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The Movie Thread

The Movie Thread

Quote: (03-22-2019 09:50 PM)Sgt Donger Wrote:  

I tried to watch the The Wandering Earth

It's supposed to be a sci-fi blockbuster from China.

I lasted about 10 minutes. I turned off after watching the silly Chinese dwarf girl make an idiot of herself time after time.

Don't recommend.

It had it's chinese quirks but I enjoyed it.

The Movie Thread

Quote: (12-25-2018 09:52 PM)CaptainChardonnay Wrote:  

I watched this movie a few days ago. Made me think of Deepdiver

LA Class High Speed Nuclear Fast Attack Hunter Killer submarines is where I made my bones as a young man... This to me was one of the greatest and most Red Pill Movies made in modern history, No commando supercunts only good loyal women in intel support roles - brutal deadly Hunter Killer submarine and US Navy SEALS action with true Russian Villians and Russian Heros. Does it get any more Red Pill than that?

According to the Video description, the Naval Base scenes were filmed on location in Bulgaria on the Black Sea - looking forward to a bucket list visit.

Liked it so much I tried to stream the WWII epic Run Silent Run Deep (Starring Clarke Gable and Burt Lancaster OG Red Pilled Men of our Grandfather's Generation) - No streaming videos on Prime so had to buy a DVD - copy came with NO ink labels on front or back but in a printed DVD case.

LOL Tried to see Hunter Killer on the big screen but most theaters Nationwide pulled it early due to the Fag Movie Critics complaining there was too much Toxic Masculinity portrayed in the Film.

Was in a local Brew Pub a couple of years ago and an extremely tough battle hardened Blonde Blue Eyed White Lad about 26 mentioned he had done two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan as a US Army Ranger Sargeant. Had been hitting the Craft Beers and he was Eff-Bombing like a warrior.

I was a regular there for over a decade and could see the family Dinner crowd cringe a bit by his rough warrior's language.

So I went up to him put my arm around him and said I love you man for stepping up and protecting our country and using a bit of self-effacing humility I said I also served but compared to you I am just a Big Pussy (Sopranos reference Big Pussy was a cold killer). He asked me what branch I served in and I told him Nuclear Submarines.

To my utter astonishment He blurted out Submariners - I LOVE Submarines! His Epic Story began that they had been given a heads up that there were "some" Chechens operating nearby in Helmand Province - Chechens being Blue Eyed Blond Russian Caspian Sea hard tough big Radical Islamists known as MMA Devotees.

So their platoon was sent out to deal with them and dispatch them... intel was a bit off as "some" Chechens (Couple Dozen) turned out to be over 300 psycho Rooskie Islamo-Radicals. They were catching incoming fire from all sides and their LT yelled at their radioman to call for Back-Up Danger Close Air Support - Radioman reported No Jets or Helos less than an hour or two away but a Nuclear Submarine was standing by loaded with highly accurate Tomahawks and asked when and where do you want them?

The LT gave Three dangerously Close MilSpec level GPS coordinates near the major clusters of Fighting Chechens and then they started using everything and anything Helmets, Knives, Pack Shovels etc they could digging down below ground level while keeping up covering fire.

The Chechens had no clue what was in store for them and wanted the US Army Rangers scalps.... about 25 minutes passed and what seemed like an eternity the 3 Tomahawks seemed to synch up and hit with 3 Massive Simultaneous BOOMS and when the dust cleared - there were only 300 or so Dead Chechens and a few dozen Rangers with their Ears Ringing shaking off sand and dust and spitting out dirt and sand kicked up by the Nuke Boat launched Tomahawks. None of our men were lost that day.

Our traitorous Pro Communist Chinese MSM Collaborators will never report these heroics and only paint our warriors in a negative light (PTSD Victims etc) and of course, Hollywood SuperCunts Fags and Pedos can't imagine this historic level of so-called Toxic Masculinity.

Whereas Hunter Killer was Produced by Gerard Butler and the DoD and US Navy supported it even with a 3 Day Cruise on the USS Dallas to get a real feel for realistic Sub ops. Thanks to our Scot and Brit cousins who filmed most of this action at the historic James Bond Pinewood Studios and for portraying US Navy Submariners and US Navy Seals in the true patriotic light that we all volunteered as 18-Year-old Men looking to serve our countries. I enlisted at 18 and earned my Submarine Warfare Dolphins and designated Qualified in Nuclear Submarines at 21 underway under nuclear power off the US Atlantic coast patrolling for the powerful Soviet Titanium Nuclear Ballistic Navy to dissuade them from firing Nukes at the USA while our Mothers were cooking family dinners. Last I checked we did and the new Nuke boats lads have done an OUTSTANDING phocking job. Hoo RAH!

May God Bless and Protect our Patriotic Commander in Chief Donald John Trump and our beloved United States of America and all of our True Allies - you all know who you are.

The Movie Thread

And this is why islam will win and the west will lose.

Much to my despair, in case it needs to be said.

The Movie Thread

Dirt, the Netflix movie about Motley Crue was a lot of fun,

It is based on the book that made Neil Strauss' career, so it has some manoshpere connection (too bad about the SJW crap Strauss is spewing these days).

Motley Crue was kind of an also run band of the 80s. Big hair, wearing feminine tights on stage, songs about hedonism and no real message to say to the world. But, Still a very fun movie. I got my chick to watch it by saying "the signer was that long haired drunk that Trump fired on the Apprentice and the drummer is Tommy Lee of Pamela Anderson sextape fame."

Recommended, if you are going to watch a movie about an also-ran 1980s band, then watch this one before the Oscar winner about Queen.

The Movie Thread

Quote: (03-22-2019 09:50 PM)Sgt Donger Wrote:  

I lasted about 10 minutes. I turned off after watching the silly Chinese dwarf girl make an idiot of herself time after time.
Don't recommend.

That silly Chinese dwarf girl was a 14 year old child who helped ask the questions to quickly introduce the audience to the setting.

She shuts up very quickly, give it another look if you have a chance.

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The Movie Thread

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

The Movie Thread

Quote: (04-04-2019 09:36 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Looks good, but it triggers the insane SJWs and blue checkmarks:

They watched too much CNN and think that every government Christchurch psyop is an indication of "White man violence". I guess that they did not check the real crime and terror stats. Muslims and other tribes do Christchurch every week - heck likely every 2-3 days and no one bats an eye. But woe a strangely traveling seemingly unemployed money-slinging guy with some strange edited video with disappearing magazines and unrealistic reactions - that guy is an indication of what is happening across the world with White folk. I think that the shitheads won't be satisfied until all of Hollywood produces only movies about racism, slavery and with a cast straight out of Nigeria.

The Movie Thread

I watched Shazam! on opening night. It's a family film about a young boy who becomes a hero and realizing it comes with responibility. It reminded me of the first Sam Raimi Spider-Man film a lot. The soundtrack is very reminscient of the 80's family and action movie. There were great performances all around especially with Zachary Levi and Asher Angel playing the different versions of Billy.

It was shot on a $100 million dollar budget and the VFX was really good.

It is different from the past films of the DCEU. I think they won't do deconstruction CBM films anymore and have Zach Snyder near it. I've noticed that Zach tends to trigger SJW's and critics with his films for some reason. They compared him to Trump and even when he did 300, people were blasting him as bigoted and right-wing. Some people tend to put their politics too much in their franchsies and fantasy worlds like people comparing Trump to Palpatine or some dumb comparison.

The Movie Thread

I think that I finally watched something that is TOTALLY over-the-top in terms of political correctness. I watched the recent film "Mary Queen of Scotts" with Saoirse Ronan. The number of minority actors in the movie, set in 16th Century England and Scotland, was so distracting that I finally had to pause the movie to see if it was possibly true -- which, as a student of history, I really doubted. Here is a quote from the female director of the film, Josie Rourke:


Rourke told TheWrap that colorblind casting a period drama was important to her, because of the many years black and other people of color were left out of such portrayals and films. “I was really clear, I would not direct an all-white period drama,” Rourke said.

I really enjoy history, so I always watch period dramas. I found the black and Chinese casting absurd. I am appalled that the director turned this film into a racial debate. There should be audience warnings that identify PC trash like this film. Better yet, I will try not to watch films directed by women.

The Movie Thread

Get Out
Enjoyed where it went. The side story with the friend felt slightly out of place which I think was detrimental to the flow of the film. Other than that, a decent film with an interesting premise.

The Movie Thread

Quote: (04-08-2019 08:44 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

I think that I finally watched something that is TOTALLY over-the-top in terms of political correctness. I watched the recent film "Mary Queen of Scotts" with Saoirse Ronan. The number of minority actors in the movie, set in 16th Century England and Scotland, was so distracting that I finally had to pause the movie to see if it was possibly true -- which, as a student of history, I really doubted. Here is a quote from the female director of the film, Josie Rourke:


Rourke told TheWrap that colorblind casting a period drama was important to her, because of the many years black and other people of color were left out of such portrayals and films. “I was really clear, I would not direct an all-white period drama,” Rourke said.

I really enjoy history, so I always watch period dramas. I found the black and Chinese casting absurd. I am appalled that the director turned this film into a racial debate. There should be audience warnings that identify PC trash like this film. Better yet, I will try not to watch films directed by women.

It's dumb as rocks. It has no basis in history at all. They did still tours up to the 20th century showing off black people like some exotic fruit in Europe. And there were certainly none who were sitting in parliament.

That is just retarded. It's akin to casting a Swede as Shaka Zulu and picking a Chinese woman as his mother. It's pure insanity clad in the usual third wave feminist mental illness.

To be honest I don't expect anything sane nowadays to come out of Hollywood.

The movie GET OUT by the way wasn't only dumb on the level of a C-Horror movie, but it was just a venue to show Peele's anti-White anti-Western view. There are a shit-ton of extras included like the girl drinking milk - thus being a "White Supremacist". It's also really really dumb.

Peele recently came out with the statement that he isn't going to cast a lead White in his movies ever. Imagine a white director saying: "I am never going to cast a black guy as a lead in any of my movies!" Or saying that in a black-dominated country like Nigeria.

Ah well.... insanity spreading - nothing to see here. The left and the racial grevience mongering has made it all worse. I bring up the example of a black DC comics writer who had a career (on meritocracy) writing a stint of Superman comics, then Batman comics (back when they paid plenty for it) - all in the 1980s to early 1990s. Then suddenly with the advent of progressive thinking they started to put him only on black characters at DC. And he was like: "WTF? I am a writer, we imagine things, I don't have to write things only from the perspective of a black man. Who among you is a billionaire genius playboy or an Alien super-powered man anyway?" It's pure insanity of course, but insanity that is detroying art and making those movies future laughing stock material. They will laugh about the black and Asian Scottish and English nobility in the 16th century.

I would love to do some kind of PC culture parody comedy and cast a Burger-Kings-club family "race-and-gender-blind" - black dad, Philippino mom, Chinese daughter, midget-disabled-American-Indian son, Latino daughter - all said to be fully biological like they say in some shitty TV series now. I think they cast this little black kid as a biological kid of the white couple - they even mentioned that they had a DNA test and it was "just one of those things". Really? One of those things?

Fuck them all.

Oh - and SJWs going in here doing their fake 10-star movie reviews for the progressive shit?

The Movie Thread

I went to see Shazam, too. It was also filled with checkboxed points of political correctness. Minority racial actors. Check. Female in park actually stopping her mugger and getting on Shazam for trying to save her? Check. And others, but I don't want to spoil the film. It's a shame. I can't really go through these movies anymore without noticing blatant virtue signaling. It feels like a kid art project or one of those indie films at film festivals where they try to be so obvious with their message that you're just turned off in general.

The Movie Thread

Missing Link (20019)

A run of the mill animated adventure. The animation is truly amazing and has obviously been put together with love, care and attention to detail, but the rest of the film is nothing special.

It’s too slow for young children, too boring and unoriginal for adults, and although there’s plenty of jokes and slapstick, most of them don’t lead to more than a snicker.

The Movie Thread

The Favourite (2018)
Started off quite nicely... very stylish, good acting etc.. but boy did I wish for a quick finish... ultimatley nowhere to go

The Movie Thread

Quote: (04-10-2019 12:42 PM)greysolive Wrote:  

The Favourite (2018)
Started off quite nicely... very stylish, good acting etc.. but boy did I wish for a quick finish... ultimatley nowhere to go

Just curious, as this film is a period comedy-drama, were any of the favorites of Queen Anne Africans, Chinese, or Inuit?

The Movie Thread

Tailgunner & Simeon, regarding Mary Queen of Scots, I posted before about this in the 'diversity in movies for political reasons' thread;


I recognised Adrian Lester from being on British tv a while ago, so I was curious to see exactly which black man he was meant to be playing in an English Tudor court. For weeks now, he's been the only name on IMDB who didn't have a role assigned to him! I guess, they just waited till the last minute, but now it's been announced that he'll be playing 'Lord Thomas Randolph', ambassador to Mary Queen of Scots.

Well, it's no surprise that Lord Randolph wasn't black. Not that they care;

The film, which is written by Beau Willimon (“House of Cards”) and based on a book by John Guy, stars Saoirse Ronan in the titular role as Mary Stuart and Margot Robbie as her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I. It also showcases a number of actors of color in prominent roles in both Mary’s and Elizabeth’s courts, including decorated Shakespearean actor Adrian Lester, who is black; he portrays Elizabeth’s ambassador to the Scottish court, Lord Thomas Randolph.

Rourke told TheWrap that colorblind casting a period drama was important to her, because of the many years black and other people of color were left out of such portrayals and films.

“I was really clear, I would not direct an all-white period drama,” Rourke said. “Adrian, who plays, Lord Randolph, grew up 40 miles from the birthplace of William Shakespeare; he is one of our eminent Shakespearean actors. I needed to cast an ambassador who could move between the two courts and help this make sense. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t cast him.”

There were people of color in England during that time. According to the U.K. national archives, Elizabeth would have employed black servants and musicians, and even had a black chambermaid, though seeing a person of color as high up as Lord Randolph would have been improbable. Rourke said, however, that she didn’t see any reason that these actors couldn’t play these prominent roles in “Mary Queen of Scots.”

The almost comically white Bess of Hardwick's family may be surprised to find that their famous ancestor was actually Chinese!

Honestly, at this point is even worth attaching any historical value at all to these movies?! At what point does it just become fantasy?

Haven't seen Mary Queen of Scots yet myself. Watched a couple of films at the weekend on Netflix; Gotti (with John Travolta) and 'The Highwaymen' (Kevin Costner hunts Bonnie & Clyde). Gotti was poor I thought, felt like a TV movie and bored me to tears. I didnt' come away with any idea about who Gotti was or anything.

The Highwaymen was much better and worth a watch. Bonnie & Clyde are reduced to bit-part players here and the focus is all on Costner and the high price paid by him and his men in trying to catch the outlaws.

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

The Movie Thread

The Highwaymen
I really looked forward to this after the trailer and wasn't disappointed. Both leads are perfect for this film and the period set dressing is also perfect. There's a few pacing and direction niggles which lead to an excessive 2hr15 runtime which felt like it dragged towards the end but overall I en

The Movie Thread

Quote: (04-09-2019 08:49 AM)Manbeline Wrote:  

I went to see Shazam, too. It was also filled with checkboxed points of political correctness. Minority racial actors. Check. Female in park actually stopping her mugger and getting on Shazam for trying to save her? Check. And others, but I don't want to spoil the film. It's a shame. I can't really go through these movies anymore without noticing blatant virtue signaling. It feels like a kid art project or one of those indie films at film festivals where they try to be so obvious with their message that you're just turned off in general.

You know what's ironic? The film was being slammed for being fatphobic and not SJW enough.

The Movie Thread

I watched William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet from 1996, it's the one directed by Bahz Luhrman and starred Leonardo Dicaprio and Claire Danes. It's essentially set in 1996 in Verona Beach and the families were switched to mafia empires. It felt I was watching a music video with some degeneracy and it's weird to see modern day people speak in Shakespearan English. It worked for Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet but not in modern day, it just sounds weird.

The Movie Thread

Quote: (04-11-2019 09:35 PM)Kurgan Wrote:  

Quote: (04-09-2019 08:49 AM)Manbeline Wrote:  

I went to see Shazam, too. It was also filled with checkboxed points of political correctness. Minority racial actors. Check. Female in park actually stopping her mugger and getting on Shazam for trying to save her? Check. And others, but I don't want to spoil the film. It's a shame. I can't really go through these movies anymore without noticing blatant virtue signaling. It feels like a kid art project or one of those indie films at film festivals where they try to be so obvious with their message that you're just turned off in general.

You know what's ironic? The film was being slammed for being fatphobic and not SJW enough.

The SJWs will always complain.

Ultimately it's never enough - even if your lead is a fat midget disabled ugly woman of color with hairy red armpits, hairy legs - even then will they complain that she wasn't hairy enough or did not put down all the men in their place etc.

And the funny part is that even if you give them their "dream-fiction", then they won't go watch it as paying customers. It's the same as with the comics. If they give the SJWs their dream fiction, then no one wants to read it, watch the movies. Because those creations are abominations without any of the eternal story points and character arcs. They simply don't work! Not even SJWs would want to see it!

The Movie Thread

Quote: (04-11-2019 09:38 PM)Kurgan Wrote:  

I watched William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet from 1996, it's the one directed by Bahz Luhrman and starred Leonardo Dicaprio and Claire Danes. It's essentially set in 1996 in Verona Beach and the families were switched to mafia empires. It felt I was watching a music video with some degeneracy and it's weird to see modern day people speak in Shakespearan English. It worked for Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet but not in modern day, it just sounds weird.

I recall that film. I watched the first few minutes, I was like WTF, and I quickly turned it off.

The Movie Thread

Doesn't look too exciting to me. Horrible name.

The Movie Thread

Saw Into the spiderverse today. Fantastic movie. I don't think ive seen a movie in years that drew me in as much as this movie.

The Movie Thread

Quote: (04-13-2019 04:23 PM)rapaz12 Wrote:  

Saw Into the spiderverse today. Fantastic movie. I don't think ive seen a movie in years that drew me in as much as this movie.

I do not typically watch many animated films, but I will check it out. Having said that, the last animated film that I did watch was great: "Isle of Dogs."

Great animation, story, and sound track. The film was nominated for an Oscar for both Best Animated Feature Film and Best Musical Score.


The Movie Thread


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