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Displaying value to (younger) girls

Displaying value to (younger) girls

I’ve been searching hard for a thread similar to his, so excuse me if I have missed a post addressing the same subject, as I am about to address.

First of all I’m 18 years old, I’m from Denmark, and I’ve been studying game for around a year.

Recently I have discovered that my main problem when talking to a girl is to display and increase my value compared to hers. She simply doesn’t react when I indirectly try to emphasize that I am more experienced than she is.

As you probably are thinking now, the most likely explanation would be that I don’t have anything to display. Personally I don’t believe that is the case. I have travelled more and been to more countries, than any other person I have ever met, who is around my age. I also read a lot of books, I work out, and I have a very large social circle.

Maybe it’s because I display whatever value I may poses in the wrong way? I always act mysterious, and I never tell her exactly what I have experienced. She always gets to dig after the information. So I think I display value as it is described in “Bang”???

Or maybe the problem lies with the girls I approach? If you are familiar with “Don’t Bang Denmark” you know that Danish girls hate it when guys try to emphasize that they are superior to them. I have never seen that happen, when it’s a Danish guy approaching a Danish girl. I think it’s only the foreign men who experience this, since the Danish girl feels that the foreign man is “putting her down”. If the value is displayed indirectly this situation doesn’t occur to Danish guys. Don’t ask me why.

So I am very open for any kind of “value-displaying”-routines.
Thank you reading my post.

Displaying value to (younger) girls

Reveal more about your travels & friends, tell exciting stories + try to engage her emotions as you tell it. Still drop bait lines, but don't make her ask questions - when she's attracted she will start asking them herself.

Displaying value to (younger) girls

Showing value is an art in itself. Value exchange is at the core of any human interaction, and when you want to influence higher value the sky is the limit.

Women are designed to sniff out your value. They take into consideration the way you walk, your posture, your clothes and especially the way other people interact with you. I suggest you read 48 laws of power by Robert Greene, this will definitely help you and give you a better perspective.

Displaying value to (younger) girls

It's because you try to convey value. Drop it. Instead of that have a vibrant fun conversation that makes emotions go up and up and it's just FUN until you reach a moment where kiss or intimacy becomes natural [because of this accumulation of positive emotions it's arousing and it's appropriate].

Women respond to something that elevated overall positive emotions. So let's say you're talking, emotions going up and up and for some reason you feel the need to emphasize how cool you are so you say something which suppose to increase your value [almost like bragging]. What happens is that emotional cascade was going up and and suddenly you just snipped that nice vibe or that bubble you're both in, a girl was clearly enjoying talking to you, was laughing and getting lost in the moment and out of nowhere it's like CUT! on movie set.

If you need to incorporate some cool shit make it very subtle like "you know what? you got similar haircut as most of the Egyptians, i'd like to see that pyramid of yours you live in". This way of talking about your travels and stuff is just fun engaging and arousing imagination.

Is that what you mean?

Displaying value to (younger) girls

Modern, Western 18 year old girls are not looking for high value in 18 year old guys. They're looking for fun.

If an 18 year old is attracted to traditionally, objective high value guys, she'll be dating older men anyway.

You're focusing on the wrong things here. Books, travels, culture, etc... none of that is going to impress 18 year olds when you are also 18. You don't have the gravitas to pull it off at that age. It's like you're trying to be the most interesting man in the world with a paste-on beard and mustache.

XXL is right: you need to make it all about FUN. About the MOMENT. 18 year old girls have the attention span of gnats. If you're talking about how cultured you are from your books and travels, their eyes are going to glaze over. Keep their emotions running high. Inject drama into your interactions. Be spontaneous. Be exciting.

The only DHVs that matter to most girls at that age are ones that go hand-in-hand with FUN. Bartending, club promoting, drug dealing, DJing, playing in a band, etc...those are the kinds of things that a young guy can demonstrate value with to young girls.

Stop trying to be the most interesting guy in the room, and start being the most spontaneous and fun guy in the room.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Displaying value to (younger) girls

This thread should probably be in the newbie section.

scorpion is spot on. The one caveat I'll add is that if you share those travel experiences, books and so forth in common with a girl, it is easier to build a connection with them (depending on what kind of place/venue you're in when you meet them of course). Notice I said connection, not attraction.

It definitely sounds like you're in the mindset of trying to impress girls with your achievements, the same way older guys do with what they do, how much they make, what car they drive and so forth.

Nothing dries up girls pussies faster then trying to impress them.

The very fact that you are trying to impress these girls tells you that you are lower value then them.

You need to eradicate this mindset completely.

Displaying value to (younger) girls

Good response allthrough.
I've never been trying to impress her, but in a conversation I sometimes refer to "the different bars and people I met in Asia" or something like that. It's not something I do in every sentence, but now and then, when it wouldn't seem unnatural.
I think I missed to say in the post above that I always focus more on "fun" than "experience" in a conversation. I just felt that I needed to separate myself a bit from the rest of the guys at the club.
Then I was just wondering why she didn't seem to react - but of course she wouldn't if she's just interested in fun.
So yes, Scorpion and XXL, I think you are spot on.
And Don; I've already bought The Art of Seduction and 48 Laws of Power, so I'm just waiting for them to arrive.

Displaying value to (younger) girls

Talk about music and movies. Concerts you've been to. Ask her if she smokes.
Smoke her up. Fill some ice tea bottles with liquor and hang out in the mall or
movies with her. We used to sneak alcohol into the roller skating rink when we
were younger.

Team Nachos

Displaying value to (younger) girls

Young girls don't care about you. They only care about themselves. I find it easier to bang 18 year old girls, because they just want to have fun and all you need to do is humor them while talking about their boring ass life.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Displaying value to (younger) girls

One thing I have learnt is not trying to impress girls. Doesn't work. What has worked for me is just living my life and appearing like I don't need any chick. They seem to be more attracted to me when I do that...

Displaying value to (younger) girls

Agree with fun. Number one priority should be fun fun fun. Been to asia? Ask her if she wants sucky sucky. Tell her about your time behind the dim sum shop. Part if the fun of gaming is that you apply knowledge to concoct bogus tales that sound fun and authentic. Always frame that she isnt worthy to know all the cool and worldly stuff. You have been there done that. Its up to you to let stories build up and you get to drop tidbits, If SHE DESERVES a good story.

tell stories with your body. Use all your limbs and charade your actions. It takes practice, but you can master acting and body language doing it repeatedly. Some dudes can tell stories, leave to get a drink, and the same people will be standing around waiting for you to deliver more. Get good enough and you have to learn how to caringly disappoint people wanting more lol.

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