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Traveling with high income

Traveling with high income

Hey all, long time lurker, first time poster here. I'm seeking advice specifically from some of the wealthier/more experienced players on the forum, but of course every one is welcome to contribute their ideas.

If you were:

-25 years old
-Earning $500-1000 on average per day, totally location independent and more-or-less on autopilot
-Planning on traveling to Eastern Europe first, then probably South America, Southeast Asia and wherever else the bitches are hot, the weather is nice, and the cost of living is low.
-And of course the goal being to fuck as many 8+ bitches as you can...

Well, how would you tackle this particular quandary?

Would you forego traditional pickup altogether and just go straight for P4P, having your way with the hottest girls money can buy?

Would you cold approach and run game as you always have, while using your money to maximize your results? If this is what you would do, how exactly would you leverage your money to your advantage?

What about safety? I understand that you shouldn't go walking around the favela with your 10k rolex, but beyond that, what kind of precautions would/should you take to avoid unwanted attention from shady types? Is it even safe to flex your financial muscle in an effort to bed the locals, or are you just asking for trouble if you try that shit? Would you hire bodyguards?

Imagine yourself walking off the plane in your favorite pussy paradise. You're young, good looking, and you've got the money to make things happen. You don't know anyone there. What's your blueprint? Tell me EXACTLY what you would do.

I'm particularly interested in hearing what joehoya, mikeCF, gmanifesto and the like have to say.

And guys, lets not have this devolve into a pissing contest about game vs money. I'm genuinely looking for advice from the more experienced travelers of the forum.


Traveling with high income

Quote: (08-06-2012 12:09 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

Hey all, long time lurker, first time poster here. I'm seeking advice specifically from some of the wealthier/more experienced players on the forum, but of course every one is welcome to contribute their ideas.

If you were:

-25 years old
-Earning $500-1000 on average per day, totally location independent and more-or-less on autopilot
-Planning on traveling to Eastern Europe first, then probably South America, Southeast Asia and wherever else the bitches are hot, the weather is nice, and the cost of living is low.
-And of course the goal being to fuck as many 8+ bitches as you can...

Well, how would you tackle this particular quandary?

Would you forego traditional pickup altogether and just go straight for P4P, having your way with the hottest girls money can buy?

Would you cold approach and run game as you always have, while using your money to maximize your results? If this is what you would do, how exactly would you leverage your money to your advantage?

What about safety? I understand that you shouldn't go walking around the favela with your 10k rolex, but beyond that, what kind of precautions would/should you take to avoid unwanted attention from shady types? Is it even safe to flex your financial muscle in an effort to bed the locals, or are you just asking for trouble if you try that shit? Would you hire bodyguards?

Imagine yourself walking off the plane in your favorite pussy paradise. You're young, good looking, and you've got the money to make things happen. You don't know anyone there. What's your blueprint? Tell me EXACTLY what you would do.

I'm particularly interested in hearing what joehoya, mikeCF, gmanifesto and the like have to say.

And guys, lets not have this devolve into a pissing contest about game vs money. I'm genuinely looking for advice from the more experienced travelers of the forum.


Man, $500-$1000 a day at 25? Congrats.

Teach me how I can do that and I'll personally find you the hottest women the Post-Soviet states have to offer.

Traveling with high income

Quote: (08-06-2012 12:09 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

Would you forego traditional pickup altogether and just go straight for P4P, having your way with the hottest girls money can buy?

[Image: monkey.gif]

Traveling with high income

How does being wealthy change things? You can stay in an expensive place in a good location, wear nice clothes, or whatever. But you still have to approach, isolate and escalate. Your money will make things easier for you, but you don't need to sweat that. Just do it.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Traveling with high income

Quote: (08-06-2012 12:44 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

How does being wealthy change things? You can stay in an expensive place in a good location, wear nice clothes, or whatever. But you still have to approach, isolate and escalate. Your money will make things easier for you, but you don't need to sweat that. Just do it.

Money changes everything. It changes where you stay, where you eat, and the women you encounter.

The more you have, the less bullshit you put up with. The great thing about money is that is buys off inconvenience.

Do you look for street parking (hassle) or pay $10 to valet (easy).

Do you put your hours in working the streets, or do you start an amateur porn company and do what Pierre Woodman does?

Honestly, I would be afraid of having that kind of spare money at 25.

Money starts to corrupt a person.

I personally wouldn't do p4p, as it would corrupt my soul.

I'd run game and not rely on the money until I was older and where game becomes more challenging.

Traveling with high income

Thanks Mike.


I'd run game and not rely on the money until I was older and where game becomes more challenging.

Beyond the obvious, such as staying in a nice place and dressing sharp, would you flaunt it that you're well off (ie, sell them the dream) while gaming them, or would you keep all that stuff on the downlow?

My primary concern of course is with safety. Lets be real, we hear all the time these horror stories about tourists getting mugged or worse at knife/gunpoint in these kinds of countries. Maybe it's paranoid of me to imagine that word could get around pretty fast that a young, wet-behind-the-ears foreigner with money is out traveling on his own... but hey, it's not cuz you're paranoid that somebody isn't trying to kill ya. And money won't help you if you have a big red target painted on your back.

Any thoughts on that?

Traveling with high income

Quote: (08-06-2012 03:34 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

My primary concern of course is with safety. Lets be real, we hear all the time these horror stories about tourists getting mugged or worse at knife/gunpoint in these kinds of countries.

The forum consensus is that travel dangers are overrated. I haven't traveled Eastern Europe and have no personal opinion.

Have you lived in a major U.S. city? Watch your back, don't let people draw you into conversations, and if something seems too good to be true, it is.

Traveling with high income

Travel dangers are overrated.. unless decide to temp fate by flaunting your wealth in impoverished counties full of hungry people.

Until you have gotten the lay of the land (which is different for every land), make every effort to NOT stand out.

It is nothing like living in a major U.S. city, where the 'poor' people have flat screen TVs and $100 sneakers.

Poor people in the rest of the world are desperate and have very little to lose.

Don't make yourself a target.

Quote: (08-06-2012 03:43 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (08-06-2012 03:34 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

My primary concern of course is with safety. Lets be real, we hear all the time these horror stories about tourists getting mugged or worse at knife/gunpoint in these kinds of countries.

The forum consensus is that travel dangers are overrated. I haven't traveled Eastern Europe and have no personal opinion.

Have you lived in a major U.S. city? Watch your back, don't let people draw you into conversations, and if something seems too good to be true, it is.

Traveling with high income

My thoughts:

- You travel to a country where the reading/thinking about it gets you excited + gets good reviews from the forum + in-season for good weather.
- You avoid P4P unless you are use to purely transactional sex and don't have much of a soul.
- You use your money to wear nice clothes, stay in nice apartments from airbnb and get into high status clubs where the more attractive women are concentrated.
- You also pipeline a bunch of girls for dates before you get into the city so you can put together a soft-harem.
- You also use your skills/money to put together strong social circles so you don't have to do so much cold approach work.
- Women are merely a side-note to your travels. You spend your time doing activities that excite you.
- You shouldn't have to worry too much about safety if you keep your eyes open, don't flash cash, don't carry too much on you at one time and stick to safer areas of the city. Also put on muscle so you look more intimidating.
- I also advise bringing a friend or two with you so you can have someone to share your adventures with.

Traveling with high income

1000 dollars a day can go fast if your head isn't right. But you'd probably get laid by hotter girls and more girls if you're smart about it.

Would be fun.

Traveling with high income

Quote: (08-06-2012 09:08 PM)peterthephoenix Wrote:  

My thoughts:

- You travel to a country where the reading/thinking about it gets you excited + gets good reviews from the forum + in-season for good weather.
- You avoid P4P unless you are use to purely transactional sex and don't have much of a soul.
- You use your money to wear nice clothes, stay in nice apartments from airbnb and get into high status clubs where the more attractive women are concentrated.
- You also pipeline a bunch of girls for dates before you get into the city so you can put together a soft-harem.
- You also use your skills/money to put together strong social circles so you don't have to do so much cold approach work.
- Women are merely a side-note to your travels. You spend your time doing activities that excite you.
- You shouldn't have to worry too much about safety if you keep your eyes open, don't flash cash, don't carry too much on you at one time and stick to safer areas of the city. Also put on muscle so you look more intimidating.
- I also advise bringing a friend or two with you so you can have someone to share your adventures with.

I made over $1000 yesterday and have traveled to some pretty dangerous countries, so i guess that I'm qualified to answer. I basically agree with everything PTP says.

Its not like you're super rich, even if you make a G per day, you're pulling in 365K/year, this doesn't make you a big deal. Sure you can afford to stay in nice apartments and go out a lot, but if you're going to high end places in capital cities, you'll be competing with rich locals, who make, or who's family makes, a lot more than 365K.

Personally, the only difference between my back packing days 10 years ago and my relatively high income earning days now are that I don't stay in hostels often and my travel plans have more of a purpose, other than that I party just as much, sometimes more!

Traveling with high income

Quote: (08-06-2012 12:09 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

Would you forego traditional pickup altogether and just go straight for P4P, having your way with the hottest girls money can buy?

No. While I have no problem banging pros, banging them EXCLUSIVELY is almost always a bad idea. The problem is 5 fold:
1) Exclusive use of hookers destroys your ability to game regular girls.

2) By only dealing with hookers, your ability to perceive when a girls REALLY likes you becomes distorted, and you mistake hooker behavior for actual affection/love.

3) Because of 1 and 2, There is a HUGE tendancy for guys who only bang hookers to start to only date hookers, and eventually marry/move in with hookers. They start to forget that these girls are being paid.

4) Hookers become unfulfilling VERY quickly. The challenge of getting the girl disappears. For me, pulling a 6 or 7 just by spitting game to her is almost always more fulfilling to me than banging a 9.5 hooker.

5) Because of 5, there is a tendency to get pushed into more risky/deviant sexual behaviors. Essentially, you no longer get the "high" from banging a 9 hooker. Now you need to bang her in front of some other dudes, or have them run a train on her. Or you need her to be down with some kinky bondage play, or shoving things up your ass.

I know guys that have gone down this road. I have a buddy that started traveling about the same time as me (7+ years ago). However, he has only been dealing with hookers. He went from a guy who just wanted to bang a hot chick to a guy who can't get off unless it is some extreme shit.

This isn't to say that I don't sometimes fuck pros. I do. However, I ALWAYS game regular girls when I am on trips. For me, hookers only have 3 uses:
1) Guaranteed night lay that relieves any pressure/desperation to pull a particular chick. When I am out in one of my target countries taking a girl out, there is no pressure for me. I KNOW that I am getting laid that night. If she won't fuck me, the girls in the strip club will. This allows me to be much more laid back with the regular girls and I don't come off looking desperate/thirsty. I have an "I don't give a fuck" attitude. This actually gets me MORE pussy from regular girls.

2) The occasional fantasy fulfillment. Sometimes you want a threesome. Sometimes you want a threesome with 2 sisters. Sometimes you want to fuck a pregnant chick. Sometimes a dwarf. If you have some freaky fantasy, just get a hooker and live it out.

3)Busting a nut. In this respect hookers are nothing more than an enhanced masturbation tool. I have had days where I was coding for hours and wanted a little pussy to just take the edge off. For me it may be as simple as walking across the street to the massage parlor, or calling up some chick who will show up in 20 min. She arrives, we fuck, I come, she leaves, I go back to my work. If you have ever had the experience of working on something and deciding to stop to jerk off real quick and release the tension, that is all this is.

Quote: (08-06-2012 12:09 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

Would you cold approach and run game as you always have, while using your money to maximize your results? If this is what you would do, how exactly would you leverage your money to your advantage?

For regular girls it is simple. I would use the money to get a nice apartment/condo to rent (NOT a hotel), then I would just run game like I normally do. Cold approach daygame and social circles are my go to stragegies. Since my targets are mid twenties to mid forties, I hit lunch spots a lot, as well as shops.

Also, work to build a social circle in the city you are in. Two ways to go are to 1) contact people you know who live there now. I do this a lot with folks I went to school with who are back living in their home country. Make friends with the folks your friends introduce you to, and continue to expand your social circle. Another EXCELLENT way to make friends abroad is to find a special interest organization in an area that you are interested in. If you like MMA, join an MMA gym. If you like foreign langues, find the local language school/language exchange organization.

Quote: (08-06-2012 12:09 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

What about safety? I understand that you shouldn't go walking around the favela with your 10k rolex, but beyond that, what kind of precautions would/should you take to avoid unwanted attention from shady types? Is it even safe to flex your financial muscle in an effort to bed the locals, or are you just asking for trouble if you try that shit? Would you hire bodyguards?

This is one of the reasons why I am absolutely against banging pros exclusively and/or getting to close to pros. These chicks almost always hang out with shady people. True story: Guy I know who is filthy rich (8 or 9 figure rich) loved going down to medellin to bang hookers. He also loved flashing his cash around AND going into the barrios to see these girls. He was known to have 10's of thousands of dollars in his hotel room safe.

Folks warned him about doing shit like that, but he kept telling everyone that they didn't know these girls like he did. Eventually, one of the girls set him up to be robbed. A girl and 2 guys showed up at the hotel he was staying at, asked for him by name, then robbed ALMOST ALL OF THE HOTEL GUESTS at gunpoint. They took money, electronics, even the passports for the guests. It caused a big problem.

No, instead of flashing your cash around hookers, be subtle. Think long term (months, not days).

Quote: (08-06-2012 12:09 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

Imagine yourself walking off the plane in your favorite pussy paradise. You're young, good looking, and you've got the money to make things happen. You don't know anyone there. What's your blueprint? Tell me EXACTLY what you would do.

I am going to assume that you are into younger chicks, and not the MILFs that are my preference.

1) Get a nice apartment.
2) Move around the city to get a feel for it.
3) Get the number of the more trustworthy taxi drivers you meet while moving around the city.
4) Find out where all of the universities AND the English language schools are.
5) Go to each university and English language schools and ask if they have native language courses for English speakers.
6) Pick the school with the largest number of women with the combination of hotness/friendliness.
7) Go to class.
8) Meet people around your class and around the university. You have a reason to be there, since you are a student, and you will often find girls that want to either help your Spanish/Ukrainian/Whatever and/or practice their English.
9) Transition the practice sessions from the campus to your apartment. DO NOT TELL HER HOW NICE YOUR APARTMENT IS BEFOREHAND.
10) When she arrives, if your place is pimped out enough, she will probably be impressed as hell. Act like it is nothing.
11) Game as normal (actually your game should have started by step 8 at the latest).

You could also try things like finding out if there are any upcoming fashion shows and going to those, but I have zero experience with that and don't know how well it would work, so I will leave that for you to explore.

Traveling with high income

Thank you for your insight fellas and thank you joehoya for that epic post. I'm saving that one.

Calibrating the money angle for safety purposes is still a bit of a grey area given the conflicting reports in this thread, but knowing me I'll probably stick to capital cities until I gain a bit more experience and generally err on the side of caution.

Traveling with high income


1000 dollars a day can go fast if your head isn't right. But you'd probably get laid by hotter girls and more girls if you're smart about it.

Definitely. $1000 per day is good, but it's still just upper middle class in western cities, which is why I'm so intent on traveling to places where I can get the most bang for my buck.


I made over $1000 yesterday and have traveled to some pretty dangerous countries, so i guess that I'm qualified to answer. I basically agree with everything PTP says.

Its not like you're super rich, even if you make a G per day, you're pulling in 365K/year, this doesn't make you a big deal. Sure you can afford to stay in nice apartments and go out a lot, but if you're going to high end places in capital cities, you'll be competing with rich locals, who make, or who's family makes, a lot more than 365K.

Personally, the only difference between my back packing days 10 years ago and my relatively high income earning days now are that I don't stay in hostels often and my travel plans have more of a purpose, other than that I party just as much, sometimes more!

Point well taken, although I would argue that:

1) Depending where you are, a lot of the rich locals might be criminals themselves.
2) If they aren't crooks, they're at least well connected.
3) They speak the language.

None of which would apply to me. Overall though, I get your point that in most capital cities, I will probably be fine unless I do something really fucking stupid.

But in your experience, does any of this change a whole lot if you're going to a country's secondary cities or villages?

$1000+ yesterday as well. Cheers.

Traveling with high income

If I were you I'd goto big cosmopolitan cities and get in with the high-society locals, nevermind hookers and poor people, lol. That kind of money will give you access to places and people that would open up some amazing opportunities for adventure and girls.

Think about getting into circles with models, jetsetting rich girls, etc etc. In places like Bangkok, Rio, Shanghai, etc. Live some sort of James Bond-esque international playboy adventure. That's what I'd do anyway.

Traveling with high income

Quote: (08-07-2012 12:09 AM)joehoya Wrote:  

Quote: (08-06-2012 12:09 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

Would you forego traditional pickup altogether and just go straight for P4P, having your way with the hottest girls money can buy?

No. While I have no problem banging pros, banging them EXCLUSIVELY is almost always a bad idea. The problem is 5 fold:
1) Exclusive use of hookers destroys your ability to game regular girls.

2) By only dealing with hookers, your ability to perceive when a girls REALLY likes you becomes distorted, and you mistake hooker behavior for actual affection/love.

3) Because of 1 and 2, There is a HUGE tendancy for guys who only bang hookers to start to only date hookers, and eventually marry/move in with hookers. They start to forget that these girls are being paid.

4) Hookers become unfulfilling VERY quickly. The challenge of getting the girl disappears. For me, pulling a 6 or 7 just by spitting game to her is almost always more fulfilling to me than banging a 9.5 hooker.

5) Because of 5, there is a tendency to get pushed into more risky/deviant sexual behaviors. Essentially, you no longer get the "high" from banging a 9 hooker. Now you need to bang her in front of some other dudes, or have them run a train on her. Or you need her to be down with some kinky bondage play, or shoving things up your ass.

I know guys that have gone down this road. I have a buddy that started traveling about the same time as me (7+ years ago). However, he has only been dealing
with hookers. He went from a guy who just wanted to bang a hot chick to a guy who can't get off unless it is some extreme shit.

This isn't to say that I don't sometimes fuck pros. I do. However, I ALWAYS game regular girls when I am on trips. For me, hookers only have 3 uses:
1) Guaranteed night lay that relieves any pressure/desperation to pull a particular chick. When I am out in one of my target countries taking a girl out, there is no pressure for me. I KNOW that I am getting laid that night. If she won't fuck me, the girls in the strip club will. This allows me to be much more laid back with the regular girls and I don't come off looking desperate/thirsty. I have an "I don't give a fuck" attitude. This actually gets me MORE pussy from regular girls.

2) The occasional fantasy fulfillment. Sometimes you want a threesome. Sometimes you want a threesome with 2 sisters. Sometimes you want to fuck a pregnant chick. Sometimes a dwarf. If you have some freaky fantasy, just get a hooker and live it out.

3)Busting a nut. In this respect hookers are nothing more than an enhanced masturbation tool. I have had days where I was coding for hours and wanted a little pussy to just take the edge off. For me it may be as simple as walking across the street to the massage parlor, or calling up some chick who will show up in 20 min. She arrives, we fuck, I come, she leaves, I go back to my work. If you have
ever had the experience of working on something and deciding to stop to jerk off real quick and release the tension, that is all this is.

Quote: (08-06-2012 12:09 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

Would you cold approach and run game as you always have, while using your money to maximize your results? If this is what you would do, how exactly would you leverage your money to your advantage?

For regular girls it is simple. I would use the money to get a nice apartment/condo to rent (NOT a hotel), then I would just run game like I normally do. Cold approach daygame and social circles are my go to stragegies. Since my targets are mid twenties to mid forties, I hit lunch spots a lot, as well as shops.

Also, work to build a social circle in the city you are in. Two ways to go are to 1) contact people you know who live there now. I do this a lot with folks I went to school with who are back living in their home country. Make friends with the folks your friends introduce you to, and continue to expand your social circle. Another EXCELLENT way to make friends abroad is to find a special interest organization in an area that you are interested in. If you like MMA, join an MMA gym. If you like foreign langues, find the local language school/language exchange organization.

Quote: (08-06-2012 12:09 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

What about safety? I understand that you shouldn't go walking around the favela with your 10k rolex, but beyond that, what kind of precautions would/should you take to avoid unwanted attention from shady types? Is it even safe to flex your financial muscle in an effort to bed the locals, or are you just asking for trouble if you try that shit? Would you hire bodyguards?

This is one of the reasons why I am absolutely against banging pros exclusively and/or getting to close to pros. These chicks almost always hang out with shady people. True story: Guy I know who is filthy rich (8 or 9 figure rich) loved going down to medellin to bang hookers. He also loved flashing his cash around AND going into the barrios to see these girls. He was known to have 10's of thousands of dollars in his hotel room safe.

Folks warned him about doing shit like that, but he kept telling everyone that they didn't know these girls like he did. Eventually, one of the girls set him up to be robbed. A girl and 2 guys showed up at the hotel he was staying at, asked for him
by name, then robbed ALMOST ALL OF THE HOTEL GUESTS at gunpoint. They took money, electronics, even the passports for the guests. It caused a big problem.

No, instead of flashing your cash around hookers, be subtle. Think long term (months, not days).

Quote: (08-06-2012 12:09 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

Imagine yourself walking off the plane in your favorite pussy paradise. You're young, good looking, and you've got the money to make things happen. You don't know anyone there. What's your blueprint? Tell me EXACTLY what you would do.

I am going to assume that you are into younger chicks, and not the MILFs that are
my preference.

1) Get a nice apartment.
2) Move around the city to get a feel for it.
3) Get the number of the more trustworthy taxi drivers you meet while moving around the city.
4) Find out where all of the universities AND the English language schools are.
5) Go to each university and English language schools and ask if they have native language courses for English speakers.
6) Pick the school with the largest number of women with the combination of hotness/friendliness.
7) Go to class.
8) Meet people around your class and around the university. You have a reason to be there, since you are a student, and you will often find girls that want to either help your Spanish/Ukrainian/Whatever and/or practice their English.
9) Transition the practice sessions from the campus to your apartment. DO NOT TELL HER HOW NICE YOUR APARTMENT IS BEFOREHAND.
10) When she arrives, if your place is pimped out enough, she will probably be impressed as hell. Act like it is nothing.
11) Game as normal (actually your game should have started by step 8 at the latest).

You could also try things like finding out if there are any upcoming fashion shows and going to those, but I have zero experience with that and don't know how well
it would work, so I will leave that for you to explore.

Excellent breakdown of the dangers of going down the P4P route poses to your mental and social well being.

Good 'new in town' blueprint too. Top work.

Traveling with high income

Quote: (08-06-2012 12:09 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

Hey all, long time lurker, first time poster here. I'm seeking advice specifically from some of the wealthier/more experienced players on the forum, but of course every one is welcome to contribute their ideas.

If you were:

-25 years old
-Earning $500-1000 on average per day, totally location independent and more-or-less on autopilot
-Planning on traveling to Eastern Europe first, then probably South America, Southeast Asia and wherever else the bitches are hot, the weather is nice, and the cost of living is low.
-And of course the goal being to fuck as many 8+ bitches as you can...

Well, how would you tackle this particular quandary?

Would you forego traditional pickup altogether and just go straight for P4P, having your way with the hottest girls money can buy?

Would you cold approach and run game as you always have, while using your money to maximize your results? If this is what you would do, how exactly would you leverage your money to your advantage?

What about safety? I understand that you shouldn't go walking around the favela with your 10k rolex, but beyond that, what kind of precautions would/should you take to avoid unwanted attention from shady types? Is it even safe to flex your financial muscle in an effort to bed the locals, or are you just asking for trouble if you try that shit? Would you hire bodyguards?

Imagine yourself walking off the plane in your favorite pussy paradise. You're young, good looking, and you've got the money to make things happen. You don't know anyone there. What's your blueprint? Tell me EXACTLY what you would do.

I'm particularly interested in hearing what joehoya, mikeCF, gmanifesto and the like have to say.

And guys, lets not have this devolve into a pissing contest about game vs money. I'm genuinely looking for advice from the more experienced travelers of the forum.


Are you poker player?

Traveling with high income

To the OP:
First, welcome to the forum. Now, with a budget like that, IMO, go to Tokyo and you will have the time of your life. It's as safe as it gets, the girls are among the fliest if not THE fliest anywhere on this planet, super feminine and sexy and the city is the best in the world.

Other than that, if you want geo arbitrage, there are many options out there, depends on the type of girls you prefer. How about doing a mini world tour? Start in Europe, hit Milano, Madrid, Barcelona, then move east to Poland then the Ukraine and make your way to Asia where you will have tons of places to really live it up. After that, head on to South America, start with Colombia then head down to Brasil. Get a mega fly girl either in Brasil or Colombia and take her with you to Buenos Aires. Good fun times. [Image: wink.gif]

It goes without saying to use common sense, do not flash cash or other items of wealth indicators, specially in the 3rd world countries. When going out, only take enough to get you through the day and spread your money around different pockets. Do not ever leave your drink unattended and take it with you even when going to the washroom. Google "boa noite cinderella" and you'll know what I'm referring to, specially in Brasil....

Follow these common sense guidelines and you'd be fine. And do report back.


Traveling with high income

I've been living this life for the last year and I'm actually only 24. Trust me, it will get boring at some point... so get an exit plan ready.

I make around the same amount no matter where I live and I've found Eastern Europe the best place to be at. Women are really sweet and nice, people are quite cosmopolitan if you stay around the cities, great food (except Ukraine).

EXCEPT in the winter. Then I'll just jet off to Lisbon or Barcelona.

- I'd suggest you get a nice apartment in a prime location of the town that you're staying in (duh). It motivates you to keep working on whatever is making you money.
- Join a language school, join a local soccer club. Build a social circle.
- With that social circle, hit up some clubs. Figure out which one has the hottest girls and get a table and bottle every weekend with your friends. Get introduced to the owner, bartenders, waitresses... most girls in EE go to the same place over and over again. If they see you have status and you're not just a weekend tourist, they WILL recognize you. I've also noticed that unlike in the US, 99% of girls in EE clubs you can consider "normal". They mostly go there with their girlfriends to get a glass of wine. Not to get "pissed".
- Stay at least for 4 weeks at every place. SNL's in EE aren't really common.
- Never tell girls you have money. Show it instead. I'd bring them to my sick pad and I had a great closing rate. At the same time, I think some girls suddenly saw me as a potential BF and wouldn't put out... it really does go both ways. Hide your valuables in a safe or a place that will take her too long to figure out. Don't trust anyone, even less whose people contact details you don't have.
- Travel dangers are overrated and overblown by idiots who can't get out of the country. I walked around with a 6,5k$ IWC watch in Poland and Lithuania at 5am in really bad areas and nothing happened. I've gotten robbed in manhattan though. Go figure.
- Since shit still can happen, get good travel insurance. Health and maybe posessions would be a good option to start with. World nomads has good insurance.

Hit me up on PM if you want to.

Traveling with high income

Quote: (08-07-2012 12:28 AM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

Thank you for your insight fellas and thank you joehoya for that epic post. I'm saving that one.

Calibrating the money angle for safety purposes is still a bit of a grey area given the conflicting reports in this thread, but knowing me I'll probably stick to capital cities until I gain a bit more experience and generally err on the side of caution.

As a fellow Canadian, you would be surprised there are alot of western countries where you cannot pull out a wad of money. I remember I did that in London, UK and was told not to do so by my cousin. I can tell you a few stories regarding similar stories regarding people with money being jacked.

I could be wrong but I would not want to show wealth in most countries around the world, in EEurope people are generally poor and miserable. They are looking a way out, although they will never admit this fact. Roosh has talked alot about this type of stuff recently.
You don't want to be viewed as there ticket out of industrial shithole.

Again, it all depends on the type of girls you like. I would head straight to Scandinavia, you would be safe there and can flash a bit of cash.

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