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Why "Red Pill" supporters seem few in number

Why "Red Pill" supporters seem few in number

The "Red Pill" is not just an approach to women, but an approach to life. It means seeing what you want and going after it. Seeing things dispassionately, disconnected from shaming narratives and other control structures.

We Red Pill takers experience cognitive dissonance as the way we see the world simply is not reflected in the world of media, internet discourse, and our social and work circles.

Why is something so obvious to us, post-Red Pill, so little subscribed to by others?

The reason is that powerful Red Pill takers, the opinion makers, the most successful people in business, and yes the most successful players, appear from the outside to be Blue Pill. It helps them meet their needs to appear to acquiesce to false narratives.

The business owner doesn't complain about taxes. He quietly offshores himself. The advertising guru doesn't complain that middle-aged white men look like idiots in advertising, even though he is one himself. He knows how to make money and gain power. The player doesn't debate feminists. He's a ghost to them.

The manosphere, places like this forum, is important. But we're here because we haven't gained the power and ease that we would like in our lives. At that point we won't give a shit about truth-telling the Red Pill, except maybe to a small inner circle, like our sons.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Why "Red Pill" supporters seem few in number

From the "Rules of Power":


LAW 38
Think As You Like But Behave Like Others

If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthodox ways, people will think that you only want attention and that you look down upon them. They will find a way to punish you for making them feel inferior. It is far safer to blend in and nurture the common touch. Share your originality only with tolerant friends and those who are sure to appreciate your uniqueness

Why "Red Pill" supporters seem few in number

I have always admired Emperor Claudius who convinced everyone he was a fool and in the end became emperor because he was the only one who survived. When I was at work I would always keep my opinions to myself. There is no upside to expressing an opinion at work –nobody will be impressed and it may create secret enmity or reveal information that can be used against you. Only close friends should know what you are thinking. Don’t give information to those who are unable to receive it. However, when I am with a woman, I am myself and give no arguments or supplications. It all depends on the context.

Rico... Sauve....

Why "Red Pill" supporters seem few in number

I get what you are saying, but everything is a matter of opinion. I believe strong in the red-pill ideologies than others, but when it comes down to it it is opinion.

Remember, feminists believe they have found the red pill through feminist teachings.

A humble gentleman's blog about pussy, cigars, and game.

The Problem With Nightclubs

Also check out my blog for cigar discussion and reviews.

Why "Red Pill" supporters seem few in number

My most important goal is learning how to keep my mouth shut and my thoughts to myself. Pretty ironic saying that here, but it's an internet forum.

I am very argumentative but it doesn't help you. It just gives people information about you. Moreover, I like it for the game of logic and seeing who can outsmart who, but it just leads to frustration for both sides. I won't get a coherent debate because most people argue from emotions and don't understand how to reason. They will be frustrated as well, since people don't like the dumb views shattered they've identified with. Lose-lose.

Why "Red Pill" supporters seem few in number

I used to shoot my mouth off and be an online crusader. Then, I realized that I could count on my fingers the number of people whose minds I had changed, and that most of them would probably have come around anyway, without my prodding them along. So, as one accrues more responsibilities in life, one has less time to devote to such things, and the law of diminishing returns comes to the fore.

Most people, for one reason or another, are closed-minded and too caught up in their own concerns to honestly re-evaluate their deeply held beliefs and worldview. This is especially true when their worldview is "mainstream" and is promoted by both the visible and behind-the-scenes powers-that-be in our society. Going against feminism is likely to diminish one's status in the eyes of others, and could even have potentially-severe practical consequences, like losing one's job, getting put on some kind of government police-state terrorist watch list, etc. So, why would someone be too open to considering a view with such possible ramifications, unless they had already independently begun to see the truth themselves? Consequently, it just makes sense for most of us to keep such views close to the breast, unless we have good reason to believe someone will be receptive.

Why "Red Pill" supporters seem few in number

In addendum. It is also very possible that the other post red pill people (whether they even consciously identify themselves as such or not) may actively conceal themselves from the outspoken, not out of dislike or disagreement but rather out of prudence.

...heed their example.

Why "Red Pill" supporters seem few in number

Quote: (12-24-2012 09:55 AM)RandalGraves Wrote:  

From the "Rules of Power":


LAW 38
Think As You Like But Behave Like Others

If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthodox ways, people will think that you only want attention and that you look down upon them. They will find a way to punish you for making them feel inferior. It is far safer to blend in and nurture the common touch. Share your originality only with tolerant friends and those who are sure to appreciate your uniqueness

Reading this book changed me as well. Either you are preaching to the choir in here, or you are preaching to the infidels outside the church.

Why "Red Pill" supporters seem few in number

Boys are taught today by their mothers & emasculated fathers the traditional ways of the past. The problem with that is those teachings alone are a little outdated for modern society. Amendments must be made for dealing with our present society in every sense & must be added & then taught at a young age by men (fathers or not) with a red pill mentality Boys today are taught to be gentleman, chivalry, to express their feelings, & be overall wimps. Add to that a public school system hellbent on stomping a boy's masculinity & a society that frowns upon men acting like men and you have a recipe for cultural disaster. Many men today just find it impossible to let go of the idealogy and mindset they've been taught since a young age for something that is almost the complete opposite. It normally takes a drastic event in their lives such as a brutal breakup or something similar before they begin to immerse themselves in the red pill.

Why "Red Pill" supporters seem few in number

It's the right and normal thing to get tied down and pop out kids. It's expected and you stick out if you don't. Not many are willing to not fit in in life.

Why "Red Pill" supporters seem few in number

The Red Pill is unpopular because it gets into the biological essence of things and forces people to put aside their delusions. Most people are happy living in fantasy, especially egalitarian fantasy. Becoming a nihilist could harm your life though because as you become more aware of the crude biology of reproduction you become more aware of your own death. I had some difficulty with this myself and I constantly keep reminding myself to focus on the merits of truth above all.

Another truth about the Red Pill is that a lot of people who were raised by single mothers, circumcised, spent years being beta doormats etc don't want to admit that their lives could have been better, they have an easier time thinking "it's not so bad at all". Modern liberals are generally broken people, but they're also so narcissistic they're not able to overcome anything in order to repair the world for the coming generation.

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