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guys 35-40+?

guys 35-40+?

i've just turned 38 yesterday. seems we ''older'' guys are not so common here

i had never been into younger chicks, but it has changed lately. seems i'm old enough to chase them young

guys 35-40+?

I'm 41 and was married pretty much during my entire 30s. I remember being single and in my mid twenties and thinking that women in their late teens, early twenties were "children" and how would anyone be attracted to them. Even when I was first divorced I never thought I would go after women that young.

Well, fast forward two years to today and let me tell you some of the best sex I ever had was with a 19 year old college student who got off on me calling her a little slut while I smashed her from behind over my kitchen table! [Image: banana.gif]

Moral of the story: If you can pull young, DO IT!

guys 35-40+?

I'm just gonna leave this here:

The Onion - 48-Year-Old Man Actually Very Open To Dating 25-Year-Olds

"If you live among wolves you have to act like a wolf." - Nikita Khrushchev

guys 35-40+?

Got a chuckle reading the article. After my divorce, the first girl I hooked up with turned out to be 21. I thought she was at least 27. Got a lot of thumbs up frm the guys, but got hell from the female friends.

guys 35-40+?

Yeah i`m in my early 40`s and would be nice to see a 35 plus section for us *older* guys to relate to and pass on wisdom, tips, advice etc....

Just saying

guys 35-40+?

Quote: (01-18-2013 04:28 PM)WhiteFang Wrote:  

I'm just gonna leave this here:

The Onion - 48-Year-Old Man Actually Very Open To Dating 25-Year-Olds

hahaha Didn't catch the sarcasm at first and started squinting my eyes in confusion at the part about even being into it if the woman was an Asian.

By the time I got to this part I was cracking up:


"I know, I know—a young, fit, 25-year-old yoga instructor seems like the last type of woman I'd be interested in," Bogan said while smiling and shaking his head. "But I am who I am, you know?"

According to Bogan, even if a 25-year-old were more sexually adventurous than he was accustomed to, he believed that would be something he could deal with.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

guys 35-40+?

Yeah, I think that would be great. I am in this age group and sometimes find myself in a confusing place. Physically I am in really good shape and dress well, on the other hand I may not be in the groups which are needed to game hot young things. I could really do with chatting to other guys about how to approach this.

guys 35-40+?

Someone should PM Roosh and ask him for the section. Mechanico is around 60 so he should be down [Image: troll.gif]

guys 35-40+?

Quote: (01-18-2013 10:43 AM)maestrobaires Wrote:  

i've just turned 38 yesterday. seems we ''older'' guys are not so common here

i had never been into younger chicks, but it has changed lately. seems i'm old enough to chase them young

Also, as a late 30s guy in America, you passed through one of the worst age stratification and discrimination eras we've eve had. It was absolutely brutal for around 10 years, even a few years difference could sink you, and I dreaded entering my 30s and 40s. Since then, it's eased up a lot - it's easier going 40 to 20 now than it was going 29 to 20 ten years ago. It wasn't your imagination, it really was pretty bad for a while.

Personally, I thank Demi Moore. Young chicks were pretty unthinking in their acceptance of age stratifications...until a older woman stole one of their top targets from their age group. Once they realized that older women were also competing for their best young options too, it was war, and things opened up a lot.

guys 35-40+?

Quote: (01-18-2013 06:32 PM)Pass Wrote:  

but got hell from the female friends.

Fuck them....too.

[Image: wink.gif]

guys 35-40+?

The Demi/Ashton thing always bothered me, I think it was a charade. Why would a dude like him want a women like her with three kids? Money perhaps. The problem is now all these old chicks think they can get themselves a Ashton.

I am in my mid 40's thankfully I don't look anywhere near it. I am finding women in there 30's are a pain in the ass to deal with and women in there 20's are easier. I have a few at the gym that are staring at me, both are eastern european which is another reason I have to move back to Europe.

Our New Blog:

guys 35-40+?

Quote: (01-20-2013 11:56 AM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

it's easier going 40 to 20 now than it was going 29 to 20 ten years ago.

As a guy who has reached 40 I really hope that this is correct.

guys 35-40+?

I'm all for an older guy's section too. I think we have specific needs. For example, some of us are done with the whole club/bar-hopping thing. I do it sometimes, but I don't care much for clubs anymore. I'm just over it. I think a lot of guys between 35-40 will start to exit the club scene and seek out alternative ways to meet younger women and stay attractive to that age bracket.

I swear to you, even just a few years ago, all this age talk never really crossed my mind much. Now I think about it a lot and I notice things like age-differences in couples everywhere I go. I notice what girls turn my head and which ones don't. It's depressing how few women my own age even elicit as much as a glance. I'm just not attracted to them, for reasons that aren't even their fault.

guys 35-40+?

We don't need a special section for us old guys. What the fuck, it's like asking for a handicapped parking space.

So you don't go to bars or clubs anymore... I bet you do go places where there are a lot of these younger broads.

Ever go to Home Depot? Loews? Starbucks? Burger King? Kum & Go? (Iowa gas station chain [Image: biggrin.gif] ), the grocery store,? hotels? strip clubs?

These broads are all over so pick them up when you cross paths with them. Chat them up and if they seem receptive tell them to send you a text when they are on break or after work.

It's not a big deal so don't act like it is and many will be receptive. No, not all obviously. But many will.

The game is the same.

guys 35-40+?

Roosh himself is going to be 34 in a few months so where do you think this is going? I asked about an over 40 subforum about a year ago but then we would have Tenderman posting in it all the time and it would be a mess..

The reason why I wanted it is so our posts/treads are put someplace easy to find for other guys in their 40s because most of them have no clue what to do especially the ones who have been ball and chained for 20 years.

Get a sub forum started I've got a shitload to put in there

guys 35-40+?

We would need to check id before posting. Houston will come in there telling us old guys to send pictures of our penis.

guys 35-40+?

For guys that are 35, 40+ I want to know -- would you tell your 25 year old self to not get any commitment for the next 10-15 years?

What about the feeling of missing out on family or something like that?

I am really trying to figure out what I want to do..

guys 35-40+?

Quote: (01-21-2013 06:25 PM)bacan Wrote:  

For guys that are 35, 40+ I want to know -- would you tell your 25 year old self to not get any commitment for the next 10-15 years?

What about the feeling of missing out on family or something like that?

I am really trying to figure out what I want to do..
Women will come and go but a kid is part of your family. Ask yourself because you are here and know right from wrong. If shit isn't right you bail.

Before there was anything available to read like this I lived by this..If it wouldn't fly with my father then it's not going to fly with me...My mother refusing to make food for the family would not fly. Someone driving on our grass would not fly..etc etc. Justice was served swiftly.

guys 35-40+?

I just admire guys who stayed in the game for so many years. Its impressing to see a guy over 40 chasing women like crazy. I am 26 and sometimes i feel like settling down, i dont even like the idea of going to clubs anymore.

I think i need to settle down for 2 years, get bored then go back to that playboy lifestyle.

guys 35-40+?

Quote: (01-21-2013 06:25 PM)bacan Wrote:  

For guys that are 35, 40+ I want to know -- would you tell your 25 year old self to not get any commitment for the next 10-15 years?

What about the feeling of missing out on family or something like that?

I am really trying to figure out what I want to do..

Each person is different. What may make me happy may make you depressed.

Worry about the stuff you can control is what I would tell my younger self.

If you are not good with women, then get better.
Learn how to make money in something you enjoy.
Travel out of country and experience new cultures (that was one the biggest things that changed my outlook).
Get rid of negative people in your life.
Maintain an abundance outlook.
Make a ton of mistakes, you will learn a lot more from these than your successes.

guys 35-40+?

I agree with speakeasy, daygame becomes more attractive, and yes, you can pull any age under yours, althoug cougars become even more easy than they already were, to the point that you got to say NO when they start to chase you...

"Fart, and if you must, fart often. But always fart without apology. Fart for freedom, fart for liberty, and fart proudly" (Ben Franklin)

guys 35-40+?

I just turned 37. I game everyday.

Any questions?

We don't need a special section. We need to dress well and approach more young women.

guys 35-40+?

Quote: (01-22-2013 12:13 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I just turned 37. I game everyday.

Any questions?

We don't need a special section. We need to dress well and approach more young women.

Happy birthday, Gio.

guys 35-40+?

Quote: (01-22-2013 12:17 PM)at350zguyy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2013 12:13 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I just turned 37. I game everyday.

Any questions?

We don't need a special section. We need to dress well and approach more young women.

Happy birthday, Gio.

I was watching your boy jimmy last night.

I love doug collins

guys 35-40+?

Quote: (01-21-2013 06:25 PM)bacan Wrote:  

For guys that are 35, 40+ I want to know -- would you tell your 25 year old self to not get any commitment for the next 10-15 years?

What about the feeling of missing out on family or something like that?

I am really trying to figure out what I want to do..

I had always put work ahead of relationships, so in hindsight I wouldn't need to warn about commitments themselves, just the type of woman not to get mixed up with.

As for missing out on family, yes there is that ache, but not as bad as having kids and then having them taken away, I would guess.

Anyway, don't commit until you're financially stable, and even then you should be skeptical.

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