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The story on Cali Colombia

The story on Cali Colombia

Can anyone give me the story on Cali Colombia. I've been to Bogota and Medellin and that has worked out well for me. I'm leaving to Cali and will be there in at least the last week in June for a week or two. I'm looking to come up on some fine women. Everytime I go to Bogota and Medellin, I cant believe my eyes when I see some of the women there, however I hear that Cali is something every man should see.

Can any one give advice on how to get an apartment (for a one or two week stay)? Where to get an apartment (I've heard that Granada is the best area to stay in)?
How to approach Calenas (Where, when and how)?
Where to hang out/cool things to do?

I've also heard that if you can dance salsa that you'll have a step up, but if Cali is the city of Salsa, how does it give me any more of an advantage.

I've seen maybe a post or two about Cali. It doesn't get the attention that other cities in Colombia get so I wanted to open this topic up for discussion.

My biggest question is: It it easier to get women in Cali or Medellin?

The story on Cali Colombia

if you approach it right, from what ive read on here cali would be easier to get women over medellin.

The story on Cali Colombia

Quote: (05-07-2010 09:11 AM)dlmelvin86 Wrote:  

if you approach it right, from what ive read on here cali would be easier to get women over medellin.

I think he's asking for that approach [Image: smile.gif]

The story on Cali Colombia

Ok, what they should say about knowing salsa before you come to Cali is that if you want to have any chance of hooking up with a girl off the dance floor you need to learn salsa. In Cali, if you're a guy who doesn't know salsa you're basically a chump. You could potentially get with a girl around the nicer area, I forget the name of it, but it's around the most famous hostel over there, without knowing salsa, but that's because most of the bars around that area are lounges etc (from what I experienced at least).

Calenas can be very hot, and they have a very cool chill culture. As for finding an apartment, I think you can try craigslist. Otherwise, there were a group of guys at my hostel trying to pick up girls, and, when they needed to, would go off to a love hotel. Hope this helps.

The story on Cali Colombia

Somebody help me here. Any more input or experiences?

The story on Cali Colombia

whoever said salsa es necesario, dijo la verdad. Anyway, I just spent 2 weeks there from March to April. I have friends there who hooked me up with this "mona" (light/white skinned girl). Anyway, we went to this salsa place at the Sugar Park, Parque Azucar, which is an outdoor park with a pretty large dance floor. She knew I couldn't dance salsa and wouldn't even step foot on the floor unless it was merengue or reggaeton. Anyway, I didn't dance much that night, and pretty much got up and left her there. I hope she had cab money, or that Caleno who kept asking her could give her a ride home.

I met up with her later and she wasn't happy, but neither was I. However, she was telling me how much she was the one for me. She tried to explain that was part of the culture and you only dance salsa with people who dance salsa. Anyway, she wasn't f(*king the guy, so I decided to hang out a few days later. Anyway, she is easily a 9, but a natural 9. Outside of the clubs she was awesome, but she eventually started teaching me and would finally dance a little. Don't get too jealous about this, but if you aren't laid back, don't go to salsa clubs. Everybody seems to dance with everybody unless they are freshly in love.

Things to take note of.
-Take a few salsa lessons when you get there. It isn't hard to find a place to do it at. And it is pretty cheap. Or just use a girl you just met to do it. Just later at night and not in a salsa club.
-There are a lot of poor people there so being a gringo has a wow chance to escape factor. This isn't always the case, but there are some brichera like women there like Lima.
-Learn spanish because english isn't common.
-I saw the average Calena was kind of big for me. I like fit, natural, and active with normal size assetts. It looked like there was a small obesity surge compared to what everybody had told me about Cali.
-It is a plastic surgery haven and I couldn't stop laughing at some of the results.
-Aguardiente was good and, knock on wood, a non hang over drink for me.

If you don't dig salsa or aren't willing to learn, or don't already have a girlfriend there, don't go unless you go to La Sexta. There are alot of girls searching for fun. But, it is easier to meet girls during the day at Chipe Chape.

Hope this helps!

The story on Cali Colombia

Nice breakdown Pepe,

What is "La Sexta" like???

The story on Cali Colombia

La Sexta es pretty nice. Both from a guy meet girl perspective and some of the better and safer places. To go out here, you need a little money. It cost about 30-40 bucks to splurge at some places. This consisted of a bottle of arguadiente and ginger ale. I noticed this to be a common service, but the more high end you got, the more pricier it became and the greater the drink options. There are some really hot girls here. However, they travel in mixed packs. The idea there is it is Rumba or Fiesta.

La rumba is and can be alot of fun depending on your mindset. I had more fun with a mixed group of guys and girls instead of a group of guys, but it depends on where you go. Don't get me wrong, you can meet girls at most clubs, but be loose, not too drunk, and up for anything. The music generally changed between vallenato, salsa and reggaeton. I am not old or young and I didn't really dig reggaeton. I can listen to it, but I can also listen to cats howling at night before I shoot them with a bb gun to scatter them also.

I noticed more white people here because there were alot more gringos in this area. This generally means it is kind of a more gringo friendly area. I spent alot of my younger life (21-23) in Lima, so I have a natural attraction to Lima and its way of life, hence not much salsa. There are some bars/discos that play some modern pop latin/US/European music. Although few and far between, sometimes Shakira was nice to hear after some of the music. The rumba isn't an endurance rumba. It starts at 1130-1200 and goes to about 3 in the morning. Most clubs close at that time. But, society dictates the policy and most people are working class and usually leave by 2. So, it isn't a die hard party town from what I noticed. I have heard that Roma is a good club, but never went. However, this was from a local and not a gringo.

I usually started my day in the hostal or hotel around 7:00 with a few beers and some shots of arguadiente. Then we would grab some food and by 10:00 we would be at a bar where women and groups would generally show up over the next hour or so. The weekdays are not the greatest days to go out. They are OK and the choices went down the farther away from Saturday you got. Friday was pretty good, but the work week in Cali is Monday-Saturday, so Saturday night is the rumba night. Colombian men will mack on your girl in your presence depending on which bar you go to. The less economicaly friendly, the less gringo friendly. Sexta does have some crappy clubs and you can usually tell when the disc stops when your white ass walks in and everybody looks at you. I noticed this when women came up to me, but they will use blue eye comments as a way to start a conversation. After talking to a few women and their mothers, they have a light skin thing there. Nobod wants to get tan except the white people. If they are a little morena, they avoid the sun like its cool. This isn't always the case, but it was pretty common.

I hope you guys don't think I am dissing Cali. It is an OK city, but I would be happier in Bogota or Medellin. Cali has a kind of dirty look with a lot of grafitti, even in nicer areas. Be careful of young roving guys between 16-21. They usually aren't innocent and are generally up to no good. On that issue, be careful of the below 18 year olds in the bars and clubs. I have to give the city a 6 out of 10. If you have friends there, it is worth going to visit. It is also a city that isn't bad to visit, just hard to want to stay for any long period of time. I am just used to sticking with one chick and dancing with her the whole night, so wondering if the previous girl was coming back wasn't my style.

I have friends that have a condo in Cali and stay there a few weekends out of the year and invite me down when they are there. They travel all over the Americas and I try to meet up with them when I can. However, I found the accent very difficult to understand at first. It is very fast and very coastal, almost Carribean. Everybody talks about the clear accent of Colombia. It resides in Bogota and Medellin. The people are nice though. Everybody I met, young and old, treated me with respect and never threatened me. Except the gang banger wanna bes, but you find them every where now. I still prefer Lima for its safer places and more open night life. However, that was ages ago and I am sure it shares alot of the reggaeton with everywhere else.

One thing I noticed for a short trip is Peruvian women acted more loyal than Colombian women, but everybody told me this was a culural thing. They may be with you in the bar, but still dance with a few other people. Now, if they are really into you, they usually ask if you want to go somewhere else afterwards. The women there just get off on dancing and I was told by all my friends, don't take it personal. I was also told its impolite to say no to an offer to dance, even if she is with somebody. Do be careful if you do this to Colombian dudes because they are extremely jealous who wear the heart on their sleeves. I wouldn't get serious with a Calena unless I knew her well before dating. I met alot of girls who were extremely open sexually and quite aggressive for a young age (18-21). Do wrap there because you don't know how many guys she was with in the last week. Some pros work the clubs and be careful of that also. My friends warned me and they are always more aggressive and always asking for drinks and then ask you to go to your place or a hotel.

You can get lucky here, and it isn't really hard, but you have to show that you aren't going to get up and be gone the next day, even if that is the plan. They are going for the telenovela life of pure, hard, and effective love. Again, on this issue, I prefer Lima. For me, Lima had the best mix of attractive women, affordable nights out, good food and drink, and climate of all of the places I have visited. I do love Colombia, and I will return to Cali in August. I always try to go to places twice to give it a fair shake and not say its a bad city because I had a shitty time with one chick. Well two times unless the first time almost kills me that is.

The story on Cali Colombia

Thanks for those good reports on Colombia.
Btw, your post has made me very curious about Lima, can you post a run down of the scene from Lima on the Lima thread?
That would be awesome.


The story on Cali Colombia

Hey Debow, sorry I aint called you yet man. I guess you could say time flys when your having fun.

Anyways, Im still here and I will hit you up soon. You can ask any questions you want then.

The story on Cali Colombia

I almost always drink the aguargiente con agua limon, antioqueno es mejor, its the cheapest thng and what all the girls are used to drinking. I find being the gringo and splurging didnt make a different, just like where I am typing now, costa rica! jajaja I didnt dance for shit and still picked up girls just fine, as long as you are willing to try and dont look like a complete ass its ok. Salsa def helps tho. you will still be the worst on the dance floor, let the girls show ya!

I did the zona rosa thing av. sexta, but its been a few years since cali. Girls are thicker then in Med, bigger asses, bigger natural boobs. all dress sexy everywhere.

They all LOVE to fuck... you dont need 7 hours

The story on Cali Colombia


I appreciate your posts!! I may be there for a week or two. Here are my thoughts. Can I do things like go to a yoga, spanish, or salsa class during the day to pass the time and meet fine girls at the same time? What is better about Medellin? I've heard that gringoes are not as unique as they would be in Cali and it is more expensive (I've been to Medellin and loved it but I've heard that Cali is a must see)?

How would the scene be for black guys? Are there any elements of racism there?

Nacirema, no worries. I look forward to getting at you as I leave in less than 3 weeks.

The story on Cali Colombia

Quote: (06-01-2010 11:40 PM)deebow Wrote:  

How would the scene be for black guys? Are there any elements of racism there?

eeeh....just on looks alone and nothing else; not good. Deebow, what appeals to Colombian girls are the white skin, blue/green eyed "look" aside from their own latino looks. Then of course, after you have that basic down, how you dress, social status and vibe are all heavily considered. If you don't speak spanish, the odds stack up against you even more.

Now, YMMV if you are social, fun, and dress really nice and trendy (Not Ed Hardy, or thug rapper -- I'm talking GQ).

Blacks in Colombia, especially Cali are not sought after by white, or tan skinned latinas - of course if you go there tossing $$$ around like you just won a championship, that's another story, and another set of women to look out for.

Nacirema is a 6'+ clean cut white boy, and is the typical foreign look that local women find a novelty in Cali.

Cali has a huge black community, and 90% of that community is made up usually of poor farmers, and hard labor workers.

Your best bet is to go to Germany, or EE - black guys are celebs over there. Or even better, head on down to Fort Lauderdale - I cannot even begin to tell you how many times i see brothers with an incredible beautiful white girl at their side.

I have a lot of black friends in Miami/Fort Lauderdale, and they do very well - especially since they dress nice and suit up when going out.


The story on Cali Colombia


My heart nearly sank after hearing your words, but then I took a minute to think. As always, I thank you for the advice. Nevertheless, I'm very confident in my game because I've been able to pull some serious women in both Bogota and Medellin with no problems on multiple occasions. I mean I pulled them quick (sucking face within 4 to 6 hours of meeting them, then I finished them off and was on to the next one). I've also been approached several times. I choose to believe the second part of what you said. It depends on individual swagger, style and the ora that you give off. I appreciate your advice. Now I know what I'm up against. However, I will be successful. In addition to Nacirema's appearance, I'm sure he did well based on game.

I'm clean cut and (not to sound gay or anything but) a fair share of women (black, white, latina, etc.) have found me to be attractive (although, I'm aware that that won't be the case as always). I'm also never, never thugged out, I dress very well, I speak spanish and love salsa so I'll try to leverage that for what I can. As a matter of fact, some of my friends in Bogota (most of who are women, some of which who are from Cali) have told me that I'd clean up if I lived there (either Bogota, Medellin or Cali). I get looks and smiles everywhere I go when I'm in Bogota and Medellin. I've been told that it is because people can tell that I'm a foreigner and that there is something visually different about my appearance. If people felt that I was local, I'd be at a bit of a disadvantage.

I guess what I'll take away from your comment is that it may not help to be black, but it won't necessarily hurt either. It's going to be up to me and no one else. I'm now extra motivated. I hope to meet Nacirema there for some drinks and advice and possibly roll out some time.

Any strategies that you'd recommend for me now that you know my mindset? Any places that you recommend I stay Mixx? I'm looking for something in Granada (preferably an apartment).

The story on Cali Colombia

Quote: (06-03-2010 07:18 PM)deebow Wrote:  


My heart nearly sank after hearing your words, but then I took a minute to think. As always, I thank you for the advice. Nevertheless, I'm very confident in my game because I've been able to pull some serious women in both Bogota and Medellin with no problems on multiple occasions. I mean I pulled them quick (sucking face within 4 to 6 hours of meeting them, then I finished them off and was on to the next one). I've also been approached several times. I choose to believe the second part of what you said. It depends on individual swagger, style and the ora that you give off. I appreciate your advice. Now I know what I'm up against. However, I will be successful. In addition to Nacirema's appearance, I'm sure he did well based on game.

I'm clean cut and (not to sound gay or anything but) a fair share of women (black, white, latina, etc.) have found me to be attractive (although, I'm aware that that won't be the case as always). I'm also never, never thugged out, I dress very well, I speak spanish and love salsa so I'll try to leverage that for what I can. As a matter of fact, some of my friends in Bogota (most of who are women, some of which who are from Cali) have told me that I'd clean up if I lived there (either Bogota, Medellin or Cali). I get looks and smiles everywhere I go when I'm in Bogota and Medellin. I've been told that it is because people can tell that I'm a foreigner and that there is something visually different about my appearance. If people felt that I was local, I'd be at a bit of a disadvantage.

I guess what I'll take away from your comment is that it may not help to be black, but it won't necessarily hurt either. It's going to be up to me and no one else. I'm now extra motivated. I hope to meet Nacirema there for some drinks and advice and possibly roll out some time.

Any strategies that you'd recommend for me now that you know my mindset? Any places that you recommend I stay Mixx? I'm looking for something in Granada (preferably an apartment).

Well I got good news for you Deebow, if you did really well in medellin, then you are going to do 3x better in Cali. Cali women are simply EASIER TO BANG when compared to a paisa or rola.

Nacirema is my dawg!!! You'll love hanging out with him. Just be careful of his nipple squeezing Italian friend, who always has his cup, but he ain't chip in - like snoop dogg said!

I stay in an a dope apartment 2 blocks away form Granada and all the clubs/barscafe's of Granada. The area is called "Juanambu" and is literally walking distance to Granada.

I'll PM you the apt. owners info. He speaks solid English just be sure to have cash to pay for your stay in Colombian pesos.

Cali has a special place in my heart, but I MUST move on to other cities and leave my comfort zone if I am ti stay a true player, pussy surveyor.

The story on Cali Colombia

MiXXmaster27, what the fuck is your problem? I am tired of
your shitty posts.

The story on Cali Colombia

Quote: (06-07-2010 03:12 PM)play_with_a_passport Wrote:  

MiXXmaster27, what the fuck is your problem? I am tired of
your shitty posts.

I just love it when I manage to piss someone off, it makes my ego even bigger! Now, be a good dog and go lick your balls for an hour or two troll. =)

The story on Cali Colombia

Quote: (06-03-2010 06:45 AM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-01-2010 11:40 PM)deebow Wrote:  

How would the scene be for black guys? Are there any elements of racism there?

eeeh....just on looks alone and nothing else; not good. Deebow, what appeals to Colombian girls are the white skin, blue/green eyed "look" aside from their own latino looks. Then of course, after you have that basic down, how you dress, social status and vibe are all heavily considered. If you don't speak spanish, the odds stack up against you even more.

Now, YMMV if you are social, fun, and dress really nice and trendy (Not Ed Hardy, or thug rapper -- I'm talking GQ).

Blacks in Colombia, especially Cali are not sought after by white, or tan skinned latinas - of course if you go there tossing $$$ around like you just won a championship, that's another story, and another set of women to look out for.

Nacirema is a 6'+ clean cut white boy, and is the typical foreign look that local women find a novelty in Cali.

Cali has a huge black community, and 90% of that community is made up usually of poor farmers, and hard labor workers.

Your best bet is to go to Germany, or EE - black guys are celebs over there. Or even better, head on down to Fort Lauderdale - I cannot even begin to tell you how many times i see brothers with an incredible beautiful white girl at their side.

I have a lot of black friends in Miami/Fort Lauderdale, and they do very well - especially since they dress nice and suit up when going out.


Definitely not true...I've been to Colombia over 10 times since 2005 (Cali, Bogota, Medellin, Cartagena) and I clean up with all the chicas and I'm clean cut, attractive, dress well, well traveled all the etc's. I have more of a Dominincan/Arabic look so I can blend in very well in most places with a mixed black population.

To Deebow: Line up some honies on http://www.latinamericancupid.com before you arrive alot of cool ones on there ready to meet up. I tend to find the olive/tan/mixed Colombians finer than the straight white ones anyway (not many to begin with).

Your comparison and theory of Colombian "black poor farmer types" not being attractive could be applied and compared to white women overall disliking the Red-Neck/Meth-ed Up look and lifestyle of many I see all over America so not a good comparison IMO when your comparing upscale brothas from the US who travel abroad who have game, language, dress and social skills. I just get tired of people on here stating their tired uninformed opinion on how a Black Men (I'm talking mostly from a US perspective) would do in Latin America when they obviously arent Black and can't relate and really just don't know.

In general If your good looking, dress well and know Intermediate Spanish and can Dance Salsa and your from the States you will clean up regardless in Colombia. Don't worry about any racism down there just do you.

I'm going to post some pictures later of me and one of my 19 y/o hot girls in Medellin who is what they consider "White" in Colombia. Look for it attached under this very post. I met her on LatinAmericaCupid as well and it's been on ever since.

The story on Cali Colombia

Quote: (06-09-2010 06:20 AM)InternationalSwagger Wrote:  

Quote: (06-03-2010 06:45 AM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-01-2010 11:40 PM)deebow Wrote:  

How would the scene be for black guys? Are there any elements of racism there?

eeeh....just on looks alone and nothing else; not good. Deebow, what appeals to Colombian girls are the white skin, blue/green eyed "look" aside from their own latino looks. Then of course, after you have that basic down, how you dress, social status and vibe are all heavily considered. If you don't speak spanish, the odds stack up against you even more.

Now, YMMV if you are social, fun, and dress really nice and trendy (Not Ed Hardy, or thug rapper -- I'm talking GQ).

Blacks in Colombia, especially Cali are not sought after by white, or tan skinned latinas - of course if you go there tossing $$$ around like you just won a championship, that's another story, and another set of women to look out for.

Nacirema is a 6'+ clean cut white boy, and is the typical foreign look that local women find a novelty in Cali.

Cali has a huge black community, and 90% of that community is made up usually of poor farmers, and hard labor workers.

Your best bet is to go to Germany, or EE - black guys are celebs over there. Or even better, head on down to Fort Lauderdale - I cannot even begin to tell you how many times i see brothers with an incredible beautiful white girl at their side.

I have a lot of black friends in Miami/Fort Lauderdale, and they do very well - especially since they dress nice and suit up when going out.


Definitely not true...I've been to Colombia over 10 times since 2005 (Cali, Bogota, Medellin, Cartagena) and I clean up with all the chicas and I'm clean cut, attractive, dress well, well traveled all the etc's. I have more of a Dominincan/Arabic look so I can blend in very well in most places with a mixed black population.

To Deebow: Line up some honies on http://www.latinamericancupid.com before you arrive alot of cool ones on there ready to meet up. I tend to find the olive/tan/mixed Colombians finer than the straight white ones anyway (not many to begin with).

Your comparison and theory of Colombian "black poor farmer types" not being attractive could be applied and compared to white women overall disliking the Red-Neck/Meth-ed Up look and lifestyle of many I see all over America so not a good comparison IMO when your comparing upscale brothas from the US who travel abroad who have game, language, dress and social skills. I just get tired of people on here stating their tired uninformed opinion on how a Black Men (I'm talking mostly from a US perspective) would do in Latin America when they obviously arent Black and can't relate and really just don't know.

In general If your good looking, dress well and know Intermediate Spanish and can Dance Salsa and your from the States you will clean up regardless in Colombia. Don't worry about any racism down there just do you.

I'm going to post some pictures later of me and one of my 19 y/o hot girls in Medellin who is what they consider "White" in Colombia. Look for it attached under this very post. I met her on LatinAmericaCupid as well and it's been on ever since.

I was in Cali a couple of months ago, and pounding the streets with Nacirema - a girl at a mall came up to me and said "I like your friend" - and I smiled and asked "why do you like my friend" - she flat out told me - "he is white, and has green eyes". She Did not even mention his clothes, height or anything else about him...just that he was white, and it was enough to find out more about him....

I have seen that happen in the last 15 years I have lived and breathed Colombia. Even my girls friends would ask me to find them a "mono" (white american). I would reply, "y un negrito", and they would answer "gaaaaaasss, no". Of course, these were very high status girls that drive BMW's in medellin, and whose parents were doctors.

Latin Cupid is a website of Colombian women looking for foreign men - period (yes, I have used it myself) : whether you are black, white, hell even another colombian living abroad as long as you are a FOREIGNER looking for a serious "girlfriend" who will eventually trade sex for paying some of her bills and taking her out to places like another beta male for the time you are in the country, and she immediately finds your replacement before you are even on the plane back home.

Getting average girls on LatinCupid is not solid game - sorry. It's like signing up for so called "marriage agencies" girls - looking for a gringo to sucker into her pathetic life.

IMO, It's not really accurate to say that LatinCupid girls represent the highly sought after 9's 10's that you'll dream of meeting through social circles clubs/cafes and Universities. The 10's will not do it, nor wil they post a profile on LatinCupid - they get hit on by rich men from the entire country, and your foreigner status means nothing wether you are black, latino, white or tan. That's who I am referring to - of course Latin Cupid girls will bang anyone of any race, height, weight. BUt, they come with a ton of baggage and live in lower stratus neighborhoods looking for "baby daddy" or looking for someone to buy them mediocre things they cannot afford themselves like Dinners in Parque Lleras, and buying her clothes - which I never do. I've experienced enough colombian women to know why not to do so.

I've also posted that being a white foreigner works AGAINST you with the high status 9's 10's of Colombia. So, being black, and offering nothing else, is like being white, latino or albino and offering no social proof. Again, it works against you with the 9's and 10's.

Now, with that said - if numbers is what you're after, then you should definitely hit up Latin Cupid and Colombian Cupid to hit the ground running. I personally like to hit Three 10's vs hitting twenty average 6's. Which is what you'll find on LatinCupid - nothing ever above a 6 - see for yourself guys.

I used LatinCupid many years ago, I was not impressed with quality.

But, thats just me...


The story on Cali Colombia

Good to hear...my man...I travel extensively about two-three countries per month been to 38 in all so I really dont have time to settle in on one but I applaud you settling down in Colombia and making that a go for you.

Once again I'm chill not attacking you I was just stating that cats on here always post the same lame thing about "Black Men this and that" when they really don't truly know the real reaction we get and it gets old and repetitive after awhile. The funny thing is most of the cats who post that BS arent Black so how would you really know anyway?

I don't have dark skin, I tend to get mistaken for Latin/Arabic outside of the US moreso than anything from my experiences abroad. I also used to use HI5 and get hookups from friends that I know who live in all the cities since meeting women at clubs/lounges in Medellin/Cali/Bogota (Zona Rosa/Poblado/Parque Llleras) is better when your in a group of friends and not singles spots per say.

Cartagena is probably better in that regard (I hit the spots outside of the tourist zone near Castellano Mall (Green Moon to be exact). And I didnt say that latincupid represents anything...But their are some Dimes and keepers on there that I have on my roster in Colombia that always are there for me with new ones popping up like Hot Broads on Greyhound buses coming to LA to make it big on a constant basis.

I'll be in Medellin July 28 - August 2nd for a friends 30th Bday Celebration so I will take you up on your offer...Saludos.

The story on Cali Colombia

Damn, Mixx just made me NOT want to visit Colombia. If the girls are that superficial and closed-minded then maybe it's not worth it.

The story on Cali Colombia

Quote: (06-09-2010 12:29 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Damn, Mixx just made me NOT want to visit Colombia. If the girls are that superficial and closed-minded then maybe it's not worth it.

thats common for all hb9's and hb10's from all over the world.

the key is finding a good spot of 7's - 8's that are freaks and alot of the fun / down to earth. And i think colombia is a good place for that.

The story on Cali Colombia

Quote: (06-09-2010 12:29 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Damn, Mixx just made me NOT want to visit Colombia. If the girls are that superficial and closed-minded then maybe it's not worth it.

Don't believe the hype! Trust me It's worth it...Badoo has tons of chicks as well as HI5 join Facebook Fan groups with popular clubs/restaurants in Medellin/Cali/Bogota etc and work your magic on there and at the clubs/bars/daygame and you will have plenty to work with.

I will stick with my belief that LatinAmericanCupid is useful also...who doesnt want to get with a chick who actually WANTS a Foreigner? Not a big deal to me...especially If you dont live in the country and there for a short amount of time anyway you get straight to the point. I use all of those methods to pull cool ones from Colombia to the Dominican Republic. Another good plus for this is that you can practice your spanish on MSN/Skype with the girl before you arrive. This greatly improved my spanish when I 1st started out in my early 20's traveling in 2004...Saludos.

The story on Cali Colombia

Woaaaaah fellas! If I have made you believe that Colombia is not the place to go to get laid, and plenty of pussy; allow me to clarify now - GO!

I personally have lived long enough in Colombia, that banging 30 average women in 10 days is NOT my goal. I'd rather bang one smoking hot Soap Opera actress - and hit maybe 2 max average girls to hold me down.

But again, Colombia never fails anyone in getting laid - and women are in abundance. What I post is knowledge for you to arm yourself for a successful hunt. Just know how to work teh girls to get the maximum bangs. Wether it's to hit up Natalia Paris, or to hit 20 everyday Marias and Paolas on LatinCupid.com - go! =).

The story on Cali Colombia

Attached below is a chick I swooped in Medellin in 2008 when she was 19 y/o from LatinCupid, still keep in contact and will re-up with her on my return next month...Saludos.

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