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Raw dogging awareness post

Raw dogging awareness post

I've been cut down with various ailments in my groinal area, ranging from molluscum to urethritis to mysterious rashes that went away with aloe vera application. Some have put me out of commission for a week or two. I've been stressed out due to STD testing or constantly examining my dick for days after a risky raw dog encounter.

I just want the young ones to know that you WILL get something that may necessitate a visit to the doctor. Some guys get cut down with something like herpes. I seem to be immune to it, thankfully.

I wanted to make this post because I feel somewhat irresponsible for advocating the raw dog lifestyle. I wish I could say that I wrap it up for sluts, but I pretty much raw dog everything. I don't know if it's a good idea to follow in my footsteps.

Raw dogging awareness post

Damn, and here I was, planning to try sue you for alimony payments when I inevitably get some slut pregnant..

Raw dogging awareness post

This has been a Roosh Public Service Announcement. Civic minded citizen here.

Raw dogging awareness post

Fuck condoms, raw dog for life

Raw dogging awareness post

Good post. My raw-dog policy is a little more centrist than you radicals. I bag it on the first time and then implement a case-by-case methodology on subsequent bangs, which takes social status, money, beauty, age, and other factors into consideration. Nothing, of course, is fail-proof.

I don't raw dog often, but got a weird dick swelling once that required an ointment. I banged again on the first day that it was completely non-visible (with condom). I also came blood once, which was fucking alarming as all hell, but that turned out to be "normal" once in a while.

They assured me. [Image: confused.gif]

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Raw dogging awareness post

Had no VD's, have had a scratch inside my cock once that I had to take to a doctor cause of the pus coming out, the doctor had to swap the inside of my dick. Was pretty much shitting my pants, but came out all clear. If the fear of vd and the discomfort of having things put inside your dick hasn't scared me off Raw sex, I don't think much will.

Admitedly I have a kid I didn't want and dont see(possibly more than one), and have had a few girls tell me they are having an abortion, neither is great fun. I think aslong as I stick to young students who have alot of ambition I'm safe. The mother of my child was poor, undriven, and tried to trap me in a relationship by falling pregnant. Raw dogging does have a price.

Raw dogging awareness post

I take a lot of vitamin C in hopes my dick will resist the unwanted. Serious. I hate rubbers.

edit: If I get bad mojo with a girl, I'll pass the bang.

Raw dogging awareness post

I'm way more scared of pregnancy than any STDs. I should probably bag it more than I do, but I only make sure to do it under certain scenarios (i.e. with a stripper I went out with). Otherwise it's 75/25 bag vs. no bag. If I'm drunk, if she's hot, etc. I bend the rules. And given I now know it's almost impossible to get aids, I'm a bit more lax.

But you're 100% right, everytime after you get a little burn when peeing or even the slightest thing looks wrong with your dick, you're like oh fuck what did I do, etc. So far though, so good. One mild scare that went away easily. Having a kid is 1000x worse in my eyes. Herpes or kid? Give me the herp.

Raw dogging awareness post

Quote: (08-02-2012 10:56 AM)slubu Wrote:  

But you're 100% right, everytime after you get a little burn when peeing or even the slightest thing looks wrong with your dick, you're like oh fuck what did I do, etc. So far though, so good. One mild scare that went away easily. Having a kid is 1000x worse in my eyes. Herpes or kid? Give me the herp.

That's fucking insane. I, like at least some of the guys around here, wouldn't mind having a kid one day. I could live my entire life without ever having herpes.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Raw dogging awareness post

This also ties in with why I don't like anal sex.

Raw dogging awareness post

Quote: (08-02-2012 11:01 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

This also ties in with why I don't like anal sex.
Also why I've never done anal. Not averse to it, with a rubber. But in the vag I can't feel a damn thing with a rubber.

Raw dogging awareness post

Quote: (08-02-2012 11:00 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

That's fucking insane. I, like at least some of the guys around here, wouldn't mind having a kid one day. I could live my entire life without ever having herpes.

I sketch on HIV and kids. Herpes would suck, but I believe is much less life changing than a kid. Most of my close friends have kids, and they love their children, but the crazy baby mamas and lack of freedom has affected their lives way more than herpes would. Honestly, their lives fucking suck and they are miserable. Plus, if you are lucky, you may only get the herpes outbreak that very first time.

Raw dogging awareness post

Raw dogging random reptiles is very risky. The variety of lizards that I have hit with the countries that I have gone to is truly dancing with the devil if I were to go in au naturel. I am no fear monger but for those who plan to see tomorrow, I would suggest wrapping that thang up.

You don't want to go out like Willie Lump Lump.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Raw dogging awareness post

Well, it's reassuring to know that you've caught something only now and that you haven't had any unintended pregnancies despite so much raw-dogging. I am the opposite kind of person, always using condoms and panicking about pregnancy if even a tiny drop seems to leak out of the base of the condom that wasn't inside the pussy anway.

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Raw dogging awareness post

someone once told me "if she is nasty enough to get with me and let me hit it raw, then I know I need to use a condom."

Raw dogging awareness post

I have a player friend who did get herpies and other STDs and it really fucked shit up for him.

There are a lot of weird diseases that you can get aside from the well-known ones.

I know someone who caught life-long Chronic Fatigue Syndrome after banging bitches in Thailand.

My problem is that when I get a girl in the sack, I get a false sense of security with them. Especially when we are drunk.

Keep in mind that most of my bangs are SNL.

I have to remind myself, "if she's doing this with me, she's probably doing this with a lot of guys."

I'm going to make a much bigger effort to use condoms. I think I have it my head that I need to raw-dog every chick. I believe this is just arrogance or self-destruction, romanticizing being a gambler etc.

Raw dogging awareness post

I like the usage of "cut down," in honor of my dead "City Slang" thread.

Raw dogging awareness post

I like to raw dog. But if I get the gut feeling the girl I'm with is a mega slut, I wrap it up. One time I had girl actually tell me she had genital warts in the past! I put on a condom and banged away, wondering if the condom would work. It did.

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Raw dogging awareness post

The method i usually use is this: Ill wear a condom for the first few times until Im able to observe the girl over a period of time to see what kind of life she lives. If I feel that she is safe, Ill go ahead and take it off and just use the pull out method. As of late tho, I havent even been pulling out and just trusting the girls when they say that their on birth control. Ive currently only done that with women that already have kids tho and have SWEARED that they dont want anymore...I believe them just from the look in their eyes.

Ill be honest tho, I have just went raw on random girls at times as well but its not something that I would suggest doing all the time. I like to feel like I have a sixth sense in knowing what type of girl Im dealing with, but I need to stop with the rolling of the dice cause I bound to come up with craps at some point.

All I can do is quote the late great Pimp C on this one: "I wish that i could tell ya I wore a rubber everytime. But if I told you that nigga you know that id be lying"

Raw dogging awareness post

When I first banged a girl raw I had this overwhelming urge to bang everything raw. Scariest was some random chick on st patties day who I pulled in 10 minutes. That or the town who're who I hit without knowing her history. I'm becoming more cautious and banging with a condom first but it sure is hard.

My main girl has pretty much a perfect pussy but isn't on bc. She'll get super horny and beg for me to just stick it in. One time she just hopped on top and it took all my willpower to pull it back out.

Raw dogging awareness post

Good tips for raw doggers here: http://dangerandplay.wordpress.com/2012/...ds-part-2/

Urethritis may or may not be an STD. You can also get it from more innocent activities, like swimming at polluted beaches.

Raw dogging awareness post

I would rawdog - but then I'd have no reason for carrying XXL condoms on my person, and that is poor 'big dick' game.

Raw dogging awareness post

I'm sure condoms are not completely useless and they should be used with every random sexual encounter.


If you have had sex with more than 3 people in your life you probably have an STD. Condoms are a responsible way to handle unwanted pregnancies but as far as STD's go...they are pretty useless.

If people are worried about catching something...you may as well call it quits on women and become a priest or a monk. If you plan on sleeping with many women you should already assume you have STD's period.

cold sores are herpes but it does not stop people from going around kissing each other.
If you have ever had chicken pox you have herpes.

It's only a big deal if you have a shitty immune system and constantly get outbreaks.
same thing goes for warts / HPV.


You can live your life in constant fear of STD's or you can accept the fact that sex has it's occupational hazards and every time you go in (condom or no condom) there is a chance you will come out with something extra.

I know for some of you this might be hard to accept....welcome to REAL LIFE.

Raw dogging awareness post

I have pretty bad luck with the stuff in my life that doesn't really matter, (I used to always lose the coin toss in sports) but somehow I have been blessed with rawdogging it. I'd say that probably 90% of the girls I've been with have been raw at least a few of the times that we've hooked up.

I plan on freezing some guys in the near future and getting a vasectomy so I don't need to worry about kids; STDs, well, as bad as it sounds, with the luck I've had, I feel bulletproof.

"In America we don't worship government, we worship God." - President Donald J. Trump

Raw dogging awareness post

Quote: (08-02-2012 02:18 PM)JohnKreese Wrote:  

I have pretty bad luck with the stuff in my life that doesn't really matter, (I used to always lose the coin toss in sports) but somehow I have been blessed with rawdogging it. I'd say that probably 90% of the girls I've been with have been raw at least a few of the times that we've hooked up.

2 girls told me after the fact that they had herpes (yeah, bitches); everytime I've been tested (months and months after) it's been negative. One girl got preg, but didn't find out until she didn't have a period for a month, went to the Dr. and miscarried.

I plan on freezing some guys in the near future and getting a vasectomy so I don't need to worry about kids; STDs, well, as bad as it sounds, with the luck I've had, I feel bulletproof.

When I start thinking I'm bulletproof, some bad shit usually follows, not just raw dogging but I'm speaking general now.

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