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So far I have only visited Baja California and Quintana Roo (Cancun, Playa del Carmen), but Mexico definitely has a lot going for it for the Gringo tourist.

From what I have experienced, Baja is a pretty interesting place. The border of modern day Baja California and Alta California (What the Mexicanos call our California) was drawn around 1848 after the Mexican American War, so our California is a pretty new State from the American standpoint. Once you go South of the border, you basically see what California might have looked like had it stayed in Mexican hands.

Tijuana is probably the nastiest city on the planet. It's a great spot if you're into Cheap Booze, Cheap Hookers, and Cheap Cigarettes. There is the Zona Roja which is famous for its Brothels and Strip Clubs, Avenida Revolucion which is known for its dingy (18+) clubs and date rape experiences, and then another area which I have heard much of called Zona Rio. This is where the actual Mexicanos go to party and from what I've heard from a friend, there are some beautiful women to be found here. Also, it is pretty important to be able to converse in Spanish if you want to get with the local upper-class women. Although they'll speak English, you don't want to come off as just another Gringo from across the border.

South of Tijuana you reach Rosarito, which is another American party town. It's cleaner and more beautiful compared to Tijuana, but it's pretty small and uninteresting. Good if you want to hook up with some drunk party chicks. Spring Break WOOO!

Further south in Baja is Ensenada. This is a port town, and there is not much to see besides cruise ships and tranny hookers walking the streets. I went into a bar once with one of my exes and it was obviously a brothel because they looked at me pretty funny for bringing a girl with me. The key to seeing actual Mexicans not catering to Gringos is to get farther away from the port.

Cancun is a decent place if you want to hook up with tourists. There are a lot of French and Americans here. From what I experienced, not too much going on when it comes to finding beautiful Mexican girls that weren't there working in the tourist industry. Yet, if you're into French girls, it's definitely not a bad place to meet them, although gaming French girls is a little bit different from the Gringa Spring Break sluts [Image: wink.gif]

Playa del Carmen, from my limited experience thus far, is the Jewel of Quintanaroo. I saw so many beautiful girls here, mostly upper class Spaniard-looking girls who dressed well and had great tans. There was a definite European vibe going on, and although we didn't stay the night, I think there are definitely some opportunities for the Spring Break warrior.

I have intentions of visiting Monterrey, D.F., Guadalajara, and Chiapas. Those reports will hopefully come soon. Hope to hear some of your Mexico reports!


Pretty decent data sheet actually.

Some things to add:

From Tijuana to Ensenada you will find arguably the sickest waves on the west coast. Many are secret spots. People don't tell. I know them, don't ask me. There is minimal info on the internet on this as well. My advice? Go explore. No one will tell you.

Tijuana has some beautiful upper class girls. I have dated plenty.

But if you think you are going to roll into TJ and start swooping, well, lets just say your efforts are better placed elsewhere. This is a triple black diamond type city. Not even Mystery or Neil Strauss is pulling this off. Ha.

This is Manifesto only turf.

Also, keep in mind, there is a heavy drug war going on here:

I have written on the subject a lot. Refer to The Manifesto if interested.

Not for the faint of heart.

In addition, I should be rolling to Guadalajara this year with some heavies, so hopefully I will have some info soon for you guys.


I will be arriving in Mexico in two weeks or so. My Mexican girlfriend is gonna be picking me up at the airport in Mexico City so she will be able to help me quite a lot it terms of planning my trip.

In terms of the best spots to pick up the girls though, I need your thoughts on that.

The GF has bi-sexual tendencies which come out after a little tequila so I want to get some 3somes going with her and other local girls that I pick up. Definitely do-able I think.

My first spot is Mexico City itself? Tips?


Warning This is a LONG AZZ POST:

Sorry guys I haven't had a chance to give my write up on Monterrey. Their are some tall beauties, average girls, and all in between. Monterrey is unique in that they may have some of the least indiginous looking people. Of course you can tell that most girls have a hint of Native blood . In the history of Nuevo Leon (the state that Monterrey resides in) the first settlers brought by the Spaniards were converted Jews, then French settled their after a war with the Spanish in that region. When considering Mexico and the regions, the type of native people influences how the girls look a lot. The more south you get the more Mayan/Incan/Aztec influence you get. If you have ever been to Cancun you will see that generaly the girls aren't that pretty by our standard. They have round faces and are very short. Same goes for many of the southern Mexican states. In Mexico city the Aztecs mixed well with the population their.

My ex-wife is from Monterrey. Since a lot of girls are pretty she would rank as your average pretty girl in Monterrey, which is a knock out by what most would "perceive" as Mexican ala "maria the maid". She is 5'10" and many girls their are atleast 5'5". When I brought her to the states people where falling all over her because of her looks and now she has an contract and works with Elite modeling agency regularly.

The girls in Monterrey are known all over Mexico for having what my friends and I call "Moreno Fever". So that is a plus if you are black or darker complexted. When they like you, you know it because they give the "stare of death" like they are striping you down. They will either come right up to you, make comment about "chocolate" or call out to get your attention. The more "well off" girls are much more subtle in their approach and you more than likely will have to talk to them first. The city is also home to two large universitys that are well thought of in Latin america and the world.

Here is part of an email I wrote another member about Gaming in Monterrey:

"After all of my travels to Latin America I always skiped Mexico. I really though their were no quality girls their. I though the all had that they were all shaped like coke cans. The only reason I though about going down was because one of my homeboys was getting married to this chick from down their. Their wedding was in McAllen,TX and I was in the wedding. Her fam from MTY showed up and I was floored. Also alot of the girls from McAllen were from north Texas where they tend to be "whiter". These chicks had bodys like models and many where taller than 5'4". They were all sweating my black friends and I. I then and their changed my mind about Mexico. Here in Atlanta, most of the ones we see are from South Mexico and are coke can shaped and look like indians.

I have been their many times so I won't tell long stories just where to go to see girls. When reading this remember I had not even though about gaming so one day I will need to get a wingman and do it right!:

Where to stay- I always stayed in the Howard Johnson ($55/night) in the middle of the citys Zona Rosa across for the Gran Plaza the locals call it the Microplaza (mini park with scluptures, art and green space) . It is also on the same block as all of the downtown shopping. Basicly you are swimming in gaming spots.

[b]Where to game
[b]-- Step out the either door of the HoJo and you are either directly in front of the park (Plaza) or in the pedestrian centro commercial that cars cannot pass through. These are the best to spots for day gaming. Walk up and down the pedestrian shoping area, go into stores like you are going to buy something.... soon you may hear "amigooo, en que te puedo ayudar" or "amigoooo...Ala orden". You will recieve long stares by girls and all it takes is aproaching them. Some bolder ones my come right up to you. Most of those you can pass up on unless you want a quick close.

From the other door of the HoJo you can see the GranPlaza. Their are students their and turist walking around to the attractions. The streets are cobble stone and the construction is antique. I would suggest going to the museo de Histora Mexicana. While I was their the last time they had an exibit called the Black infulence of Mexico and how Mexico has officaly adopted its African heritiage as its third mix. Tons of students and girls around staring and waving wanting to continue that legacy!

If you walk directly across the Plaza their is a party district called el Barrio Antiguo. That is where all the college kids hang out and get down. Their are so many clubs that change names on a monthly basis their that it is hard to say where to go. You will here Rock, Reggaeton, and Electronica coming from the clubs. If you really want to ball go to the most croweded one and tip the bounce to let you ahead of the line. Girls will notice. One thing about about the more "well off" girls is for the most part they act like you don't exist. This is because they try to throw more class in their game when it comes to morenos and not act so silly, however they want to be touched also! Here is one place you may check out. View their fotogaleria You can get an idea of what to expect.

Monterrey identifys alto with Colombia many that go their notice the vibe. They sweat Vallenato and some rock Colombian flags.

If you like Salsa like I do, go to Skandal. It is a salsa club right around the corner from the hotel. You may want a taxi to take you. From Thursday-Saturday their are girls. Girls come to this place wanting to meet a moreno. Entrance is around 10bones but drinks are cheap. One coveat about this place is that most of the patrons are 25 and up. Again, girls here stare a lot! So be prepared for that eye contact. Even if you don't get it they will not pass up a chance at a moreno. Every night that I went to Skandal my boy and I left with something! Many of the band members are black and are from DR or Panama. They will put you on to some of the girls. The waiters also would come to us and tell us that their is a girl at a certain table that wants to dance with us. Dude, if I only knew how to work things better!! Hind sight is always 20/20 I guess. We had some chick that we left with an before we could drive down the road my buddy had her tits out..haha. "

If their are any more questions just ask!


Great post, fman!

hope not to bother you, but ------their in most of your post is: there


Quote: (01-06-2010 08:40 PM)lilactag Wrote:  

Great post, fman!

hope not to bother you, but ------their in most of your post is: there

Hey, no sweat. That is what I get for trying to remember everything and write fast. I always had that problem in school, however I never claimed to be an English major but Spanish slayer...hahah


Quote: (01-06-2010 02:44 PM)fman Wrote:  

The girls in Monterrey are known all over Mexico for having what my friends and I call "Moreno Fever". So that is a plus if you are black or darker complexted. When they like you, you know it because they give the "stare of death" like they are striping you down. They will either come right up to you, make comment about "chocolate" or call out to get your attention. The more "well off" girls are much more subtle in their approach and you more than likely will have to talk to them first. The city is also home to two large universitys that are well thought of in Latin america and the world.

That was what I was hoping Argentina was going to be like. This place sounds like a gold mine. You've raised my interest level here. If you need a wing, let me know. I'm down to fly there for a weekend anytime. I need to find a place in Latin America that is for black guys what Peru is for white guys. Other than the girls, anything else in that region worth checking out?

Hey are you fluent in Spanish? How many girls speak English there? My Spanish is not yet on the conversational level. I can read quite a bit, but I still can't understand if people are talking fast.

ps - Okay, just looked through your link to the club photos. I don't think I've ever seen a club with that much talent. Dayum! If everything you say about that city is true, I'd probably find a reason to lose my passport and return ticket home. Also kinda noticed that every single dude I saw looks gay, or at least the gay Latin boys in L.A. all look exactly like them. I don't know who's emulating who.


wow. that is some SERIOUS talent.

im def gonna try and hit that up for a weekend real soon.

jesus thats the best looking mexican chicks ive ever seen!


Quote: (01-07-2010 12:59 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-06-2010 02:44 PM)fman Wrote:  

The girls in Monterrey are known all over Mexico for having what my friends and I call "Moreno Fever". So that is a plus if you are black or darker complexted. When they like you, you know it because they give the "stare of death" like they are striping you down. They will either come right up to you, make comment about "chocolate" or call out to get your attention. The more "well off" girls are much more subtle in their approach and you more than likely will have to talk to them first. The city is also home to two large universitys that are well thought of in Latin america and the world.

That was what I was hoping Argentina was going to be like. This place sounds like a gold mine. You've raised my interest level here. If you need a wing, let me know. I'm down to fly there for a weekend anytime. I need to find a place in Latin America that is for black guys what Peru is for white guys. Other than the girls, anything else in that region worth checking out?

Hey are you fluent in Spanish? How many girls speak English there? My Spanish is not yet on the conversational level. I can read quite a bit, but I still can't understand if people are talking fast.

ps - Okay, just looked through your link to the club photos. I don't think I've ever seen a club with that much talent. Dayum! If everything you say about that city is true, I'd probably find a reason to lose my passport and return ticket home. Also kinda noticed that every single dude I saw looks gay, or at least the gay Latin boys in L.A. all look exactly like them. I don't know who's emulating who.

DISCLAMER: I don't want to get you all too excited about Monterrey but if you temper your expectations. Not every girl is a knock out like in Argentina, however they are some of the best you will find anywhere in Mexico. Everyones experience is unique, however the love for Morenos is something that I have experienced everytime. The best thing to do is to have some time to spend, go where the girls are, and things will happen just like any other place. Spanish helps if you have to do some serious game on the rich chicks. Very few speak English, however I have had friends do very well dispite not knowing Spanish. For me I am 100% fluent in Spanish because I grew up with our father teaching us as small children. Then when I got older I moved to Venezuela and Colombia for few years and then started to travel Latin America.

You are right about the dudes looking gay! But the funny thing is if you go into a club they stare at you and give you high fives and want to talk to you too!
The link of the club I sent is from one of the ones that they play techo. Those tend to be where the more rich girls hang and those are the ones you have to work a little more for because they act like you are nothing special at first. The area where the college girls hang is a different story depending on the club. Some clubs play hiphop and you will be attacked like 50cent when you step in the door. If you go to the clubs that they play Salsa you will the subject of attention because Salsa isn't very popular there so the assume you are a Cuban, Dominican, Venezuelan or Puerto Rican singer. Other places it is all about catching that "stare", or walking up to them. I personaly don't like regional Mexican music but I want to try and hit one of those spots just for the girls. I am positive they would die to see a Moreno walk up in their because they would never expect it!

I am not into strip clubs but I went once. All I have to say is the talent is boundless. Also what you can do with them is boundless. We had some girls tried to come to our hotel that night and the next day because they were on some wifey thing.

My times in Monterrey were blocked on going all out because I was dating a girl down their that I eventualy married. Now that we are separated and the relationship is ending I am going down with a whole different mentality.

I am not positive how most girls are on escalating things to another level. I would expect them to be just like any where else. The whole thing I guess has to be logistics. If you stay in that Hotel I recommended, for most pickup it would be just a matter of walking her across the street.

I am starting to appreciate the value of hitting some girls up on social networking sites. I am starting to think that with enough time you may be able to talk enough to a girl that she feels as if she knows you when you get off the plane. Then from their maybe things can advance a bit more. I also like this because I agree with what Roosh said one time. He rather have one good looking "girlfriend for the vacation" type than spend all your time trying to bang eveything only to end up with mediocre chicks. Social networking also helps you find the ones that speak english faster and if not their is always google translator to help you. You can tell how cool they are by their pics and what groups they may belong to. My favorite social networking site now has been tagged. I have recieved mad love on that site and have been able to line some solid stuff up for my trip to Iceland. Although it isn't the "end all" I feel you can at least get one girl that you can build a rapport with and have a friend when you get off the plane. Just like in regular gaming it is a numbers game. I have hit up hundreds of girls and not all respond or added be as a friend, but you have to keep trying. From tagged I have a ton of Icelandic friends that I talk to weekly. One inparticular I talk to several times a week and have had some interesting conversations to say the least and have built some great rapport with her and she is Bi.....(PM if you want to know more..haha). I have also tried the old BlackPlanet site to see what is out their. You can find a lot of girls that look like they would be very cool, however I cannot get not one to talk to me or add me as a friend. Use every avenue you can, Hot or Not is also ok also, however I am not too keen about putting my pic out their. The Couchsurfing website can help also. You can find chicks that would like to meet for coffee or a drink that like to party also.

Currently I am blazing Monterrey up on tagged and I got this cool looking girl that is ready for me to step off the plane! I am going the first week in April for one week and will try and get at least two weekends out of it. Currently the prices from Atlanta are $591. That is not too bad for the Spring break season. Let me know if anyone my wants to join me. We can then work double time on trying to line up something for a short stay.


you keep writing really interesting stuff about Monterrey, now I am inspired to go!
You mention that if you want to game the upper class girls, you need spanish because they don't speak it, well, that seems strange, because I thought being a rich kid in a northern richer city of MX would if all make it easier for you to find girls even in the lower classes to speak some english and the richer being completely fluent??

Maybe is something like in France, i don't know.
I am right with you on the Social Networking game, I do the same, hit 100s of girls and a tiny percentage hit me back and talks to me, but then I only hit what i think are true 9s and up, I creat friendship and then when I travel to their places, it is as we are best friends but with benefits hehe, at least 1 girl in each country i go, i try to have it lined up from internet contact only, it does work!


Quote: (01-07-2010 10:13 AM)lilactag Wrote:  

you keep writing really interesting stuff about Monterrey, now I am inspired to go!
You mention that if you want to game the upper class girls, you need spanish because they don't speak it, well, that seems strange, because I thought being a rich kid in a northern richer city of MX would if all make it easier for you to find girls even in the lower classes to speak some english and the richer being completely fluent??

Maybe is something like in France, i don't know.
I am right with you on the Social Networking game, I do the same, hit 100s of girls and a tiny percentage hit me back and talks to me, but then I only hit what i think are true 9s and up, I creat friendship and then when I travel to their places, it is as we are best friends but with benefits hehe, at least 1 girl in each country i go, i try to have it lined up from internet contact only, it does work!

Dude I am 100% with you on the Social Networking game. I am trying it for the first time with my trips to Monterrey and to Reykjavik. I am interested to know how you work that game. Explain to me if they really get attached to you and how you slide in caressing them up. Them being attached is ok if they are really hot. Have you tried it with couchsurfing? Are those chicks really wanting to get some play or are they really trying to "help the world"..hahah. I just want to learn more of how you work it since I have no experience. In theroy it sounds great though. Please elaborate.

I must have misspoken about needing to know Spanish with the upper class girls. I am sure they are a lot better than most with english. But I have found very few that know more than a few words of english at all socioeconomic levels or maybe they were scared to try. It also may have been because I come at them in Spanish and don't give them the chance to try english.


Smokin' Monterrey girl.


Social NEtworking game that has worked for me?
well, as i said, i just hit as many as possible, i.e. in facebook, i use their shitty Are you interested app, which after some time doesn't allow you to even view the mails you get sent, but that is a good excuse, I make a funny, cocky message, copy and paste to all the girls I hit as a YES, instead of sending them gifts or kisses or something given by the app, I send that message and tell them I can't read their messages, that i "allow" them to add me on FB.

Post a pic on your profile in which you are doing something interesting, specially funny and follow it by more social pics, women like to know you are good with people.

Once they are hooked or added you, normally, except for some asians or eastern europeans, they will expect you to write them, then get your interest toned down, just review their profile and make some comment about what you saw, tell a bit, but only a tiny bit about yourself and start mentioning about travelling.

They don't get attached, it is just a flirt, keep it like that. Of course, there are exceptions, for example, I met a norwegian with whom we discuss philosophers and all about our lives, so she has become a real friend, but i keep her attraction level toward me ambivalent.

Most importantly is to find one determined theme that links you both, then keep it and start the sexual talk play.
I have not even travelled to that many of their countries and encountered, but a couple of them have travelled to meet me! and i have a 100% score on banging these chicks. It really is a cool technique: copy and paste hehehe

A have another finnish girl who i am going to meet soon, she is travelling, we keep talking about various astral things but i tease her that i really like her sister and if she will introduce me and let me be her sister in law. That raises her awareness and she normally says things like: "hey,i will be all you need from my family"

Man, just do whatever on internet like in real life game, you have only to win, nothing to loose. The wors is a chick who bans you from her FB, so what?
I think same rules as real game applies, except that you are more comfortable here and can think better what to say.

Probably i have not adressed all our questions, so just let me know if i can add.


Quote: (01-08-2010 01:57 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Smokin' Monterrey girl.

wow, truly smoking my my!!


Here is a popular bar in Monterrey. Click on fotos and then select the fotos from Mayo 2008.(it's the only one that works) There are three albums. Some very nice looking girls in their.


Quote: (01-09-2010 07:55 PM)fman Wrote:  

Here is a popular bar in Monterrey. Click on fotos and then select the fotos from Mayo 2008.(it's the only one that works) There are three albums. Some very nice looking girls in their.

Quite nice talent. I'm starting to think Monterrey is a winner. I read that it's pretty safe too for a Latin American city. Too bad it's not a beach town.


I got all excited about this place, but as soon as I did some research I found out in April that 50 gunman stormed the Holiday Inn and Kidnapped several people. The drug Cartels have made it unsafe to go here. I guess I will have to stick to SA.


Right now it is a very bad time to go to a mexican city near the us border. I am planning a bus trip down through central america from texas, but instead of taking a bus directly from san antonio I plan to fly to veracruz where I will begin my bus adventure. It is less dangerous when you travel further south into mexico.


Quote: (01-09-2010 08:19 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quite nice talent. I'm starting to think Monterrey is a winner. I read that it's pretty safe too for a Latin American city. Too bad it's not a beach town.

That's a good question: where are the beach towns to hit in Mexico? All that coastline, it's gotta have something. If it's anything like the Dominican Republic (Cabarete), it should be a blast... Anything similar to recommend in Mexico? thanks


Quote: (08-27-2010 01:50 AM)starplay Wrote:  

Quote: (01-09-2010 08:19 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quite nice talent. I'm starting to think Monterrey is a winner. I read that it's pretty safe too for a Latin American city. Too bad it's not a beach town.

That's a good question: where are the beach towns to hit in Mexico? All that coastline, it's gotta have something. If it's anything like the Dominican Republic (Cabarete), it should be a blast... Anything similar to recommend in Mexico? thanks

Id like to know this as well but more from a surf aspect. Its too cold for me right now surfing (and gaming) Peru and will likely head to Mexico in a few weeks. I can barely stand backpackers anymore so wondering if theres a place in Mex where I can get some waves and some decent looking local chicas?


Quote: (08-27-2010 04:09 AM)DevoLach Wrote:  

Quote: (08-27-2010 01:50 AM)starplay Wrote:  

Quote: (01-09-2010 08:19 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quite nice talent. I'm starting to think Monterrey is a winner. I read that it's pretty safe too for a Latin American city. Too bad it's not a beach town.

That's a good question: where are the beach towns to hit in Mexico? All that coastline, it's gotta have something. If it's anything like the Dominican Republic (Cabarete), it should be a blast... Anything similar to recommend in Mexico? thanks

Id like to know this as well but more from a surf aspect. Its too cold for me right now surfing (and gaming) Peru and will likely head to Mexico in a few weeks. I can barely stand backpackers anymore so wondering if theres a place in Mex where I can get some waves and some decent looking local chicas?

Mmm, beach hippie weed smoke peyote towns or resorts nightlife party till dawn?


Reguarding Monterrey, most of the people that stay at our hotels from Mexico, mostly come from Monterrey. I would say that 3 of the top 10 hottest guest I'll see for our 4 1/2 month season come from Monterrey. I have to check this place out. A good friend of mine just came back from living in Puerto Villarta for a year. He loves it and is moving back in a couple of months when his job starts back up. I'm definitely gonna have to check out Mexico again. I went when I was 13, don't remember much and obviously didn't do much gaming or going out.


I have lived in both Playa and Puerto Vallarta.

Vallarta is designed for the FLAG
Playa is great, but Vallarta is 6 days a week and easier to pull.

Ease of hooking up PV has more nights of planned debauchery.

Tuesday: PDC Nothing vs PV Collage at the Marina does foam pit party and this is the original "Girls Gone Wild" club.

Wed: PDC Nothing vs PV Vamanos Tour, Im not into pub crawls but this one I did every week for 3 months and was 75% solid for make out 25% SNL.

Thursday: PDC has Salsa Lessons at Zenzi but never have I hooked up. In PV I normally do day game and walk beach to prep invites for weekend.

Weekend: PDC is actually better on weekends than PV but I think Im bias because Tuesday and Wed are so amazing in PV with Collage and the Vamanos Tour that its hard to beat.

For Vallarta: Stay and Marina Vallarta location or The Krystal Hotel
The Krystal sucks as a hotel but this place is packed with budget college girls and there mothers.


Playa del Carmen: just go out at 2am to Santaneras, hang out till 5am and its done. Besides that you need game and looks in Playa. As mentioned before the locals are in shape and ripped. Playa is 100% game time. You have to bring it here and it gets tougher in spring break and BPM with Canadian dorks.

Puerto Vallarta: Collage Tuesday (unlimited drinking $35) girls get naked at 2am and go on the dance floor until they are ready for you to take them home. Vamanos Tour WED (unlimited drinking 4 clubs $40) stay at Krystal hotel. every week this is were the girls stay with there moms. The moms will take you home at 1am and leave there daughters at the club(yes, MILFs). The rest of the week is up to you but so much to be had if you just show up. After 1am hit on some hot MILFs - they will not disappoint. - Air Line stewardess, soccer moms, ect ...I actually pulled an attorneys wife from the beach her last day because she was complaining how serious her husband was all the time...we had 1 drink and headed to the room for a 1 hr "What happens in Vallarta" moment.

This also goes for Cancun - Cancun is a cockfest. I would absolutely go to Puerto Vallarta over all other Mexican destinations. Stay 7-10 days and make sure you go out Tuesday and Wed as noted. Vallarta also has the hottest MILFs Ive ever come across in numbers actually out w their daughters. They say they are there to chaperone but by 1 am they are insane and ready.
side note: I left in April after 3 months as based my trip off USA college spring break. Huge mistake. I should have stay longer as the Nationals take their break and you get all the locals from Guadalajara.


Holy fuck, 9/10 tries to bribe the police for 100 pesos, WBHAA (Would Bang Hard And Arrest)

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