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Feminism is destroying itself-Women still deluded

Feminism is destroying itself-Women still deluded

I am seeing the beginning of the end of the delusion of western women. Not quite the end though. Check out the comments of this article that P Dog Posted about the Manosphere going mainstream:

A lot of women are losing. They are not happy. They are slightly overweight, over thirty, and yet still DELUSIONAL. I have no sympathy for these ladies, but they were sold a lie that they bought hook line and sinker. That they could have IT ALL. Now they are mad they can't get a guy to commit-and are blaming it on the guys. Some of them even had dream husbands they dated for a few years, but because they were still young, kept riding the carousel.

My point is this: The average female is much worse off in today's arrangement in comparison to the 50's. In the 50's 80 percent of people were married (just goes to show 20% of men and women just have no hope). The wives weren't all stunners but they all had a man for their entire lives to help them, provide for them, protect them, and keep them from getting lonely. Now, more than half the women above 40 will have no one to share in their bed, no one to provide a nice birthday gifts, will be working shit jobs, and no one will lift a finger to do anything for them.

Yet, they still scream and shout it's their life, they can live life on their terms. Will the delusion end? Will they finally realize that the snake oil they've been sold is a lie? Or will they go to their graves working as Walmart greeters blaming it on the Patriarchy?

Feminism is destroying itself-Women still deluded

Man this article is so duped

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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