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Spanish openers-líneas en español

Spanish openers-líneas en español


Primero! Cuales lineas usan con las chicas? Me encontra esta website que tiene unas ideas.

Sorry for the bad Spanish. I can speak it well but my writing sucks!


Spanish openers-líneas en español

Yeah this site is a really good I put it in the Resources thread.

Here's another basic opener:

Do you know what time this bar closes? / Sabes a que hora cierra este bar?

If she says an early time you can then ask for another recommendation to get a conversation going.

Spanish openers-líneas en español

Quote: (03-23-2010 10:06 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Yeah this site is a really good I put it in the Resources thread.

Here's another basic opener:

Do you know what time this bar closes? / Sabes a que hora cierra este bar?

If she says an early time you can then ask for another recommendation to get a conversation going.

Fellas -

To game a Latina, you must become the Latino, and think like the Latino - walk, talk and act like the Latino - with the "fuck you, you should be happy I'm talking to you" vibe (notice I said vibe, not attitude) - I'm serious!

What you say, is not as important as HOW YOU SAY IT!

Many Latinas will say how they hate that their Spanish men are "machistas", but trust me, they would not have it any other way, I don't care what they tell you!

Latinas love powerful, and aggressive men - it's our culture that has raised us to be like this.

Now, along with aggression, you MUST accompany that dominance with a balance of charm and charisma. The result: Bang!

Here's a cool opener that shows Spanish dominance and charm.

"Hola senorita, nose, pero estaba observando y me parece que a ud le encantaría conocer un hombre interesante para conectar y hablar un ratito aunque sea, que le parece la idea?"

Simple, effective, powerful.

Remember, the key here is execution technique. As you say it, it must be clear that your vibe is all about how thankful she should be in you choosing to charm her.

Spanish openers-líneas en español

I like the line, borderline direct, but it's so looong. I can't deliver that without stumbling around.

Spanish openers-líneas en español

Quote: (03-23-2010 01:18 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I like the line, borderline direct, but it's so looong. I can't deliver that without stumbling around.

Practice, practice, practice - grasshopper!

In the end, you'll write a new book that follows "Bang", and you'll call it "Cojer". =)

Spanish openers-líneas en español

"Hola senorita, nose, pero estaba observando y me parece que a ud le encantaría conocer un hombre interesante para conectar y hablar un ratito aunque sea, que le parece la idea?"

I like. Do you have any others. How about lines for day game.


Spanish openers-líneas en español

Quote: (03-23-2010 03:22 PM)loosewin Wrote:  

"Hola senorita, nose, pero estaba observando y me parece que a ud le encantaría conocer un hombre interesante para conectar y hablar un ratito aunque sea, que le parece la idea?"

I like. Do you have any others. How about lines for day game.

Just posted one up in response to Roosh. =)

Spanish openers-líneas en español

An idea I had is a intensive 30 hour Spanish course geared for guys trying to meet latinas.

Spanish openers-líneas en español

Quote: (03-23-2010 12:56 PM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2010 10:06 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Yeah this site is a really good I put it in the Resources thread.

Here's another basic opener:

Do you know what time this bar closes? / Sabes a que hora cierra este bar?

If she says an early time you can then ask for another recommendation to get a conversation going.

Fellas -

To game a Latina, you must become the Latino, and think like the Latino - walk, talk and act like the Latino - with the "fuck you, you should be happy I'm talking to you" vibe (notice I said vibe, not attitude) - I'm serious!

"Hola senorita, nose, pero estaba observando y me parece que a ud le encantaría conocer un hombre interesante para conectar y hablar un ratito aunque sea, que le parece la idea?"

Simple, effective, powerful.

No and no. I've never heard any worse advice.

Vibe is right, but the "being" latino is a retarded idea

you're line is also retarded. "hello, habla conmigo linda" is 100x better.. when she says no, maybe then you can throw the rest of that bullshit in.

Spanish openers-líneas en español

both of those are bad. maybe just say "hola que tal? Que me cuentas?

Spanish openers-líneas en español

Quote: (06-07-2010 09:57 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

An idea I had is a intensive 30 hour Spanish course geared for guys trying to meet latinas.

Ummm - where do I sign up for this course?

I'm batting 1000 with Latinas acting completely opposite from typical Latino guys. No macho bullshit, especially since my spanish is less than perfect. A few basic introductions in Spanish warms their hearts, then flip to a mix of Spanish and English to keep them engaged with your effort, and laughing about how pathetic your spanish is. Drop in other languages as well (latinas love French for no apparent reason I have figured out) where you're at a loss for words. It looks like you are well travelled, making an effort, and that's worked just fine for me. I could still use the course in case I find a real keeper that doesn't speak a word of Ingles (haven't met one of those yet...)

Just got back from Rio, though, and the same approach with broken Portuguese was a disaster with the Brasileidas. Keen interest engaged on all approaches, but ability to extend conversation beyond 5 minutes was an impossibility.

I think I need the intensive 30 hour course in Spanish, and about a 90 hour course on conversing with Portuguese chicks.

Roosh - if you are serious, set it up...

Spanish openers-líneas en español

All girls dig French for some reason. So many of them told me they "want to learn".

For the course I need to partner with a linguist. I'll do the business/marketing side and he can develop the course.

Spanish openers-líneas en español

im going to have 3 months to get my spanish up to semi conversational for colombia. fml

Spanish openers-líneas en español

@deadgabacho. If you don't like my post, then provide a better one, and contribute...bashing my answer as retarded, in turn, makes YOU retarded, no seriously, it truly does! Of course you can't become an actual Latino you fool, much like I cannot become an anglo-gringo, it was subliminal in context.

be cool to see you have more than a fat ZERO on your reputation count...instead of the childish flames you threw at my post. No worries, I'm used to haters - you guys will always exist - big deal.


Spanish openers-líneas en español

Well I dont see how critizing helps if its not constructive, plus phrasing reply with retarded, worst line, bullshit, to one of the guys that actually bother to contribute with alot of stuff and knows both Colombia and Brasil is really inappropriate and I think you should take that immature attitude elsewhere.

Spanish openers-líneas en español

Quote: (03-23-2010 12:56 PM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2010 10:06 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Yeah this site is a really good I put it in the Resources thread.

Here's another basic opener:

Do you know what time this bar closes? / Sabes a que hora cierra este bar?

If she says an early time you can then ask for another recommendation to get a conversation going.

Fellas -

To game a Latina, you must become the Latino, and think like the Latino - walk, talk and act like the Latino - with the "fuck you, you should be happy I'm talking to you" vibe (notice I said vibe, not attitude) - I'm serious!

What you say, is not as important as HOW YOU SAY IT!

Many Latinas will say how they hate that their Spanish men are "machistas", but trust me, they would not have it any other way, I don't care what they tell you!

Latinas love powerful, and aggressive men - it's our culture that has raised us to be like this.

Now, along with aggression, you MUST accompany that dominance with a balance of charm and charisma. The result: Bang!

Here's a cool opener that shows Spanish dominance and charm.

"Hola senorita, nose, pero estaba observando y me parece que a ud le encantaría conocer un hombre interesante para conectar y hablar un ratito aunque sea, que le parece la idea?"

Simple, effective, powerful.

Remember, the key here is execution technique. As you say it, it must be clear that your vibe is all about how thankful she should be in you choosing to charm her.

To sum up a latino's attitude in as few words as possible "women were put on this planet to please me".

Colombian women in general are really not hard to read at all and very practical when it comes to sex.

After a date or if met her in a bar and can get her separated from the herd I just start diving to my apartment and if I make it there I know I'm home free. Colombianas as a general rule won't go home with just the two of you if they don't want to have sex with you.

I had a friend of mine that spoke very little spanish staying at a hotel here in Cali and he asked me "how do I know if she will sleep with me after we go out".

I said just tell the taxi driver to take you to your hotel at the end of the night. If she gets out and walks towards the elevator you are home free.

Spanish openers-líneas en español

Quote: (08-27-2010 09:38 AM)Cali-Pro Wrote:  

To sum up a latino's attitude in as few words as possible "women were put on this planet to please me".

ROTFLMAO!! yeah, you got it, but P. Diddy, Heffner, Donald Trump and Robert Downey Jr. think this way too! =)


Spanish openers-líneas en español

Quote: (08-21-2010 02:41 PM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

@deadgabacho. If you don't like my post, then provide a better one, and contribute...bashing my answer as retarded, in turn, makes YOU retarded, no seriously, it truly does! Of course you can't become an actual Latino you fool, much like I cannot become an anglo-gringo, it was subliminal in context.

be cool to see you have more than a fat ZERO on your reputation count...instead of the childish flames you threw at my post. No worries, I'm used to haters - you guys will always exist - big deal.


dont be so sensitive. your lines are pretty clever in english and the line you wrote is good. it's not an opening line, you didn't answer the question. find me someone who needs to look up a few words to say in spanish that can put that sentence together without the chick rolling her eyes, walking away or laughing and getting her 14 friends to laugh and the american read a note off his palm.

roosh's was perfect, mine was decent, que me cuentas is something i use after i run out of things to say more often than an opener.. an opener in spanish is the same as in english.. bump into her and apologize, drop a dollar on the ground and ask if it's hers, say hello, ask her name.. same shit differnt local..

You might notice, while you measure your e-penis via roosh's reputation meter, that I have about one tenth of the posts u have made and I've been a member longer. If you want to talk statistical probability, you probably spend more time thinking about game than I do and invest a lot more of yourself into call it material or whatever.

On top of that, I've spent the last three years in Spain, Mexico and Argentina. I've slept with, dated and gone out with many more latinas than American chicks. If there's one thing entire world that I'm an expert on, it's hitting on girls in bad spanish, poor spanish, intermediate spanish, broken and slow spanish and very fucking advanced spanish.

Oh and, would you walk up to a cutie in the bar and say excuse me miss, i was watching you and... No you wouldnt. that's creepy.. you might take the meat of your line and use it later 5 or 10 minutes in, but no, you're line is not an opener and i stand by what i said. Meanwhile, you've written a bunch of great ones in English that have made me laugh and totally good.. dont be so butthurt that this is not the case here.

on top of that. using usted outside of colombia or venezuela(in my exp) to someone your age is just silly.. in most of the world the form of Usted is reserved for people 20 years older than you or professional conversation.

Spanish openers-líneas en español

Quote: (09-02-2010 08:51 PM)deadgabacho Wrote:  

I've spent the last three years in Spain, Mexico and Argentina. I've slept with, dated and gone out with many more latinas than American chicks. If there's one thing entire world that I'm an expert on, it's hitting on girls in bad spanish, poor spanish, intermediate spanish, broken and slow spanish and very fucking advanced spanish.

¿En serio? - te felicito. (lmao)

Quote: (09-02-2010 08:51 PM)deadgabacho Wrote:  

of colombia or venezuela(in my exp) to someone your age is just silly.. in most of the world the form of Usted is reserved for people 20 years older than you or professional conversation.

¿En serio? Ah mira que bueno -¿Y quien te dijo viejo que tener cortesia es para gente mayor imbecil malcriado?

Like I said, haters (a.k.a little boys with immature egos) like you will always exist....yaaawwwwnnnnn. Big deal.

I'll contemplate your reply for the next entire 3 seconds.


Spanish openers-líneas en español

why are you so angry? dont be so sensitive. you dont need to prove your spanish skill to me, i don't care. i didn't say your spanish was incorrect in your post, just not a one liner for a spanish learner - it's silly.

you dont know me, we've never interacted on this forum, pero puteas como si te hubiera robado mientras violando tu hermana.

it's like we're on a d&d forum in 1993 and I said shadow knights are for fags and you throw a tantrum. chill out

Spanish openers-líneas en español

Haha Mixx that was a very funny opener, at least the way I pictured the whole thing [Image: tongue.gif]. I didn't know spanish was your native language too. Which country are you from by the way?

Spanish openers-líneas en español

I mean, it's no different than English.

I've done pretty well with just ''Hola, cómo vas?'' or simmilar things as openers, especially if the girl is already giving you eye contact. It's actually pretty cocky to walk up to a girl in a bar with nothing but a grin and say ''Buenas noches." She'll almost always get a little shy smile, giggle a little and be open to convo, if she was already checking you out.

I've come with retarded shit too that works fine. One time at a house party I walk clear across the whole party to ask this one girl:
Me: Oye, tú vives acá?
Girl: No, por qué?
Me: Que apenas me mudé acá y pues, queiro conocer la área
Girl: No, no vivo acá, preguntále a él *points*
Me: Tu accento es muy *looking firmly into her eyes*... interesante *analytical look*... estaba pensando que español no era tu idioma natal...
Girl: Soy de España, del país vasco
Transition into normal conversation, talk about travel etc.

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