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South Korea

South Korea

I know there are a couple of posts about south korea..... but i was wondering if anyone had any pointers for someone who was going to be there for 1-2 weeks (Late March) for work. I plan on going out nightly (staying around seoul), so does anyone have any nightlife suggestions? Tips for picking up? Cultural experiences to be had?

South Korea

Quote: (02-19-2010 09:28 AM)hibachiwoj Wrote:  

I know there are a couple of posts about south korea..... but i was wondering if anyone had any pointers for someone who was going to be there for 1-2 weeks (Late March) for work. I plan on going out nightly (staying around seoul), so does anyone have any nightlife suggestions? Tips for picking up? Cultural experiences to be had?

Ok, there are three main areas and it depends on your preference.

1. Hongdae (Hongik University)- This area is loaded with bars and some clubs. It is a heavy student population area and you will have a good time here. Try out M2, Zen Bar, NB, Tinpan 1 and 2,

2. Itaewon- This is the foreigner district and has lots of bars and clubs. Many of the Korean girls that hang out in this area are into foreigners. Try out Helios and B1 here.

3. Gangnam/Apujeong- Gangnam has the best nightclubs in Seoul and is a popular fashion district. You will see plenty of beautiful women walking around here. Check out Club Eden and Club Mass. Also, Rainbow Bar and Woodstock if you want to "chill out."

Apujeong is another area near Gangnam and has plenty of nightclubs (Club Air, Club Circle.) There is another club in Cheongdam I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head though!

As far as picking up, Korean girls are very receptive. They know a relatively decent amount of English and if they tell you no "Englishee" do not believe them. Just keep talking to them. Coffee shops are great places to meet girls in Korea. Just a note, you will fall in love with the women, they are by far the best looking in Asia. Although, Japanese girls have better fashion, Korean girls have the best legs!

Cultural tips remember tipping is not necessary. When drinking, always pour the elders drink first. Things are based on respect in Korea so you will win brownie points knowing etiquette. Also, knowing a little Korean helps, and even if it's little Korean girls will admire you for it! Remember when you pay and hand a cheonwon(one thousand won bill) to use both hands. One hand can be considered rude.

E room e moh ye yo- What's your name
Ye pu da- You're Cute...
Eodi E Salayo- Where do you live (I know it doesn't sound right, but it's a common question in Korea)

Hope you have a great time!

Tips from someone who has spent a lot of time in Korea and dated Korean women ^^ (Korean style smiley)

Currently traveling around Asia come join me on the LS Blog.

Bolo and Latinstylez's Adventures

South Korea

A South Korean hottie works at My local dry cleaner owned by her family. First thing I noticed were her incredibly long, and juicy thick legs and curvy hips that rival a Latina!

She would not give me her phone number when I opened her, and as much as I insisted, it was what she was willing to give up to a customer.

I just emailed a 3 line email (3 days later) asking her out, but do you feel that Americanized Korean girls are tougher or just as easy as back home?

Thanks for the small Korean phrases. This is my very first Korean-American girl.

Any more tips?

South Korea

Quote: (02-19-2010 03:15 PM)armanid27 Wrote:  

This is my very first Korean-American girl.


I love Korean girls.

I'd like to give you an important piece of advice:

Make it very clear to this girl that you use your cell phone for talking. That's it. You Don't Text! Korean girls will light you up with that text crap. Worse than Japanese. Some of them are just looking for text buddies. Don't be one. UNlEss YoU likE thiSSS sHIt *), LoL.

Some other things you should know:

1) Koreans are extremely family oriented. Depending on how conservative they are, you may have to eat dinner at their house before you can take a girl out. I bet that will be the case with the one that works at her families laundry.

2) Korean girls love it when non-Korean guys are interested in their culture. If your city has a Korean restaurant with yakiniku tables, take her there. If she appears to be trying really hard to get you to like what she's grilling, she wants you to swoop her. If you're in Korea, ask a girl to take you somewhere of cultural significance and act like you're really in to it.

3) Korean men treat Korean women (and all women really) like complete shit. Asshole Game will not work on Korean girls at all if you aren't Korean yourself. She's out with a non-Korean because she's fed up with the crap she puts up with from her father and brothers. The bizarre thing about that is Korean men are some of the biggest candy asses out there. My neighbor slapped his daughter one day and I choked him so lightly, but you'd swear he was about to suffocate. Then he started to cry.

4) In Korea and Hawaii, Korean hostess bars are such fantastic places to pick up girls, once you know what you are doing. Just watch your bill. These are also GREAT places to take a non-hostess Korean girls you want to swoop. I don't know how many there on on the mainland, but I've been to one in Chicago, and a few around San Francisco. The trick at these places is to use the bitchness of the male waiters to your advantage. The men that run these places are downright evil to the girls that work there and everybody knows it. These guys are so easy to intimidate it's unreal. Once a girl sees you put the guy all the chicks are afraid of in his place so easily, she's yours. Tell him you gave him a $50 when you really gave him a $20, he'll argue until you simply stand up. Then he'll start apologizing like crazy.

5) Get ready to listen to some shitty music. K-girls love Beyonce and That "Brush My Teeth With Jack Daniels" song. I haven't been to Korea since Mickey Avalon came about, but his songs seem to be the ringtone of choice right now for Hawaii based Korean girls.


South Korea

Quote: (02-19-2010 03:15 PM)armanid27 Wrote:  

A South Korean hottie works at My local dry cleaner owned by her family. First thing I noticed were her incredibly long, and juicy thick legs and curvy hips that rival a Latina!

She would not give me her phone number when I opened her, and as much as I insisted, it was what she was willing to give up to a customer.

I just emailed a 3 line email (3 days later) asking her out, but do you feel that Americanized Korean girls are tougher or just as easy as back home?

Thanks for the small Korean phrases. This is my very first Korean-American girl.

Any more tips?

Ok, so you got her email and asked her out over it? That's a tough one because she can choose to not respond. I don't know how you go about your approach but I always lead into the phone number later on in the interaction. Suggest a cool activity or something she might be into for a Day 2 then lead into the phone number...

Americanized Korean Girls are very different than their FOB sisters. I learned this talking to mainly Korean-Korean girls is a totally different experience. I've dated both and honestly prefer the Korean-Korean girls due to their femininity. Korean American girls would be like sarging any other American girl. Just know that a lot of them tend to be group oriented.

As far as more tips with K-Girls, the poster mentioned that they are big on family. They are, and in Korea many of them have curfews. I don't know about in the States. I can help you more with FOB Korean girls since that is where most of my experience lies. They do text a lot and don't get caught texting them back and forth haha... I'm pretty sure a lot of the FOB girls are probably studying English there or in universities.

Are you in LA?

As the previous poster mentioned, the Korean guys do treat them like shit. Don't fall in that category. You are a foreigner and different from them so take them on an "adventure." That is what I like to do... In Seoul, there are many different kinds of restaurants, etc and I have had success when I take them to new places they've never been. Many Korean girls haven't even had Mexican food. I know a surprise haha...

Sorry my advice deals with Korean-Korean girls... If you meet one, and need some advice let me know.

Currently traveling around Asia come join me on the LS Blog.

Bolo and Latinstylez's Adventures

South Korea

Here's two other things about K-girls I thought of:

1) They don't follow the pack mentality like Japanese girls when it comes to swooping them. With J-girls the best thing to do is to approach 2 or 3 of them and just try to game them all until the right moment where you can focus on just one. You have to get the approval of several of them. Not so with Koreans. Not focusing on one solidly will scare them off.

2) Be careful with the touching aka kino. I'm from a kiss on the cheek when you meet a woman culture, so I do that. That shocks them. I usually have to explain why I do that afterwords. Don't get me wrong the shock factor has been a positive a number of times. Even after the kiss is explained they can still be rather standoffish for a while when in comes to arm, waist, shoulder or back touching. Going to heavy on the contact to soon has pushed quite a few of them away from me.


South Korea

Damn, I finally booked my flight to The Philippines in April and I have just a 2 hour layover in South Korea on the way there, and like 50 mins the trip back... as Korean Girls are definetly amongst the hottest in the World I wish I had more time there..... I'll prob get an eyeful in the airport though. I'm flying Asiania Airlines, anybody have any experience with them? Quality of flight, stewardesses, etc?

South Korea

Look for the ones who smoke. They are easier to bang.

South Korea

Quote: (02-22-2010 03:44 PM)UgSlayer Wrote:  

Look for the ones who smoke. They are easier to bang.

If she smokes, she pokes.

So true [Image: smile.gif]

South Korea

Quote: (02-19-2010 09:28 AM)hibachiwoj Wrote:  

I know there are a couple of posts about south korea..... but i was wondering if anyone had any pointers for someone who was going to be there for 1-2 weeks (Late March) for work. I plan on going out nightly (staying around seoul), so does anyone have any nightlife suggestions? Tips for picking up? Cultural experiences to be had?

Seoul is huge. Try to stay central.

If your going for one to two weeks, and dont have any friends there, then your best bet is probably Itaweon (south central Seoul, if I remember correctly). You'll meet other foreigners there, who can be your drinking buddy, introduce you to people, and clue you in. However, its a bit dirtier there than the rest of Seoul.

Otherwise, try Hongdae, as previously recommended. (North central Seoul). lots of college kids, lots of bars and restaurants.Korean girls, unless drunk and at a club, will generally be shy around you. You'll have to chat them up.

Here's my advice for your best chance of getting laid when out:

Just go up and speak english to any and every cute Korean girl that you see. On the street, in the bar, etc.. Many, many girls will have limited english. They will be hard to game. But many will have decent/good english. Your job is to find those girls with good enough english to game. If your too selective and don't approach enough, you won't game enough english speakers in two weeks to give you a good chance.

Suppress your desire not to sound like an ignorant foreigner and therefore assuming people don't speak english, and just assume every girl does and approach. You'll get shot down a bunch, but you only need to find the one cute Korean who speaks english and is enamoured by your boldness to make it worthwhile.

This also assumes that you have game. Direct game will work wonders here, as Korean girls are sorely missing that style of game from Korean guys, for the most part. A confident direct guy will do very well here.

Have fun. Two weeks is perfect for Korea. You'll get almost the full Seoul experience in that time.

South Korea

Direct is my plan.... i just found out ill be in Suwon during the week but i can move my hotel to seoul for the weekends. I figure i can get the lowdown on Suwon from the people im working with. Thanks everyone for all the tips so far and ill be sure to put up a report when i get back.

South Korea


i will be there next week for the first time

i fly into seoul

anyone else with any tips

South Korea

You cant go wrong trying to game through some local dating websites while your there.

Remember, western guys are in relatively short supply. Set up as many dates as possible through some dating websites in your two weeks. Doing this is a great way to weed out the girls who don't speak enough english to game.

Just try to date them close to where they live, so that they don't find out that your there for only a couple of weeks. Go to their apartment.

South Korea

Best dating websites for s korea are?

South Korea

I'm not sure, as its been years.

In Korea, even craigslist would be a viable option, as you are dealing with a much more targeted group of people, and they are more likely to be sincere if posting in english on craigslist or any other website. You can probably weed out the hookers quickly, and thats also probably where you will also find the western girls if thats what you want.

The best bet might be to research the certain to be heavier trafficked legit FREE dating websites for other asian countries such as Thailand, the Phillipines and China. Those websites almost always have a Korean section as well, which draw posters and traffic. I'm not aware of any Korea specific dating sites for english speakers, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

You can also try plentyoffish or other similarly free dating websites that target the west. There will be Koreans there as well.

South Korea


just got here last night

went day gaming today on the street

initial impressions favourable

already number closed a 9 from st game

South Korea

lumiere, the girls speak decent english?!?

South Korea

nah they speak more engrish

South Korea

Quote: (05-23-2010 02:14 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  


i will be there next week for the first time

i fly into seoul

anyone else with any tips

If you havn't seen it yet here's my [Image: heart.gif] Seoul Report [Image: heart.gif]

How long are you staying there?

I got a lot of mates there that might be able to show you a good time...

South Korea

Pretty good info on Seoul on this thread. I am trying to move there for a yr starting in August.

Im interested in how difficult or easy the same night lay is with Korean chicks?

How common is it to be able to go out to a bar or club and fuck close that night?

Also do the girls actually get drunk when out or do they just sip on one drink all night long just socializing?

South Korea

There is a user out in the manosphere called Gorbachev who is quite insightful. He really ought to have his own blog, but as of now he is only a commenter. You'll see him on Roissy, Dalrock, IMF, etc. I don't think he is here, though.

Anyhow, he has quite a bit of familiarity with South Korea and has posted extensive anecdotal reports on the women there, as he dated many. I'll endeavour to find some of these and paste them here-the info will probably prove valuable.


Athlone's note: I found this comment on Roissy's blog.

on March 9, 2011 at 7:02 pm

This is why I agree that Japan is probably the best country in the world to find good lovers and non-fling relationships.

Gorbachev makes a strong case for S. Korea. Based upon similar economics, similar or greater premium for white guys (more scarce) with some (not necessarily that much at first) game, and greater beauty and more feeling in their sexing.

Reasons for this:

- They’re not emotionally fucked up like the Japanese. Really.

- They show their emotions very easily, and have little reserve with people they’re comfortable with. This is extremely similar to North Americans. In fact, they have volatile tempers and no problem bitching once the social barriers are properly dismantled. Your woman isn’t happy? You know exactly why, in detail and technicolor.

- Women are obsessed with being attractive, more than the Japanese. They may not have the super-hotties the Japanese do (fewer top models), but there are *far* more 6-7-8 women there than there are anywhere else I’ve been, including China.

- Women may all have the same overall look (there are about 5 different “body forms” there – compared to dozens in China and Europe, even Japan), but it’s a good look.

- White guys are rarer than in Japan, and aren’t fetishized the way the Japanese girls do it. You’re a Foreigner, but you’re not White Meat – meaning you can actually relate to a Korean girl. She may still just want to fuck you, but you can relate to her as a full-on human being. And she’ll see you again and again.

- Korean girls, once they’re comfortable, will fuck you stupid. There’s less pussy-footing around. The culture SEEMS the most timid sexual culture anywhere. Actually, Korean women are the most fun in bed I’ve had, as a group. Predictably, the inhibitions of the culture seems to generate a walloping sexual release when it happens.

Avoid the 1/3 or so that are somewhat prissy or conservative, or have no experience, and the rest will bang you relentlessly. Their conservative culture hasn’t been undermined by the liberalism and anti-traditionalism that Japan has had for the last 40 years. This makes them – men and women – pent up with massive amounts of sexual tension. In some workplaces, you can cut it with a knife. A pretty girl you’ve taken back to a hotel room might like romance, but I guarantee you – she wants to be thoroughly fucked. And she expects you to be a Man. Manginas need not apply. This is a general rule.

- Cheating: The repression and abandonment of married women by their husbands means if you like 28-35 year-old women (who still look way better than most of their American counterparts of the same age), you can basically acquire lovers with absurd ease.

Single women are more prowly; they’re after something to sink their teeth into (the bloom goes off the rose for women there at about 30). But married women often have limited relations with their workaholic husbands. Bored, often married for convenience, spending most of their time alone, they’ll step out if given a DISCREET opportunity to do so. Learn the rules and be very quiet about it, and you clean up.

- Decent women: A Korean will marry you and pop out babies. She’ll also be more loyal than most. At least, if you do it properly and make sure she’s nominally happy. don’t be a workaholic and make sure she’s sexually exhausted. Foreign guys I knew who married Korean women were all pretty much very happy, even when they moved overseas. So were the women.

- Korean women are mercenary as shit, but they’ll treat you as an ally and they DO NOT want to be single over 40. Let her run your financial affairs, and she’ll try to make you both rich – as a family unit. But don’t lose your job and be reasonable ambitious. Small-town girls will be grateful you’re good to her, and not need you to be too well-off.

- Dogging it around: *some* Korean women will, in exchange for your general and sometimes specific loyalty, let you tap some younger ass occasionally. It’s taken as a given that Korean guys do this more or less often from time to time. The culture of business and sex in Korea is deeply ingrained. It’s hard to root out. Same as Japan and modern China that way.

China is, as with everything, much more crass, much less classy and more direct: Go there on business, to a company that doesn’t have much experience dealing with Western sensitivities, and you’ll likely be offered all kinds of distractions. Depending on the location and social circumstances, they’ll eventually set you up with some primo Chinese tail. It’s almost guaranteed. Their goal: Make you happy. Make sure you buy lots of stuff. Anything – anything – that furthers this goal is acceptable, up to and including bribery, sex, entertainment, offering connections and vast amounts of alcohol. Some people won’t sign deals unless you get drunk and eat with them.

Chinese pussy: Hot Damn, easily the most beautiful entertainment you’ll be offered anywhere in the world. I mean, in these situations. 18-23, the most beautiful women available. It’s not considered a repulsive line of work, either – these women are often quite well-off. They work in clubs, are set up as “entertainers”, and some of them are just women who act as the public face of the company and don’t seem like they’d be, essentially, sex-workers.

Warning: personally, I say, never touch this ass. I saw lots of guys and companies tooled by these situations. Touch if you’re an Alpha and your *company* is in an Alpha situation and nobody gives a shit. Otherwise, stay the hell away. Married? Make sure if your wife finds out, it won’t matter. Really. Absolutely everything is fair game in China. There are no morals, no rules, no formal procedures that can’t be shattered at a moment’s notice. You can trust your partners as far as the profit margin; never expect to give up less than 50%, because the Chinese have very specific ideas of what “fair” is; and be prepared to reciprocate and have the tallies calculated.

Why you should avoid sex with contacts you need to keep / professionals/gray areas:

You’re entirely likely to be able to bang the company secretary, her friend, or some other associate. Even the woman who works for the law firm, or the law firm’s senior female partner, or whoever. Doing the local contacts is pretty much standard fare. Anyone who says different wasted a lot of time while he was in China or doesn’t like talking to women. It’s Crazy Land over there.

This is as true for professional women and tour guides. You need to follow all the rules, but there are so many women who will spend time with you entirely voluntarily there’s no need to touch the shady sexual business culture.

Of course, the shady Chinese business culture has a lot more easily accessible, and younger ass. When someone else is footing the bill for a night’s entertainment, some guys are pretty tempted to enjoy themselves. Advice: don’t bother. Cultivate local contacts and see what happens.

- Korea has classy women. Seriously, they run the gamut from Severe Hauteur and snot-nosed arrogance to refined and delicate. I don’t know what other guys like, but I like my women to have some education and smarts and class. I like them slutty, too, but banging slutty girls who have some class is much more fun.

But on the face of it, Japan and Korea are probably both good.


Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

South Korea

Another comment from Gorbachev on south Korea.


Athlone's note: This comment pertains specifically to black men and their experience in South Korea as Gorbachev has seen it. He is responding to query I made about it. Blacks here on Rooshv, take heed.

March 11, 2011 at 8:12 pm

@Athlone McGinnis
You talked about the situation for the average white expat in Korea. In your experience, how would a black guy do there(assuming gainful employment, etc)?

It’s better than being in the US. For sure. That’s to begin.

- You will get laid much more often.
- Approaches will either tank immediately or get you laid more or less immediately.


- Racism is real there. It’s visceral. I’ve heard (in Korean) women saying they’d never let black men touch them. Disgusting. The general meme, PC bullshit aside, is that blacks are sub-human. The only way to get lower than blacks is 1) Not to be an American black, and 2) be a soldier.

Soldier+black = feral animal.

Some women fetishize this and will bang you like crazy. A tiny percentage.

Even Koreans who aren’t racist (and there are vanishingly few of them – no matter what they say in public/in English) are completely status-conscious. A cute, young Korean girl is a past master of leveraging her options.

White guys have it so much better there, it’s almost painful.

Black guys, … have it better there. But I’m going to go with this: Japan is your better bet. A lot of Japanese women are into, for lack of a better term, “Sport Fucking”. Some on an olympic-training level.

Black guys, guys with tattoos, etc. are seen as more animal/less human there, too. Which means, in Korea, they’ll never be seen with you and won’t like their own self-image if they let you touch them.

In Japan, without as many social restrictions, they’ll ride you till you drop dead. And they do things in trends: Japanese girls MAY EVEN KEEP YOU AS A BF.

Which is nearly impossible in Korea. 10 years ago, a mixed white/Korean marriage/bf/gf thing was much,much rarer than today. I heard from guys who got there 15 years ago that you turned your head when you saw a mixed couple.

Now, they’re all over. But there’s a VERY CONSPICUOUS lack of black/Korean couples.

Korean society is *extremely* racist. It’s deeply ingrained. PC sensibilities die fast there. The newspapers, the media, everyone is oh so polite; but it’s the thinnest possible gloss covering a simmering pot of unbridled racism so deep it seems impossible to root out.

A girl who dates a black guy may be treated as a complete social outcast by almost everyone she knows. There are a few; they’re tough, stalwart women who have power in other aspects of life. Artists who genuinely don’t give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks– and this is incredibly brave in Korea, let me tell you, such a woman is made of much sterner stuff than similar types elsewhere– and foreign-connected women who place no reliance on Korean contacts, friends or family for professional or personal reasons.

That just about sums it up.

Now, “dating” isn’t the same as “tapping that fine ass”. You CAN tap the extremely fine merchandise in Korea, but this is what a black guy needs:

If you have a really good job and money and huge amounts of class, you’ll fuck every hot chick you can – but you’re going to be discreet. Be discreet, and you get your pick of the hotties. DISCRETION.

A direct approach from a white guy (me) – as in, hey, this was fun, so come to a hotel with me tonight – will occasionally go sour but rarely. Examples of approaches: Go out with a girl for drinks, you met her in the afternoon, she’s hot, say, 26-28, and then you suggest going to a hotel without any fear or sense of impropriety. I’d get 50% saying sure, and there we were.

A black guy – where I’ll get “Oh, foreign guys are like that, anyway it should be fun”, a black guy might get “Oh, you disgusting pig, how could you say that? Animal?” – as a reaction (though she won’t say this). it’s the ASD. A white guy gets around it a lot more than you will, because it’s not seen as *quite* as disrespectable for her to fuck a white guy she just met.

It’s a hard call.

I’d say Japan. In Japan, there are whole classes of VERY HOT WOMEN who will love fucking you until you can’t walk.

In Korea, there are women who will let you in, but there are fewer, the conditions you’ll need to pass are harsher, and there’s not as much variety.

You want the real score?

Blow that shit and go to China. Poorly kept secret: While racism there is just as bad, an American black guy still has the cache of being American (and not African), and so some “status”. And girls there love to fuck all kinds of guys.

Chinese men have this image of Chinese girls as being somehow morally pure or clean – it’s true for a subset. But this subset is shrinking awfully fast. Pretty much all of the pretty girls with SMV will gladly go to bed with a guy they find interesting / cool and foreign; they’ll make a respectable Chinese BF wait for a few months before she’ll let him touch her pussy.

Chinese women are past masters at the whole bait/switch game and the Mega Shit Test. If you’re OBVIOUSLY just looking to bang her and you’re not an obviously disgusting lech, maybe even interesting, then almost all big city girls have a threshhold point over which they’ll have sex with you. They know you’re going, they know you’re just into them for this or that, you’re interesting, they can test their language skills (if you even share much of a language – I used my troubled Chinese with some women who spoke *no* English; it was interesting running game in these situations).

Don’t misjudge situations. I’ve had women I worked with approach me, others make themselves available, and all guys I’ve known who stayed there always said:

Screw Korea and Japan. Go to China.

My experience was, if you want the very hottest girls, Korea. There’s just something about them. They’re dangerous, but you can read them pretty well.

If you want the best possible access to non-whores, then it’s China.

I’ve never really spent time in SE Asia, so I can’t speak to it.

But the best thing about Korea, Japan and China is this: Often, the women there are better off than women back home. Korea and Japan are pretty wealthy, and financially secure. No-one is looking for a passport. China, well, is a different case – in Shanghai, having a foreign-born husband who does something interesting is a major score. You become an International Person, and they’re much more able to suck the fat of the land than a pure local or a pure foreigner. Actually, from a financial perspective, marrying a well-educated, well-placed Chinese woman is almost always a good prospect for both.

There’s an international class of people in China. As a foreigner, if you ingratiate yourself and move into the system, you get “honorary membership” in this class. And believe me –

There is just no fucking end of hot women in China. It makes you cry when you get back to the States.

If the country and the modern culture there wasn’t such a free-for-all toilet bowl, it might be a great place for a white guy to actually stay.

That said, in all of this, bring a practical mindset.

And I tell you: Japan for easy tail. It’ll be as young as you can imagine: a 35 year-old black guy might be able to enjoy the companionship of 21-year old women almost as a matter of course; you’re their Sport Fuck this week.

I’m not exaggerating. If you have your shit together, it’s stupid time. Learn to dance. I knew a salsa teacher from NYC (black) who basically made his way through every attractive 18-23 year-old woman he ever met in Yokohama, and they all loved him and never even asked him for anything approaching monogamy. He literally got to fuck *everyone*. Almost on command. It was insane. He also had UBER-GAME, and would probably have made quick work of the girls in Rio or LA, too. But it was like he declared war on Japanese dicks and just stole every pussy in sight.

On the other hand, that’s Japan, and you can expect the fucked-up weirdness of Japan to slap you in the face all the time.

Korea, … mixed bag. I knew a few black guys who did well. But the white guys AND the Korean guys all do waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better. Also sad.

One thing you’ll own: Any black women or even other foreign women in Korea. They’re basically on their own. You can have every one of them, most likely. But so can most white guys. Trick is, why?

China: There’s the money.

It’s in social chaos. Everything is true, nothing is true. You can expect it to be great and awful. You’ll be called a playboy and the daughters of the country will nervously/happily/aggressively/discreetly/openly have sex with you/relationships/leave with you/want to get rich with you/fuck you over/introduce you to businesspeople/travel with you, …

Maybe all of that at the same time.

Warning: All kinds of Asian guys will say other kinds of shit. They’ll call your chicks whores or whatever.

I only know Korea and China well; Japan was too bizarre for me, and really expensive. Japan is better for English teachers (Korea is crappy for English teachers, by comparison; even China can be better than Korea for English teachers).

I would say: Fuck it all and go to China. Learn Mandarin well. Study. Try hard. Pick some decent business that’s not horse-trading or regular crap. Get some decent position.

As a black guy, if you’re not ugly and are tall enough, it’s the best bet.

I’d say pass on Korea. Honestly.

Talk to other black guys in Korea. A few will make out like bandits – there’ll be reasons for that. if you’re going to go to Korea, find out what worked for them and replicate it. No shame in copying – you’re in Korea, after all.


Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

South Korea

Anyone know of issues with Korean man going ape shit regarding foreigners macking their women???

I hear this sentiment is becoming a real problem.

South Korea

From that first long post it seems like fucking korean girls is no problem....

Hopefully ill find out [Image: smile.gif]

South Korea

A lot of great info, Athlone. Any info on how latinos, east indians, middle easterns would do in south korea?

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