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asexuality: sign of the times?

asexuality: sign of the times?

Hard to believe, but there is a growing amount of people promoting asexual behavior:

A quote: "I am 22 now. I've long grown used to the idea of asexuality and I know it fits me better than any other orientation. I know that I've never experienced sexual attraction. I do have a libido and I find it a rather pointless part of my being- if I lost it (apart from the worry of a medical issue if it went!) I wouldn't miss it."

Any idea how it has come this far?

[Image: huh.gif]

"Fart, and if you must, fart often. But always fart without apology. Fart for freedom, fart for liberty, and fart proudly" (Ben Franklin)

asexuality: sign of the times?

Histrionics and narcissism have exploded in recent years. People are more self absorbed than ever. Just look at the number of people who can't walk outside to pick up the mail without plugging in to an iPod (or rather, put in the ear buds to tune out the world at all times.)

It could also be a beta backlash. People who have failed so miserably at getting laid, they've given up, and CLAIM to have suppressed any and all sexual desire. In reality, the masturbate several times a day and cry themselves to sleep each night.

asexuality: sign of the times?

People (especially dudes) have given up.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

asexuality: sign of the times?

They claim asexuality while still keeping a regular porn and jerk schedule... Sign of the times? Yes.

asexuality: sign of the times?

36% of young Japanese males compared to 59% of females claim no interest in sex.

asexuality: sign of the times?

Quote: (06-11-2012 10:26 AM)SkeletonJelly? Wrote:  

They claim asexuality while still keeping a regular porn and jerk schedule... Sign of the times? Yes.

Exactly. People are self-medicating. Is it a coincidence that the mass availability of Internet has corresponded with people withdrawing from the sexual market? No. Look at the Japanese.

I think you'd get a way lower quality jerk (and be more motivated to go out and score some real trim) if we still relied on magazines and one or two VHS tape rentals--that may or may not turn out to be as good as they looked on the box. Nowadays, you can scan for just the right ass, at just the right angle, for hours, with your dick in your hand the whole time. When you compare sex with a fatty or an ug (and all of the attendant expense and time to land it), a good jerk to Internet porn is as good, or better, for the average beta.

Back in the day, your jerks were lower quality, and sex held a higher status. Now, with sex dropping in quality and porn improving, they're a lot closer to each other than they've ever been.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

asexuality: sign of the times?

This definitely on the rise: for a number of reasons.

I live in NY and I am appalled by what I see of a large number of young white men 17-35. (i'm black by the way). What a pitiful display of maleness.
- they all slouch: none standing with pride and straight backs.
-poor/awful overly casual clothing
-high pitched voices
-overly deferential towards women and authority
-skinny or fat/out of shape: few who are muscled and athletic.
-they look like SHAGGY from SCOOBY DOO

they have to be asexual: no woman can be attracted to them for long and the women are as "masculine" as they are feminine. So many loud white girls walking around with ugly tattoos ....ugh !

If these guys are the future of America - we are screwed.

My only theory is that there has to be something in the food and water - maybe bisphenol A in the plastics that is lowering sperm counts and making the men less "male". Add to the this the rampant social engineering by media and schools.

asexuality: sign of the times?

Quote: (06-11-2012 10:33 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (06-11-2012 10:26 AM)SkeletonJelly? Wrote:  

They claim asexuality while still keeping a regular porn and jerk schedule... Sign of the times? Yes.

Exactly. People are self-medicating. Is it a coincidence that the mass availability of Internet has corresponded with people withdrawing from the sexual market? No. Look at the Japanese.

I think you'd get a way lower quality jerk (and be more motivated to go out and score some real trim) if we still relied on magazines and one or two VHS tape rentals--that may or may not turn out to be as good as they looked on the box. Nowadays, you can scan for just the right ass, at just the right angle, for hours, with your dick in your hand the whole time. When you compare sex with a fatty or an ug (and all of the attendant expense and time to land it), a good jerk to Internet porn is as good, or better, for the average beta.

Back in the day, your jerks were lower quality, and sex held a higher status. Now, with sex dropping in quality and porn improving, they're a lot closer to each other than they've ever been.

Good point. Plus we live in a hyper consumer disposable society now. No one want to work for anything - it was once understood by men that if you wanted money, sex, status, etc that you would have to work for it with no guarantees that you'd get it. Nowadays. no one wants to work for it, suffer in the process, and we want guarantees. - As such, for many guys - even attempting to game the largely undesirable American female is not even worth the effort.

I know a number of guys who are essentially asexual until they travel abroad.

asexuality: sign of the times?

I walk trough the mall and look at these younger dudes and think What the fuck happened? They're dudes or chicks or what? I have no clue. When I was in my teens we pounded the streets for pussy hard. Built hot-rods and did guy things. The girls would watch and want to hang out, drink a little and hook up. I'm seeing dudes now doing girl stuff more and more.

asexuality: sign of the times?

Quote: (06-11-2012 10:45 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

I walk trough the mall and look at these younger dudes and think What the fuck happened? They're dudes or chicks or what? I have no clue. When I was in my teens we pounded the streets for pussy hard. Built hot-rods and did guy things. The girls would watch and want to hang out, drink a little and hook up. I'm seeing dudes now doing girl stuff more and more.

exactly. i am really appalled. these guys don't even look male. It has to be something biological/environmental.

the black ones still throw off a masculinish vibe - that maybe due to higher baseline testosterone to begin with, but even they are displaying suspect behavior: pants sagging and exposing the underwear and buttocks - which is really like a female wearing low ride pants - subconsciously advertising availability for sex - in the case of the males: gay sex ( too many without fathers and mentally screwed up by overbearing mothers).

But what concerns me is what is happening to the white guys - if this trend continues, America is doomed

asexuality: sign of the times?

I remember a few years ago back in highschool, we would get in trouble for showing any public display of affection to a girl. Hug her? Expect Dean Douche to tell you two to break it up. Like we're not gonna hug ourselves.

It's like being a guy is illegal or something.


asexuality: sign of the times?

Too much medication

Too many chemicals in our water.

Too much soy in the diet.

Too self absorbed.

They wan't all men neutered.

Women always joke around and pretend to be lesbians or asexual while always returning to the D.

I can't imagine not wanting or going after sex. I've been in beast mode since I was 8. After that is when I realized how fine the female body was and never turned back.

The new crop is destined for the meat cleaver. The young females are slutting it up super early while the young men are not interested in sex, that's a recipe for disaster.

asexuality: sign of the times?

Quote: (06-11-2012 11:17 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Too much medication

Too many chemicals in our water.

Too much soy in the diet.

Too self absorbed.

They wan't all men neutered.

Women always joke around and pretend to be lesbians or asexual while always returning to the D.

I can't imagine not wanting or going after sex. I've been in beast mode since I was 8. After that is when I realized how fine the female body was and never turned back.

The new crop is destined for the meat cleaver. The young females are slutting it up super early while the young men are not interested in sex, that's a recipe for disaster.

Yeah disaster, both demographic and otherwise. I guess homo men and lesbians never had it so good. Every other young girl i talk to tells me that she is bisexual (young black girls 17-25) - the lesbians are forthrightfully filling the gap due to disinterest by the hetero guys and lack of father figure in their lives.

The men are interested in sex, but in the hyperfeminist state that we are in, the women are ONLY interested in sexing ALPHAS. They are brutal towards betas - hence among the blacks, the popularity of the antisocial ALPHA - as the role model. It just about the only way to get laid regularly in many black circles.

asexuality: sign of the times?

Quote: (06-11-2012 11:16 AM)Rosca Wrote:  

I remember a few years ago back in highschool, we would get in trouble for showing any public display of affection to a girl. Hug her? Expect Dean Douche to tell you two to break it up. Like we're not gonna hug ourselves.

It's like being a guy is illegal or something.

Being a man is essentially illegal now.

1. regulating your household = abuse
2. disciplining your children = abuse
3. wanting regular sex due to testoterone = perversion/rapist
4. being attracted to feminine pretty women = sexist
5. standing up for yourself and your values = extremist
6. understanding the value of weapons for protection = terrorist
7. having ambition, drive,energy = non conformist/ non team player
8. being an energetic, inquisitive, rambunctious boy = special ed.
9. not wanting to fork over your wealth to the state or female without getting something of value in return = misanthrope,rebel, woman hater.

Yup. being a man is essentially illegal now.

asexuality: sign of the times?

Quote: (06-11-2012 11:17 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Too much medication

This This This. I don't take prescription meds, but there are certainly some things that I do that will kill my sex drive dead for the duration of effects. When it wears off (usually when I wake up in the morning) I am so horny and my dick gets so hard that I could drive it though a brick wall. You want population growth? Outlaw antidepressants and you'll have millions of babies in a year.

What I am more interested in is if there are more gay and transgender guys now than in the past (as a %). Maybe I browse 4chan too much and lived in Miami too long, but it seems like dudes these days figure banging other dudes is better. If they want a girl, they'll just get a chick with a dick. Even if they don't like cock, they sure sound like it. What happened to having bass in your voice?

10/14/15: The day I learned that convicted terrorists are treated with more human dignity than veterans.

asexuality: sign of the times?

Quote: (06-11-2012 09:53 AM)michelin Wrote:  

Any idea how it has come this far?

[Image: huh.gif]

Two things:

1. Society attack masculine clothing: ie Suits

2. Society attacking masculine pursuits: ie Smoking and Drinking

asexuality: sign of the times?

I'm reluctant to plug another forum here as I dont want the quality to decrease but there are some great points made on feminism in this thread:

(Read the whole page to get a sense of the argument that will go into more depth... I would summarize or quote some but I only have Internet access through my phone. I expect a lot of cognitive dissonance to follow)

asexuality: sign of the times?

Quote: (06-11-2012 11:59 AM)teh_skeeze Wrote:  

Quote: (06-11-2012 11:17 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Too much medication

This This This. I don't take prescription meds, but there are certainly some things that I do that will kill my sex drive dead for the duration of effects. When it wears off (usually when I wake up in the morning) I am so horny and my dick gets so hard that I could drive it though a brick wall. You want population growth? Outlaw antidepressants and you'll have millions of babies in a year.

What I am more interested in is if there are more gay and transgender guys now than in the past (as a %). Maybe I browse 4chan too much and lived in Miami too long, but it seems like dudes these days figure banging other dudes is better. If they want a girl, they'll just get a chick with a dick. Even if they don't like cock, they sure sound like it. What happened to having bass in your voice?

Not only are there more fruit-loops now, they are more confident than ever. Before they knew they were a little off and acted appropriately, now they are all up in people's faces - taking full advantage of the gender confusion and social chaos. Lesbians - espcially in Black areas never had it so good - taking advantage of fatherless, confused, and desperate girls.

medication, chemicals, food, TV, fashion, Music, all designed to marginalize the normal heterosexual. Why ?? population reduction thats the end goal.

asexuality: sign of the times?

In major urban areas, I've noticed a massive trend of beta SWPL males, usually early 30's plus who are clearly husbands to their wives nearby, but they are so effimeninate, their voices/manerisms are that of a gay male, I pause and try to decipher the zeitgeist of their relationship and can only conclude the woman is settling.

asexuality: sign of the times?

They watch porn = don't want sex.
Women are unfeminine = don't want sex.
Women are hard to get (for the average beta) = don't want sex.
Don't exercise, so low test = don't want sex.
Can't afford kid/house/girlfriend = don't want sex.
Work all day in a shitty office with flourescent lights = don't want sex.
Hobbies are low investment like TV or video games, but high stimulation = don't want sex.
Don't have a strong, fit body to be proud of = don't want sex.

As an addendum, these all apply to women as well, except the women are unfeminine one, which could be replaced with -

all guys are betas who don't know how to excite me. They have no money, bad jobs and shit hobbies. And that = don't want sex.

Notice how fat girls/loser guys are always exceptionally picky when you say 'Go get that one!' at a bar or whatever? that is because they go through all the above as part of their feedback loops.

asexuality: sign of the times?

That's sad man.

If an 8 came up to him wanting to fuck, I'd be he'd lose his 'asexual identity' real quick.

asexuality: sign of the times?

Quote: (06-11-2012 12:56 PM)Blunt Wrote:  

That's sad man.

If an 8 came up to him wanting to fuck, I'd be he'd lose his 'asexual identity' real quick.


as soon as anyone of these asexual types set foot on foreign shores they become sexual real quick.

maybe the degradation of the american female is that bad ??

asexuality: sign of the times?

Quote: (06-11-2012 10:45 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

I walk trough the mall and look at these younger dudes and think What the fuck happened? They're dudes or chicks or what? I have no clue. When I was in my teens we pounded the streets for pussy hard. Built hot-rods and did guy things. The girls would watch and want to hang out, drink a little and hook up. I'm seeing dudes now doing girl stuff more and more.

Because single mothers don't nurture/can't teach masculinity.

asexuality: sign of the times?

Quote: (06-11-2012 11:31 AM)kdolo Wrote:  

Quote: (06-11-2012 11:16 AM)Rosca Wrote:  

I remember a few years ago back in highschool, we would get in trouble for showing any public display of affection to a girl. Hug her? Expect Dean Douche to tell you two to break it up. Like we're not gonna hug ourselves.

It's like being a guy is illegal or something.

Being a man is essentially illegal now.

1. regulating your household = abuse
2. disciplining your children = abuse
3. wanting regular sex due to testoterone = perversion/rapist
4. being attracted to feminine pretty women = sexist
5. standing up for yourself and your values = extremist
6. understanding the value of weapons for protection = terrorist
7. having ambition, drive,energy = non conformist/ non team player
8. being an energetic, inquisitive, rambunctious boy = special ed.
9. not wanting to fork over your wealth to the state or female without getting something of value in return = misanthrope,rebel, woman hater.

Yup. being a man is essentially illegal now.
I do all those things listed and I'm not in jail so how is it illegal?

asexuality: sign of the times?

The Scylla and Charybdis of obese females and alpha male harems has shrunk down the pool of accessible women, such that your typical beta chuck is now terminally bang challenged.

He consequently retreats into feminism, asexuality, homosexuality, penile cuisine, and other psychosexual rationalizations of his sexless existence.

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