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No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

After being approached by numerous skinny guys who have seen my new "look" I have decided to share my routine. I have edited a few little details and changed my skin color on the photo for security purposes. But long story short here's your routine to stop being a feather in the wind.


The result is I've gained 40lbs. To clarify this photo was taken after lunch, no work out and after a glass of water. This is purely a look i have when i am not hitting the gym so you're not getting an "inflated photo"

Now for the most important part, the laundry list of excuses:

1. "I am okay the way I am"

This may be true and if you want to be average that's great but very few people will last a long time being "average". Why not max out? Max out income, max out health max out everything. Women will tell you until the death of time that "you're great the way you are!" this is because they know if you get better looking be it face/body/style/everything else your quality of women will go up no doubt. As a final to the "i'm okay the way I am" I suggest looking strongly in the mirror and ask how you are going ot look when you hit late 30's... prob not great.

2. "But i am going to get fat"
Sure, I will absolutely admit that you will likely pack on weight to your lower abdominal region first because, by human nature, low quality humans gain fat in their lower abs as scientifically proven by "low class apes". The question here is more of "can you change what you eat". I included a sample daily diet at the bottom because you simply trim as you get to a higher chest to hip ratio. Once you have say "an 8" drop" but you waist is 1-2 inches bigger. Then you simply take off the rebuilt mass and focus on maintaining the upper body and running more. This is where you flip the script and run a lot more post workout and lift first. Notice for ectomorphs you run very little and its just to warm up, if you are on the "fat side" per this excuse, you switch to running much more.

3. "I don't have time"
This is an absurd comment that doesn't even warrant a response but i'll go ahead and give factual ways to fix your problem.

1. Pack gym bag at night.
2. Lay out the clothes you will wear for work before you go to bed.
3. Shower and change before you do anything else in the morning EVEN before checking emails!
4. Have a large box of protein bars in the exceedingly rare case you must jet out the door
5. Turn off your TV until you worked out, turn off your own internet until you worked out, no fun until you worked out because that's the #1 priority besides 8 hours of sleep and doing better on your job. Health is everything.
6. No alcohol until you have worked out

See a trend? No excuses or lame things before you hit the gym. I have never in my life heard a human complain "Oh man i am so sad i worked out today" it is always the opposite. So hit the gym, hit it hard and watch the leering eyes at the gym. You'll know you're in shape when people move out of their way and or ask you for advise.

4. "It's too expensive"
Really? Say you go to some cheap gym, 24 hour fitness $300 a year if you just do an annual membership. If you suck it up and hit it hard you will work out at least 300 days a year. Thats $1 a day. Compare that to your iPhone data plan... You're paying $2-4 a day. I'd rather be ripped to shreds than get an iMessage.

5. "I need inspiration to work out"
You are lazy.

If you're extremely nervous about the gym, get a trainer for your first month. I discourage this as your average dude at the gym will happily give you a spot. But at the end of the day working out will become a fun activity for you. I'd rather hit the gym instead of going out clubbing any day of the week because i know the long-term investment and even short term makes more sense.

Hope this helps some of the skinny guys out there (myself included) get their shit together. As a final note, after you make all the gains, don't simply kick all the protein and expect to keep your fitness. Your body is a memory chip no different from the computer. After you gain a lot you need to focus for at least a month on maintaining. Otherwise you'll regress and be at square one. I suggest a caffiene pill before workout where you're maintaining so you have a little more energy before hand (coffee works fine too for all the health nuts)

Have fun lifting players.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Nice share westcoast.

Although taking a look at your training program it goes against what a lot of what I have read about training for Ectomorphs. First of all working out 6 times a week, that's double what is commonly recommended.

Also you seem to be doing a lot of cardio, I would have thought 10 minutes per workout is enough?.

You also don't seem to be eating very much, what are your stats?, I can only imagine you are quite short to be eating that little food. I would starve consuming so little. My typical daily diet is:

Breakfast: Big bowl of oats, three boiled eggs, two slice of brown toast.
Mid Morning: Sandwich, Banana
Lunch: Rice, two grilled pork chops, vegetables
Mid afternoon: Sandwich, Apple
Dinner: Pasta with chicken,sauce and vegetables.
Before bed: 1 tub Cottage cheese

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Damn, player. Impressive work!

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Quote: (06-30-2012 10:27 PM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

Nice share westcoast.

Although taking a look at your training program it goes against what a lot of what I have read about training for Ectomorphs. First of all working out 6 times a week, that's double what is commonly recommended.

Also you seem to be doing a lot of cardio, I would have thought 10 minutes per workout is enough?.

You also don't seem to be eating very much, what are your stats?, I can only imagine you are quite short to be eating that little food. I would starve consuming so little. My typical daily diet is:

Breakfast: Big bowl of oats, three boiled eggs, two slice of brown toast.
Mid Morning: Sandwich, Banana
Lunch: Rice, two grilled pork chops, vegetables
Mid afternoon: Sandwich, Apple
Dinner: Pasta with chicken,sauce and vegetables.
Before bed: 1 tub Cottage cheese


I don't do that typical because usually people just aren't pushing hard enough.

Your diet excludes rebuilt mass. That thig is 850 calories a pop (1 serving). If you want to go super natty, all regular store bought what you are doing is fine. I gave the above to my friend he gained 6 lbs in 3 weeks. You have to max out. When I say 10 reps I don't me 10 reps and you feel like it was easy. You depth at last 1-2 with a spotter. You repeat over and over forcing muscle memory.

I agree the routine is definitely intense, that's why the title is no excuses.

I was ~5'10" 115 lbs. no joke. That photo is me 5'10 160.

I strongly suggest hog calorie protein post workout so you get both the muscle and the calories. So not sure if I am short?

With the stats.

I bench 245, shoulders 80 each arm dumbbells, deadlift 300, curl 65 each arm, tricep pull downs 130

In terms of 20 mins jog, this is because you burn fat post 20minutes. I am not into the big ass dude look I like the fight club look. But to each his own.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

I'm not a huge fan of machines or dumb bells but good work!

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Quote: (06-30-2012 11:19 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Quote: (06-30-2012 10:27 PM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

Nice share westcoast.

Although taking a look at your training program it goes against what a lot of what I have read about training for Ectomorphs. First of all working out 6 times a week, that's double what is commonly recommended.

Also you seem to be doing a lot of cardio, I would have thought 10 minutes per workout is enough?.

You also don't seem to be eating very much, what are your stats?, I can only imagine you are quite short to be eating that little food. I would starve consuming so little. My typical daily diet is:

Breakfast: Big bowl of oats, three boiled eggs, two slice of brown toast.
Mid Morning: Sandwich, Banana
Lunch: Rice, two grilled pork chops, vegetables
Mid afternoon: Sandwich, Apple
Dinner: Pasta with chicken,sauce and vegetables.
Before bed: 1 tub Cottage cheese


I don't do that typical because usually people just aren't pushing hard enough.

Your diet excludes rebuilt mass. That thig is 850 calories a pop (1 serving). If you want to go super natty, all regular store bought what you are doing is fine. I gave the above to my friend he gained 6 lbs in 3 weeks. You have to max out. When I say 10 reps I don't me 10 reps and you feel like it was easy. You depth at last 1-2 with a spotter. You repeat over and over forcing muscle memory.

I agree the routine is definitely intense, that's why the title is no excuses.

I was ~5'10" 115 lbs. no joke. That photo is me 5'10 160.

I strongly suggest hog calorie protein post workout so you get both the muscle and the calories. So not sure if I am short?

With the stats.

I bench 245, shoulders 80 each arm dumbbells, deadlift 300, curl 65 each arm, tricep pull downs 130

In terms of 20 mins jog, this is because you burn fat post 20minutes. I am not into the big ass dude look I like the fight club look. But to each his own.

Ok, I haven't really used mass shakes before, just protein post-workout, no experience how substantial they are.

I'm 6"6' and 205 lbs. Yes imperative to max out, I've really been pushing myself lately on every rep and the results are noticeable. Also been doing diamond pushups every day on top, about 100 per day, and my triceps, deltoids, and upper chest are starting to get pretty ripped.

My weakest part is my legs, so I like that you are doing some high intensity cardio mid-week - to keep the legs going until next leg workout, I was doing my legs just once a week before and by the time the next leg workout came I was back to square one.

I will tweak this plan slightly and give it a shot - cheers

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Sweet dude! If you need help feel free to PM me, sounds like you are already pretty built. I am still pretty drunk from last night and have some random with nipple piercings in my be but here are a few pointers based on your routine:

1. Do less than 100 pushups trade that for higher weight and caffiene b4 workout
2. Drink protein post workout! Even cheap shit like muscle milk light
3. If you are ectomorph don't run post workout as you can see I rarely do, if you are medium feel free to up cardio in exchange for higher weight.
4. You are one tall mother fucker! Est more protein bars and eat more meat and stack more muscle!

As I've said b4 stand naked in a full length mirror "would I fuck this dude?" answer should be "hell yes!"

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Good workout plan,

Thanks a lot from another ecto

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Quote: (06-30-2012 07:58 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  


I'm not hating, but have some reservations. First, you are lean, but pretty skinny. I can't imagine what you looked like 40 pounds lighter.

You don't need to lift six times per week with a three-way split. Keep it simple with a two-way split or whole-body workout. I like the squats and deadlifts, but would eliminate leg extensions, pulleys, decline bench press. I would probably eliminate arm isolation too (curls and triceps). Basically lean toward compound exercises like Ripptoe.

Hardgainers don't need much volume. And they definitely don't need aerobics every day, certainly not up to 60 minutes! Furthermore, you don't want to tire yourself with aerobics before a strength workout.

Eat big, lift big, rest big.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Sure dude, no worries about hating or whatever this is me literally maxed out. I bench 175% of my weight so I don't think that is "lean", ectomorphs struggle to gain. Finally, in terms of cardio I would rather be cardio healthy as well, I don't like the "big dude" look because it's usually bad 4 you.

Anyway, I am about 5'10 160, chest is 38 waist is 29. So def not a big dude. I just posted this to help the skinny mother fuckers out there like myself.

Lots of skinny dudes just end up over eating and getting fat, never works. Better to be a monster than be "big" but that's my opinion.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Have you looked into doing gymnastic-type ring work?
I would definitely go for it more because it's so damn effective but I'm roughly 210 pounds and not very strong in the upper body yet. However,your build is completely suited to it since you're ~160 pounds. I bet you would be able to do freestanding handstand pushups and piles of ring dips inside of a month.

Strictly from doing bodyweight calisthenics and deadlifts my waist is 34" and my chest is almost 48". In a medium shirt I look like a bear.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Quote: (07-01-2012 10:19 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Good workout plan,

Thanks a lot from another ecto

Sweet dude hit that weight room! You're a good lookin gent can only imagine the tail you could pull stacking some weight! Why be average, no excuses!

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Quote: (07-01-2012 12:40 PM)Hades Wrote:  

Have you looked into doing gymnastic-type ring work?
I would definitely go for it more because it's so damn effective but I'm roughly 210 pounds and not very strong in the upper body yet. However,your build is completely suited to it since you're ~160 pounds. I bet you would be able to do freestanding handstand pushups and piles of ring dips inside of a month.

Strictly from doing bodyweight calisthenics and deadlifts my waist is 34" and my chest is almost 48". In a medium shirt I look like a bear.

Based on your build i am guessing you're on the taller side. I would give dumb bells a try for sure.

"What gets your car cleaner a hand wash or a drive through?" Answer is obviously rough and tumble, hand wash ie: dumb bells.

Gymnastics is okay, i am not very flexible so i force myself to do streching/yoga. I can easily do hand stand pushups, thats a joke. I can rep out 25+ pull ups, wide grip. The workout i gave out is for the look you see in the photo, more of a "fight club" look and not a "worlds strongest man look". Generally, guys who want to look bigger than myself and go for the huge look are trying to pull in girls who are bigger chested/bigger ass etc. (obviously a generalization).

Shared the workout because i've finally reached the point where people move out of my way when i am at the beach, ask permission to move me around in the gym and at the same time my resting heart rate is sub 50. The fitness from the original is definitely not for everyone but if you like the "look" i have then the post will get you shredded in no time.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

I'm a big fan of WestCoast's posts. How he has a reputation of only 6 is beyond me.

Pretty good routine, looks basic but I think that is a good thing. People worry too much about special training techniques and methodologies that they major in the minors and miss out on the big picture.

Most people would do well to just make the following commitments:

-follow a basic bodypart split, or an upper body/ lower body split
-focus on PROGRESSION, make sure you are regularly adding reps or weight to the bar (easy when you're a newb)
-focus on big compound barbell lifts (squats, bench, deadlifts, rows), but don't neglect isolation work, even with machines
-do some moderate intensity cardio around twice a week on the easier days in your split
-focus on building a v-frame-- this means build shoulders, back width, and lose fat

-eat around a gram of protien per day
-start at a daily intake of around 14-16 time your bodyweight, and adjust that as needed to achieve your goals. If you want to gain weight, adjust so that you are gaining a pound a week. If you want to cut weight, adjust so that you are losing around a pound (or two if your really overweight) a week.
-get a decent amount of fats in your diet as well. Trying to eliminate fats are a bad idea IMO.
-take advantage of workout nutrition and better nutrient partitioning by using whey protien shakes, and a large protien and carb heavy meal post workout if you can

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Quote: (07-01-2012 04:50 PM)Newb#3 Wrote:  

I'm a big fan of WestCoast's posts.

He is controversial. He suggests currency smuggling, recommends ectomorphs do aerobics nine times per week, writes that an M.B.A. is worthless, and brags about seducing a woman on the fifth date.

Maybe this stuff works for his specific situation, but it isn't always generalizable to others.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Quote: (07-02-2012 06:31 PM)Divorco Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2012 04:50 PM)Newb#3 Wrote:  

I'm a big fan of WestCoast's posts.

He is controversial. He suggests currency smuggling, recommends ectomorphs do aerobics nine times per week, writes that an M.B.A. is worthless, and brags about seducing a woman on the fifth date.

Maybe this stuff works for his specific situation, but it isn't always generalizable to others.

Can't win em all!

I recently threw up photos on purpose since no doubt as Neil correctly called out 9999/10000 i'd be a troll. Nothing is more BS than a young guy with money. So I will continue to throw in misleading personality traits to cover my own ass. Hell I have fake email addresses and business cards, I'd be a fool not to.

Finally, there are rarely things that are generalizable. Just take advise from dudes who you aspire to be like. Want to be the credentialed dude with a PHD MBA whatevs fair enough if you like prestige go for it! I suggest not but cool, want to be the back packer dude who lives on the cheap other guys to PM on here, want advice from guys with money because you are already rich? G manifesto... Etc.

Simpy put, just look to guys who seem to be living the life you want.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Quote: (07-02-2012 06:31 PM)Divorco Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2012 04:50 PM)Newb#3 Wrote:  

I'm a big fan of WestCoast's posts.

He is controversial. He suggests currency smuggling, recommends ectomorphs do aerobics nine times per week, writes that an M.B.A. is worthless, and brags about seducing a woman on the fifth date.

Maybe this stuff works for his specific situation, but it isn't always generalizable to others.

I just talked a friend out of getting an MBA.

An MBA at a legit school is going to cost you $100,000+. Here's Haas:
That's $160,000 "all in."
Plus 2 years opportunity cost of not working.
Add in interest.

Any legit program is six figures:

If a guy earning $80,000 got his MBA, he's out $320,000 (not including interest payments).

How much of a raise would a person need to receive to justify that investment?

What's the probability that he'll receive that salary?

Seriously, do the model.

Now if an employer is gong to pay for the MBA and you're going to do it part time, that may be a different analysis.

Anyhow, do the math and show your work.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Quote: (07-02-2012 07:50 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2012 06:31 PM)Divorco Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2012 04:50 PM)Newb#3 Wrote:  

I'm a big fan of WestCoast's posts.

He is controversial. He suggests currency smuggling, recommends ectomorphs do aerobics nine times per week, writes that an M.B.A. is worthless, and brags about seducing a woman on the fifth date.

Maybe this stuff works for his specific situation, but it isn't always generalizable to others.

I just talked a friend out of getting an MBA.

An MBA at a legit school is going to cost you $100,000+. Here's Haas:
That's $160,000 "all in."
Plus 2 years opportunity cost of not working.
Add in interest.

Any legit program is six figures:

If a guy earning $80,000 got his MBA, he's out $320,000 (not including interest payments).

How much of a raise would a person need to receive to justify that investment?

What's the probability that he'll receive that salary?

Seriously, do the model.

Now if an employer is gong to pay for the MBA and you're going to do it part time, that may be a different analysis.

Anyhow, do the math and show your work.

Yep. I also noted for something like consulting it may make sense because they charge on the hour and can charge clients more for guys with an MBA. Do the math.

I don't sell dreams.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

How long did it take you to gain 40 lbs?

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Quote: (07-02-2012 08:58 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

How long did it take you to gain 40 lbs?

This is a bit tough to say, I'd say roughly 3 years. In reality with a shit ton of free time and serious commitment you can do this much faster from my buddies sounds like 6-8 lbs a month is doable if a beginner maybe 4-6 for intermediate 2-4 for advanced in which case i would jsut move to month 3 immediately (beginner gains, etc. you all know the drill). As I mentioned before I have given this out to a few guys who asked me for advice so i felt i may as well give it out since i was asked multiple times. My progress is all kinds of fucked for multiple reasons

1. Didn't get into this final set routine until after years of tweaking and hard work
2. My work schedule is clown shoes so consistency can be a problem
3. I used to bike a lot, and I mean a lot and competitively (biking for 1.5-2 hours a day, 3 hours on long days) before finally deciding to quit and just get built because i was finally done with competitive biking (I define competitive as trying to earn side money doing your sport)

Finally to address the cardio part which people seem to have the biggest beef with. Fitness is 60% diet IMHO. I'd take a good diet any day of the week.

So if anyone gives this a try feel free to PM or post questions about progress on here i'll help out. I've seen many other issues arise such as acne, lower ab fat etc. This post is only really relevant to skinny dudes though, if you're naturally built you'll get fat eating chili, rebuilt mass etc.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Quote: (07-01-2012 01:03 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2012 12:40 PM)Hades Wrote:  

Have you looked into doing gymnastic-type ring work?
I would definitely go for it more because it's so damn effective but I'm roughly 210 pounds and not very strong in the upper body yet. However,your build is completely suited to it since you're ~160 pounds. I bet you would be able to do freestanding handstand pushups and piles of ring dips inside of a month.

Strictly from doing bodyweight calisthenics and deadlifts my waist is 34" and my chest is almost 48". In a medium shirt I look like a bear.

Based on your build i am guessing you're on the taller side. I would give dumb bells a try for sure.

"What gets your car cleaner a hand wash or a drive through?" Answer is obviously rough and tumble, hand wash ie: dumb bells.

Gymnastics is okay, i am not very flexible so i force myself to do streching/yoga. I can easily do hand stand pushups, thats a joke. I can rep out 25+ pull ups, wide grip. The workout i gave out is for the look you see in the photo, more of a "fight club" look and not a "worlds strongest man look". Generally, guys who want to look bigger than myself and go for the huge look are trying to pull in girls who are bigger chested/bigger ass etc. (obviously a generalization).

Shared the workout because i've finally reached the point where people move out of my way when i am at the beach, ask permission to move me around in the gym and at the same time my resting heart rate is sub 50. The fitness from the original is definitely not for everyone but if you like the "look" i have then the post will get you shredded in no time.

Read that you gained 40 pounds of lean muscle mass in roughly 3 years. I completely agree with this statement. I don't know how Christian Bale does it, but I've found that as a hard gainer, I don't generally put on more than 1 to 2 pounds of lean muscle per month. Gaining muscle slowly is OK, it just separates the dedicated from the couch potatoes.
The kind of people who seriously believe programs like "The 4 Hour Body" generally don't have realistic goals anyway. "Starting Strength" is an exception to the rule of building mass.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Quote: (07-02-2012 10:42 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

I used to bike ... competitively (biking for 1.5-2 hours a day

You left out this critical detail! It explains why you were so skinny, burning 1,000+ extra calories per day. You tolerate aerobics better than the typical ectomorph. I like your posts because they are sincere with first-person content. But as this biking anecdote illustrates, your solutions are often shaped by your specific circumstances. For most guys, your exercise plan adds 30-60 minutes of aerobics per day, whereas it represented a big reduction for you.

For example, you might have a good career without an M.B.A. But suppose you are a smart 20-year-old with limited job opportunities who gets a scholarship to a top ten program? Or suppose you can go part-time or on weekends without quitting your job? The M.B.A. can be a gateway credential for consulting and finance. But it is also incredibly versatile and takes only two years. Many young guys on this board are searching for careers and could use a curriculum that gives quant and computer skills, career networking contacts, and exposure to job opportunities in finance, marketing, logistics, international, etc. By comparison, plenty of people waste three years in law school or two years on inflexible or unemployable masters degrees. So the M.B.A. could be a great idea for some people, and a bad one for others.

Maybe you should post about how to tolerate 1-2 hours of hard aerobics per day, or how to get a good finance career without an M.B.A. These provided the foundation for your subsequent analyses on fitness and career.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

Cool dude. Starting strength didn't work out for me, every human body is different. Just wanted to share. If you want to give it a try and u have worked out before I would just jump to month 3 and see what happens. Drink caffiene pre work out, hit it hard for a month and hope to see a 1-2 lb gains.

Note I forgot to address this, but above some guy said I "encourage" currency illegal moves. Go read the threads. I said the majority 99%+ can't pull this off. I also said currency trading is a sham for non experts. Bit If oportunities arise, seize them. Lots of people asked me about it thinking they can do this "easily with 5-10K". Again, it takes money to make money and 5-10 is not going anywhere and there is no short cut to getting rich unless you already are rich. It is what it is. Money begets money begets money begets money... If you're not moving towards financial freedom you are likely trapped and I would pull a roosh and find a way out. Being a lowly peon making $50-70K in a big city is going no where fast.

More importantly, back to workin out. I have found again "generally" one benefit about lean muscle is your memory is much higher. So you crack a plateau it becomes easier to get back there in a snap. Could just be a few freak cases though. So I would go I tor strengths push through that plateau which is awfully hard and try to maintain.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

There are a lot of things to address here maybe better to take off line but I'll hit them in fast bullets.

1. The workout above is 20 minute jog start then lifting for the most part. You don't burn fat calories until post 20 mins and start running off of your VO2 MAX. This prevents "fat" gains. Unless you are doing some anaerobic work you should not lose weight at 20 minutes, again a jog. Not a run.
2. MBA. This seems to rich a lot of nerves with older dudes. Show me the full ride, I'll then agree, I yet to see one given out again, times have changed. Need to adapt. One guy on here tried to say I was antagonizing him, was not, I set him up to divulge he infant did not work on street. I love the old school advise but it honestly is dead. Dead as a doorknob.
3. Gateway into finance. Again old school talk. I filter resumes no wall street experience preMBA I will unlikely choose your resume. I would rather interview the guy who got his MBA and already worked on the street. Too many laid off ex-finance guys with An MBA so why would I take a dumb risk and hire a dude who worked as xyz? It's just not worth the risk. Again the crisis changed everything. Put yourself on the other side of the table when shot is rough, you go and become risk averse. If you are on pins and needles do you upgrade your apartment? Nah you stay. When I am fighting for promotions/my job do I take a risk to train a ex-consultant? No thank you.
4. I did a quick detail for guys in inane already, you basically network yourself and force your boss to rely on you. He won't fire me because his clients now know me so if he did he looks like a "dick" ohh we "loveddd west coast, he was soo helpful, happy, and hard working why did you let him leave?!". Issue is if boss gets fired I am fucked, but I did my best to choose he most stable guy I could find, you can always do better.
5. I mentioned many times if there is a specific situation I'll address it differently. I' giving you the blue print of traps/changes in world real time.
6. How to tolerate hard work was the last one... This is like asking me how to breathe, if you don't enjoy hard work... I say kill yourself, you're going no where and are dead already. I would rather spend a full day in pain working out than sit on a beach... soiling myself.

Quote: (07-03-2012 07:30 AM)Divorco Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2012 10:42 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

I used to bike ... competitively (biking for 1.5-2 hours a day

You left out this critical detail! It explains why you were so skinny, burning 1,000+ extra calories per day. You tolerate aerobics better than the typical ectomorph. I like your posts because they are sincere with first-person content. But as this biking anecdote illustrates, your solutions are often shaped by your specific circumstances. For most guys, your exercise plan adds 30-60 minutes of aerobics per day, whereas it represented a big reduction for you.

For example, you might have a good career without an M.B.A. But suppose you are a smart 20-year-old with limited job opportunities who gets a scholarship to a top ten program? Or suppose you can go part-time or on weekends without quitting your job? The M.B.A. can be a gateway credential for consulting and finance. But it is also incredibly versatile and takes only two years. Many young guys on this board are searching for careers and could use a curriculum that gives quant and computer skills, career networking contacts, and exposure to job opportunities in finance, marketing, logistics, international, etc. By comparison, plenty of people waste three years in law school or two years on inflexible or unemployable masters degrees. So the M.B.A. could be a great idea for some people, and a bad one for others.

Maybe you should post about how to tolerate 1-2 hours of hard aerobics per day, or how to get a good finance career without an M.B.A. These provided the foundation for your subsequent analyses on fitness and career.

No Excuses Workout Routine For ExctoMorphs

The secret to SS is heavy (linear) progressive training and vitamin D fortified whole milk. It's basically steroids.
Some people have never eaten such high volumes of vitamin D (active form of it is actually a steroid) and clean fats in their entire lives, and when you combine it with heavy resistance training, your testosterone (which requires fat to synthesize) increases hugely. You basically turn a small-titted tranny into an actual man.

I couldn't get SS to work because I could not afford that much whole milk as a college student (something like 25-30 dollars a week in just milk) when I had a gym, but I was itching to try. [/align]

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