I'm gonna use this thread as a running comentary about my experiences in cordoba. For references to costs, the dollar currently buys you 3.8 pesos.
Partytimes Cordoba Thread
January Sucks
January is not the time to be in Cordoba. The students are on vacation, which means less partying, and less girls on the streets and malls during the day. Much less. Also, the students are much more open to meeting foreigners than the working class girls. My argentine friend tells me february will be 5 times better. Also its pretty hot in Jan, and rains somewhat often.
With all that said, Cordoba is not that bad in January. The night life is still OK by the standards of other cities, its just not what it would be feb through dec. But if you are taking the time and spending the money to come here, avoid January.
Best website that I've found for furnished temporary apartments:
Largets selection. Prices start at 2500 pesos per month, and go up to about 5000 pesos per month for a 2 bedroom. A decent 1bedroom will cost you 3000 pesos a month.
Spanish Lessons
- I started private spanish lessons for 25 pesos per hour. The lady is really good. Shes studying in university to get her language degree to teach spanish abroad.
Alcohol is Cheap
Beer costs 4 pesos per liter. Hard liquor is cheap too, like 15 pesos per 750ml bottle for voka, rum, etc. However this is shitty hard liquer. The best vodka i've seen here is Absolute, and its 85 pesos for 750ml. I am used to Grey goose and Belvedere, so this shit is harsh and makes me feel like shit the next day. But its great for having parties in your apartment. The students dont care what kind of liqure you have as long as you have it. (These are grocery store prices. I'll post about bar/club prices later)
Girls are hot
I've definitively seen some hot girls here, but I will wait until february when the students return to make my judgement. More to come.
Its easy to bring girls back to your apartment
I was out with my Argentine friend one evening on w weeknight around 9 pm, and he struck up a convo with a couple 19 year old girls. After 15 min he got them to come over to his apartment. I asked him if this is a common thing and he said yes. And also another time we brought back 2 chicks from a club. However, this means nothing. In the States, if a girl comes to your apartment it there is an unspoken implication that shes coming there for sex. But here in Argentina it doesnt means anything, Girls are not afraid that you're a psyco or a rapist like in the States. An invitation you your pad to hang out is just that, nothing more, no implications. Its a step in the right direction but definitely doesnt mean you are getting laid.
The meat here is definitely tasty. Grass fed, free roaming cows taste better than corn fed cows that are kept in tight quarters. Pizza tastes good too, the cheese tastes better here.
Eating out isnt that cheap here about 1/2 to 2/3 the cost of the US
Bakeries are dirt cheap.
Rarely necessary if you are staying in the right area, which is definitely Nueva Cordoba. Everything is in walking distance and its really nice to have everything real close to you. The taxis are cheap too. a 15 min ride will cost you about 15 pesos.
Cell Phones
Bring a unlocked cell that takes a SIM card. SIM cards cost 5 pesos, and you can buy a 20 peso prepaid card that will give you about 100 text messages or about 30 min of calls. If your Spanish is poor, like mine, you'll exclusively use texts to communicate with girls.
There are several cell companies here. Claro is the cheapest and most widely used.
More to come...............
Partytimes Cordoba Thread
January Sucks
January is not the time to be in Cordoba. The students are on vacation, which means less partying, and less girls on the streets and malls during the day. Much less. Also, the students are much more open to meeting foreigners than the working class girls. My argentine friend tells me february will be 5 times better. Also its pretty hot in Jan, and rains somewhat often.
With all that said, Cordoba is not that bad in January. The night life is still OK by the standards of other cities, its just not what it would be feb through dec. But if you are taking the time and spending the money to come here, avoid January.
Best website that I've found for furnished temporary apartments:
Largets selection. Prices start at 2500 pesos per month, and go up to about 5000 pesos per month for a 2 bedroom. A decent 1bedroom will cost you 3000 pesos a month.
Spanish Lessons
- I started private spanish lessons for 25 pesos per hour. The lady is really good. Shes studying in university to get her language degree to teach spanish abroad.
Alcohol is Cheap
Beer costs 4 pesos per liter. Hard liquor is cheap too, like 15 pesos per 750ml bottle for voka, rum, etc. However this is shitty hard liquer. The best vodka i've seen here is Absolute, and its 85 pesos for 750ml. I am used to Grey goose and Belvedere, so this shit is harsh and makes me feel like shit the next day. But its great for having parties in your apartment. The students dont care what kind of liqure you have as long as you have it. (These are grocery store prices. I'll post about bar/club prices later)
Girls are hot
I've definitively seen some hot girls here, but I will wait until february when the students return to make my judgement. More to come.
Its easy to bring girls back to your apartment
I was out with my Argentine friend one evening on w weeknight around 9 pm, and he struck up a convo with a couple 19 year old girls. After 15 min he got them to come over to his apartment. I asked him if this is a common thing and he said yes. And also another time we brought back 2 chicks from a club. However, this means nothing. In the States, if a girl comes to your apartment it there is an unspoken implication that shes coming there for sex. But here in Argentina it doesnt means anything, Girls are not afraid that you're a psyco or a rapist like in the States. An invitation you your pad to hang out is just that, nothing more, no implications. Its a step in the right direction but definitely doesnt mean you are getting laid.
The meat here is definitely tasty. Grass fed, free roaming cows taste better than corn fed cows that are kept in tight quarters. Pizza tastes good too, the cheese tastes better here.
Eating out isnt that cheap here about 1/2 to 2/3 the cost of the US
Bakeries are dirt cheap.
Rarely necessary if you are staying in the right area, which is definitely Nueva Cordoba. Everything is in walking distance and its really nice to have everything real close to you. The taxis are cheap too. a 15 min ride will cost you about 15 pesos.
Cell Phones
Bring a unlocked cell that takes a SIM card. SIM cards cost 5 pesos, and you can buy a 20 peso prepaid card that will give you about 100 text messages or about 30 min of calls. If your Spanish is poor, like mine, you'll exclusively use texts to communicate with girls.
There are several cell companies here. Claro is the cheapest and most widely used.
More to come...............