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Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

I'll probably get mocked to high hell for this by the paleo manosphere, haha.

I did enjoy Heartiste's shitting on vegetarians and the commentary
If vegetarians are dumpy or unhealthy looking it is because after becoming vegetarian they went straight to the soy substitutes section of the supermarket where "soy bologna" and other crap is sold. Most people are herd animals eating garbage all day long regardless of if meat is part of their diet or not.

I am a low carb vegan.. yes this is possible. There is such a huge variety of vegetables, nuts and seeds, and fruits, and legumes(I eat them moderatly) out there that I don't really need meat for my protein supply. If I eat beans I soak them. I have started soaking nuts as well. Nutritional yeast is fantastic too. Chia and hemp seeds are regular staples of my diet as well. I've also discovered the greatness of sea vegetables. So underrated.

This diet has simplified my life a lot. I can prepare food days in advance. Since I follow intermittent fasting, I'm done eating in the first 6 hours of the day and don't schedule my life around it like a lot of the West does.

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Starting to believe veganism is actually the correct answer. That or 100% organic. The change in my body and the looks of a friend of mine (she's in her 30's looks 21) is startling. The problem of course is cost for your average consumer.

Having been poor before I choose health food and diet over binge drinking. Just got my blood work done and my health is in incredible shape. In addition the weights are continuing to improve.

The diet I switched to is expensive ($35 a day). All raw organic food and organic fish and lots of herbal supplements from fish oil to milk thistle. I eat a lot because I work out for 2 hours a day and consume a ton of plant protein.

It's interesting though. I have 0 "want" to drink alcohol now, perhaps healthy diets cause lower interest in booze after about a month.

Anyway all this said, I'm a psycho, so I'll stick it out for at least a year and see what happens to my body. To be honest, once you realize it works, it's next to impossible to go out anymore, your body just feels great.

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Quote: (10-31-2012 03:41 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Starting to believe veganism is actually the correct answer. That or 100% organic. The change in my body and the looks of a friend of mine (she's in her 30's looks 21) is startling. The problem of course is cost for your average consumer.

Having been poor before I choose health food and diet over binge drinking. Just got my blood work done and my health is in incredible shape. In addition the weights are continuing to improve.

The diet I switched to is expensive ($35 a day). All raw organic food and organic fish and lots of herbal supplements from fish oil to milk thistle. I eat a lot because I work out for 2 hours a day and consume a ton of plant protein.

It's interesting though. I have 0 "want" to drink alcohol now, perhaps healthy diets cause lower interest in booze after about a month.

Anyway all this said, I'm a psycho, so I'll stick it out for at least a year and see what happens to my body. To be honest, once you realize it works, it's next to impossible to go out anymore, your body just feels great.

It really shouldn't be that expensive.

I buy some of my vegetables and fruit frozen because they're less expensive that way(but still as nutritious). There are stacks of frozen okra, brussel sprouts, artichoke hearts, cauliflower, cranberries, and blueberries in my freezer.

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Do you have issues eating beans for protein? Serious question. I read that if you're a white dude (generally speaking) the roughage or silicates or something in the beans will abrade your intestines and leave you vulnerable to disease. Not sure if it is true or not.

Also, do you have any good online resources or books I could read about this lifestyle? I have been trying to go more low-carb for quite some time but it's too hard to give up bread and beer. I'm also bad at cooking and am not sure how to prepare healthier food to be honest.

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Most of the Paleo guys are on test/HGH. I'm on record supporting hormone-replacement, so I'm not hating.

Let's just be real, though, right?

If you're taking Winny and then tell me your diet is so great...What does that even mean?

If you're taking HGH and getting spa facials from Malibu spas, how you gonna tell me that it's your diet that makes the difference?

Sylvester Stallone was largely a vegetarian. So was Jack LaLane. So is 90 year old Jay Kordich.

In terms of food volume, I personally eat about 75% vegetarian diet.

I've tried going vegetarian. It doesn't work for me. I need meat.

A lot of this is probably genotypic. I'm of EE descent. My people were eating goats and drinking milk and eating cheese.

My body needs all of that stuff.

Still, there are quite a few fat Paleos and quite a fit fit vegetarians.

Plus, eating cake doesn't make a girl a vegetarian. It makes her a fattie.

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Generally speaking, a diet should start off based on your ancestry. Look at how your ancestors ate and go from there. It's not really PC to say this, which is why you don't hear much about it.

If you're Japanese, don't eat like an Eastern European mountain goat fucker. Instead eat a lot of rice. If I eat rice, though, I get fat. I do very well on high protein/high fat diet. That's because it's in my DNA to eat that way. Literally.

If you're Italian, you probably do better with pasta. Eat lots of olives.

Start at that baseline. Then remove/add foods and see how you feel.

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Quote: (10-31-2012 03:34 PM)ghostdog Wrote:  

I'll probably get mocked to high hell for this by the paleo manosphere, haha.

I did enjoy Heartiste's shitting on vegetarians and the commentary
If vegetarians are dumpy or unhealthy looking it is because after becoming vegetarian they went straight to the soy substitutes section of the supermarket where "soy bologna" and other crap is sold. Most people are herd animals eating garbage all day long regardless of if meat is part of their diet or not.

I am a low carb vegan.. yes this is possible. There is such a huge variety of vegetables, nuts and seeds, and fruits, and legumes(I eat them moderatly) out there that I don't really need meat for my protein supply. If I eat beans I soak them. I have started soaking nuts as well. Nutritional yeast is fantastic too. Chia and hemp seeds are regular staples of my diet as well. I've also discovered the greatness of sea vegetables. So underrated.

This diet has simplified my life a lot. I can prepare food days in advance. Since I follow intermittent fasting, I'm done eating in the first 6 hours of the day and don't schedule my life around it like a lot of the West does.

How do you manage your omega 3 to omega 6 ratio?

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

The cost of my diet is higher because I'm nuts and went and bought high quality for everything. Everything is organic, even workout food. I also consume north of 3,200 calories a day right now.

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

[quote='WestCoast' pid='298041' dateline='1351720320']
The cost of my diet is higher because I'm nuts and went and bought high quality for everything. Everything is organic, even workout food. I also consume north of 3,200 calories a day right now.

i think any diet that works to eliminate sugar, proceseded foods and transfat is going to work wonders in terms of your health. in my experience many of the vegans/vegetarians dont just have health in mind but also they have a proanimal ideology. i have challenged several vegans/vegertarians on this because farming fruits and vegetables does involve killing small animals/birds that are trying to eat the crops. while i agree factory farming of animals is cruel, eating animals that are free range is not.

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

I am going the same route, 80% vegetarian, as much raw as possible. Juicing with organic produce every day, raw organic meal replacements and protein from Garden of Life, wild caught pacific sockeye salmon and wild organic frozen blueberries from costco, soaked almonds and walnuts, organic bean sprouts, quinoa, that's it for 80% of my food intake. Normal restaurant meals and eating out, once or twice a month.

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

This woman is 70 years old!


Any vegetarians or vegans here?


Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Quote: (10-31-2012 04:34 PM)BurnFirst Wrote:  

Quote: (10-31-2012 03:34 PM)ghostdog Wrote:  

I'll probably get mocked to high hell for this by the paleo manosphere, haha.

I did enjoy Heartiste's shitting on vegetarians and the commentary
If vegetarians are dumpy or unhealthy looking it is because after becoming vegetarian they went straight to the soy substitutes section of the supermarket where "soy bologna" and other crap is sold. Most people are herd animals eating garbage all day long regardless of if meat is part of their diet or not.

I am a low carb vegan.. yes this is possible. There is such a huge variety of vegetables, nuts and seeds, and fruits, and legumes(I eat them moderatly) out there that I don't really need meat for my protein supply. If I eat beans I soak them. I have started soaking nuts as well. Nutritional yeast is fantastic too. Chia and hemp seeds are regular staples of my diet as well. I've also discovered the greatness of sea vegetables. So underrated.

This diet has simplified my life a lot. I can prepare food days in advance. Since I follow intermittent fasting, I'm done eating in the first 6 hours of the day and don't schedule my life around it like a lot of the West does.

How do you manage your omega 3 to omega 6 ratio?

This is something I'm working on. Chia and hemp seeds are good sources of omega-3. I don't over-do it with nuts to make sure the omega 6 isn't sky high, instead turning to vegetables that have substantial protein amounts.

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Quote: (11-01-2012 11:41 AM)sixsix Wrote:  


Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Quote: (10-31-2012 09:27 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

This woman is 70 years old!

fucking amazing. This is more than a wall survivor. It's like the wall gave up!

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Healthy diet is insane on you skin, bones and joints. It has cured an auto immune disease I was suffering from, does not flare up anymore. Awesome. Also sent a photo of a "banging" 35 y/o I know who looks like she's mid 20's to a couple guys on this forum.

Again the biggest bitch is forcing your body to like the bad tasting drinks. Who cares though drink gasoline if it works.

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Quote: (10-31-2012 09:27 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

This woman is 70 years old!

Would bang. You know she's a demon.

That's the right attitude to any sort of lifestyle decisions, regardless of what those are. She's focused herself on the 'dos' rather than the 'donts'. I've always believed it's very unhealthy for the mind to live your life based on 'donts', and that's something a lot of vegetarians are guilty of.

I don't go for the strict diets like that, it's too socially inhibiting for me.

Quote: (03-05-2016 02:42 PM)SudoRoot Wrote:  
Fuck this shit, I peace out.

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Quote: (10-31-2012 03:34 PM)ghostdog Wrote:  

I am a low carb vegan.. yes this is possible. There is such a huge variety of vegetables, nuts and seeds, and fruits, and legumes(I eat them moderatly) out there that I don't really need meat for my protein supply.

Mind breaking out a "data sheet"?

What do you eat on a daily basis?

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Quote: (11-02-2012 06:27 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (10-31-2012 03:34 PM)ghostdog Wrote:  

I am a low carb vegan.. yes this is possible. There is such a huge variety of vegetables, nuts and seeds, and fruits, and legumes(I eat them moderatly) out there that I don't really need meat for my protein supply.

Mind breaking out a "data sheet"?

What do you eat on a daily basis?
prior to eating I drink a glass of water mixed with 1 table spoon of food grade Diatomaceous Earth.

-12 pieces of okra, 8 brussel sprouts, 4 artichoke hearts (frozen and baked in coconut oil), dip those in hummus (60 g)

-Sea vegetable salad: Kelp Noodles, Dulse, Nori, wakame, seaweed stems, montagne, with lobster mushrooms, sesame seeds.

-1/2 or whole avocado

-1 glass of almond milk.

-25 filberts, 20 almonds, 2 brazil nuts

-Fruit salad: 2 cups consisting of blueberries, cranberries, 1/2 of an apple, Goji berries, mesquite, 1-2 tbsp chia seeds, 1 tbsp hemp seeds,
-Big ass bowl of salad: Collard greens, spinach, portabella mushrooms, Green Cabbage, Red cabbage, Kale, Sundried raw black olives, cherry tomatoes, clove of garlic, cucumber, zucchini, nutritional yeast (3-4 tbsp), celery, bell peppers,

-1/2-3/4 cups of fava beans, 1/2 cup of baked rutabaga, 1 cup of chayote.

Then I finish off the day drinking a glass of water mixed with wheatgrass powder, spirulina powder and chlorella powder. on some days I add a hemp protein smoothie too.

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Vegetarian/Pescatarian who lifts here. I don't preach or treat it like a religion though, if I'm out at a restaurant or eating at someone's place, I don't become a pain in the ass an insist on a vegetarian meal. I eat what I'm served and enjoy it alongside everyone else.

I agree with the post in that many people who are vegetarians give vegetarianism a bad name because they don't eat healthy. Girls can get away with it looking slim, but many guys end up looking sickly and weak. They don't want to spend the effort to learn macro-nutrient nutrition, how to read labels, and how to eat properly before they switch over. It takes work and many people aren't willing to do it. They just transition from frozen chicken strips in a box to frozen tofu-rkey in a box.

Personally, I just switched my protien away from strict chicken/beef/pork to wild salmon/sardines/tuna/beans/lentils/quinoa/milk/eggs/nuts/tofu/protien-powder. Its a myth that you can't switch over if you lift (Vegans will have a tough time though imo due to poorer quality protien sources).

All the amazing testimonials and praise coming from paleo diet enthusiasts I see come from people who used to eat garbage food and then transitioned to the diet. While it clearly has worked for thousands of people, you have to wonder how much of people's (usually weight loss) success would have happened if they just ate clean food? I haven't seen any testimonials from people who already had clean healthy lifestyles and experienced massive change with paleo. People before 1985 (like Arnold Schwarzenegger) seemed to do just fine without it.

I think an animal living a full life in the wild and then getting blasted in the face by a hunter to be eaten is fine. Unfortunately, thats not how we eat meat. There is nothing manly about going to the grocery store supermarket and picking up 3lbs of plastic-wrapped pre-ground beef chuck from an animal who has lived a horrible confined life and been industrially slaughtered. If you can watch videos of these factory farms and industrial slaughterhouses with no problem, I definitely respect you for owning up to your convictions. I couldn't though, and thats why I switched.

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Another one here. Maybe we can log Veg food friendly info.

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.
- Garry Kasparov | ‏@Kasparov63

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Quote: (10-31-2012 04:21 PM)Hades Wrote:  

Do you have issues eating beans for protein? Serious question. I read that if you're a white dude (generally speaking) the roughage or silicates or something in the beans will abrade your intestines and leave you vulnerable to disease. Not sure if it is true or not.

Also, do you have any good online resources or books I could read about this lifestyle? I have been trying to go more low-carb for quite some time but it's too hard to give up bread and beer. I'm also bad at cooking and am not sure how to prepare healthier food to be honest.

For anyone curious.. there's tons of Info.
PS: Different kind of Beans need to be cooked differently for digestion. Also, addition of certain herbs while cooking VEG & Beans helps DIGESTION big time.

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.
- Garry Kasparov | ‏@Kasparov63

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