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I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

I've realized my goal has been for a while-- without knowing it-- to be hated.

When I see celebrity gossip, or some rock star cavorting on TV-- I want to be hated like I hate them. Hate, hate, hate-- hate makes everything possible. It parallels the moment of enlightenment Roosh described when the "Be the flake" light bulb went off for him.

Well, not really, I've cut down drinking a lot, am formally meditating, and have lost weight and am in beter shape. But being more clear on what I want reduces the percentage of people who will like me. If you're wishy washy, no one feels much one way or the other about you. If you declare what you want and go after it, most will offer their miserable little opinion, as they while away the hours making their boss money. Rarely do you get honest, openly envious admiration. It feels so weird having a graduate degree and repeating to yourself over and over "Make the ho say no" even though it's true!

And I have to disagree again with one illustrious poster here-- making money DOES lose you chicks when you are doing it past a certain age, maybe 45, maybe 65 depending on your circumstances- but I could be living in the Philippines right now banging 18 year-olds but I want to be hated more than that.

I want a Slavchick half my age or less. Oh, all right I'll take a 30 year old if she does all the housework.

Landed in Wroclaw yesterday night.

I Betacharmed™ my California nurse-practitioner out of some Temazpam, a widely used tranquilizer she said has been used a long time in hospitals. ( All legal, I just said I needed it for a long flight) It's generic and at Walmart only something like $8 for 30 tablets.

The 11-hour SFO->Munich leg would have been rather dreary but I was able to take three naps! 5 stars for Audio-Technica noise-canceling headphones as well, about $120 through Amazon- reduced maybe 80% of the low engine rumbling. I also went back to the stew-station and hijacked at least 6 small glasses of water during the flight. I think all of this helped a lot reducing jet- lag. I'm going for two months, but you guys going for a week to places should really try to minimize jetlag.

Lufthansa, no whale-stews, one was a 8 but I felt beaten down by American girls and I didn't unload on her at all. I also felt a bit awkward as the Temazapam had me sleeping deeply with my head back and mouth wide open. I probably looked like I needed a ventilator.

From the time I got on the plane didn't see one Walmart Whale, and in Munich airport even the 50-70 year old women are well-kept and groomed. I started to feel a sense of relief, of recognizing that I had been the sane one in the insane asylum. I personally like the less makeup, less heels look, if she looks good like that-- she naturally looks good. What I don't like is the sullen look on the faces of even very cute young American women: like guys spoiling for a fight. "You talkin' to ME?"

I find it shocking, so much different than when I was young 20-30 years ago.

I went out today to the shopping mall and started to feel acclimated pretty quickly. I think sleeping a lot on the flight over made the jet lag much less severe. Jet lag has seemed to get much worse for me as I aged from 30-50. Your sleep gets more fucked up as you age anyway.

I had attempted to start in the last few days a two segment sleep program that works in both locales, something roughly like , sleep from about 4-7 morning and afternoon. Then you can keep sleeping in roughly the same relative and local times, since we are 10 hours away from California time.

At the Wroclaw hostel ( single room hallway bath about $30) I am decompressing for Giant Unsanitary Refrigerator Ukraine.

The English speaking staff were polite but a little distant, but tonight I was cooking spaghetti in the hostel kitchen and when I returned the heat had been turned off. Two working class Polechix a 5 and a 7, were trying to mime that it had been boiling over or was overcooking and they had turned it off.

I tried to show I was not angry, tasted the pasta and said Harashoe, Russian for "good." But I don't think they got it. I asked if they spoke Russian and they said no. Post-soviet politics I guess and they were under 25. For fun I tried Parlez-vous Francais?" No.

These were definitely proles. I wasn't real interested, but you know that works perfectly.

They seemed excited to see me. The fat one-- fat even for USA, maybe 40 pounds overweight, but not a WHALE(75+ over) , and the slimmer blond with a slightly problematic complexion ( looked like a drinker) seemed amazed that I was from California.

"You in Orange room? Miss Five asked. I was
"You sleep alone?" She asked. They both giggled.

They then found some excuse to get up and hover closer around me.

"Do you have any plans tomorrow? New Year's Eve" one asked.
"No" I answered.

Then a rather dour but macho Poleboy came in and politely tried to (cockblock?) translate for them "You are very sweet" he said for them.

I heard the boys' boisterous conversation from down the hall but thankfully not in my room. The Pole guys were pretty loud and uncouth, they sort of yelled-spoke with the conviction of the uneducated that saying something louder made it more significant.

Poland 1, USA 0.

I'm here one more night, New Year's Eve.

To be continued.

I bought a Ralph Lauren suit and plan on getting stumbling drunk tomorrow night , and wandering around with a my phone and asking where I can find a SIM. This "Help me find a SIM?" gambit me a phone/email last Wroclaw from a very classy 8+ student with educated parents. Educated parents is a good screen for Flakechix, and I'm not looking for ONS.

Oops...I just realized last time I had an iPhone and now I have an Android that looks less classy. We'll see. .
My impression is my two Polechix fans were country girls destined for a fate far worse than California would be for a white chick. One thing in particular that seemed to really impress them was that I was washing my dishes.


"Time--time is all you got"
Ry Cooder

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

Can't wait to hear about your gambits in Ukraine.

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

Russian and Polish for the word "good" is quite different.

In Polish it's dobrze. Pronunciation:

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

Glad to see you are back on the trail again, stop downplaying yourself.

Look forward to your writing.

Our New Blog:

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

Good stuff IKE. I actually enjoy reading your posts and am looking forward to reading more of your adventures in Poland. Keep thirsty Camarade! Oh and if you could post along the way some pics of the average talent on the ground, it would be very appreciated!


I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

Quote: (12-30-2012 11:13 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Glad to see you are back on the trail again, stop downplaying yourself.

Look forward to your writing.

Oh, I'm not downplaying myself in Ukraine-- I announce myself -- "Ya bahato genya" ( I'm a big genius") as I walk down the street with my troop of actors and film crew. I'm not kidding. They think it's hilarious. I have budgets for my short films in the $75-150 dollar range. But I can write good scripts. Everything starts with a script .

My first short is premiering--probably in someone's living room but who cares-- in February, and then I've got another one which my favorite Ukechick actress will star in. My actresses are hotter than anything I can get in Hollywood ( I've looked at thousands of casting photos for micro-budget work there) for my pay rate of spaghetti and 2 liter bottles of sodas shared in my Staliniski apt. One maternally and automatically starts place-setting the paper plates and stuff when the cast eats. It's truly heart warming.

I can't have half this much fun on no money in America. I just have to start grabbing the actresses like a real director.

It's really an insult if you DON'T.

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

i'm of polish descent , one tip , don't try to use russian words.
it seriously can devalue your status by a greater degree.

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

IKE would you mind spilling the beans more about your films? The premise of making low budget films in Ukraine filled with local hotties sounds intriguing to say the least.

I'll be following this thread with interest.

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

Quote: (12-31-2012 11:37 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

IKE would you mind spilling the beans more about your films? The premise of making low budget films in Ukraine filled with local hotties sounds intriguing to say the least.

I'll be following this thread with interest.

IKE is becoming the Ron Jeremy of EE?[Image: tard.gif]

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

Quote: (12-31-2012 11:37 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

IKE would you mind spilling the beans more about your films? The premise of making low budget films in Ukraine filled with local hotties sounds intriguing to say the least.

I'll be following this thread with interest.

I'll just say it's defintely not porn at all; if I go into any details I'll be blown.

I'm not a good bullshitter, I actually have real scripts/stories, worked on them for months, went to seminars to learn how to write scripts better, read books on it etc. The girls I'm working with are not party girls at all, not into ONS, they're not -- I think-- really what most guys here would be into-- they're conscious of reputation, don't drink at all.

There's a big "good girl" contingent in parts of Ukraine who may fuck their boyfriends' brains out but never go to bars and are mostly focused on education. They are really broke, when they want to talk they call you for one ring and hang up so you call them back on your dime. They're so broke they don't even have enough money on their phones to send a text a lot of the time.

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

Quote: (12-31-2012 10:51 AM)Branimir Wrote:  

i'm of polish descent , one tip , don't try to use russian words.
it seriously can devalue your status by a greater degree.

Damn, I saw exactly this happen yesterday. I was trying to find out about cheese pirogi, and I didn't know the word for "cheese". I was thinking '"well, Russian is more like Polish than English" and started using some of the Russian words I knew. The clerk was wincing, they are still pissed at the Russians I guess for dominating them in the past?

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

I haven't been pushing for photos but I am seeing a clear set of groups here:

There is an underclass, I assume from uneducated families who tend to be more overweight but not whales, have more masculine faces, know very little English. These girls are however quieter and sweeter than most American girls.

They hang out with guys who are pretty crude and loud. The number of guys from this underclass seems to be way higher than the number of chicks. .

This leaves the next rung up in women-- let's call them lower-middle class-- starved for companionship from guys who appear somewhat civilized. These girls are everywhere: today the maid in the hostel was maybe 19 ~7, very nice figure and creamy skin, not exquisite face, but she was responding to some flirting from me, a guy more than twice her age. The cashier in the bank (25-~7/8) where I exchanged Zloty for dollars started out looking a little dour and speaking Polish, but when I said "Hi" and she realized I was some kind of foeriegner, her face lit up. There was a line behind me.

So in ANY job where the girl has to have SOMETHING on the ball ( getting a maid job in a cool hostel is probably not that bad) there are endless 5-7 girls, many with blue eyes, who would have a shitty attitude in America, but here they are forlornly hoping to find a guy who is not, well, to be blunt, sort of beast-like.

Some of the guys here are quite good-looking and have the charming Polish humility, but there are relatively few compared to the more refined women.
I saw at least 2 couples where a good-looking 7-8 was with a guy several inches shorter, and you know they hate compromising on that usually.

Many girls are slightly overweight, definitely worse than Ukraine, but they are not misshapen, just a bit soft looking, and still very attractive to me. There are definitely much fewer very thin, out-and-out beautiful girls here than in Ukraine. It made me realize the elegant model look I like really requires a girl to be thin right to the edge of unhealthiness. Not unhealthy, but NO extra fat. I'm not into big-assed chix at all.

On a subtler level Poland definitely has less of a ominous atmosphere than Ukraine, I think one can sense the oligarchy/criminality in Ukraine whereas in Poland things just feel more above-board.

One practical note is that most ATMs only dispense Zloty, which is roughly worth 25-30 US cents. You have to go into banks to get USD or Euros.
I needed to go get Zloty today because tomorrow is New Years Day, and I would not easily be able to get Dollars to pay rent in Ukraine where I'll be in a few days.

A Polish English teacher I met said she makes about $12 per hour. Her English was really good, she spoke quickly and accurately with good vocabulary. She said that was good pay, better than say a bartender, whom she said only about 2-3 dollars per hour. This sounds like people here at a low level make about double what Ukrainians make. One Ukrainian girl who worked in a cafe said she made about $10 per day.

A guy who owned his own business---I think there was some family money-- said unemployment is bad and there is a brain drain.

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

The Wroclaw hostel is an underclass sausage fest with shaved head Polish guys, maybe 12 guys with 3 women, only one of them hot, sitting at a table with 8 guys. She is smirking like the cat who got the canary. The good news is that means there's ..ummm.. 8 women who don't want to hang out with the Polish gopniks- somewhere.

A couple of the ...heavier.. women are really into baking cakes... and they're already overweight.

Although right now the women with semi=-skilled jobs in the day are still looking good.
this does not end well looking ahead for Poland...they're going to find cupcakes too... they deserve them too, right?

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

Quote: (01-01-2013 03:23 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

The Wroclaw hostel is an underclass sausage fest with shaved head Polish guys, maybe 12 guys with 3 women, only one of them hot, sitting at a table with 8 guys. She is smirking like the cat who got the canary. The good news is that means there's ..ummm.. 8 women who don't want to hang out with the Polish gopniks- somewhere.

A couple of the ...heavier.. women are really into baking cakes... and they're already overweight.

Although right now the women with semi=-skilled jobs in the day are still looking good.
this does not end well looking ahead for Poland...they're going to find cupcakes too... they deserve them too, right?

Hi IKE...Would I be correct in thinking a lot of the students are away from Wroclaw currently?...there was still a fair few around working in bars etc even in August so may not be too bad?

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

Quote: (01-01-2013 03:35 PM)EU Explorer Wrote:  

Hi IKE...Would I be correct in thinking a lot of the students are away from Wroclaw currently?...there was still a fair few around working in bars etc even in August so may not be too bad?

Hello; I was only there for three days-- most of it lying about recovering from a 10 hour jet lag. It gets harder as you get older, because your sleep gets worse even without travel as you get older.

My impression was there were not a ton of college girls around. I was there in May last year and there seemed to be a lot more of them.

That might explain the relatively low quality I'm seeing. There were endless, endless, sweet-looking pastel white girls with delectable long, slim legs in Early may there.

I wanted to add that as soon as I got to Ukraine however, there is a feeling of adventure in the air that I find a lot more liberating than Poland.

I had a strong feeling in Poland that people are starting to get the busyness (not "business") worship we have in America. People are very purposeful, look like they worry a lot.

This is a subtle thing which however one I absolutely hate. They certainly don't have the nastiness of Americans yet. Just look like they don't feel like they have time.

It seems to come about when an economy develops to a certain degree, a degree where a bright, energetic person can become "rich." As defined by a McMansion, a fancy car, etc

In Ukraine I feel this a lot less, because there is nothing to get. Most people have no hope of reaching a middle-class American income, so they paradoxically enjoy each other's company more.

I can't explain it, when there is a big enough "carrot" around, people develop a sense of urgency, a desperation to grab while they can.

This results in Total Iphone Immersion, walking fast with no eye contact, and overall a population that starts to look like robots and is proud of "always being tired."

Lots of eye contact here. They're not worried about that next dollar they're going to miss.

Even here, I forgot which person, there's an established poster whose signature has to do with money over bitches, ALWAYS. When you're 22 this may make sense, but thinking that money is always first-- well, you end up with a culture with women like America. My English friend here totally felt this same slower, dreamier, more sexy vibe in Ukraine as compared to Poland.

I.K.E. The Beta Attacks Again!-- EE in Winter

Quote: (01-07-2013 02:06 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (01-01-2013 03:35 PM)EU Explorer Wrote:  

Hi IKE...Would I be correct in thinking a lot of the students are away from Wroclaw currently?...there was still a fair few around working in bars etc even in August so may not be too bad?

Hello; I was only there for three days-- most of it lying about recovering from a 10 hour jet lag. It gets harder as you get older, because your sleep gets worse even without travel as you get older.

My impression was there were not a ton of college girls around. I was there in May last year and there seemed to be a lot more of them.

That might explain the relatively low quality I'm seeing. There were endless, endless, sweet-looking pastel white girls with delectable long, slim legs in Early may there.

I wanted to add that as soon as I got to Ukraine however, there is a feeling of adventure in the air that I find a lot more liberating than Poland.

I had a strong feeling in Poland that people are starting to get the busyness (not "business") worship we have in America. People are very purposeful, look like they worry a lot.

This is a subtle thing which however one I absolutely hate. They certainly don't have the nastiness of Americans yet. Just look like they don't feel like they have time.

It seems to come about when an economy develops to a certain degree, a degree where a bright, energetic person can become "rich." As defined by a McMansion, a fancy car, etc

In Ukraine I feel this a lot less, because there is nothing to get. Most people have no hope of reaching a middle-class American income, so they paradoxically enjoy each other's company more.

I can't explain it, when there is a big enough "carrot" around, people develop a sense of urgency, a desperation to grab while they can.

This results in Total Iphone Immersion, walking fast with no eye contact, and overall a population that starts to look like robots and is proud of "always being tired."

Lots of eye contact here. They're not worried about that next dollar they're going to miss.

Even here, I forgot which person, there's an established poster whose signature has to do with money over bitches, ALWAYS. When you're 22 this may make sense, but thinking that money is always first-- well, you end up with a culture with women like America. My English friend here totally felt this same slower, dreamier, more sexy vibe in Ukraine as compared to Poland.

Hi IKE I have not been to the Ukraine but I seem to be in sync with the Poles and find them irresistible. Its the slavic eyes, long hair and femininity along with sweeter personalities that does it for me (compared to the UK women anyway) BUT yes things are defo changing.

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