-2013 02:51 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

The premise of this thread has seeds of truth but is off base in the larger sense.

While you can say "Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models" is all beautiful women want, the example you're using come from Media-land, which may as well be Fantasy-land. Not all nice-looking women are "real housewives." Not all women are columnists who want their dating life public. The media presents the most outrageous examples of humanity to keep people tuned in (or reading) so they can sell ads.

By presenting beautiful women as gold diggers or model-chasing cougars, they make the average woman in their audience feel good about herself because it lets such women look down at the hot babes.

Also, there is a distinction we need to make between "models" and "beautiful women." Models do, in fact, date high rollers and pretty boys because that's the crowd they chose to fly with. Beautiful women tend to date guys in their orbit, and that means guys in school, work, or church even.

Instead of using photos taken from media as examples, a better thing to do would be to go to the mall (or a ballgame) and sit and observe. Who is with who? It's not always that clear-cut and it's definitely not like the media shows. There is some truth in your premise, of course, but to say the average (or above average) guy has no crack at beautiful women is to deny reality. How many 8/9 scale MILFs are in suburbia married to the accountant or teacher? A decent amount, from what I see. I wish I had a dollar for every time I said to myself "She's with HIM?!?!"

It's important for us to keep in mind that in Media-land, the character played by actress Lena Dunham is dating guy after guy. In the real world, she would be home alone for years. Think of that the next time you think about how the media presents any type of male-female relationship.

solid advice man. thanks!!! i appreciate your encouraging analysis. you made valid points. this forum needs more people like you. thank you.

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

This tends to motivate me.

“I have a very simple rule when it comes to management: hire the best people from your competitors, pay them more than they were earning, and give them bonuses and incentives based on their performance. That’s how you build a first-class operation.”
― Donald J. Trump

If you want some PDF's on bodyweight exercise with little to no equipment, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

What everyone has said above is right. But I think that the only way to overcome this mindset is to learn the hard way and it can't happen overnight.

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

Can someone explain to me what went down here and why HayesBrandon got banned? Was this a Jezebel plant? Or did he violate a rule I missed?

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

Even b4 Civilisation, only a small percentage (less than 50%) of Men got to Reproduce.

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

Quote: (02-03-2013 04:16 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Can someone explain to me what went down here and why HayesBrandon got banned? Was this a Jezebel plant? Or did he violate a rule I missed?

I'm going to guess he violated the no-nutsack rule.

If you argue every bit of advice without being willing to change your ways...

Well, obviously you know more about getting laid than those of us here, so....

Rich old Men, Bad Boys, & Male Models? Is this what young Beautiful women want?

Ah, what looks like another IRT sighting.

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