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Interesting view on travel in India

Interesting view on travel in India

This is a vivid piece of travel writing from a cynic perspective. I could literally smell the putrid garbage and and feel my lungs burning from pollution as I read it. India sounds like hell on earth:


Like the dust, the garbage never ceases. And along with the garbage, there is an unending stream of humanity. It is impossible to spend a full day in the middle of a major Indian city without lobotomizing yourself trying to figure out where the hell all of the people come from. I’ve been to Hong Kong. I’ve been to Manhattan and Beijing. I’ve been to Mexico City. And the swarm of humanity crawling through India’s cities is unparalleled. There’s no comparison. Many streets more closely resemble a bee hive than a functioning human society. When I flew into Mumbai, there were homeless people sleeping on the tarmac. Take a moment for that to sink in: the city is so crowded and disgusting that people decide they’d rather sleep on the airport runway.

Interesting view on travel in India

Quote: (07-11-2012 10:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

This is a vivid piece of travel writing from a cynic perspective. I could literally smell the putrid garbage and and feel my lungs burning from pollution as I read it. India sounds like hell on earth:

Where'd you see this? I saw it on Hacker News.

I love Indian food, have made some at home, but never had much desire to visit the country; the article didn't exactly help.

The guy apparently runs some sort of new age-y pickup advice. I read a little. These types always have the same feel to me - basic game concepts repackaged as deep novel insights, standard self-help, plus hating on standard pickup artists and players as misogynistic losers.

I guess their market is guys looking for help with women who have already decided the Mystery-Roosh crowd is wrong and evil, so he offers something more palatable, polite pickup.

Interesting view on travel in India

Paging the Indian Trolls....

At the Taj Mahal, I was approached by an Indian guy my age who asked me to take a picture. I said sure and reached out to take his camera, assuming he wanted me to take a photo of him in front of the monument. But instead, he stepped away from me, pointed the camera at me, and as four of his friends surrounded me and draped their arms around me, snapped a photo. Minutes later, a small family of four requested the same. And then another family, but this time just me kneeling with their kids. Then a group of teenage boys who wanted a picture with my tattoo. As a tourist, I became part of the tourist attraction myself. Here we are at the Taj Mahal. And here we are with a white person. And here’s little Sandeep flexing his arm next to the big white man. Soon a crowd had gathered. Many of them hung around, nervously trying to speak English with me. Some of them simply stared for minutes on end. All of them beamed smiles of excitement.

Interesting view on travel in India

Quote: (07-12-2012 12:44 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

Where'd you see this? I saw it on Hacker News.

I love Indian food, have made some at home, but never had much desire to visit the country; the article didn't exactly help.

Saw it linked somewhere earlier today on someone's blog. Can't remember who now. I'm a huge fan of the food too, but that's about it. Thing is, I'd be terrified to actually eat anything in India, knowing you'd be ingesting a dosage of fecal matter with anything that was touched by human hands.

Interesting view on travel in India

How is game in India like?

Interesting view on travel in India

Quote: (07-12-2012 02:31 AM)kolovrat Wrote:  

How is game in India like?

With a rich Brahmin caste balls-deep in every aspect of their kids lives well into adulthood and the world's largest population of people with AIDS? Golf with her dad and then wrap it up twice game. Though riding into your wedding on the back of an Elephant? Alpha.

With regards to the article, between the overcrowding, the filth, the race trolls, the decent (but nothing special) looking women and the heat? India may hold less appeal for me than any major travel destination in the world.

Interesting view on travel in India

I went to India a year ago. His blogpost is a pretty accurate description of India, but maybe a little more dramatic than I saw it. I've been to a lot of third would countries and it didn't bother me as much as it did him. Also he was only there 3 weeks and used a private car and flew between cities. I used mass transit and traveled by buses and trains. This guy would have never made it on a longer closer to the ground trip like I did.

The historical sites are some of the greatest in the world, but you can also learn to hate the place too. I got sick and didn't eat anything for 5 days, and took 4 kinds of medicines to get rid of it, but at least lived to tell. Overall, I want to go back to see all the sites and towns, I didn't see the first time and go to Nepal. I didn't spend nearly enough time on the Hippie/spiritual trail where girls are looking to find themselves and get stoned. I think it is my job to help them get enlightenment!

Interesting view on travel in India

Everyone should go to India once in their lives. Amazing ancient culture and many unique sights. Yes, you will probably get sick (I did) and you almost certainly won't get laid. But it's worth it.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Interesting view on travel in India

Quote: (07-12-2012 12:45 AM)houston Wrote:  

Paging the Indian Trolls....

At the Taj Mahal, I was approached by an Indian guy my age who asked me to take a picture. I said sure and reached out to take his camera, assuming he wanted me to take a photo of him in front of the monument. But instead, he stepped away from me, pointed the camera at me, and as four of his friends surrounded me and draped their arms around me, snapped a photo. Minutes later, a small family of four requested the same. And then another family, but this time just me kneeling with their kids. Then a group of teenage boys who wanted a picture with my tattoo. As a tourist, I became part of the tourist attraction myself. Here we are at the Taj Mahal. And here we are with a white person. And here’s little Sandeep flexing his arm next to the big white man. Soon a crowd had gathered. Many of them hung around, nervously trying to speak English with me. Some of them simply stared for minutes on end. All of them beamed smiles of excitement.

The same thing happened to my dad when he was in China. He is a fairly tall, very muscular, very dark, black man. People kept walking up to him wanting to take pictures, or to have him take pictures with their kids. He said that the whole experience was surreal.

Interesting view on travel in India

I spent 6 hours in New Dehli airport. That was enough for me to scratch it off my list.....FOREVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Interesting view on travel in India

You have to stand out in order to have this effect. So, you must be big, tall, black, blonde, etc. Something a little bit out of the ordinary. Merely being white will not have this effect on Indians generally (unless they are some straight up backwater villagers who have never seen a white person in real life). You see this in Africa too if people have never met someone white before. They will think your skin is weird, want to touch it and your hair, etc. I'd say it's perfectly normal/human.

Interesting view on travel in India

The link comes out as invalid. I was just in India last winter, and it wasn't that bad. Not quite as super interesting as I'd thought either. And i hardly got sick.

I did end up disliking it when i left at the end of 2 months, but it only took about 3 months before i started missing it too. I still think it's a place you gotta visit once in your life. And because it's an English speaking country, and the high level of safety for a piss poor country, it's incredibly accessible. you'll defintely have some memories about the place that you won't forget.
And finally, yes, if you do not look ethnically Indian, the people there will be very interested in meeting and talking with you.

Interesting view on travel in India

Quote: (07-12-2012 04:02 PM)joehoya Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2012 12:45 AM)houston Wrote:  

Paging the Indian Trolls....

At the Taj Mahal, I was approached by an Indian guy my age who asked me to take a picture. I said sure and reached out to take his camera, assuming he wanted me to take a photo of him in front of the monument. But instead, he stepped away from me, pointed the camera at me, and as four of his friends surrounded me and draped their arms around me, snapped a photo. Minutes later, a small family of four requested the same. And then another family, but this time just me kneeling with their kids. Then a group of teenage boys who wanted a picture with my tattoo. As a tourist, I became part of the tourist attraction myself. Here we are at the Taj Mahal. And here we are with a white person. And here’s little Sandeep flexing his arm next to the big white man. Soon a crowd had gathered. Many of them hung around, nervously trying to speak English with me. Some of them simply stared for minutes on end. All of them beamed smiles of excitement.

The same thing happened to my dad when he was in China. He is a fairly tall, very muscular, very dark, black man. People kept walking up to him wanting to take pictures, or to have him take pictures with their kids. He said that the whole experience was surreal.

The same thing happened to me in Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay. More times that I can count mothers would send their teenage daughters to take pictures with me(they were not attractive) and ask me if I thought they were pretty. Very bizarre but I got used to it. I am not that tall relatively speaking(6') but I am very dark.

Interesting view on travel in India

Wow, interesting read. Thank you for sharing.

Interesting view on travel in India

Anybody had any luck gaming there at all? Its on my bucket list more-so for the sights. They built that place up in ancient times and the Brits funneled a boat load of money into that spot.. they loved it back in the days.

Are there good beaches there?

Since I had a Tamil girl as a main piece I've been wanting to reach Sri Lanka since I've been hearing the beaches are killer there so I wonder if India is blessed with the same quality of coast?

Interesting view on travel in India

@Aliblahba - the Delhi airport may have been crazy, but you didn't experience anything until you walk out into the Delhi air: you immediately choke from all the dust in the air! I arrived at 1:00 AM and have never experienced anyplace like it. You really can't breathe!

@whosyourdaddy - I had the same feeling as you I hated it after I got sick and got tired of all the people trying to scam me there. I think it's one of the most scamming countries in the world, but usually on a small level. Unfortunely I was on a mission to see as many sights as possible until the end when I got to the south and the beaches of Goa. Then I really started liking it and met a lot of hippie, spiritual, stoner chicks. I didn't want to leave, because I need more time. Where all did you go?

I also found that the Indian college girls were very interested in Western guys as long as Indian guys didn't see them with me.

@kosko - Goa has great beaches. On my next trip I plan to follow the hippie trail, play on the hippie checks who are tying to find themselves. I will also go to Nepal and Sri Lanka. I'm trying to get my Indian friend to go with me and lay a lot of spiritual guru shit on them!

Interesting view on travel in India

Quote: (07-13-2012 03:07 PM)brianmark Wrote:  

@Aliblahba - the Delhi airport may have been crazy, but you didn't experience anything until you walk out into the Delhi air: you immediately choke from all the dust in the air! I arrived at 1:00 AM and have never experienced anyplace like it. You really can't breathe!

@whosyourdaddy - I had the same feeling as you I hated it after I got sick and got tired of all the people trying to scam me there. I think it's one of the most scamming countries in the world, but usually on a small level. Unfortunely I was on a mission to see as many sights as possible until the end when I got to the south and the beaches of Goa. Then I really started liking it and met a lot of hippie, spiritual, stoner chicks. I didn't want to leave, because I need more time. Where all did you go?

I also found that the Indian college girls were very interested in Western guys as long as Indian guys didn't see them with me.

@kosko - Goa has great beaches. On my next trip I plan to follow the hippie trail, play on the hippie checks who are tying to find themselves. I will also go to Nepal and Sri Lanka. I'm trying to get my Indian friend to go with me and lay a lot of spiritual guru shit on them!
Do any of the hipper/spiritual girls look good though?

Interesting view on travel in India

I live in India most of the time when I am not traveling. I can understand life can be difficult for the love tourist. Living in the country makes it a whole lot easier to get laid. I get new pussy once very 30-60 days, this considering the fact I travel once every 6 weeks overseas and go out 3 times per week. Yes, I had my own difficulties when I returned back back home after living in the states for 6 years, but its not all that bad as some people make it out to be.

Again, everything depends on the city you choose, the purpose of your visit and the venues you go too. If you are trying to fly solo for the sole purpose of getting laid, it might as well be the most difficult country to get laid in, outside certain arab nations, I have been too.

Interesting view on travel in India

I live in India most of the time when I am not traveling. I can understand life can be difficult for the love tourist. Living in the country makes it a whole lot easier to get laid. I get new pussy once very 30-60 days, this considering the fact I travel once every 6 weeks overseas and go out 3 times per week. Yes, I had my own difficulties when I returned back back home after living in the states for 6 years, but its not all that bad as some people make it out to be.

Again, everything depends on the city you choose, the purpose of your visit and the venues you go too. If you are trying to fly solo for the sole purpose of getting laid, it might as well be the most difficult country to get laid in, outside certain arab nations, I have been too.

Interesting view on travel in India

Quote: (07-13-2012 03:07 PM)brianmark Wrote:  

@Aliblahba - the Delhi airport may have been crazy, but you didn't experience anything until you walk out into the Delhi air: you immediately choke from all the dust in the air! I arrived at 1:00 AM and have never experienced anyplace like it. You really can't breathe!

@whosyourdaddy - I had the same feeling as you I hated it after I got sick and got tired of all the people trying to scam me there. I think it's one of the most scamming countries in the world, but usually on a small level. Unfortunely I was on a mission to see as many sights as possible until the end when I got to the south and the beaches of Goa. Then I really started liking it and met a lot of hippie, spiritual, stoner chicks. I didn't want to leave, because I need more time. Where all did you go?

I also found that the Indian college girls were very interested in Western guys as long as Indian guys didn't see them with me.

@kosko - Goa has great beaches. On my next trip I plan to follow the hippie trail, play on the hippie checks who are tying to find themselves. I will also go to Nepal and Sri Lanka. I'm trying to get my Indian friend to go with me and lay a lot of spiritual guru shit on them!

I actually don't think that the scamming is really that bad. They aren't really that good or persistent, plus you hear of the major scams from other people.

A couple of caveats though: 1) i traveled there during winter- i can't imagine what it would be like to be there in 105 degree heat with no air conditioning and stuff. 2) i started in the south of India-- i heard that delhi is NOT the place to start. It gives you a bad initial impression of the country. 3) Agra- i literally just saw the Taj in the morning and took a train out before 12 noon- read that a few travelllers died from deliberate food tampering so they'd get scams pulled at the local clinic.

Interesting view on travel in India

Quote: (07-13-2012 12:19 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Anybody had any luck gaming there at all? Its on my bucket list more-so for the sights. They built that place up in ancient times and the Brits funneled a boat load of money into that spot.. they loved it back in the days.

Are there good beaches there?

Since I had a Tamil girl as a main piece I've been wanting to reach Sri Lanka since I've been hearing the beaches are killer there so I wonder if India is blessed with the same quality of coast?

i'm gonna write a data sheet soon. The short answer- good beaches- kerala and goa provinces (not counting sri lanka and the maldives). Girls are available and plentiful but you have to know where to look and where to target.

Interesting view on travel in India

Quote: (07-12-2012 04:21 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I spent 6 hours in New Dehli airport. That was enough for me to scratch it off my list.....FOREVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When was the last time you were at Delhi Airport? They have opened a brand new airport, I was in it earlier this year. It's actuallly cleaner than Amsterdam Schipol, the airport I flew to.

It is completely on par with any airport you will find in the western world.

Interesting view on travel in India

Quote: (07-13-2012 12:19 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Anybody had any luck gaming there at all? Its on my bucket list more-so for the sights.
Are there good beaches there?

Goa. Banged a Ukrainian chick I pipelined from Mamba and also on Vkontakte. In peak season there is tons of prime Russian/Ukrainian pussy around. There's also a heavy Israeli contingent. If you spend a couple of weeks in Goa, have some game and are able to approach and talk to girls, you WILL get laid. If you are really slumming, there are enough drunk British chicks to tide you over. Avoid the clubs and parties as they are 90% guys. You can do plenty of damage with day game on the beach.

Interesting view on travel in India

Now this shit is crazy. The level of filth in India(or at least some parts of it) is beyond comprehensible. First let me warn you that some of the pics of India in this link are **EXTREMELY** graphic. If you have a weak stomach, you've been warned.

Interesting view on travel in India

^ Gross. The only thing that got to me was this part.

These three toilet photographs represent three levels of toilets in India. Note what is common to all of them, which is that none of them have any toilet paper, but all of them have a bucket of water at arms length… yes, you’ve guessed correctly, Indians don’t use toilet paper when using the toilet, they use their hands. After defecating, you use your left hand finger to wipe the feces around your anus, and then use the water in the bucket to wash your hand. The custom is to use your left hand to wipe your butt, so when you go into a store to select food, you mustn’t use your left hand.

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