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Any snow birds here?

Any snow birds here?

It's official, I hate the cold, and cold weather! Being really fucking hot, like 100+ degrees sucks as well, but I'd rather be kicking it in a pair of flip flops, shorts, and tank top in 100 degree weather, then freezing my ass off, bundled up in 30 degree weather!

I guess it's all relative and different strokes for different folks, but I'm miserable when I'm cold. I just got back to NorCal after visiting my folks in the DC area, my Dad told me a week prior that the weather had been really warm, (and I guess it had been for the east coast), but when I showed up with only a long sleeve t-shirt, fitted ball cap, a light jacket, and hooded zip up sweatshirt for "warm clothes", I was freezing my ass off.

It wasn't even THAT cold, probably in the low forties, while I'm used to the low-fifties of the NorCal coast, I was freezing man. I don't like spending anytime outside when it's like that, and spending all your time inside gets old and depressing for me quick.

That said, I'm almost 80% at this point that I'm taking off for 6-8 weeks this winter to head down to southern Mexico, where I hope to chill on epic beaches, snorkel, possibly scuba dive, swim with sea turtles and dolphins, etc. The idea of chasing the endless summer appeals to me, I did this for the first time two years ago when I spent almost the entire winter in SEA, escaping the short days, cold, rain, and wind of the winter months.

Anyone else follow this travel lifestyle? Seems like Roosh and other guys like to travel to Europe in the winter, but to me this doesn't really make sense. I guess if you like the culture there and have found your "poosy paradise" it enough to keep you content, and the heat of the pussy will warm your bone(s) so to speak. But personally, I'd rather being chilling on a beach somewhere in South America with a caiparinha in hand, and ideally a big booty brown girl by my side! [Image: angel.gif]

Any snow birds here?

It's a traveling lifestyle I aspire to.

I usually work April through October then I'm laid off for a few months. I'm currently working out the math, thinking about getting a 2nd job during those months, supplementing my income with some online work, then getting out of here from November through March. At most spend a few hours per day doing online work, while traveling.

I'm getting tired of winter already. This is what my yard looked like when I woke up:


Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Any snow birds here?

Im fucking off to thailand next winter. European winters are depressing as shit.
I considered doing a 50:50 lifestyle of spending the summer in my homecountry and going to a nicer climate in winter. But its not really practical as you cant find affordable furnished apartmens here. So Ill propably leave for good if everything works out according to my plans.


Seems like Roosh and other guys like to travel to Europe in the winter, but to me this doesn't really make sense. I guess if you like the culture there and have found your "poosy paradise" it enough to keep you content, and the heat of the pussy will warm your bone(s) so to speak. But personally, I'd rather being chilling on a beach somewhere in South America with a caiparinha in hand, and ideally a big booty brown girl by my side! Angel


Any snow birds here?

Quote: (12-29-2012 06:34 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Anyone else follow this travel lifestyle?


I basically follow The Endless Summer.


Any snow birds here?

I'm no snowbird, yet.

Any snow birds here?

Skiing is nice.

But hell yeah. The days are short, its cold, snow.

You know the game GTA? I want to be like that guy Vercetti. On my world map there are icons where my cribs are. Where I can go and sleep and save my game. I need one of them near the equator. Thailand, why not.

Any snow birds here?

Quote: (12-29-2012 06:34 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

But personally, I'd rather being chilling on a beach somewhere in South America with a caiparinha in hand, and ideally a big booty brown girl by my side! [Image: angel.gif]

Thats me too, say no more.

Any snow birds here?

I have a preference for skinny white booty but I try to go where the sun is...been stuck here in the cold so far but my new years opening up and I hope to finally get outta here...already had a couple trips fall apart on me this past year so just dying to get somewhere and the warmer the better.

Any snow birds here?

I don't mind winter, as long as its "nice winter", temperatures between -10 to +5 don't bother me at all, neither does the snow, those are the winters I dealt with back home on the east coast of Canada.

Now I live in northern Hellberta Canada where temperatures often dip down to -30 to -40 and its fucking brutal since I usually have to work outside in the elements. Thankfully my job can be seasonal so I usually only work between April until November, even then I have to deal with some cold ass shitty weather. Last spring when I came home from Colombia I went from +35 in Cartagena to -10 and a brutal snow storm in Edmonton on April 13th, when I left a few weeks ago for Thailand, it was -15 in Etown.

So long as I work in western Canada, I'll be taking the winters off to warmer climes!

Any snow birds here?

I am a snow bird and have been for the past 7 years. I leave around the 1st of the year and stay away until march. For the first 4 years I only went to costa rica. The 5th year I took off because of buying property. Last year I went to peru and this year I will be in coastal colombia.

Any snow birds here?

I am a snow bird and i last visit in 2011..which is very cool and very entertaing bfor me because its very cool weather and we are all enjoy in this weather..but i am not a fucker because i do not like this..

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