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Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

maybe its me cause ive taken pubic transportation and seen the sheer craziness of the passengers so I understand this bus drivers actions were 100% justified. a drunk hoodrat like this bitch ONLY understands violence. good luck trying to throw her off the bus without a fight. ghetto bitches like her are a uniquely american problem and I dont think posters from europe can grasp how out of control they can be.

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 12:23 PM)bacon Wrote:  

maybe its me cause ive taken pubic transportation in baltimore and seen the sheer craziness of the passengers so I understand this bus drivers actions were 100% justified. a drunk hoodrat like this bitch ONLY understands violence. good luck trying to throw her off the bus without a fight. ghetto bitches like her are a uniquely american problem and I dont think posters from europe can grasp how out of control they can be.

And police? I might not be american, but I do know that America is a police state. I also know that bus drivers must have an easier way to call the police than normal people. I also can guess the police would be there in less than 5 minutes.

He wanted the fight, probably because of the stress bus drivers as taxi drivers get from driving all day.

He´s not a random guy walking down the street.

Would he have done the same if she was a big balded dude?

I would have not done the same than him. He lost his job, and he will be in seriously hassle, even if he gets no charges. He lost he´s bread. Will you give him the salary he just lost?

You do not want to get in the system, because of a stupid getho chick.

Would you have done that?

Even if I decided to punch the bitch, thing in my lifetime, I don´t think I will ever do, I would never, never, do it with so many witnesses.

You know sometimes there´s people that cheer for fights and never threw a punch in their lifetime.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:15 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

Again, I'm impressed by the amount of power generated on such a short punch. He doesn't telegraph the shot by drawing his hand all the way back and throwing a haymaker. He slightly rotates his torso and POW. DOWN GOES SNOOKIE...DOWN GOES SNOOKIE.

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:19 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:15 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

Again, I'm impressed by the amount of power generated on such a short punch. He doesn't telegraph the shot by drawing his hand all the way back and throwing a haymaker. He slightly rotates his torso and POW. DOWN GOES SNOOKIE...DOWN GOES SNOOKIE.

On some Bruce Lee shyt (six inch punch)

Quote: (10-12-2012 08:00 PM)MVolt Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

He even gets a 2-for-1. Grazes the guy next to him.

Quote: (10-12-2012 10:05 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 08:00 PM)MVolt Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

He even gets a 2-for-1. Grazes the guy next to him.

Is anyone else just watching this on repeat and enjoying it way too much?

Quote: (10-12-2012 11:59 PM)Pacesetter20 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

I know this guy. Good shit.

A girl gets punched flush in the face by a big dude in a bar and people on here say "good shit" or "I'm enjoying this way too much". That proves my point that people are getting off on women getting belted by fellas and are just using the excuse of "I'm not enjoying the punch but the fact that she was put in her place for attacking a man". Where was this guy who belted Snookie ( I have no idea who the fcuk Snookie is ) being attacked? Was he protecting his friend's? Was he in fear of his life?

The thread started out with a video of a loudmouth bitch getting a smack after hitting a bus driver but as I pointed out earlier it has now become an excuse for people to upload and laugh at women being randomly smacked in the face. I find that a little distasteful to say the least. I just think we are above that. If that makes me a liberal white knighting European in the eyes of RVF members then so be it.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Update: the media bias on this is sickening. Look how they edit the clip to cut out the girl's RIDICULOUS and aggressive behavior which led up to the uppercut. They try to make it seem like the driver punched her because she didn't have enough money for the fare. Are you fucking kidding me???

And the girl's hamster is spinning overtime as well around 1 minute.

Although I got a good laugh when the Asian reporter put on her concerned face and said, "You were the victim of one of the most talked about uppercuts!" [Image: lol.gif]

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 12:35 PM)Pepini Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2012 12:23 PM)bacon Wrote:  

maybe its me cause ive taken pubic transportation in baltimore and seen the sheer craziness of the passengers so I understand this bus drivers actions were 100% justified. a drunk hoodrat like this bitch ONLY understands violence. good luck trying to throw her off the bus without a fight. ghetto bitches like her are a uniquely american problem and I dont think posters from europe can grasp how out of control they can be.

And police? I might not be american, but I do know that America is a police state. I also know that bus drivers must have an easier way to call the police than normal people. I also can guess the police would be there in less than 5 minutes.

He wanted the fight, probably because of the stress bus drivers as taxi drivers get from driving all day.

He´s not a random guy walking down the street.

Would he have done the same if she was a big balded dude?

I would have not done the same than him. He lost his job, and he will be in seriously hassle, even if he gets no charges. He lost he´s bread. Will you give him the salary he just lost?

You do not want to get in the system, because of a stupid getho chick.

Would you have done that?

Even if I decided to punch the bitch, thing in my lifetime, I don´t think I will ever do, I would never, never, do it with so many witnesses.

You know sometimes there´s people that cheer for fights and never threw a punch in their lifetime.

America is a broke ass police state. Some cities have laid off their entire police department. They catch you by technology. They don't have the manpower to deal with shit like this. The western world needs to get back to personal responsibilty and realize actions have consequences. For both men and women.


Canada, where the women wear pants and the men wear skinny jeans

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:18 PM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:15 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

Again, I'm impressed by the amount of power generated on such a short punch. He doesn't telegraph the shot by drawing his hand all the way back and throwing a haymaker. He slightly rotates his torso and POW. DOWN GOES SNOOKIE...DOWN GOES SNOOKIE.

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:19 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:15 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

Again, I'm impressed by the amount of power generated on such a short punch. He doesn't telegraph the shot by drawing his hand all the way back and throwing a haymaker. He slightly rotates his torso and POW. DOWN GOES SNOOKIE...DOWN GOES SNOOKIE.

On some Bruce Lee shyt (six inch punch)

Quote: (10-12-2012 08:00 PM)MVolt Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

He even gets a 2-for-1. Grazes the guy next to him.

Quote: (10-12-2012 10:05 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 08:00 PM)MVolt Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

He even gets a 2-for-1. Grazes the guy next to him.

Is anyone else just watching this on repeat and enjoying it way too much?

Quote: (10-12-2012 11:59 PM)Pacesetter20 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

I know this guy. Good shit.

A girl gets punched flush in the face by a big dude in a bar and people on here say "good shit" or "I'm enjoying this way too much". That proves my point that people are getting off on women getting belted by fellas and are just using the excuse of "I'm not enjoying the punch but the fact that she was put in her place for attacking a man". Where was this guy who belted Snookie ( I have no idea who the fcuk Snookie is ) being attacked? Was he protecting his friend's? Was he in fear of his life?

The thread started out with a video of a loudmouth bitch getting a smack after hitting a bus driver but as I pointed out earlier it has now become an excuse for people to upload and laugh at women being randomly smacked in the face. I find that a little distasteful to say the least. I just think we are above that. If that makes me a liberal white knighting European in the eyes of RVF members then so be it.

I've had to straight up cold cock a bitch in the U.S. It is an amazing feeling. Especially when they then realize they are the weaker of the sexes. Well, when they wake up that is.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 11:50 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  


You're telling me a bitch who has taken four bullets and a knife attack--and survived--would just get off the bus peacefully when I asked? Or, that he'd been able to simply "push" a woman off the bus, with that sordid background, without her resisting and attacking him--something she did without being touched, never mind when someone actually would try to remove her? You're telling me he had any way of knowing a woman with a big knife scar on her face wasn't carrying a weapon? Your scenario is simply unrealistic.

Neil, you know I respect your game and lifestyle, but you're reading this one wrong. No one is celebrating a "woman getting beat up." I would be mortified to see anyone being beat up unjustifiably--male, female, youth, or adult. But, this was a straight-up bully, almost textbook case. She was attacking an old man, at his job, because she thought she could get away with it. She thought she was above the law, and was fully taking advantage of that station. He responded with one (albeit solid) hit, and then an effort to do exactly what you prescribed--removing her off the bus. He didn't straddle on top of her and light her up with elbows and punches--even though that would have been justified, probably. He didn't grab her hair and pound her against the railing. He defended himself from a quickly escalating situation that was getting out of control. It didn't matter that that person was female. She was young and able-bodied. Period. And, that person was angry, violent, and menacing. Gender. Does. Not. Matter. At. That. Point.

We're celebrating the meting out of justice, not "a woman getting beat up." I know you know better, Neil, that reproducing those myths is what harms men like us--and our lifestyles--whether we agree with this particular case or not.

Look, i"m not debating that this girl is one mean though anti-social bitch and I have to give her credit for taking a punch like that and still willing to mess with this guy. But that's not he issue at hand. Nor is it the issue that women think they are entitled to bully guys around.

You can't deny the fact that it was not written at her forehead that she survived gun shots and stabbings. Unless he personally knows her, he has no way of knowing this.
We all have seen the Jerry Springer show and know this type of loudmouth Ghetto girl. Point is that she was not physically attacking this guy and at the moment her knocked her one there was no fight going on nor was she physically threatening him. This makes it disproportional in my view.

What i'm concerned about it that the first video only shows a girl shouting at a bus driver and the guy stands up and uppercuts her brutally. Next up is several guys her liking and cheering this situation.

At this moment, none of the extra info on this girl was known and should not be taking in account on the previous mentioned situation.

The way I see it is this.
- Ghetto ho shouts and verbally threatens a bus driver on short video
- Guy stops the bus and uses excessive force to shut her up.
- posters here like and cheer this action and start showing other videos of girl getting beat up.

I'm asking where is the line? Next time a girl says to the driver that he doesn't know how to drive and he knocks her out. is that ok?

Is it now not wanted that a girl talks back to a man? Should all women be submissive little beings who completely bent to the will of the man?

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

I think us Americans enjoy this because were sick of girls bowing up to us all the time which you euros don't really get. They need to learn so this is a step in the right direction.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:25 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

You can't deny the fact that it was not written at her forehead that she survived gun shots and stabbings. Unless he personally knows her, he has no way of knowing this.

That's just not true. She has a very obvious knife-cut scar on her face, which the bus driver explicitly comments on. Not only that, her speech and posture speaks to someone who has been in fist fights and knows how to fight. If you've lived in urban American, you learn to decode this body language quickly.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:29 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

I think us Americans enjoy this because were sick of girls bowing up to us all the time which you euros don't really get.

I think you make a valid point. I've never had a chick attack me or women feel like they can disrespect me like that. I think in Europe the gender roles are still more strongly demarcated. Maybe if the women here were as fcuked up as yours seem to be I'd feel differently?

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:23 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I've had to straight up cold cock a bitch in the U.S. It is an amazing feeling. Especially when they then realize they are the weaker of the sexes. Well, when they wake up that is.

Hahaha,you almost had me Ali but you're trolling reputation is too well known for me to raise to the bait!

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut


@Vorkuta and Neil you guys don't and aren't going to get it unless you grew up here. Try dealing with a loud, obnoxious, abusive, drunk American cunt sometime and then tell me we're wrong to enjoy watching these vids. It's a fuckin war zone over here.

This thread needs more Sean Connery

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:25 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2012 11:50 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  


You're telling me a bitch who has taken four bullets and a knife attack--and survived--would just get off the bus peacefully when I asked? Or, that he'd been able to simply "push" a woman off the bus, with that sordid background, without her resisting and attacking him--something she did without being touched, never mind when someone actually would try to remove her? You're telling me he had any way of knowing a woman with a big knife scar on her face wasn't carrying a weapon? Your scenario is simply unrealistic.

Neil, you know I respect your game and lifestyle, but you're reading this one wrong. No one is celebrating a "woman getting beat up." I would be mortified to see anyone being beat up unjustifiably--male, female, youth, or adult. But, this was a straight-up bully, almost textbook case. She was attacking an old man, at his job, because she thought she could get away with it. She thought she was above the law, and was fully taking advantage of that station. He responded with one (albeit solid) hit, and then an effort to do exactly what you prescribed--removing her off the bus. He didn't straddle on top of her and light her up with elbows and punches--even though that would have been justified, probably. He didn't grab her hair and pound her against the railing. He defended himself from a quickly escalating situation that was getting out of control. It didn't matter that that person was female. She was young and able-bodied. Period. And, that person was angry, violent, and menacing. Gender. Does. Not. Matter. At. That. Point.

We're celebrating the meting out of justice, not "a woman getting beat up." I know you know better, Neil, that reproducing those myths is what harms men like us--and our lifestyles--whether we agree with this particular case or not.

Look, i"m not debating that this girl is one mean though anti-social bitch and I have to give her credit for taking a punch like that and still willing to mess with this guy. But that's not he issue at hand. Nor is it the issue that women think they are entitled to bully guys around.

You can't deny the fact that it was not written at her forehead that she survived gun shots and stabbings. Unless he personally knows her, he has no way of knowing this.
We all have seen the Jerry Springer show and know this type of loudmouth Ghetto girl. Point is that she was not physically attacking this guy and at the moment her knocked her one there was no fight going on nor was she physically threatening him. This makes it disproportional in my view.

What i'm concerned about it that the first video only shows a girl shouting at a bus driver and the guy stands up and uppercuts her brutally. Next up is several guys her liking and cheering this situation.

At this moment, none of the extra info on this girl was known and should not be taking in account on the previous mentioned situation.

The way I see it is this.
- Ghetto ho shouts and verbally threatens a bus driver on short video
- Guy stops the bus and uses excessive force to shut her up.
- posters here like and cheer this action and start showing other videos of girl getting beat up.

I'm asking where is the line? Next time a girl says to the driver that he doesn't know how to drive and he knocks her out. is that ok?

Is it now not wanted that a girl talks back to a man? Should all women be submissive little beings who completely bent to the will of the man?

Actually, she did put her hands on him, while he was operating the vehicle. I think it was at that point that he lost it. If you think his response was disproportional to her behavior, I get it. However, she did initiate physical contact, and I guess that was his personal line in the sand and he did what he did.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

She also spit on his face.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:43 PM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:23 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I've had to straight up cold cock a bitch in the U.S. It is an amazing feeling. Especially when they then realize they are the weaker of the sexes. Well, when they wake up that is.

Hahaha,you almost had me Ali but you're trolling reputation is too well known for me to raise to the bait!

I'm being dead serious. Like dude 3737 said, it's a warzone. You have to put up with so much shit and can do nothing, when one crosses the line we go off hard.

These women want to be treated like a man in a man's world. They need to realize that upper cuts and haymakers are a part of that world.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:18 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Update: the media bias on this is sickening. Look how they edit the clip to cut out the girl's RIDICULOUS and aggressive behavior which led up to the uppercut. They try to make it seem like the driver punched her because she didn't have enough money for the fare. Are you fucking kidding me???

And the girl's hamster is spinning overtime as well around 1 minute.

Although I got a good laugh when the Asian reporter put on her concerned face and said, "You were the victim of one of the most talked about uppercuts!" [Image: lol.gif]

When asked about her own behavior, she can't answer the question. I'm sure she's lawyered-up, and can't say anything that weakens her position. The video clearly shows her shoving the driver. She got what she got. She should have gotten her money out, payed, and sat the fuck down. She created the situation that got her clocked. I see this shit all the time - bitches get on the bus and don't have the money. They hold up the line, then try to finagle a free ride. I'm sure this driver deals with that bullshit on a daily basis. They'll ride a few stops, pretending to be looking for the money. Or they'll ask other riders to "lend" her the money. I see this game played daily.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut!/ClevelandBusDriverSupport

Support this man!!

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

I looked at a bunch of these videos of chicks getting knocked out. The common theme in many of them (not ALL, but most), is these wild bitches chasing after dudes while they're retreating, swinging and kicking. Finally, dude stops, plants and drills one of them to put an end to it. If these fuckin' chihuahuas want to yap, yap, yap from a distance, cool. But if you're going to chase a guy that's trying to get away from you and you end up on your back, so be it.

I'll grant you all that Snook Snook least warranted getting dropped, but don't say she wasn't threatening at all. The whole thing where bitches get up in your face with the hand is not only grating, but somewhat dangerous. Chicks have long nails, and are wearing rings and bracelets and shit. I she decides to slap you, or just accidentally catches you in the eye while waving her hand in your face could seriously fuck you up. That guy was arrested, and lost his job as and NYC schoolteacher. But I understand where he was coming from. Bitch was being an annoying insect, and without thinking, he swatted her.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

I agree this guy over reacted and could have used less force to throw her out, but there is a bigger matter at hand here. We're supposed to live in a civilized society where we solve problems through other means than violence. But how can a civilized society let somebody, man or woman or even teenagers, disturb the lives of the entire bus, do death threats to someone, spit on him and hit him without any consequences? This is not an isolated case, as I can witness that kind of nonsense frequently. The problem is not with this man, the problem is with society with its lack of general respect and maturity.

If we lived in a real civilized society, then I would condemn this man behavior. But it seems to me that we don't. This man is just a man, not trained in personal conflict resolution, not a martial artists with self control, just an average man. You can't expect an average man to know how to throw an aggressive person out without hurting her. That takes skills, and I doubt this man had them. So how much abuse and disrespect does an average man have to take without getting angry and defending himself? Then are we going to judge his technique?

In a civilized society, average men don't have to go that far to solve that kind of problem. The bus customers would have rallied behind the bus driver, agreeing that she was being bad by not paying for the fare and arguing about it, and nobody would be on the woman side. She would have been eventually thrown out with no or little physical damage, because the driver would have gotten help, and people would be thanking the bus driver for it instead of shaming him. But since all these community mechanisms are gone from today's society, how do problems get solved?

What is he supposed to do? Stop the bus, wait for the police to come, making all the people in the bus late, and taking shit from that woman who keeps escalating the confrontation trying to get physical? My bet is there would'nt be any newspaper article about it, but everyone on the bus would whine that the driver didn't do anyting, just like security guards in metro stations don't do anything anymore... and he would go home ashamed and angry at himself, haven taken shit from somebody when he didn't deserve it.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:25 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

The way I see it is this.
- Ghetto ho shouts and verbally threatens a bus driver on short video
- Guy stops the bus and uses excessive force to shut her up.
- posters here like and cheer this action and start showing other videos of girl getting beat up.

I'm asking where is the line? Next time a girl says to the driver that he doesn't know how to drive and he knocks her out. is that ok?

Is it now not wanted that a girl talks back to a man? Should all women be submissive little beings who completely bent to the will of the man?

I liked your post simply because when everyone is in agreement, people become intolerant of dissent. Still, you're wrong because:

1. She hit him first. This alone is sufficient.

The rest is icing on the cake:
2. She remained a danger to him.
3. She endangered the bus riders, by distracting the driver.
4. She was obstructing the driver from conducting his duties.

I don't think it should be a bus driver's responsibility to maintain order in a scenario like this. It's very risky. But if he does decide to, he should have our support.

There is no universal set of rules that is appropriate for all settings. Consider a school, with honors classes and remedial classes. The kids in the honors classes may occasionally act up, but the teachers can keep order with the lightest of punishments. Meanwhile, in the remedial class rooms, sometimes the harshest of punishments don't deter kids from acting out. If you live your life in the bubble of an honors class, a setting where everyone is polite and orderly, you might be horrified by the tactics you'd see in a remedial class. But what works for one doesn't necessarily work for the other.

Great example: Norway. Even their regular police don't carry guns. So they found themselves in quite a pickle when one of their countrymen was massacring unarmed people with high powered firearms. When you're confronted with violence, violence is required to restore peace. The aggressor will likely not stop until forced to.

I was kind of on the fence about the McD's beating, and definitely disagree with the Snookie punch - because whoever turns a verbal confrontation into a physical one is almost always at fault.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

The deciding factor to me in the McDonald's ass whipping was that when a customer jumps the counter, that signals a serious threat to the employees. You could say he went too far, but once that barrier gets crossed, you get what you get.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 03:31 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

The deciding factor to me in the McDonald's ass whipping was that when a customer jumps the counter, that signals a serious threat to the employees. You could say he went too far, but once that barrier gets crossed, you get what you get.

Yes, my instinct was that he went too far. Still, I haven't studied it enough to make any definitive conclusion.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 03:31 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

The deciding factor to me in the McDonald's ass whipping was that when a customer jumps the counter, that signals a serious threat to the employees. You could say he went too far, but once that barrier gets crossed, you get what you get.

Plus, these gangsta b!tchez these days are carrying strapz just like the men. So you never know when one of these studs will light a man up while he is trying to play knight.

That was NYC (regarding the Mcdonalds incident) and some of those pigeons there are rough as fcuk.

He would sit there like a duck and she would put the shiv in his gut or let her girlfriend fire the cannon into his skull. He did a 10 year bid and he acted as he would on lockdown..instincts that enabled him to survive.

A threat is a threat. You have female assassins too.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

The way I see it is this.
- Ghetto ho shouts and verbally threatens a bus driver on short video
- Guy stops the bus and uses excessive force to shut her up.
- posters here like and cheer this action and start showing other videos of girl getting beat up.

I didn't see any videos of girls getting beat up. I saw videos of women acting aggressively, throwing punches and kicks, and getting hit ONCE, not repeatedly. Just like the saying about not pulling a gun if you're not going to use it, if you get to the point where you feel you have to throw a punch, commit to it. These chicks didn't catch beatings. They got popped once, and got snoozed.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Watch the McDonald's video again. Notice the fat blond girl screaming "stop". Do you think she's worried about people she doesn't know getting beaten?

"Stop" translates into "you're gonna hurt my cheeseburger"!!

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