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Keeping track of flags

Keeping track of flags

What methods do you use? I only have a few flags, but I could see it being harder to keep track after years of accumulating. Here's one way:

[Image: DQphD.jpg]

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

Keeping track of flags

Write it down in your player's journal.

If you ever have too many to remember though, I guess that's one of those good problems to have.

Keeping track of flags about writing them down!?

Why does this even need to be asked?

You should see the notes and charts I've got on my labtop dedicated to my flags and notches, and I don't even have THAT many.

Keeping track of flags

I never write anything down because it'll inevitably be lost in the next move or picked up by somebody. Maybe I'll start a google doc or evernote or something and make it an overall game-related journal. Been thinking I need to do that anyway. I usually just run through my notches every once in a while in my head to make sure I remember (not THAT many either but enough to forget 1 or 2 over time).

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

Keeping track of flags

I hang the flags on my apt wall by my bed

Keeping track of flags

I always wondered, what if you banged some girl with double citizenship? Could it count for two flags?

Keeping track of flags

I banged angolian/portugese chick. I counted it as angolian because she grew up in angolia.

Keeping track of flags

Yeah I think the general consensus is wherever they grew up, thats what you count as the flag. Can't claim two for one bird.

Keeping track of flags

Let's say you fuck a Brazilian tourist in NYC. Does that count as a Brazilian flag?

Keeping track of flags

Quote: (10-18-2012 11:59 AM)_GQ_ Wrote:  

Let's say you fuck a Brazilian tourist in NYC. Does that count as a Brazilian flag?

Most definitely - in my book. Actually the few flags I have have been ones living here temporarily, for school or au pair situations. My Europe trips were when I was in LTR beta mode, thus uneventful.

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

Keeping track of flags

I captured 4 flags before i captured my home one.

Keeping track of flags

This has been said before, but...

As far as I'm concerned, a flag is where the girl grew up. Country of birth and citizenship don't mean shit, since you can be born in a country, but otherwise have no connection to it whatsoever. Same goes for citizenship.

The general consensus is you can only have one flag per girl. If a girl has a multicultural background or grew up in multiple places, usually pick the one she has spent the most time in or where she lived.

Keeping track of flags

Buy a scratch off map.

[Image: 51eOKZ0-7NL._SX450_.jpg]

All countries start off as gold and then you can scratch your flags to reveal the country color.

Keeping track of flags

Would the tripadvisor app work? I think there's a facebook integration. Post it on your wall and people will be none the wiser!

edit: just check yeah, you can do it by state and country too on their website there's a map on there.... would be pretty good. make a fake account or a 2nd one just to track your bangs around the world. only thing that would make it better if you could put the date on there too.

Keeping track of flags

You pick the flag based on where a chick was born/raised. It doesn't matter where you got the bang. A super flag is banging her on her home soil, but if you get her on vacation somewhere, it's all good. I've gotten Brazilian Flags on home soil, but I also got another in London. My British flag came years ago from an au pair, but in New York. My Spanish flag came in California from a woman that came to the US in her early 20s, but returns almost every year to visit family.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Keeping track of flags

Roosh should complete the European continent.

Keeping track of flags

Quote: (10-18-2012 11:22 PM)redstar Wrote:  

Roosh should complete the European continent.

50 countries

Keeping track of flags

Quote: (10-18-2012 10:10 AM)Rick91 Wrote:  

I banged angolian/portugese chick. I counted it as angolian because she grew up in angolia.

Heh. Awesome, but it's Angola and Angolan.

Who cares, though. You hit it and I haven't. [Image: undecided.gif]

I keep track of my flags in my head. I've never committed a thing in writing regarding my conquests. I enjoy being unsure of the number and variety of women I've slept with. I make it a point to not stop and calculate.

Keeping track of flags

By the way, Roosh, exactly how many flags do you have (I'm assuming you keep track)?

Keeping track of flags

I just keep them in my head. I don't look really at their countries.... more at their looks/experience.

I'm just wondering... if you guys have fucked a girl, she wants to come back, right? Do you guys try to fuck her until "it's over", or you block communications after the first night?

Keeping track of flags

Quote: (10-19-2012 01:28 AM)Therapsid Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2012 10:10 AM)Rick91 Wrote:  

I banged angolian/portugese chick. I counted it as angolian because she grew up in angolia.

Heh. Awesome, but it's Angola and Angolan.

Who cares, though. You hit it and I haven't. [Image: undecided.gif]

I keep track of my flags in my head. I've never committed a thing in writing regarding my conquests. I enjoy being unsure of the number and variety of women I've slept with. I make it a point to not stop and calculate.

No can't say i agree with your method of things. I count the number of lays and attractiveness so i can ask other men there lay count and compare myself to them.

I count flags for fun.

Keeping track of flags

In general, I think it's good to hit western women. These "intellectuals" crave dominaton more than any other group.

We can argue that America is based on fetish of purity,

Is this guy alpha?


Keeping track of flags

Quote: (10-19-2012 12:25 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2012 11:22 PM)redstar Wrote:  

Roosh should complete the European continent.

50 countries

And how many down?

Keeping track of flags

I use refrigerator magnets [Image: lol.gif]

Team Nachos

Keeping track of flags

I got 23 flags. Somewhat average in these parts. I've been catching up in Europe (had 9 before this trip).

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