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The Toronto thread

The Toronto thread

You need to get on a plane and explore the world where the women are real women, feminine, sweet, charming, sexy and know what it means to be a woman. Forget about TO man. The ROI is the worst in the world. And once you see how good it is elsewhere in the world, you wouldn't give the bitches in TO the time of the day.

Would be fun to see you come in TO and see how you would fare here. It will be your biggest challenge and I'm sure a real G like you is not afraid of that kind of challenge hey?

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-06-2012 03:59 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

You need to get on a plane and explore the world where the women are real women, feminine, sweet, charming, sexy and know what it means to be a woman. Forget about TO man. The ROI is the worst in the world. And once you see how good it is elsewhere in the world, you wouldn't give the bitches in TO the time of the day.

Would be fun to see you come in TO and see how you would fare here. It will be your biggest challenge and I'm sure a real G like you is not afraid of that kind of challenge hey?

It was fun.

The Toronto thread

Nice! When were you in TO? How long did you stay? Where did you go? Why don't you bust a data sheet holmes? Would love to see how a real G faired in the toughest venue in the world. [Image: banana.gif]

Quote: (11-06-2012 04:15 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (11-06-2012 03:59 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

You need to get on a plane and explore the world where the women are real women, feminine, sweet, charming, sexy and know what it means to be a woman. Forget about TO man. The ROI is the worst in the world. And once you see how good it is elsewhere in the world, you wouldn't give the bitches in TO the time of the day.

Would be fun to see you come in TO and see how you would fare here. It will be your biggest challenge and I'm sure a real G like you is not afraid of that kind of challenge hey?

It was fun.

The Toronto thread

Toronto is bad. Melbourne Australia is worse. And way more expensive.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-06-2012 05:46 PM)Wolverine Wrote:  

Toronto is bad. Melbourne Australia is worse. And way more expensive.

You lived in both places?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-06-2012 03:40 PM)pbw Wrote:  

One thing odd is how many guys are having tatoos in TO. I go to the Y and in the showers and change room you see almost every other guy with often some big tatoo -- sometimes covering a good part of their body. One guy even had "Bad Boy" on his side arm. What is going on here? TO girls also have a lot of tatoos. But for the guys, I can't help but think they do it just to impress TO skanks. IF that be the case which I think it is, I really beleive the problem in TO is pussified men who go to extremes and try to fit the part of a pretend bad boy. Such pussified men are the ones who keep the female supremacy system maintaining in high gear. So as I have said before, the real problem in TO is pussified men -- if you can somehow get them to straighten out, TO supremacy skank system would collapse.

Some of these men are the biggiest sissies. There was a time when having a tattoo was badass. Military, rebel, all that shit.

In Toronto it's hipsters with sleeve tats, plaid shirts, and skinny jeans.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-06-2012 05:46 PM)Wolverine Wrote:  

Toronto is bad. Melbourne Australia is worse. And way more expensive.

I have heard that Melbourne is just like Toronto but quieter, more spread out and twice as expensive!

I hear okay things about OZ women though. They may not look the greatest but are down to have a good time?

In regards to Tattoos and no offence to anybody whom is inked up but Tattoos to me IMO are the dumbest TREND to hit people in out generation.

It is a trend, nobody can deny this.

Tattoos have become a easy way to purchase "cred" and some "edge". You pay 700$ go get a sleeve done and instantly bitches will think you got some edge but it is all superficial fluff. I have always wanted tattoos since I was a child but now I am happy I held off because now that I am thinking of going international I can picture how ink would not fly in a lot of places around the globe. Tattoos in a classical way do have edge and stuff but they can give a lower class vibe in the wrong places also. Unless your getting it for cultural reasons or its 100% part of your lifestyle (upbringing, art background, military, redneck, boho, rock, beatnick, etc) I think its a bigger then to remain clean.

That is my view but I do like tattoos I love females with tasteful tattoos and I especially like females with tastefully hidden tattoos. But it has just been my view of the overall trend with it with people. The fact that people are willing to permanently alter them selves to fit in means that they have zero realistic projections on the future. They simply can't think of what is down the road. They will be stuck in Toronto forever working at Starbucks.


I should add if anybody is trying to trek out on a Tuesday night. I remember Roosh mentioning this was his last real night in the City two places to check out would be:

Thompson Hotel (RSVP for guest list: [email protected] or [email protected])

Block and 4th (RSVP for Guest list - MARK H 416.894.6388 or SERGE S 416.452.8941)

Both have stuff going on tonight.

Block and 4th lol is hit or miss, girls run around trying to weasel booze from ballers with bottles but once they get drunk they run away from those groups. Just pounce on them once they are done using the 'Baller Booth Betas. I find the set up of Bloke and 4th aright they are stingy and try to book out any space for Bottle service but you can force a spot on the bar and just kind of do your thing from there.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-06-2012 04:15 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

It was fun.

I'd love a datasheet by you on Toronto. I am following your strip club one and it is working like a charm.

I still can't find the one on Toronto, I would love a link to it, it would be most majestic.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Toronto thread

I think I am the only one whom has seen it. i.e. G's Toronto Data Sheet. It did exist at some point and I vaguely remember the spots he hit up.

He stayed at the SOHO Metropolitan or the Metropolitan Hotel - one of the two.

He hit up spots like The Social (RIP) and The Drake when it just re-opened up, Atelier (RIP) also.

Other spots may of been long gone but that's the major stuff I remember from it. This was probably 2008 or something when he was here which I think was when the Sheet was dated from (2008-2010).


[Image: ancient_scrolls.jpg]

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-06-2012 06:50 PM)kosko Wrote:  

I think I am the only one whom has seen it. i.e. G's Toronto Data Sheet. It did exist at some point and I vaguely remember the spots he hit up.

He stayed at the SOHO Metropolitan or the Metropolitan Hotel - one of the two.

He hit up spots like The Social (RIP) and The Drake when it just re-opened up, Atelier (RIP) also.

Other spots may of been long gone but that's the major stuff I remember from it. This was probably 2008 or something when he was here which I think was when the Sheet was dated from (2008-2010).

Real close.

Here is a good more recent one:

Quote: (09-15-2012 07:27 PM)Qwest Wrote:  

Fellas I was just in Toronto for 4 days last weekend for TIFF and had a blast. Stayed at my boys condo in the Thompson Hotel and did pretty well there. The lobby bar had tons of girls every night I was there and we took advantage. All in all, in 4 nights I got two bangs and left a bunch of chicks hanging who also wanted it. A Polish/Canadian girl and a Pakistani/Canadian bartender. Had an Italian girl come up to the condo in the middle of the day who I met the night before, and made out with her before she had to go meet her friends. I could have banged that night I suspect, but I went back for 2nds on the Polish one instead.

Pulled a ton of numbers the first night alone in the lobby bar on a Thursday night who I messaged back and forth all weekend but just didn't have time to see them all between the partying and everything.

Some hazy memories on some venues but here's what I remember:

The Hoxton had tons of girls (especially when Skrillex performed) but it is definitely a little hipster.

Bloak & 4th- Went there twice and it sucked both times. Never going back there.

F stop- I think this was the name. Was pretty drunk there and don't remember a whole lot about it but do remember a lot of hot chicks there. Managed to pull a # only.

Overall, I had a blast in the city, but maybe that's only because it was TIFF. Good logistics was key, and staying at the Thompson was prime for that. I saw TONS of hot girls out and about during the day also. Not just TIFF related chicks, but girls from the city you could tell. All of this was around the Thompson hotel/ King St.

I'm definitely gonna go back and definitely didn't experience the bitch shields others have mentioned.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-06-2012 06:50 PM)kosko Wrote:  

I think I am the only one whom has seen it. i.e. G's Toronto Data Sheet. It did exist at some point and I vaguely remember the spots he hit up.

He stayed at the SOHO Metropolitan or the Metropolitan Hotel - one of the two.

He hit up spots like The Social (RIP) and The Drake when it just re-opened up, Atelier (RIP) also.

Other spots may of been long gone but that's the major stuff I remember from it. This was probably 2008 or something when he was here which I think was when the Sheet was dated from (2008-2010).


[Image: ancient_scrolls.jpg]

You must have been smoking Indian hemp using one of those fat papyrus scrolls as your rollup [Image: smile.gif]



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-06-2012 07:09 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Here is a good more recent one:

Quote: (09-15-2012 07:27 PM)Qwest Wrote:  

Fellas I was just in Toronto for 4 days last weekend for TIFF and had a blast. Stayed at my boys condo in the Thompson Hotel and did pretty well there. The lobby bar had tons of girls every night I was there and we took advantage. All in all, in 4 nights I got two bangs and left a bunch of chicks hanging who also wanted it. A Polish/Canadian girl and a Pakistani/Canadian bartender. Had an Italian girl come up to the condo in the middle of the day who I met the night before, and made out with her before she had to go meet her friends. I could have banged that night I suspect, but I went back for 2nds on the Polish one instead.

Pulled a ton of numbers the first night alone in the lobby bar on a Thursday night who I messaged back and forth all weekend but just didn't have time to see them all between the partying and everything.

Some hazy memories on some venues but here's what I remember:

The Hoxton had tons of girls (especially when Skrillex performed) but it is definitely a little hipster.

Bloak & 4th- Went there twice and it sucked both times. Never going back there.

F stop- I think this was the name. Was pretty drunk there and don't remember a whole lot about it but do remember a lot of hot chicks there. Managed to pull a # only.

Overall, I had a blast in the city, but maybe that's only because it was TIFF. Good logistics was key, and staying at the Thompson was prime for that. I saw TONS of hot girls out and about during the day also. Not just TIFF related chicks, but girls from the city you could tell. All of this was around the Thompson hotel/ King St.

I'm definitely gonna go back and definitely didn't experience the bitch shields others have mentioned.

Oh, my bad, I didn't know you used the name Qwest as your alter-ego. Let me re-read that. I didn't recognise your penmanship.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Toronto thread

I vaguely remember from your posts that your experience of Toronto was in the 2001-2002 era, a totally different time indeed. Have YOU yourself been in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, any recently? Could you post YOUR own experiences without using someone elses' experiences? Come on holme, don't leave us hanging dry here, you have a reputation to live up to! Ah!

The Toronto thread

This bickering is a joke, even if one guy "claims" Toronto is good there are ten others who are saying the opposite. Qwest came to Toronto on the best weekend and stayed in the best hotel in the city, the results speak for itself. Try getting those results staying at the Best Western!
Quite a few guys from the forum have moved away from Toronto and I doubt we will see them back anytime soon. I myself am here in body only, just stacking paper til I cross the pond again. I got way more love in London which is considered a hard city to game as well, for me there is much better "low hanging fruit" in Scandinavia/Balkans and the Baltics which will soon be discovered.
G-Man, I do like your writings and your taste in music, but this argument is pointless. Even if you said you had the time of your life here, which I doubt considering you rave about Montreal more. I still would not care and it does not really prove a thing.

Our New Blog:

The Toronto thread

Thing is what G posted is the experience of ANOTHER poster, not his. He only came to Toronto sometime around 2000-2001 for a weekend and he apparently had a good time. Remember back then, 10 years ago, it was a different time and era all together. Plus, being such a worldly globe trotter that you are, you are well aware that living in a city is not the same as visiting on a weekend. So G, if you did happen to visit TO recently yourself, then please do post a data sheet of your OWN experiences and not someone else's. That's not very G-like...

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-06-2012 08:34 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Thing is what G posted is the experience of ANOTHER poster, not his. He only came to Toronto sometime around 2000-2001 for a weekend and he apparently had a good time. Remember back then, 10 years ago, it was a different time and era all together. Plus, being such a worldly globe trotter that you are, you are well aware that living in a city is not the same as visiting on a weekend. So G, if you did happen to visit TO recently yourself, then please do post a data sheet of your OWN experiences and not someone else's. That's not very G-like...

I agree with you VP, I left the city in 2006 and it took a nose dive since then. WE know it sucks, I say leave it at that.

Our New Blog:

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-06-2012 03:40 PM)pbw Wrote:  

One thing odd is how many guys are having tatoos in TO. I go to the Y and in the showers and change room you see almost every other guy with often some big tatoo -- sometimes covering a good part of their body. One guy even had "Bad Boy" on his side arm.
[Image: Al-bundy-ed-oneill-animated-gif-2.gif]

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-05-2012 04:53 PM)allgood Wrote:  

An American came into one of my regular bars in Toronto. He started chatting with me and told me he was a student. I asked "which school". He almost had tears in his eyes. He said "You know, you're the first person who asked me what school I go to. Everyone else just turned their backs." They were snobbing him for being American. I felt bad for the guy.
[Image: HenryR1.jpg] [Image: 1325795244_angry_face.gif]

I thought Moma said that Toronto lames have a little boner for Americans? Do they love us or hate us?

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-06-2012 06:35 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (11-06-2012 05:46 PM)Wolverine Wrote:  

Toronto is bad. Melbourne Australia is worse. And way more expensive.

I have heard that Melbourne is just like Toronto but quieter, more spread out and twice as expensive!

Correct. I've lived in Melbourne most of my life and in Toronto i have relatives whom i visit every few years.

The cities have a very similar social dynamic and boring suburban sprawl lifestyle. But in Melbourne the women are even more colder and less attractive. In Toronto the average male female ratio was 3-1. In Melbourne that would be a great night out.

Jerry Seinfeld called Melbourne the "anus of the world".

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-06-2012 08:19 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

This bickering is a joke, even if one guy "claims" Toronto is good there are ten others who are saying the opposite. Qwest came to Toronto on the best weekend and stayed in the best hotel in the city, the results speak for itself. Try getting those results staying at the Best Western!
Quite a few guys from the forum have moved away from Toronto and I doubt we will see them back anytime soon. I myself am here in body only, just stacking paper til I cross the pond again. I got way more love in London which is considered a hard city to game as well, for me there is much better "low hanging fruit" in Scandinavia/Balkans and the Baltics which will soon be discovered.
G-Man, I do like your writings and your taste in music, but this argument is pointless. Even if you said you had the time of your life here, which I doubt considering you rave about Montreal more. I still would not care and it does not really prove a thing.

I am not arguing with anyone.

I have never said living there is a good move. I would never live there.

Hell, I would never go there outside of summer.

All I have ever said is if you come from CA you can mop up.

Mixx did.

Qwest did.

Internationalswagger did.

I did.

5 of my friends did.

That is all.

Have fun in Toronto boys.

Enjoy the winter.

The Toronto thread

I went to Winnipeg for a few days for work. I was able to get a ons the first night there. I was at a hotel right downtown where I met my prospect in the bar. But for me to say now that Winnipeg is a blast is misleading. If some come to TO and base their views on a weekend here -- it really is pointless. Better to listen to those who have lived here to get an accurate picture.

The Toronto thread

I think there is a conflation of living in a place vs. visiting a place and ease of getting notches given a certain duration of stay. Everyone agrees that living in TO is bad news. Roosh's results indicate that it is also *generally* a bad place to visit if pick up is your goal. G points out (and Quest etc.) if you visit during a certain portion of the year (summer, during a festival, etc.) and have something extra to bring to the table (Cali vibes, money, style) then you can do reasonably well. None of these things are inconsistent with each other. However, the overall conclusion is that TO is not a must-go destination even in North America, much less the world. In fact, it's probably best to avoid it.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-07-2012 12:22 PM)Menace Wrote:  

I think there is a conflation of living in a place vs. visiting a place and ease of getting notches given a certain duration of stay. Everyone agrees that living in TO is bad news. Roosh's results indicate that it is also *generally* a bad place to visit if pick up is your goal. G points out (and Quest etc.) if you visit during a certain portion of the year (summer, during a festival, etc.) and have something extra to bring to the table (Cali vibes, money, style) then you can do reasonably well. None of these things are inconsistent with each other. However, the overall conclusion is that TO is not a must-go destination even in North America, much less the world. In fact, it's probably best to avoid it.

Well said.

The Toronto thread

The best thing that could happen to TO is some kind of disaster - whether natural or man made. It is amazing how quick women give up their feminists views and run to men for protection when there is the slightest appearance of threat - thereby returning the gender roles back to more of a normalacy.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-06-2012 09:36 PM)houston Wrote:  

[Image: HenryR1.jpg] [Image: 1325795244_angry_face.gif]

I thought Moma said that Toronto lames have a little boner for Americans? Do they love us or hate us?

Let me clarify - Canadians are generally anti-Republican. Once they find out you're a Democrat (you can lie) they really warm up to you. Even some Canadian conservatives feel Republicans are a bit off the charts.

Not surprised at all to hear of Roosh's encounters where the girls were ready to attack him if he had said anything nice about Romney.

People are very reserved and aloof in Toronto so the extra-friendly American shtick tends not to go over that well. Roosh talked about this in his blog post here: #4 Strangers are Too Friendly

There are conservative parts of the country, generally out west, and away from the cities, but Toronto is liberal, Montreal is socialist, and both cities are full of feminazis.

American cats can pick up in Toronto, you just need to have mad skills and know how to use your 'foreignness' for you rather than against you. For example, people in Toronto love New York. Play up your connection to New York (important people you know there, maybe you've lived there, etc.) and you've got a foot in the door.

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