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PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Wow, I was reviewing this thread thinking about a second place to go in S.A. after Colombia.

Well guess what out of this entire thread over a 5 year span it follows the same pattern:

1) Guy shows up to Cordoba and blows up with excitement
2) Little excuses slip in as why he hasn't banged yet
3) Lots of time passes
4) Exit post full of subtle excuses on why you should ignore how hard it is to get laid in Argentina.
5) How many mentions of how great the food (steak) was to cover up how hard the girls were?

Just had me [Image: lol.gif]

There is not a SINGLE bang report or photo in this entire thread after all that jabber! My mind is imploding!

The last poster is a perfect example.

This place sounds like a Santa Barbara where chicks look Italian/Spaniard on average rather than Anglo/Germanic/Northern European, but chicks don't drink or do drugs and nobody gets laid!

I think I will have to try my hand at this place once my Spanish improves just to test myself.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (03-29-2015 07:29 AM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

Wow, I was reviewing this thread thinking about a second place to go in S.A. after Colombia.

Well guess what out of this entire thread over a 5 year span it follows the same pattern:

1) Guy shows up to Cordoba and blows up with excitement
2) Little excuses slip in as why he hasn't banged yet
3) Lots of time passes
4) Exit post full of subtle excuses on why you should ignore how hard it is to get laid in Argentina.
5) How many mentions of how great the food (steak) was to cover up how hard the girls were?

Just had me [Image: lol.gif]

There is not a SINGLE bang report or photo in this entire thread after all that jabber! My mind is imploding!

The last poster is a perfect example.

This place sounds like a Santa Barbara where chicks look Italian/Spaniard on average rather than Anglo/Germanic/Northern European, but chicks don't drink or do drugs and nobody gets laid!

I think I will have to try my hand at this place once my Spanish improves just to test myself.

Guys were on here saying that Mendoza is much easier than Cordoba and Buenos Aires and it's Argentina, so you won't have any trouble finding quality girls.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Thanks for that tip about Mendoza I will look into it.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

I spent a couple of weeks in Mendoza and to put it softly i don't trust any of the hype. The local guys and students of other argie cities told me that the mendocina has a rotten fame, strong entitlement and materialism.
In fact most of the foreigners and argentineans from other cities that i met complained about how bitchy and picky where the girls compared with Buenos Aires or Cordoba.

My experience match with that, you would find that most of the hot girls all taken by long relationships, girls are not really into dating guys outside their social circle (even less they think about fucking a random guy), and have so many people offering them the D that new guys approaching them are just like a plague. They will be curious about foreigners, but they don't see them sexually. Guys are not the most friendly people either.

I met some french guys that where changing hot girlfriends every month, but they where really wealthy and well connected. Besides i would say french guys are the only group that is making it decently with the alternative girls who have a romantic view of them, even the broken ones.

This isn't actually the worst place i have been, in my experience, lots of small cities or towns in Latin America have the same wall for visitors (in argentina it seems harde by the strong thirst and agresiviness of the local men). Far away the oasis that people say. It's like what somebody posted about southern cities in spain. Beautiful traditional girls. But you are just going to get the eyecandy, their sexuality is repressed socially and got guys working on them hard since high school. I got laid with 2 girls in those weeks. But those where chicks who digged

Anyway if you decide to go would love to read your datasheet.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Two girls in two weeks in Argentina is excellent. Going undefeated or close to it is for places like the Philippines, or for me, Costa Rica. Two girls in two weeks there is better than about 99% of other guys will do. Getting blanked in two months or something, while putting in tons of effort, would be a cause for concern.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

I forgot to finish that paragraph. Those where chicks who digged foreigners, not very atractive, better than the average philippina for sure.

But when you see 8s everywhere and you realize that you did all that effort just to get an average girl you just feel kinda pissed off. That considering i spent exactly 3 weeks and i was going out at night 3 days a week. Daygamed the first week a lot too while figuring out the city. Until i stopped because i wasn't even going anywhere, not even fake numbers lol. Coming from cities where i wasn't even trying so hard getting at least some smiles and numbers every 20 approaches, it didn't seem good at all. For sure i'm not used to have a hot new women everyweek because i usually have very high standards, but i really took it WAY more seriously there than in other places i have been.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Where are you from? Do you speak spanish? Do girls ever approach you in your home country?
Entitled and bitchy girls? Sounds just like home!
Anyway i will be there in the next couple of days if anyone wants to meet.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

I'm from a country in central america. Fluent spanish, light skin. That is a weird question buy yeah, i have been approached a couple of times. it is not common though. I think a smile or a deep look is the way women approach in Latin America, and they do it fairly often. Barely happens in Argentina.

It has been said that being latino crush your chances here, i think in Argentina your nationality doesn't favour or damage you a lot unless you are french, i haven't saw a swed guy with an argie or a british, and believe me, there are a lot of them, the combination is usually reverse, argie guy with swedish/british/any foreign girl. I went with some white blonde british guys and i can say for what i saw that they didn't do better than me.

Most of the people in that city (who not very wealthy) are mestizos, but the median and upper class are composed mostly by whites. So white foreigners don't stand up too much when going after this last demographic (who are the hotter), maybe they are taller, but that's it. And i wouldn't go to the low classes spots either, it comes with drama, guys being agressive, witnessing robberies, girls trying to make us buy them drinks, etc. I was able to get through that by having some cultural awareness, my british friends where completly ignorant of what was going on a lot of times.

I see that in your profile it says that you are from Africa. Some girls have tell me about how black guys are very desired and always being approached by girls. I saw some dominicans in a club the other day and they where in a corner lonely or with fat girls. So i really can't tell how true it is. I hope you tell us.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread


Be sure to report back for a comparison!

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (03-31-2015 11:48 PM)Dat ass Wrote:  

I'm from a country in central america. Fluent spanish, light skin. That is a weird question buy yeah, i have been approached a couple of times. it is not common though. I think a smile or a deep look is the way women approach in Latin America, and they do it fairly often. Barely happens in Argentina.

Central America is really underrepresented on the forum, so hopefully you stick around. The only Central American I can think of on here is Fret Dancer. I agree with the part about Argentine girls not approaching. In general, I get approached more than other guys do, but as far as frequency of being approached, Argentina is at or near last on the list. When I was in Argentina, once in a while, a below average girl would walk up to me, hand me her number, and walk away. That was about it.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (03-31-2015 11:56 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  


Be sure to report back for a comparison!

Pretty much everything in this thread is accurate, no bangs yet so add me to the list of guys that failed in here.
I can say that i havent felt that the girls are bitchy or entitled, in fact they seem more open than the girls from my country. Theyre very quick and direct in calling out guys though, so dont try to run some pua routine bullshit. Youll get called a fag in no time. Other than that you just have to be one of the cool guys to fit in.
I agree that this is not a place to come for just a few days. The peso is dirt cheap, so living here for a few months is not a bad idea.

Also argentinians guys seem very effeminate, most of them give the impression of being gay when you first them. Ive seen a lot of couples where the girl is a 10 and the guy just some skinny faggot. That being said just as girls come from european descent the guys also tend to be very good looking and everyone in here has a very good fashion sense.
If youre fat and ugly you may not do well in this city.

Guys that are good at story telling and used to being the center of attention would do best in here, the conversation is very fast paced and its mostly about nothing. People in here have a way of telling you the most trivial stuff in a fascinating manner and taking the longest time possible.
So dont play hard to get, or wait for girls to talk to you, everyone will just think youre boring. Non stop clown game is in my opinion the best way to go.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (04-04-2015 01:17 PM)dog24 Wrote:  

Also argentinians guys seem very effeminate, most of them give the impression of being gay when you first them. Ive seen a lot of couples where the girl is a 10 and the guy just some skinny faggot.

Neither of these two comments is consistent with my experience, but I agree with the rest of your post.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Dog24, where did you go? I guess what you say can be true if you go to the hip places. I would classify high class argie guys in three categories:
-Average Facundo: This guy has money but doesn't stand up, he plays videogames and dress a t-shirt and jeans.
-Hipster Cami:
-Rugbier Matias: This are big guys who even if they have money, are known for going apeshit for the most stupid reasons.

If you went to a hip place, chances are you where seeing more hipster Cami's.
It is true that smooth talking is important, it is called "chamuyo", if you are too evident hitting in someone you will be called out. Most of the success that i had here was becoming somewhat more passive. As girls are used to guys trying to fuck them all the time, the skilled guys tend to avoid being so evident, you still aproach but is a more social approach, you don't escalate until she has showed some interest, that is the reason a smooth"chamuyo" is important. It allows you to show value and see who is baiting instead of acting like another horny guy. But i think argie girls are the most visual girls in Latin America. I haven't met a good chamuyero that wasn't handsome to begin with.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Going to bump this thread as well. Anyone been in Cordoba recently?

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:29 PM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Going to bump this thread as well. Anyone been in Cordoba recently?

Cliff notes: don't go to Argentina with crappy or no Spanish, get fluent somewhere else and then maybe try your luck.

I'd be curious to hear from someone, ideally a foreigner very fluent in Spanish. Having lived in BsAs for a few years I got the impression that intermediate conversational Spanish was a massive handicap. It seems the hottest argie girls rarely if ever have really fluent English. They don't put out fast so it's very tough to stay fun and flirty through a few dates without near native fluency, unless the girl is basically a gringo hunter or super into you for some reason which is pretty rare, particularly for the upper echelon of quality.

It's kind of twilight zone shitty getting stuck with a 6 or 7 in a place where you see 8+s all the time. For me, getting conversational didn't take that long, but it took years to get from intermediate to near native fluency and that's sadly around the time when I left the city. The problem is once you get conversational it's easy to get lazy and complacent rather than continue to build your vocabulary/slang which is so crucial for humor and coming across as intelligent.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

¡Che chabón! Sí es importante que aprendas Lunfardos si vas a ir a Buenos Aires.

I was there for a week in March and I met some people that I'd been talking to on whatsapp. Without a doubt knowing some of the local language and "gestos" helped. Don't just use standard boring spanish, call her flaca or boluda to tease her, she'll laugh and feel more comfortable.

I'm planning on returning to Argentina in November for a month and I bought a book full of Argentine expressions called ¡Che Boludo! A gringos guide to understanding the Argentines by James Bracken. It's funny and good source of slang for those headed there.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Does anyone have any thoughts on how a 30 year old stoner-ish Spanish speaking American of average looks might fare in this gold mine...?

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Nevermind...doesn't seem like the ideal place in SA.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

is it worth going there durning christmas holidays?

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (06-03-2016 07:05 PM)Carolinian Wrote:  

¡Che chabón! Sí es importante que aprendas Lunfardos si vas a ir a Buenos Aires.

I was there for a week in March and I met some people that I'd been talking to on whatsapp. Without a doubt knowing some of the local language and "gestos" helped. Don't just use standard boring spanish, call her flaca or boluda to tease her, she'll laugh and feel more comfortable.

I'm planning on returning to Argentina in November for a month and I bought a book full of Argentine expressions called ¡Che Boludo! A gringos guide to understanding the Argentines by James Bracken. It's funny and good source of slang for those headed there.

If you call a girl who isn't a friend or family member of yours "boluda," you might very well piss her off. Horrible advice.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Agreed, I definitely wouldn't use boluda or flaca with a girl I don't know really well. You're just going to sound either offensive, try hard or goofy if you're misusing the slang. Unfortunately argies suck at English for the most part so you have to actually have decent enough Spanish for fluid/non-boring communication or you will have unlimited 15 minute convos to nowhere.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 11:27 PM)jcardial Wrote:  

Agreed, I definitely wouldn't use boluda or flaca with a girl I don't know really well. You're just going to sound either offensive, try hard or goofy if you're misusing the slang. Unfortunately argies suck at English for the most part so you have to actually have decent enough Spanish for fluid/non-boring communication or you will have unlimited 15 minute convos to nowhere.

Yeah, Argentina is tough enough without cockblocking yourself by calling girls you don't know boluda or insisting that they pay half of the check (I'll never get over that horrible Return of Kings article).

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Great info in this thread, thanks all. I’ll bump for an upcoming trip to Cordoba..

I have a mini-sabbatical this Spring and was looking for a spot in LatAm to polish up my Spanish with formal training/immersion. Argentina probably isn’t the best travel-training value (inflation?), but it has a certain amount of mystery and I like that with recent political events it’s ‘un país en transición.’

I’m planning a month in Cordoba to attend classes before moving on to Mendoza/BA for another month. Admittedly my game could use work; my intermediate Spanish is at a better level. I understand Cordoba to be a university town, but as a late-30s man night-gaming the undergrad demographic might require too much effort with little return. So the plan is to daygame approach the grad student/professional 26-33 y/o range with some form of ‘successful foreigner/Arg culture admirer’ game and adjust as needed.

Just a quick TY to Carolinian for recommending ‘Che Buldo!’ Another good slang-vocab book I found at the library is ‘Streetwise Spanish’ (2001).

I have just a few questions for the group:

-How much is the ‘VOS’ form used in Arg? Is it too weird to just address ppl with the usted version before switching to tu (i.e. skip VOS altogether)?

-Any recent ARG travelers – have you had to pay tariffs on any personal use items in your luggage (Cigs/cell phone), or otherwise had to deal with Airport customs?

-What does a month-long gym membership cost in Cordoba? Any recommendations?

-Is basketball popular in the area? Where’s the best spot to find a pick-up game?

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (02-09-2018 11:55 AM)crashlander Wrote:  

Great info in this thread, thanks all. I’ll bump for an upcoming trip to Cordoba..

I have a mini-sabbatical this Spring and was looking for a spot in LatAm to polish up my Spanish with formal training/immersion. Argentina probably isn’t the best travel-training value (inflation?), but it has a certain amount of mystery and I like that with recent political events it’s ‘un país en transición.’

I’m planning a month in Cordoba to attend classes before moving on to Mendoza/BA for another month. Admittedly my game could use work; my intermediate Spanish is at a better level. I understand Cordoba to be a university town, but as a late-30s man night-gaming the undergrad demographic might require too much effort with little return. So the plan is to daygame approach the grad student/professional 26-33 y/o range with some form of ‘successful foreigner/Arg culture admirer’ game and adjust as needed.

Just a quick TY to Carolinian for recommending ‘Che Buldo!’ Another good slang-vocab book I found at the library is ‘Streetwise Spanish’ (2001).

I have just a few questions for the group:

-How much is the ‘VOS’ form used in Arg? Is it too weird to just address ppl with the usted version before switching to tu (i.e. skip VOS altogether)?

-Any recent ARG travelers – have you had to pay tariffs on any personal use items in your luggage (Cigs/cell phone), or otherwise had to deal with Airport customs?

-What does a month-long gym membership cost in Cordoba? Any recommendations?

-Is basketball popular in the area? Where’s the best spot to find a pick-up game?

Usted is fine with cab drivers and older people but among peers and the younger crowd it's going to be 100% vos. You probably won't have problems with customs if the stuff isn't brand new (e.g. new phone/cpu still in box).

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

[quote] (02-09-2018 12:18 PM)jcardial Wrote:  

[quote='crashlander' pid='1734419' dateline='1518195341']
Usted is fine with cab drivers and older people but among peers and the younger crowd it's going to be 100% vos. You probably won't have problems with customs if the stuff isn't brand new (e.g. new phone/cpu still in box).[/quote]

Thanks for in the info amigo. I´ve been here a week and haven´t had too many problems with vos, although I still get the odd looks early on in convos. I definitely agree with your earlier contention that a true level of at least intermediate Spanish is needed for sustained success, along with regional seasoning. I didn’t realize how much vocab is local and therefore basically brand new to memorize/integrate.

Although a stroll down any side street in this town will give you enough motivation to do so. Admittedly I am not the most traveled fellow but I spent years in a major college town in addition to weeks in EE and Colombia. Seriously, Córdoba has more 7s than a slot machine factory. Throw in a nice dusting of 8s and some true stunners and every turn you make is like a scene from a womanizing genealogist´s wet dream.

As for game I´ve had a few speaccular blowouts but no fruit from daytime approaches, although most of the ladies are friendly with it. I´ve had better luck with Tinder and working on the seemingly steady flow of Brazilian women who come through the schoolhouse for a week or so a time.

Are there any locals in the area here? I could do with a wingman. Prob gonna check out Villa Carlos Paz this wknd but I´ll be in CBA for at least another few weeks. Suerte!

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