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The Toronto thread

The Toronto thread

Are you guys all saying that it's hard to even get a friendlyish response in T.O.? Or is that ok, but it's just hard to escalate to a lay? Is the three-date course easy but ONS impossible, or are they the same? Where is the main problem for most of you guys in this city?

Initiating gets ignored/bitchy reply? getting past small talk impossible? getting the number? getting her out on a date? getting from the date venue to your or her home? getting her into bed once at home? Where is the real hurdle? Which part of the process do you dread the most and at what point do you feel you can relax and that things should go ok from that point on?

The Toronto thread

Quote: (12-22-2012 12:59 AM)ImmoralPsychology Wrote:  

Are you guys all saying that it's hard to even get a friendlyish response in T.O.? Or is that ok, but it's just hard to escalate to a lay? Is the three-date course easy but ONS impossible, or are they the same? Where is the main problem for most of you guys in this city?

Initiating gets ignored/bitchy reply? getting past small talk impossible? getting the number? getting her out on a date? getting from the date venue to your or her home? getting her into bed once at home? Where is the real hurdle? Which part of the process do you dread the most and at what point do you feel you can relax and that things should go ok from that point on?

None of those things are impossible. Its just that you require tighter game than you would in some other cities.

Roosh and me agreed that to get laid in TO you just have to put a ton of effort in and go out a lot. Unless you know girls in your social circle at which points its a million times easier. Some of these social circles are easy as shit with only beta dudes but some hot girls. The hard part is getting into those circles.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (12-22-2012 12:59 AM)ImmoralPsychology Wrote:  

Are you guys all saying that it's hard to even get a friendlyish response in T.O.? Or is that ok, but it's just hard to escalate to a lay? Is the three-date course easy but ONS impossible, or are they the same? Where is the main problem for most of you guys in this city?

Initiating gets ignored/bitchy reply? getting past small talk impossible? getting the number? getting her out on a date? getting from the date venue to your or her home? getting her into bed once at home? Where is the real hurdle? Which part of the process do you dread the most and at what point do you feel you can relax and that things should go ok from that point on?

Why don't you come to Toronto and try your luck?

Our New Blog:

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-07-2012 10:21 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (11-06-2012 08:19 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

This bickering is a joke, even if one guy "claims" Toronto is good there are ten others who are saying the opposite. Qwest came to Toronto on the best weekend and stayed in the best hotel in the city, the results speak for itself. Try getting those results staying at the Best Western!
Quite a few guys from the forum have moved away from Toronto and I doubt we will see them back anytime soon. I myself am here in body only, just stacking paper til I cross the pond again. I got way more love in London which is considered a hard city to game as well, for me there is much better "low hanging fruit" in Scandinavia/Balkans and the Baltics which will soon be discovered.
G-Man, I do like your writings and your taste in music, but this argument is pointless. Even if you said you had the time of your life here, which I doubt considering you rave about Montreal more. I still would not care and it does not really prove a thing.

I am not arguing with anyone.

I have never said living there is a good move. I would never live there.

Hell, I would never go there outside of summer.

All I have ever said is if you come from CA you can mop up.

Mixx did.

Qwest did.

Internationalswagger did.

I did.

5 of my friends did.

That is all.

Have fun in Toronto boys.

Enjoy the winter.

Why is it that if you come from CA you will do well?

The Toronto thread

What are the Toronto-ites doing for NYE?

Our New Blog:

The Toronto thread

Haven't decided yet. Any RVF members have a plan?

The Toronto thread

Might check out this place called The Ivy in Burlington, went there once a month ago and it was no bad.

Cover is $60, which includes a glass of champagne and canapis (?)

Our New Blog:

The Toronto thread

Quote: (12-30-2012 11:15 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Might check out this place called The Ivy in Burlington, went there once a month ago and it was no bad.

Cover is $60, which includes a glass of champagne and canapis (?)

Easier to sex in Burlington. They aren't so full of themselves out there.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Toronto thread

I'm back in Toronto after not being in town for a few years.. looking to add to my wingman roster while I'm in town. Want to hit up all the places to see what this city is all about now a days. Anyone interested joining up as wings reach out.. for daygame/night game. Btw I have an amazing place at residences of Shangri-La hotel we can bring girls back to.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (10-25-2012 11:51 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Stay on Ossington it DHV just dropping that line with folks. Plus your right by the Lakeview Diner which is a solid After bars spot to grab food and scrounge for crumbs if needed haha.

King and Spadina are close by so even if you stumble onto that strip at night the King West strip stretches to as far as Niagara/Shaw which is only a block from Ossington.

I'll be adding to this thread as I have time to drop info. There may be a special jam taking place that weekend. Jams is what I prefer to hit up nowadays. I am big on the 'MANSION' parties as of late.

What day are you getting in?

I do agree if your in somewhat late in the week you can take advantage of the Post-work crowd at spots like The Drake, or The Beaconsfield, The Tompson Hotel lounge would be a good bet for post work/early evening also. Go suited up and do your thing. I can see you working this angle well sicne you were raised in DC on the Happy Hour culture, which is not dominant here. I can't picture nothing but Beta Toronto schlubs talking about boring work crap at these spots so you can easily break that pattern.

In general The Drake and Wrongbar are Westend standards. Suburban clowns and downtowners all still hit it up. The only things that kinda mess it up, especially for Wrongbar is that its mostly a 'music venue' so one night might have some rock band, but generally its electro that is all up in there. So try and search before hand to see what (if anything) is going on there for music as it will effect the crowd. Generally its always full of coked out whores but some music can keep them away.

Parts and Labour - is my favourite Westend bar, its in Parkdale and the lounge downstairs called "The Shop" is my favourite place to game because of the set-up. Its just one long bar in a right room so everybody is funnelling by one on all sides. Your constantly making physical contact with people and its easy peasy to open up broads.

This Is London - is way past is expiry date but its still a solid good crowd every weekend. This is the only bar in "Clubland" I will ever venture too. Last time I was there a few months back when some homies came to town I had a good time.

Laveck Block - I like the setup hear and have had okay success here. Its generally a decent crowd on the weekends. Last time I hit it up was April I believe. Zues already went into detail about it but nothing more to add, only that a vouch for it being a good spot to game. The front room is mellow, while the backroom can be a shit show at times.

Baby Huey - This is one of my favourite set-ups as its set-up like a house with lots of nooks and crannys to do your thing. The first few times I went here I had no idea where the hell I was and was to drunk to re-cap all of my night but I did manage to score a lizard from here. After I realized this bar was called 'Baby Huey' I hit it up on a Friday and it was mad weak inside. This place is hit or miss for sure, but when its busy its a solid venue set-up to game.

F-stop I have not been here yet personally but was supposed to check it for a jam in September but got sidetracked. I have heard good things about it. Its kind of hidden away of Spadina. This is a King West spot I would sniff out, from searching around it seems like a solid spot.

Dog and Bark - This is a new place that opened up a few months back its like a English Pub but classed up. I have been here once and very much enjoyed the set up, nice long bar with booth, seats, pool table and such. A lot of good choke points and circulation it was easy to chat people up in this place. Since the booths are raised you are always at level with people so even if a broad is at the edge of the booth its not hard to open her op when clutching your drink.

Random Lounges on Queen West - If your night is sprawling into the toilet and every Venue your hitting is full of koo-koo girls then hit up the random lounges that stretch from Ossington St. - to - Dufferin St.
Spots like UNIT, and The Savoy and a bunch of others I cant even remember the names off. All are hit or miss but on a weekend a good chunk will have women in them. I have had good and bad nights out at all of them. Just avoid the bar called "B'' Its a Lezbo bar.. I made the mistake going in there because it was full of chics. When I got in 95% of them where dykes, I managed to screen out one strait girl but ended up getting cock blocked by her butch fembot friend.

College West [Little Italy] and Dundas West [Little Portugal] all are in reach from Ossington. you are near 4-5 different "Bar strips" on Ossington. Dundas West is more Hipster-ish while College West is almost strictly lounges which vary to Dumpy Dives, Cougar lounges, and Student hang outs.

I used to always hit up the The Crawford in Little Italy but have not been there since probably January. It is dependent on the Jam taking place. Its kinda of like Wrongbar in that you will always have a circulation of women coming through there but it being busy is highly dependant on what is taking place there that night.

The general keys are to organize your nights. And be early. I find there are to rushes of women (venue dependent) if it is a lounge you will get a early rush that is there from like 7-9ish.. then the regular rush at like 11pm-ish. You can be strategic and hit up two venues in both windows.

The scenes I've been rolling in have been heavy in that Whyte. I don't touch the stuff but maybe have a 8-ball back at your crib as bait... or lie and say you do.


Toronto broads and Liqour. Aside from sugar laden Vodkas or Grey Goose they will be down for:

[Image: jameson_range.jpg]
[Image: 622282_Strongbow-4x500ml-cans.png]
[Image: 138685.jpg]
[Image: MOSCATO-ROSE.jpg]

Stock any of that stuff up and use it as bait to lure them back to your place.

Or .....

[Image: cocaine-300x200.jpg]
[Image: lol.gif]

Zues dropped a quality list! I have my issues with a few of the venues though:

Brant House is full of old asses and Cougars. I'd avoid it. I have not been there in years and I always forget about the place. The old couples prior to hitting the Swingers Clubs hit up Brant House to warm up....[Image: confused.gif]

The Pink Lady - is a fun place. Its a chill atmosphere and the half naked ladies dancing around add to that. But them half naked broads bring a lot of bummy dudes whom come there and gawk and act like creep heads. Its good contrast though since its easy to stick out lol.


Welcome to Toronto Roosh - This man right here has been waiting for you! He is a cracked out legend Downtown and he is waiting for Jesus lol:

Whatever happened to Xanta?

The Toronto thread


Great report. I would add the Brant House is still good on Thursday or Saturday nights for a early 40's guys like me who are actually more interested in the late 20's to early 30's crowd. For day game I was down at the Trinty Bellwoods park on Queen W over the weekend, lots of people chilling maybe having a beer and I smelled some pot too ))). There lots of girls, many solo even just reading a book.
FYI - The Pink Lady... I think you meant The Painted Lady - still a great place but it's showing it's age with many more newer places around.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (04-30-2013 01:33 PM)rishboy77 Wrote:  


Great report. I would add the Brant House is still good on Thursday or Saturday nights for a early 40's guys like me who are actually more interested in the late 20's to early 30's crowd. For day game I was down at the Trinty Bellwoods park on Queen W over the weekend, lots of people chilling maybe having a beer and I smelled some pot too ))). There lots of girls, many solo even just reading a book.
FYI - The Pink Lady... I think you meant The Painted Lady - still a great place but it's showing it's age with many more newer places around.

That's kosko's report

The Toronto thread

Anyone visiting (or from) Toronto should venture into the random crap-shoot nightclub called "Dirty Martini". There are two locations, but living up north, I have only been to the one in Markham.

You won't know what to expect, but there will be cougars, sometimes 20-somethings. Can't compete in quality with any downtown TO club but you will find a lot of drunk and eager chicks.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (12-22-2012 12:59 AM)ImmoralPsychology Wrote:  

Are you guys all saying that it's hard to even get a friendlyish response in T.O.? Or is that ok, but it's just hard to escalate to a lay? Is the three-date course easy but ONS impossible, or are they the same? Where is the main problem for most of you guys in this city?

Initiating gets ignored/bitchy reply? getting past small talk impossible? getting the number? getting her out on a date? getting from the date venue to your or her home? getting her into bed once at home? Where is the real hurdle? Which part of the process do you dread the most and at what point do you feel you can relax and that things should go ok from that point on?

Yup. Even a friendly-ish response is hard to come by in this city. Mind you, Roosh hit up the Ossington area, so it's no wonder he had a low opinion of how pretty Toronto women are. The area is notorious for being a hipster neighbourhood, where people dress up in ripped up jeans, boots, and flannel shirts. And just because the women dress laid-back it doesn't mean their attitudes are laid back too. I think he would have had more success hitting up some of the clubs on king west, like brant and uniun, as well as pravda on wellington and the two different bier markt locations. Some of the clubs in the suburbs, as other guys have said in this thread, also would have been better spots to hit up.

The Toronto thread

Every friday for 8 weeks. Went last night for the opener and it was solid.

The Toronto thread

[Image: challenge-300x206.jpg]

As mentioned in another thread I'm coming to Toronto this summer. Yup, I'm shelling out money to traverse the Atlantic and spend a week in The worst city for men in North America.

I'm currently browsing through the tons of info on the city already available on the board. There's two issues with the Toronto threads tough.

1) Most of them are 1-3 years old.
2) It's painful to slog through because a lot of the material (like, a major part) material is not very objective.

You will have to forgive me but locals on the board that have provided the wealth of the information available have inserted a lot of vitriol into the data making it very hard to objectively gauge. I completely understand this though, I'm not always the most objective guy when talking about my own neck of the woods *cough*.

So because of this I have a couple of question.

*Superb logistics have provided me with some of the best, easiest and most valued bangs of the last 5 years of my life. I will go to great length to have the best possible pad in the best location in town. With this in mind, where in town would you stay for the absolutely best logistics? We are talking down to the exact block here, even building if you can get into such detail. I was very much into One King West for a while but it doubles as a hotel which might get any talent to balk at the last minute.

*What is the night life like on weekdays? And we're talking about the slow weekdays.

*What network has the best coverage in Tdot? I always buy a prepaid SIM with 1GB of data first thing I do in a new city. Generic question I know but googling the answer gives me answers from brand loyalists.

*Will I need a car to take me to hot spots or will I get by on cabs?

The Toronto thread

Vicious - What in particular has motivated you to travel to Toronto? Is it that you've never been to Canada (?) Why not Montreal? If you haven't book your flights yet, I'd strongly urge you to reconsider.

The Toronto thread

Haven't been to Canada since I was, what, 14? I remember going up the CN Tower but that's it.

Main reasons being:
1) The challenge (which is in part ego I know)
2) My french is non-existant
3) Toronto is twice as big. 4x if you count the surrounding areas. There'd just have to be such an astounding factor of better quality women in Montreal to compete.
4) The downtown area is very compact (where I will likely spend 90% of my time)

I've bought my tickets but I can get a full refund within 24 hours. Can you sell Montreal on me in that time?

The Toronto thread

Quote: (02-05-2014 05:59 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

Haven't been to Canada since I was, what, 14? I remember going up the CN Tower but that's it.

Main reasons being:
1) The challenge (which is in part ego I know)
2) My french is non-existant
3) Toronto is twice as big. 4x if you count the surrounding areas. There'd just have to be such an astounding factor of better quality women in Montreal to compete.
4) The downtown area is very compact (where I will likely spend 90% of my time)

I've bought my tickets but I can get a full refund within 24 hours. Can you sell Montreal on me in that time?

Man, there's no comparison between the two. Montreal destroys Toronto. The women are literally a different breed. They're feminine, stylish, and very sexy. I don't know how Montreal was able to produce so many attractive women but it's astonishing.

French isn't necessary. Montreal is bilingual.

Montreal is more stylish, more trendy, better food, better restos, and summertime is the best time to be there. Surprisingly, it's even cheaper than TO and during summer tons of festivals and the city's charm really comes out.

You'll being doing yourself a huge disservice by going to TO over Montreal.

The Toronto thread


The Toronto thread

Vicious - come to Toronto. I am sure you will have a good time as you do not live here, as mentioned before the girls will be delighted to be in the company of a tall "handsome" swede.

To answer your questions.

Location wise you want to be close to King St W as possible, there are a block of bars/clubs that are pretty decent on that street. As mentioned before Thompson Hotel which is located at King and Bathurst would be prime real estate to the west. The place has a rooftop pool and a few bars below and some residences as well, on weekends you will see the high end cars out front.
Going east on King st would be good until you reach John st or the TIFF building (Toronto International Film Festival).
Nightlife in the week is so-so, there are a few venues happening. Thursday - Sunday has bars/clubs happening each night.
You will not need a car, Taxi's are good and you can probably walk to alot of venues on King St in a couple of minutes. We are talking about 3 to 4 blocks.

As for Montreal, it is a better party city than Toronto. It has a very European feel to the city and it does not feel like you are in Canada, talent will be higher than Toronto in general. That is not saying Toronto does not have talent.
I agree with what Hence says but I still feel if you have a little french it goes along ways, for some strange reason I always get spoken to in French.

Our New Blog:

The Toronto thread

I think the only reason to go to Toronto over Montreal is #1, for the challenge. But I don't know what it will prove. If you're successful, people will say it was due to factor X, Y, Z. If you're not successful, it will just confirm what everyone thinks.

The Toronto thread

I'm not denying that Vicious canhave a good time in TO. But there's really nothing charming or special about the city. One can't have "love" for TO the way people have love for NYC or Montreal. As Roosh said in TO vid I posted, it's surprising that a city of 4 million can somehow suck.

There's also something to be said about the huge PUA scene in TO, whereas it's virtually non-existent in Montreal. PUA cultures tend to thrive in places where women are abnormal.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (02-05-2014 05:29 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

*Superb logistics have provided me with some of the best, easiest and most valued bangs of the last 5 years of my life. I will go to great length to have the best possible pad in the best location in town. With this in mind, where in town would you stay for the absolutely best logistics?
King Street West between Spadina and Bathurst.
Quote: (02-05-2014 05:29 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

*What is the night life like on weekdays? And we're talking about the slow weekdays.
If you want to practice your stripper game, For Your Eyes Only is a strip club on King St W that you should check out. There's no cover, although they make you check your coat, which is like $5. I drop by around 7/8pm because it's empty and you can try spitting some game before going out. You can also ask the girls where they hang out.

Spirithouse on Portland St. is a quality cocktail bar. Not the best for talent, but they mix good drinks.

Brassai on Wednesday nights is usually a good party, although I haven't been since the summer.

2Cats gets packed Thursday to Saturday, although talent level varies. Watch who's going in before you go inside.

Correnti Cigars is not a bar, but they roll fine cuban cigars and are a third generation family business. They have women sitting at tables hand-rolling cigars. It's not a cigar shop, although they sell what they've produced that day. Not-to-be-missed if you're a cigar guy.

Jimmy's Coffee is a good place to practice your elderly openers during the day.
Quote: (02-05-2014 05:29 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

*What network has the best coverage in Tdot?

The airtime doesn't expire for a year and the network coverage is solid. I think you can even order a SIM before your trip.

You can also get a local number by getting the Sendhub app, in case you want to have another number for second-tier prospects.

Quote: (02-05-2014 05:29 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

*Will I need a car to take me to hot spots or will I get by on cabs?
You won't need a car. You can walk, cab, or hop on a streetcar.

The Toronto thread

Vicious, I wrote this piece a little while back about Montreal:

I'm a Toronto native and I definitely recommend Montreal over Toronto, and I'm not one of the 'super down on Toronto' guys.

A lot of the above advice is really sound; tons of members here are from Toronto and know their shit. I don't know what to add except for saying that Dance Cave is super cheap and tends to get a lot of university girls.

If you end up coming drop me a line and if I'm still not back I can put you in touch with some of my buddies who are promoters.

Best of luck!

EDIT: I can promise you one thing though: Toronto women are HOT. They might be bitchy and skeptical of approaches, but I have yet to visit a city with hotter girls, and I'm pushing 30 countries now.

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