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PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

I'm gonna use this thread as a running comentary about my experiences in cordoba. For references to costs, the dollar currently buys you 3.8 pesos.

Partytimes Cordoba Thread

January Sucks
January is not the time to be in Cordoba. The students are on vacation, which means less partying, and less girls on the streets and malls during the day. Much less. Also, the students are much more open to meeting foreigners than the working class girls. My argentine friend tells me february will be 5 times better. Also its pretty hot in Jan, and rains somewhat often.

With all that said, Cordoba is not that bad in January. The night life is still OK by the standards of other cities, its just not what it would be feb through dec. But if you are taking the time and spending the money to come here, avoid January.

Best website that I've found for furnished temporary apartments:
Largets selection. Prices start at 2500 pesos per month, and go up to about 5000 pesos per month for a 2 bedroom. A decent 1bedroom will cost you 3000 pesos a month.

Spanish Lessons
- I started private spanish lessons for 25 pesos per hour. The lady is really good. Shes studying in university to get her language degree to teach spanish abroad.

Alcohol is Cheap

Beer costs 4 pesos per liter. Hard liquor is cheap too, like 15 pesos per 750ml bottle for voka, rum, etc. However this is shitty hard liquer. The best vodka i've seen here is Absolute, and its 85 pesos for 750ml. I am used to Grey goose and Belvedere, so this shit is harsh and makes me feel like shit the next day. But its great for having parties in your apartment. The students dont care what kind of liqure you have as long as you have it. (These are grocery store prices. I'll post about bar/club prices later)

Girls are hot

I've definitively seen some hot girls here, but I will wait until february when the students return to make my judgement. More to come.

Its easy to bring girls back to your apartment

I was out with my Argentine friend one evening on w weeknight around 9 pm, and he struck up a convo with a couple 19 year old girls. After 15 min he got them to come over to his apartment. I asked him if this is a common thing and he said yes. And also another time we brought back 2 chicks from a club. However, this means nothing. In the States, if a girl comes to your apartment it there is an unspoken implication that shes coming there for sex. But here in Argentina it doesnt means anything, Girls are not afraid that you're a psyco or a rapist like in the States. An invitation you your pad to hang out is just that, nothing more, no implications. Its a step in the right direction but definitely doesnt mean you are getting laid.

The meat here is definitely tasty. Grass fed, free roaming cows taste better than corn fed cows that are kept in tight quarters. Pizza tastes good too, the cheese tastes better here.
Eating out isnt that cheap here about 1/2 to 2/3 the cost of the US
Bakeries are dirt cheap.

Rarely necessary if you are staying in the right area, which is definitely Nueva Cordoba. Everything is in walking distance and its really nice to have everything real close to you. The taxis are cheap too. a 15 min ride will cost you about 15 pesos.

Cell Phones

Bring a unlocked cell that takes a SIM card. SIM cards cost 5 pesos, and you can buy a 20 peso prepaid card that will give you about 100 text messages or about 30 min of calls. If your Spanish is poor, like mine, you'll exclusively use texts to communicate with girls.
There are several cell companies here. Claro is the cheapest and most widely used.

More to come...............

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Man, I envy you! I was in Cordoba last year, and even though the universities were closed I had a great time. I think it must have been mid february, so just wait a bit and the students will gradually return.

By the way, check out the club Dorian Gray (electonic), awesome venue for seducing if it's crowded. I had four makeouts in one evening and dragged one chick to the love hotel, even though I didn't knew any spanish. Unfortunately there were no rooms available, so I ended up empty handed, but anyways, you get the picture [Image: smile.gif]

And be sure to eat plenty of empanada criollo!


PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Good stuff I may have to ask you for the info on your tutor when I get there (late March or April I think). My main goal will be spanish fluency... i'm kind of fatigued of latin girls at the moment and doubt I'll be all that eager to deal with the argentines [Image: smile.gif]

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

'i'm kind of fatigued of latin girls at the moment and doubt I'll be all that eager to deal with the argentines"

Suck it up Roosh.


Great data sheet so far.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Great tips; thanks
A Feb trip might be in the cards.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

beebopaloo, yeah im excited!!! This city rocks in February! Thanks for the club suggestion. I'll check it out and report back.

Roosh, dont worry buddy, I'll get you in the mood for some latin women (if the sheer beauty of these girls doesn't!!!)

Gmanifesto & toddh, thanks and plenty more to come.

I just devoured a grass fed, free roaming, thick Argentine steak. It was fcking delicious! Time for a nap. I love Argentina!

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

I'll also use this thread to talk about some of my experiences/observations here in Cordoba.

I arrived about 5 days ago and my social life is off to a running start thanks to Partytime hosting a rocking party the same day I arrived. It's only been 5 days, and my neck is already sore from constantly looking at the amazing girls here!

First, a little background. This is my first mini-retirement a-la Tim Ferriss and I'm planning to stay 4-6 months, maybe longer depending on how things go. Here are some of my goals on this trip:

1. Unwind, by working fewer than 4 hours per week on my business and actively doing things that make me happy and healthy.

I've worked the last 6 months or so to automate my real estate business, but there are probably some kinks that I'll have to work out. I'm also planning to eliminate other sources of stress such as by going on a low-information diet (yes that includes limiting my visits to this forum!).

2. Work on my general social skills, work on social circle game and game in general.

This should pay big dividends for happiness and pussy! I already have a few local friends but I'd like to do some cold approaches to expand my circle.

3. Improve my Spanish to about 90% fluency.

I'm about halfway there right now, from studying in high school, my trip to Colombia, and Pimsleur. My plan here is to have lots of Argentine friends/girlfriends that don't speak much English, memorize vocabulary using flashcards, having a private tutor, and listen to some Pimsleur and Show Time Spanish.

4. Work on other skills (guitar, singing, dancing).

I'd like to find classes and tutors to work on these.

5. Have 1-2 amazing Argentine girlfriends or at least several fuck-buddies.

The girls here are AMAZINGLY hot!!!!! There are SO MANY of them too (I wouldnt be surprised if this is the highest concentration of fuckable girls in the world)! I'm totally astounded by the quality. No more than an hour off the plane and I had a bad case of blue balls. Must fix...

It's hard to judge so far but it doesn't seem like it will be very hard to get laid here especially if you live here and you have plata. Still, probably harder than Americans. This is evidenced by the fact that I made out with a 19 y/o American on the plane ride here, yet still haven't gotten a make-out here! I'm trying to master a system whereby I can go "fishing" for girls instead of "hunting."

6. Live large

It's so cheap here, why not? Partytime and I are looking for a penthouse loft apartment to live and host parties/BBQ's. We already found one that came to $800/m furnished and all-inclusive, but we're still looking. Our parties cost us about $50 per party with tons of alcohol. A bottle of champagne at a club costs $15. A maid costs $4/hr. I love geoarbitrage [Image: smile.gif]

This is only the beginning but I'd like to post updates as I go along. Anyways, I'm off to drink some mate and play guitar at the park [Image: smile.gif]


PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

I just got back from a long run in the park wich is just 2 blocks from my apartment, and wow do I feel absolutely great! The quality of life here in Cordoba is better than just about any other city I've visited. And I don't mean "quality of life" is the way its usually measured (literacy rates, life expectancy, poverty rates, medical care, employment rates, etc. ) Here is what I mean:

Quality of Life

Everything is close by. I can't overstate how nice this is. Its so great to be able to easily walk to the market, mall, gym, restaurants, cafes, bars, clubs, zoo, pharmacy, universities, public squares, downtown and more. And there are always people out and about on the streets and in the squares and parks. It lively and social place. The days are long and it doesn't get dark until after 9. After work the outside patios of all the restaurants and cafes are full of amigos and amigas sharing a beer, sipping slowly, no rush. They're not drinking to get drunk like us Americans or Brits. They are there to hang with friends and feel good. To be out among people.

Cordoba is safe. I feel real comfortable here. I'm never watching my back. Its a real nice feeling. But its more than just safety, its the social atmosphere of the city. People are out and about everywhere. Go to the park in the late afternoon and there are tons of people walking, jogging, playing soccer, sitting on the park benches, drinking matte (strong tea type of drink), talking, socializing. Enjoying life. Many times I've been to the park at 11:00pm or later and there are a lot of people there including lots of parents with their 5 year old kids.

This city has a great vibe to it. All of the things I mention above are not really that important if you're traveling to a city for 2 weeks, but they make ALL the difference if you are living there for many months like I am.

One important note: Everything I am talking about is in regards to Nueva Cordoba. This is the place to be.

Water Quality

My first 3 weeks here I was buying bottled water every week and lugging it to my apartment. Then one day I was all out of bottled water, thirsty as hell, and too lazy to go to the store. I remembered my argentine friend always drinks the tap water, so I said what the hell, it cant be that bad, right? Well to my amazment it tasted better than the bottled water! I felt like such a stupid American. The cashiers at the grocery store must have thought I was retarded buying bottled water.

The University

I checked out the University campus the other day and I have to say it is a daygame gold mine! It had cafes, benches and plenty of other places for day game. I am really excited about this! Its a 10 min walk from my apartment

Really casual dressers

Cordobesos are real casual in their attire. I don't think I've seen more than a couple people in suits, or even just slacks and a dress shirt. And there is no dress code at the clubs. Shorts: no problem. Tennis shoes or flip flops: no worries. In fact, my argentine friend laughs at me because I have black leather shoes on. He says I look silly and need to buy some white tennis shoes for clubbing. Aint that a trip?

The guys are not good dressers either (some are but many arent). I mean you can dress in shorts and a T-shirt and still look stylish, but some of these guys just have any old crap on. The girls are better dressers, but not amazing my US metropolitan city standards.

Much more to come soon.... I got a lot to say about the girls, nightlife, etc. Coming up...

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (01-13-2010 12:56 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

'i'm kind of fatigued of latin girls at the moment and doubt I'll be all that eager to deal with the argentines"

Suck it up Roosh.


Great data sheet so far.

LOL! funny, on another post someone asked me how I can possibly be tired of Latin girls. Ha! Told ya, after a while you get tired of their fucking games!

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (02-16-2010 12:20 PM)PartyTime Wrote:  

Much more to come soon.... I got a lot to say about the girls, nightlife, etc. Coming up...

I might hit Cordoba on the first week of March. You´re reports plus what I´ve read in Realmantravelguides are gold. Keep them coming.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

The importance of smoking in Cordoba.

Almost everybody smokes. I'd say about 75% of people here are chain smokers. Even if you don't need to smoke (like me), don't neglect this opportunity.

When you come to Cordoba, bring some specialty high-end cigarettes that are not available in Cordoba. I brought 3 packs of cloves and they have helped me immensely. They are a hot commodity and treat them as such. Don't give them away!

Personally, these cloves have been solely responsible for a make-out and bringing several girls into my bedroom. Plus they're great for conversation.

Final note... don't inhale. Tobacco is toxic for your health!

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread


You just sold me on Cordoba. Good work.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

You guys are getting me excited about Cordoba. I'm aiming for late April.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (02-18-2010 06:20 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

You guys are getting me excited about Cordoba. I'm aiming for late April.

There is so much more to tell. We're just getting started!!! Im gonna start posting more frequently! Stay tuned!

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

The 3-Second Rule in Cordoba:

After stepping out of your apartment in Nueva Cordoba, you will see at least one 8+ within 3 seconds.

Consistent as gravity.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (02-19-2010 10:02 PM)gringoed Wrote:  

After stepping out of your apartment in Nueva Cordoba, you will see at least one 8+ within 3 seconds.

Extremely true. But we should mention that we are living in the best possible spot. Probably the best cross streets, in the best area of Cordoba (nueva cordoba).

But I don't want to detract from the point: The girls here are ABSOLUTELY gorgeous!!!

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

which cross streets

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

I'm liking the sounds of it there and have been planning to travel down and stay a few months. Can you give a rough idea of what the basic cost of living would be for a shared student type apartment, food and going out. I need to make $1000 per month work - is this realistic? I'm bit concerned about the inflation reports. It sounds like it's getting a bit out of control. Have you noticed this?


PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

We're at the intersection of Irigoyen/Buenos Aires.

The best location here is El Paseo de Buen Pastor. You can go there anytime 24/7 and find hot girls to hit on, while they are just sitting and drinking mate.

Plus it's very close to other good spots. It's basically the hub of the young and lively of Nueva Cordoba.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

I'm really confused where Neuva Cordoba is. I thought it was north of the river but from your streets it's actually right near the Tango Hostel and Parque Sarmiento.

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Hola Caballeros,

This is my first post here but I´ve visited the forum several times over the past 2-3 months. This forum has been an awesome source of info and I´ve been meaning to register and post but have been so busy preparing for my mobile/4-Hour-Workweek lifestyle trip as well as being on the road (Costa Rica, Panama, Argentina) since Dec.

I´m currently in Uruguay and plan to be back in Argentina in a week or so, and plan to stay in Cordoba for 2-3 months from March to May after spending 1-2 weeks in Rosario. I´ve been in Uruguay for a week now and what armanid27 said about charruas and UY in general is spot on and although I´ve gotten some interest from the local girls, I can´t wait to get back to Argentina. The scene here doesn´t compare to BA and definitely not with Cordoba from what I hear.

Planning to put effort on both social game and daygame. I´m not that great at doing nightgame in clubs but am open to doing nightgame in the street or parks if girls are indeed out & about 24/7 in Cordoba. Did social game yesterday at the hostel I´m staying at in Manantiales and ended up going out to La Barra last night with a couple of cool Chilean cats and three brasileiras from Copacabana. I´m getting really good reception down there from everyone in general. I met three separate groups of 3 Chilean girls (one group opened me on the bus to La Barra) and met 3 Argies at the hostel at Punta who invited me out to Moby Dick (a popular bar on the waterfront in Punta next to SoHo) with 6 brasilieiras they met in MVD. I think it´s because Im Asian and there aren´t many down here so they´re curious and want to start a conversation, so I may have the exotic factor working for me down here.

Anyway, would be great to meet up with you guys (PartyTime and gringoed and whoever is in Cordoba now and in March thru May), join forces & resources and enjoy our time in Cordoba.


PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Roosh- Tango hostel is far away from the heart of Nueva Cordoba. Check out Le Grand hostel, that is much closer to the action. Better yet, get an apartment!

EndGame- Hit us up when you arrive. We rarely go into the Boliches. It's just unnecessary!

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (02-21-2010 10:31 PM)gringoed Wrote:  

Roosh- Tango hostel is far away from the heart of Nueva Cordoba. Check out Le Grand hostel, that is much closer to the action. Better yet, get an apartment!

EndGame- Hit us up when you arrive. We rarely go into the Boliches. It's just unnecessary!

Will do. I´m glad to hear we´re on the same page on the boliches. In general, it´s been a waste of time & money for me although I might indulge on the ones that have free salsa classes on certain nights prior to opening. Hasta luego!

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (02-21-2010 10:31 PM)gringoed Wrote:  

We rarely go into the Boliches. It's just unnecessary!

I went to the boliches (night clubs) a lot when I first arrived. I got a ton of numbers. (actually I've never had a Argie girl say no to me when asking for the number so far). But I got very minimal success when following up

One of the biggest things you have going for you is your exotic-ness as and American (or European). And its hard to show that off inside a loud, dark boliche. But just step outside the boliche on to the crowded street where all the nightclubs are located (Calle Rondau), and all of a sudden your exotic-ness is much more visible. You dress differently, your haircut is different, you speak English, etc. The girls are interested to talk to Americans. They have watched so many American movies, and listen to so much american music, and now here you are, very possibly the first American they have met. Often times the guys in the group are just as interested to talk to you as the girls.

So yeah, we've been skipping the boliches lately. I plan to test out the boliches a little more as time goes on , just in case there is some potential there we've missed so far, but so far its been unnecessary.

Sometime soon I'm going to write up a "Plan of Attack" for the American traveler with minimal Spanish. It will be good stuff [Image: wink.gif]

PartyTime's Cordoba Thread

Quote: (01-12-2010 10:34 PM)PartyTime Wrote:  

Eating out isnt that cheap here about 1/2 to 2/3 the cost of the US

When I wrote the above, I forgot to factor in that tax is already included in the price, and tipping is not necessary. That saves you 20 to 25% right there.

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