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South Korea

South Korea

저기요 - "Hey" or "excuse me"

어디서왔어요? "Where are you from?" This is a good night-game opener cuz it throws the girl off her guard (obviously she's from Korea)

한국말잘해요 - "You speak Korean well." When a girl speaks Korean back to you you can say this in a joking manner (obviously she speaks Korean well)

스타일좋아요 - "I like your style." I used this one in daygame a lot. It's corny but it works.

저는한국말배우고싶어요... 가르쳐주세요 "I want to learn Korean.. teach me please." This is more of a daygame opener.

저한국좋아요..제이름이... "I like Korea... My name is _______" and then introduce yourself.

These are all openers you can use. Use google translate for the proper pronunciation.

Opening in Korea grabs the girl's attention (breaks through her bitch shield way more). After that you can transition to English if you got nothing else. Speak slowly and express yourself using hand signals.

When it comes to gaming in Korean (and any foreign language I assume), it's all about being dumb. The stupider the thing you say, the better. That's the fun of it for the girl. It's basically a new situation for her so she becomes more excited by the whole interaction more than just another foreigner coming up to her and running English game.

If you need survival Korean phrase, there are books for that.

South Korea

Don't go to the spas unless you are comfortable with Korean guys staring at your junk. That was a weird experience. It's obvious that they really have a huge chip on their shoulder.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

South Korea

Could you write those phrases in romanticized form, so I can read them out?

Translators break up the words oddly

I am the cock carousel

South Korea


South Korea

Haha, I opened a group of girls asking about their tattoos.
I heard only a doctor can give tattoos legally.
It's still a bit taboo, but I notice a decent amount of girls getting them.

These girls took the bait for a second.. But I started talking about Korea and they blew me off saying. -_- we are from Taiwan.

I can't tell the difference between Chinese, Korean, very well.

And this was the moment I knew... I fucked up

I am the cock carousel

South Korea

So, I actually went to Seoul this weekend.
I happen have a meeting in Seoul on Friday, So I said fuck it, and rented and apartment for the rest of the weekend right in downtown Itaewan.

I found a little apartment literally a block away from all the bars.

I got there in the day but had work all day.
So Friday night I went out.
Ill admit, friday night was pretty much a exploration night. I bounced to as many clubs as I was comfortable with.
Which wasnt a lot.

The first two place, I have no idea what the places names are.
All the bars in Itaewan pretty much sit on top of each other, so sometimes I have no idea what the places is called.

One place I do remember going was called.
Globe Lounge/ Which was an upstairs bar/club
The cover was 10k Won if I remember,
The place was kinda light in terms of people...and a bit foggy, Music more more on the level of house.
It was dark as couple be in this place..Nothing was accomplished, but I think it has potential if more people were there.

One story place.. really big layout and crowded both nights i stopped by here.
I noticed a lot of people with bottle service..even a couple girls that had bottles or were just hogging the bottles while the guys were away.

There was also a a couple foreigners sprinkled in.
I made a lot of approaches here..
All of which went downhill. Nothing really came out of them..beside confused faces and some giggles.
The girls that seemed to want to talk, couldn't speak English to save their lives.
The ones that spoke English.. made it clear that they didn't want to talk.
This was also the place where I approached a group of girls based on their tattoos only to find out that they were actually from Taiwan, and were a bit offending when I assumed they were Korean.
I met a Korean girl that said this bar was a bit overrated and that I should try some other places....I will, but This place was a place I kinda liked based on its large size and lots of people.

I met two Austrian girls here also. IT was an easy in. I asked her a question by the bar because she walked up next to me. I immediately recognized the accent and talked to her in German.
But I later realized.. she was a smoker...
Even though I occasionally smoke..I called off the invitation back to my rented apartment because I figured, I could do better..and I wasn't specifically hunting for Foreign girls.

Pretty late at night. I was going back to my place and a fight almost broke out in the street.
Being nosy..and Thinking it was pretty hilarious..I interrupted and found out that the fight was between a German and Australian guy..that misunderstood each other over the word German Sheppard and German shit.

The bartender of bars on both sides of the street though it was hilarious when I explained what was happening. and I ended up staying at the bar drinking wine until 4 AM
The owner and his friend gave me some good recommendations on places to go in the futures/

During Saturday.. I pretty much just roamed the city.Ended up the war memorial park for hours..
There was a parade going on.
The only reason I noticed was because..The taxi I was in..driver was driving like it was indy 500.. I had to open the window to catch my breath.
Saw a bunch of people and music playing.

Ended up watching some big culture memorial parade/expo
Forgive me for not knowing exactly what it was.

By recommendation, I ran went to Venue and Sunset beach
Sunset beach being this little bar right next to venue, which is a downstairs club.

The drinks at sunset beach were cheap.. 5k won for mixed drink, which is the cheapest ive found.
Lots of rebel/but fly Korean chicks handing around this place.
But lots of orbiter looking dudes.
They don't seem to be getting anywhere with the chicks.. but everyone is having fun.
My approaches didn't go far..I pretty much get out gamed by Korean guys..
Even though they don't get anything done..they are great at cock blocking and pushing the conversation into Korean..which essentially pushes me out.

Venue was interesting.. because..its the first place ive seen people dancing.. Lots of dudes crowed in dancing.. lots of girls just mosing around.
Way to loud for any talking here.

* I tried to use some of Runs lines.
And a korean guy told me.. none of them made sense -_- and his responses were much different that the lines I had.
Eitherway.. I couldnt pronounce most of what he told me correct/nor could I remember it.
He told me.. I should just open girls in English around here.
*I got a couple free drinks here also, because the friend of the bartender at the bar I was at the night before worked at Venue.

Things I noticed.

Korean places are mad dark. My eyes must not be adjusted, because its pitch black in this places.

Rejection doesnt hurt at all.
Despite the mass amounts of rejection and general language barrier issues.
I don't feel hurt at all.
Compared to places in EE that i've lived in, where rejection is harsh...I don't find rejection by Korean chicks to be very bad.

* But seriously.. why do asian chicks lack so much in the ass department?

**picture I took during the weekend
[Image: 0oWHQrBm.jpg]
[Image: yQJcqUym.jpg]
[Image: l5TOwAUm.jpg]

The pancake is real out here
[Image: UYBjR8Am.jpg]
[Image: K7uwZdBm.jpg]

She aint got no ass, but I fuck with her cause she a crip ^^
[Image: 6oVC6I9m.jpg]
[Image: 1Hgn8uPm.jpg]
[Image: GytI0tQm.jpg]
[Image: RNfUU44m.jpg]

I guess I need to find the obese asian girls like this
[Image: cScgJMxl.png]

I am the cock carousel

South Korea


tried to use some of Runs lines.
And a korean guy told me.. none of them made sense -_- and his responses were much different that the lines I had.

You should definitely listen to the korean guy.

One less foreigner speaking korean means more pussy for guys like me [Image: smile.gif]

Enjoy your time there. It's a good place.

South Korea

Listen to Korean guys at your peril...the biggest cockblockers known to man.

Did you check out the clubs in Hongdae yet? That's more my scene. Itaewon is a shithole.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

South Korea

The key was that... If you aren't understandable in a loud environment.. It doesn't really matter what you say.

If the words I learn, don't even make sense to the people that I'm trying to talk to... What's the point.

Of course I'm not gonna take all my advice from Korean guys.

The passive aggressiveness of Koreans and the people involved with the culture is amazing...
Both the men and women lean towards childishness when it comes to interactions.

I don't get the hype over the average soldiers.
Maybe they have moved beyond itaewan..
I could count in my hands the amount of soldiers I saw in the area this weekend.
I actually expected to see a whole lot more.

A forum member or two have been cool enough to reach out to me, with some extra information and some places to venture out two.
I'm not gonna throw all their good data to the public, but I'll keep it in mind next time in off work.

Planning a hiking or tour trip pretty soon

What's the story behind Koreans and chicken.
Chickens wings seem more popular here than there downtown Atlanta

I've seen whole fried chicken stands..
[Image: 2lxwQSDm.jpg]

I am the cock carousel

South Korea

Korean pronunciation is really tough for English speakers, let alone in a loud club.

I'd stick to English for now until you are more proficient. You are most likely blowing yourself out trying to speak Korean.

Check out http://www.forvo.com/ for word by word intonation examples you can download. Listen and imitate over and over. Has been very useful for me in my Korean studies.

Edit: You got it right with the Korean guys. They are so passive aggressive about foreigners touching their women that it wouldn't be beyond them to give you outright false information. Sorry to say it but this applies especially if you are black. Hence my warning.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

South Korea


I don't get the hype over the average soldiers.
Maybe they have moved beyond itaewan..
I could count in my hands the amount of soldiers I saw in the area this weekend.
I actually expected to see a whole lot more.

A couple years ago, the US military instituted a midnight curfew for soldiers in Itaewon. The US Military actually migth check to see if you are a soldier sometimes if you look like one. This happened to me twice: They only did this to me when I was with girls, lol @ even the US military trying to cockblock you. I don't even look like a soldier so I called them out for their cockblocking the second time (although the girls actually waited for me to come back anyway).

So that's why you don't see any soldiers there once night time comes. The soldiers all go to Hongdae these days since they don't check there (which is why I don't really recommend going there for hunting purposes).

Hongdae is a lot of fun and has a more college vibe to it. For just hanging out and having fun (especially with other foreigners)--> hongdae. For pulling, Itaewon.

South Korea

Quote: (05-07-2015 04:03 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Could you write those phrases in romanticized form, so I can read them out?

Translators break up the words oddly

I highly reccomend to just learn The Hangeul alphabet. I tried transliterating for the first month I was there and it was a pain in the ass. Four different ways to say the same damn thing but if you can lock down the alphabet you will never be confused as to how it sounds, even if you don't understand it. You should also get a kick out of all of the loanwords you find yourself reading from English. It made ordering food and drink much easier.

Girls would also be pleasantly surprised when I could type their names in Korean when asking for a number/kakao talk info.

-formerly glarkcable.

South Korea

I'd personally avoid going out in Seoul without a wingman. Girls go out in pairs or in groups. I feel like most girls would be slightly spooked by a single guy on his own approaching. I found it really easy to just have me and my wingman or two to approach a pair/group of girls. That's really easy to do.

South Korea

I wasn't alone.. But I don't put the bulk of faith in my non redpill friends.

* Do you think approaching as a single person is odd to Koreans do you mean women in general?

That being said.. Considering I haven't been in the country long, my and the bulk of my time is spent working. My social circle is pretty weak right now.
I'm working on that though.

I am the cock carousel

South Korea


1) in seoul and soldiers (us)

In seoul during my time in u.s military i dubbed "soldiers triangle" Which are eetaewon + gangnam + hongdae.

But while i was in jarkarta and reading NAVER (The korean version of google) that some soldiers got arrested in hongdae for assaulting the bouncer and local national. So for them in the unit (depending on their chain of command) going outside would be difficult..

2) korean guys
i have to agree that these faggots (oh by the way i am a korean american who was born and lived in korea till 10) will be a cockblockers. Even if it is korean guys, they do it to eachother... but foreigners? they will more likely will cockblock like mofos.

Their zeta mentality is

And these zetas do it for the sake of making themselves feel better of their worthless existance.

now how to counter/prevent these fagbags..?
If you are foreigner having a GOOD KOREAN WINGMAN helps or have a friend (3rd guy who isnt interested in getting laid that day) as a decoy.

For example, This is just my case...
1) since i am a korean guy that has broad shoulder and has short haircut, the zetas usually avoid trying their luck in cockblocking. Cause most often or not they think im a korean marine or korean mobster.

2) any foriegn bros that were with me, due to a fact as mentioned above they think the foriegn guy is a foreign mobster "guest" in korea.

3) as much as these zetas are cockblockers, they are also cowards infront of Alpha male.

4) to any dive bar clubs i frequent the zetas who are regular knows who is the king and few of them learned in hard way (bruise or intimidated or teeth got knocked out) so usually they dont try to take my target.

South Korea

Quote: (05-13-2015 03:52 PM)wolfpack Wrote:  


1) in seoul and soldiers (us)

In seoul during my time in u.s military i dubbed "soldiers triangle" Which are eetaewon + gangnam + hongdae.

But while i was in jarkarta and reading NAVER (The korean version of google) that some soldiers got arrested in hongdae for assaulting the bouncer and local national. So for them in the unit (depending on their chain of command) going outside would be difficult..

2) korean guys
i have to agree that these faggots (oh by the way i am a korean american who was born and lived in korea till 10) will be a cockblockers. Even if it is korean guys, they do it to eachother... but foreigners? they will more likely will cockblock like mofos.

Their zeta mentality is

And these zetas do it for the sake of making themselves feel better of their worthless existance.

now how to counter/prevent these fagbags..?
If you are foreigner having a GOOD KOREAN WINGMAN helps or have a friend (3rd guy who isnt interested in getting laid that day) as a decoy.

For example, This is just my case...
1) since i am a korean guy that has broad shoulder and has short haircut, the zetas usually avoid trying their luck in cockblocking. Cause most often or not they think im a korean marine or korean mobster.

2) any foriegn bros that were with me, due to a fact as mentioned above they think the foriegn guy is a foreign mobster "guest" in korea.

3) as much as these zetas are cockblockers, they are also cowards infront of Alpha male.

4) to any dive bar clubs i frequent the zetas who are regular knows who is the king and few of them learned in hard way (bruise or intimidated or teeth got knocked out) so usually they dont try to take my target.

The cockblock is real, my buddy got into a fight or two after being cockblocked hard down in Hongdae. Had to help him eject since it was only other koreans in that club and I didn't want to see him leave in an ambulance.

And yet, if they're getting pussy I've had them pushing girls onto me as well. Seoul has always been crazy hot or crazy cold. Still love the place and travel over from Japan as often as possible. Will be there in July actually.

South Korea

Quote: (05-13-2015 03:50 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

I wasn't alone.. But I don't put the bulk of faith in my non redpill friends.

* Do you think approaching as a single person is odd to Koreans do you mean women in general?

That being said.. Considering I haven't been in the country long, my and the bulk of my time is spent working. My social circle is pretty weak right now.
I'm working on that though.

Yo Source,

I fly to Seoul on the 28th. If you are still around, I will hit you up.

South Korea

Well currently im down at busan till next mon.. is anyone down in busan?

South Korea

Quote: (05-19-2015 04:50 AM)cascadecombo Wrote:  

Quote: (05-13-2015 03:52 PM)wolfpack Wrote:  


1) in seoul and soldiers (us)

In seoul during my time in u.s military i dubbed "soldiers triangle" Which are eetaewon + gangnam + hongdae.

But while i was in jarkarta and reading NAVER (The korean version of google) that some soldiers got arrested in hongdae for assaulting the bouncer and local national. So for them in the unit (depending on their chain of command) going outside would be difficult..

2) korean guys
i have to agree that these faggots (oh by the way i am a korean american who was born and lived in korea till 10) will be a cockblockers. Even if it is korean guys, they do it to eachother... but foreigners? they will more likely will cockblock like mofos.

Their zeta mentality is

And these zetas do it for the sake of making themselves feel better of their worthless existance.

now how to counter/prevent these fagbags..?
If you are foreigner having a GOOD KOREAN WINGMAN helps or have a friend (3rd guy who isnt interested in getting laid that day) as a decoy.

For example, This is just my case...
1) since i am a korean guy that has broad shoulder and has short haircut, the zetas usually avoid trying their luck in cockblocking. Cause most often or not they think im a korean marine or korean mobster.

2) any foriegn bros that were with me, due to a fact as mentioned above they think the foriegn guy is a foreign mobster "guest" in korea.

3) as much as these zetas are cockblockers, they are also cowards infront of Alpha male.

4) to any dive bar clubs i frequent the zetas who are regular knows who is the king and few of them learned in hard way (bruise or intimidated or teeth got knocked out) so usually they dont try to take my target.

The cockblock is real, my buddy got into a fight or two after being cockblocked hard down in Hongdae. Had to help him eject since it was only other koreans in that club and I didn't want to see him leave in an ambulance.

And yet, if they're getting pussy I've had them pushing girls onto me as well. Seoul has always been crazy hot or crazy cold. Still love the place and travel over from Japan as often as possible. Will be there in July actually.

Korean living in USa here. It's well known in the forum that Korean guys from Korea live with different mentality (I guess arrogance is the word) but really the cock blocking thing annoys the hell out of me. It's like they are insecure. But Korea has become so hypercompetitive environment and seems to live in a zero sum mentality and not abundance.

South Korea

I'm gonna be in Korea from May 31 to June 10 if anyone wants to go out.

South Korea

I knew of this.. but never really googled it until a couple days ago on how prevalent plastic surgery is.
I saw advertisements in Seoul, but I didn't really know what they were( Since I can't read Korean)
[Image: rOn49qpm.jpg]
[Image: 0MMzzLQm.jpg]


One clinic, she says, has 300 employees, 30 doctors, 12 operating rooms, 40 post-operating rooms, 70 consulting rooms, a dermatology salon, a spa, dental care, a café and a library.


t has been estimated that between one-fifth and one-third of women in Seoul have gone under the knife, and one poll reported by the BBC puts the figure at fifty per cent or higher for women in their twenties. Men, by one account, make up fifteen per cent of the market, including a former President of the country, who underwent double-eyelid surgery while in office.
[Image: x.jpg]

I assume the bulk of girl that I do find attractive are just plastic
I wonder if ass implants will get popular here like in brazil and colombia?! haha
I know it wont happen.. but... hopes and dreams

I am the cock carousel

South Korea


I wonder if ass implants will get popular here like in brazil and colombia?! haha

That won't be happening any time soon. Girls with big butts get made fun of in Korea.

Korea isn't the best place for a brother in more ways than one...lol

South Korea

Quick update.
Between work,, I've decided to just start going out in Daegu solo and finding people along the way.
I've pretty much figured out where the foreigners go and where the locals go.
its pretty hilariious, the bars that have a bunch of low average white girls and basic looking white guys.
You get a drink at these places and anyone that you talk to will assume you are an english teacher this like them..its a good starter conversation starter.
Im gonna just randomly start telling people I work in, Marketing,Sales Ect...anything that isnt an English teacher.

It wasn't hard to make a couple friends, including a Friendly Spanish chick with fake tits or the best push up bra in the world.

On the Korean side, I met up with three Korean girls, Both probably above average heigh for Koreans, but neither was spectacular in looks. The two were 6.5 and the odd one was a solid 7
I had a problem with a couple of the Korean clubs..They didn't wanna let me in even when I was with 2 asian girls. One of the girls mentioned that some clubs are just for koreans only.
We ended up in one club, pretty much until the sun came up.
I know the location, but can't remember the name.
This place was probably the only place ive seen Koreans getting down. (but I havent been to many all korean clubs yet)
The girls took turns dancing on me.(Pretty sure one of them is bisexual)'
Random Korean dudes came to pretty much give me drunk High Fives... I didn;'t get an ounce of cockblocking in here...which Is completely different than what everyone has been claiming.
Only one dude in a 4 hour span tried to dance with any of the girls that I was with....as a matter of face, a random girl pushed her way into the group just for her turn to rub her little butt on me for a couple minutes.
But she couldnt speak English at all, and I felt like she left earlier because she didn't want to be judged by anyone that was watching.
I didn't take home either of the chicks.. None of them knew each other.. and I dropped the ball on picking one to try to go one with.. but hopefully it turns into a harem of chicks that dont mind each other

Side note.
While I was downtown earlier in the day.. Kim Woo Jin decided to go get coffee and every korean girll in the city collapsed on where I was.
Pretty sure most of them pissed themselves or came on themselves all while holding up a phone or selfie stick.
People were comically annoyed by me being 6 foot 2 and walking to the front of the crowd to block their view.

I am the cock carousel

South Korea

Quote: (06-02-2015 04:18 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Quick update.
Between work,, I've decided to just start going out in Daegu solo and finding people along the way.
I've pretty much figured out where the foreigners go and where the locals go.
its pretty hilariious, the bars that have a bunch of low average white girls and basic looking white guys.
You get a drink at these places and anyone that you talk to will assume you are an english teacher this like them..its a good starter conversation starter.
Im gonna just randomly start telling people I work in, Marketing,Sales Ect...anything that isnt an English teacher.

It wasn't hard to make a couple friends, including a Friendly Spanish chick with fake tits or the best push up bra in the world.

On the Korean side, I met up with three Korean girls, Both probably above average heigh for Koreans, but neither was spectacular in looks. The two were 6.5 and the odd one was a solid 7
I had a problem with a couple of the Korean clubs..They didn't wanna let me in even when I was with 2 asian girls. One of the girls mentioned that some clubs are just for koreans only.
We ended up in one club, pretty much until the sun came up.
I know the location, but can't remember the name.
This place was probably the only place ive seen Koreans getting down. (but I havent been to many all korean clubs yet)
The girls took turns dancing on me.(Pretty sure one of them is bisexual)'
Random Korean dudes came to pretty much give me drunk High Fives... I didn;'t get an ounce of cockblocking in here...which Is completely different than what everyone has been claiming.
Only one dude in a 4 hour span tried to dance with any of the girls that I was with....as a matter of face, a random girl pushed her way into the group just for her turn to rub her little butt on me for a couple minutes.
But she couldnt speak English at all, and I felt like she left earlier because she didn't want to be judged by anyone that was watching.
I didn't take home either of the chicks.. None of them knew each other.. and I dropped the ball on picking one to try to go one with.. but hopefully it turns into a harem of chicks that dont mind each other

Side note.
While I was downtown earlier in the day.. Kim Woo Jin decided to go get coffee and every korean girll in the city collapsed on where I was.
Pretty sure most of them pissed themselves or came on themselves all while holding up a phone or selfie stick.
People were comically annoyed by me being 6 foot 2 and walking to the front of the crowd to block their view.

I almost exclusively went out in Seoul, with the odd weekend for the Mud festival
I'd suggest checking it out if you haven't been.

I have heard that busan and daegu are much more chill/friendly than seoul. Sort of like how people compare osaka and tokyo for Japan. I'm pretty happy no one tried to cockblock ya, but you entered the places with girls already right?

South Korea

[Image: h9N74d2.jpg][Image: V6zoBaD.jpg][Image: LZEMPAm.jpg]
[Image: 34QApui.jpg]

One of this dudes body guard's hair cut was on point though

I am the cock carousel

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